{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
-- Module:      Text.Hastache.Context
-- Copyright:   Sergey S Lymar (c) 2011 
-- License:     BSD3
-- Maintainer:  Sergey S Lymar <sergey.lymar@gmail.com>
-- Stability:   experimental
-- Portability: portable

{- | 
Hastache context helpers
module Text.Hastache.Context (
    , mkGenericContext
    ) where 

import Data.Data
import Data.Generics
import Data.Int
import Data.Word

import qualified Data.ByteString as BS
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as LBS
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import qualified Data.Text as Text
import qualified Data.Text.Lazy as LText

import Text.Hastache

x ~> f = f $ x
infixl 9 ~>

-- | Make Hastache context from String -> MuType function
mkStrContext :: Monad m => (String -> MuType m) -> MuContext m
mkStrContext f a = decodeStr a ~> f

{- | 
Make Hastache context from Data.Data deriving type

Supported field types:

 * String
 * Char
 * Double

 * Float

 * Int

 * Int8

 * Int16

 * Int32

 * Int64

 * Integer

 * Word

 * Word8

 * Word16

 * Word32

 * Word64

 * Data.ByteString.ByteString

 * Data.ByteString.Lazy.ByteString
 * Data.Text.Text

 * Data.Text.Lazy.Text
 * Bool
 * Data.ByteString.ByteString -> Data.ByteString.ByteString
 * String -> String
 * Data.ByteString.ByteString -> Data.ByteString.Lazy.ByteString
 * MonadIO m => Data.ByteString.ByteString -> m Data.ByteString.ByteString
 * MonadIO m => String -> m String
 * MonadIO m => Data.ByteString.ByteString -> m Data.ByteString.Lazy.ByteString


import Text.Hastache 
import Text.Hastache.Context 
import qualified Data.ByteString as B
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as LZ 
import Data.Data 
import Data.Generics 
import Data.Char

data InternalData = InternalData {
    someField       :: String,
    anotherField    :: Int
    } deriving (Data, Typeable, Show)

data Example = Example {
    stringField             :: String,
    intField                :: Int,
    dataField               :: InternalData,
    simpleListField         :: [String],
    dataListField           :: [InternalData],
    stringFunc              :: String -> String,
    byteStringFunc          :: B.ByteString -> B.ByteString,
    monadicStringFunc       :: String -> IO String,
    monadicByteStringFunc   :: B.ByteString -> IO B.ByteString
    } deriving (Data, Typeable)

example = hastacheStr defaultConfig (encodeStr template) 
    (mkGenericContext context)
    template = concat $ map (++ \"\\n\") [
        \"string: {{stringField}}\",
        \"int: {{intField}}\",
        \"data: {{dataField.someField}}, {{dataField.anotherField}}\",
        \"data: {{#dataField}}{{someField}}, {{anotherField}}{{/dataField}}\",
        \"simple list: {{#simpleListField}}{{.}} {{/simpleListField}}\",
        \"data list:\",
        \" * {{someField}}, {{anotherField}}. top level var: {{intField}}\",
        \"{{#monadicStringFunc}}upper (monadic){{/monadicStringFunc}}\",
        \"{{#monadicByteStringFunc}}reverse (monadic){{/monadicByteStringFunc}}\"]
    context = Example { stringField = \"string value\", intField = 1, 
        dataField = InternalData \"val\" 123, simpleListField = [\"a\",\"b\",\"c\"],
        dataListField = [InternalData \"aaa\" 1, InternalData \"bbb\" 2],
        stringFunc = map toUpper,
        byteStringFunc = B.reverse,
        monadicStringFunc = return . map toUpper,
        monadicByteStringFunc = return . B.reverse }

main = example >>= LZ.putStrLn


string: string value 
int: 1 
data: val, 123 
data: val, 123 
simple list: a b c  
data list: 
 * aaa, 1. top level var: 1 
 * bbb, 2. top level var: 1 
)cidanom( esrever

mkGenericContext :: (Monad m, Data a, Typeable1 m) => a -> MuContext m
mkGenericContext val = toGenTemp val ~> convertGenTempToContext
data TD m = 
      TSimple (MuType m) 
    | TObj [(String, TD m)] 
    | TList [TD m] 
    | TUnknown
    deriving (Show)

toGenTemp :: (Data a, Monad m, Typeable1 m) => a -> TD m
toGenTemp a = zip fields (gmapQ procField a) ~> TObj
    fields = toConstr a ~> constrFields

