haskore-supercollider- Haskore back-end for SuperCollider



This is a variant of the Haskore.Interface.SuperCollider.Play module. Instead of an abstract Instrument type and a Haskore.Interface.SuperCollider.SoundMap, we attach SuperCollider instrument information to each note.

This module can be used as basis for life performances.


installSound :: (C m, SoundParameters params) => (parameterTuple -> AttributeList, graph -> Sound params) -> String -> graph -> m (Sound params parameterTuple)Source

installSound0 :: (C m, SoundParameters params) => String -> Sound params -> m (Sound params ())Source

installSound1 :: (C m, SoundParameters params) => String -> (UGen -> Sound params) -> m (Sound params Double)Source

installSound2 :: (C m, SoundParameters params) => String -> (UGen -> UGen -> Sound params) -> m (Sound params (Double, Double))Source