{-# LANGUAGE ForeignFunctionInterface, EmptyDataDecls, TypeSynonymInstances,
             FlexibleInstances, TypeFamilies, OverlappingInstances, CPP,
             OverloadedStrings #-}
-- | Create functions on the fly from JS strings.
--   Slower but more flexible alternative to the standard FFI.
module Haste.Foreign (
    FFI, Marshal (..), Unpacked, Opaque, ffi, export, toOpaque, fromOpaque
  ) where
import Haste.Prim
import Haste.JSType
import Data.Word
import Data.Int
import System.IO.Unsafe
import Unsafe.Coerce

#ifdef __HASTE__
foreign import ccall eval :: JSString -> IO (Ptr a)
foreign import ccall "String" jsString :: Double -> JSString
eval :: JSString -> IO (Ptr a)
eval = error "Tried to use eval on server side!"
jsString :: Double -> JSString
jsString = error "Tried to use jsString on server side!"

-- | Opaque type representing a raw, unpacked JS value. The constructors have
--   no meaning, but are only there to make sure GHC doesn't optimize the low
--   level hackery in this module into oblivion.
data Unpacked = A | B

-- | The Opaque type is inhabited by values that can be passed to Javascript
--   using their raw Haskell representation. Opaque values are completely
--   useless to Javascript code, and should not be inspected. This is useful
--   for, for instance, storing data in some Javascript-native data structure
--   for later retrieval.
newtype Opaque a = Opaque Unpacked

toOpaque :: a -> Opaque a
toOpaque = unsafeCoerce

fromOpaque :: Opaque a -> a
fromOpaque = unsafeCoerce

data Dummy = Dummy Unpacked

-- | Class for marshallable types. Pack takes an opaque JS value and turns it
--   into the type's proper Haste representation, and unpack is its inverse.
--   The default instances make an effort to prevent wrongly typed values
--   through, but you could probably break them with enough creativity.
class Marshal a where
  pack :: Unpacked -> a
  pack = unsafePack

  unpack :: a -> Unpacked
  unpack = unsafeUnpack

instance Marshal Float
instance Marshal Double
instance Marshal JSString where
  pack = jsString . unsafePack
instance Marshal Int where
  pack x = convert (unsafePack x :: Double)
instance Marshal Int8 where
  pack x = convert (unsafePack x :: Double)
instance Marshal Int16 where
  pack x = convert (unsafePack x :: Double)
instance Marshal Int32 where
  pack x = convert (unsafePack x :: Double)
instance Marshal Word where
  pack x = convert (unsafePack x :: Double)
instance Marshal Word8 where
  pack x = convert (unsafePack x :: Double)
instance Marshal Word16 where
  pack x = convert (unsafePack x :: Double)
instance Marshal Word32 where
  pack x = convert (unsafePack x :: Double)
instance Marshal () where
  pack _   = ()
  unpack _ = unpack (0 :: Double)
instance Marshal String where
  pack = fromJSStr . pack
  unpack = unpack . toJSStr
instance Marshal Unpacked where
  pack = id
  unpack = id
instance Marshal (Opaque a) where
  pack = Opaque
  unpack (Opaque x) = x
instance Marshal Bool where
  unpack True  = jsTrue
  unpack False = jsFalse
  pack x = if pack x > (0 :: Double) then True else False

-- | Lists are marshalled into arrays.
instance Marshal a => Marshal [a] where
  unpack = lst2arr . toOpaque . map unpack
  pack arr = map pack . fromOpaque $ arr2lst arr 0

{-# RULES "unpack array/Unpacked" forall x. unpack x = lst2arr (toOpaque x) #-}
{-# RULES "pack array/Unpacked" forall x. pack x = fromOpaque (arr2lst x 0) #-}

lst2arr :: Opaque [Unpacked] -> Unpacked
lst2arr = unsafePerformIO . ffi "lst2arr"

arr2lst :: Unpacked -> Int -> Opaque [Unpacked]
arr2lst arr ix = unsafePerformIO $ ffi "lst2arr" arr ix

-- | Maybe is simply a nullable type. Nothing is equivalent to null, and any
--   non-null value is equivalent to x in Just x.
instance Marshal a => Marshal (Maybe a) where
  unpack Nothing  = jsNull
  unpack (Just x) = unpack x
  pack x = if isNull x then Nothing else Just (pack x)

jsNull, jsTrue, jsFalse :: Unpacked
jsTrue = unsafePerformIO $ ffi "true"
jsFalse = unsafePerformIO $ ffi "false"
jsNull = unsafePerformIO $ ffi "null"

isNull :: Unpacked -> Bool
isNull = unsafePerformIO . ffi "(function(x) {return x === null;})"

class FFI a where
  type T a
  unpackify :: T a -> a
  -- | TODO: although the @export@ function, which is the only user-visible
  --         interface to @packify@, is type safe, the function itself is not.
  --         This should be fixed ASAP!
  packify :: a -> a

instance Marshal a => FFI (IO a) where
  type T (IO a) = IO Unpacked
  unpackify = fmap pack
  packify m = fmap (unsafeCoerce . unpack) m

instance (Marshal a, FFI b) => FFI (a -> b) where
  type T (a -> b) = Unpacked -> T b
  unpackify f x = unpackify (f $! unpack x)
  packify f x = packify (f $! pack (unsafeCoerce x))

-- | Creates a function based on the given string of Javascript code. If this
--   code is not well typed or is otherwise incorrect, your program may crash
--   or misbehave in mystifying ways. Haste makes a best-effort try to save you
--   from poorly typed JS here, but there are no guarantees.
--   For instance, the following WILL cause crazy behavior due to wrong types:
--   ffi "(function(x) {return x+1;})" :: Int -> Int -> IO Int
--   In other words, this function is completely unsafe - use with caution.
--   ALWAYS use type signatures for functions defined using this function, as
--   the argument marshalling is decided by the type signature.
ffi :: FFI a => JSString -> a
ffi = unpackify . unsafeEval

-- | Export a symbol. That symbol may then be accessed from Javascript through
--   Haste.name() as a normal function. Remember, however, that if you are
--   using --with-js to include your JS, in conjunction with
--   --opt-google-closure or any option that implies it, you will instead need
--   to access your exports through Haste[\'name\'](), or Closure will mangle
--   your function names.
export :: FFI a => JSString -> a -> IO ()
export name f =
    ffi (toJSStr $ "(function(s, f) {" ++
         "  Haste[s] = function() {" ++
         "      var args = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments,0);" ++
         "      args.push(0);" ++
         "      return E(A(f, args));" ++
         "    };" ++
         "  return 0;" ++
         "})") name f'
    f' :: Unpacked
    f' = unsafeCoerce $! packify f

unsafeUnpack :: a -> Unpacked
unsafeUnpack x =
  case unsafeCoerce x of
    Dummy x' -> x'

unsafePack :: Unpacked -> a
unsafePack = unsafeCoerce . Dummy

unsafeEval :: JSString -> a
unsafeEval s = unsafePerformIO $ do
  x <- eval s
  return $ fromPtr x