procField :: (Data a, Monad m, Typeable1 m) => a -> TD m
procField = 
    `ext1Q` list
    `extQ` (\(i::String)            -> MuVariable (encodeStr i) ~> TSimple)
    `extQ` (\(i::Char)              -> MuVariable i ~> TSimple)
    `extQ` (\(i::Double)            -> MuVariable i ~> TSimple)
    `extQ` (\(i::Float)             -> MuVariable i ~> TSimple)
    `extQ` (\(i::Int)               -> MuVariable i ~> TSimple)
    `extQ` (\(i::Int8)              -> MuVariable i ~> TSimple)
    `extQ` (\(i::Int16)             -> MuVariable i ~> TSimple)
    `extQ` (\(i::Int32)             -> MuVariable i ~> TSimple)
    `extQ` (\(i::Int64)             -> MuVariable i ~> TSimple)
    `extQ` (\(i::Integer)           -> MuVariable i ~> TSimple)
    `extQ` (\(i::Word)              -> MuVariable i ~> TSimple)
    `extQ` (\(i::Word8)             -> MuVariable i ~> TSimple)
    `extQ` (\(i::Word16)            -> MuVariable i ~> TSimple)
    `extQ` (\(i::Word32)            -> MuVariable i ~> TSimple)
    `extQ` (\(i::Word64)            -> MuVariable i ~> TSimple)
    `extQ` (\(i::BS.ByteString)     -> MuVariable i ~> TSimple)
    `extQ` (\(i::LBS.ByteString)    -> MuVariable i ~> TSimple)
    `extQ` (\(i::Text.Text)         -> MuVariable i ~> TSimple)
    `extQ` (\(i::LText.Text)        -> MuVariable i ~> TSimple)
    `extQ` (\(i::Bool)              -> MuBool i ~> TSimple)
    `extQ` muLambdaBSBS
    `extQ` muLambdaSS
    `extQ` muLambdaBSLBS
    `extQ` muLambdaMBSBS
    `extQ` muLambdaMSS
    `extQ` muLambdaMBSLBS
    obj a = case dataTypeRep (dataTypeOf a) of
        AlgRep [c] -> toGenTemp a
        _ -> TUnknown
    list a = map procField a ~> TList

    muLambdaBSBS :: (BS.ByteString -> BS.ByteString) -> TD m
    muLambdaBSBS f = MuLambda f ~> TSimple

    muLambdaSS :: (String -> String) -> TD m
    muLambdaSS f = MuLambda fd ~> TSimple
        fd s = decodeStr s ~> f

    muLambdaBSLBS :: (BS.ByteString -> LBS.ByteString) -> TD m
    muLambdaBSLBS f = MuLambda f ~> TSimple

    -- monadic

    muLambdaMBSBS :: (BS.ByteString -> m BS.ByteString) -> TD m
    muLambdaMBSBS f = MuLambdaM f ~> TSimple

    muLambdaMSS :: (String -> m String) -> TD m
    muLambdaMSS f = MuLambdaM fd ~> TSimple
        fd s = decodeStr s ~> f

    muLambdaMBSLBS :: (BS.ByteString -> m LBS.ByteString) -> TD m
    muLambdaMBSLBS f = MuLambdaM f ~> TSimple

convertGenTempToContext :: TD t -> MuContext t
convertGenTempToContext v = mkMap "" Map.empty v ~> mkMapContext
    mkMap name m (TSimple t) = Map.insert (encodeStr name) t m
    mkMap name m (TObj lst) = foldl (foldTObj name) m lst ~>
        Map.insert (encodeStr name) 
        ([foldl (foldTObj "") Map.empty lst ~> mkMapContext] ~> MuList)
    mkMap name m (TList lst) = Map.insert (encodeStr name) 
        (map convertGenTempToContext lst ~> MuList) m
    mkMap _ m _ = m
    mkName name newName = if length name > 0 
        then concat [name, ".", newName]
        else newName
    foldTObj name m (fn, fv) = mkMap (mkName name fn) m fv
    mkMapContext m a = case Map.lookup a m of
        Nothing -> 
            case a == dotBS of
                True -> 
                    case Map.lookup BS.empty m of
                        Nothing -> MuNothing
                        Just a -> a
                _ -> MuNothing
        Just a -> a

dotBS = encodeStr "."