{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}

module Text.Hastily.SubtitleFileTypes.Srt.Srt
    ) where

import           Control.Applicative      ((<*))
import qualified Data.ByteString          as BS
import           Data.Char
import           Data.String.Conversions
import qualified Data.Text                as DT
import           Data.Text.Encoding
import           Data.Text.Encoding.Error
import           Text.Hastily.Types
import           System.Directory.Tree
import           System.FilePath
import           System.IO
import           Text.Parsec              ((<|>))
import qualified Text.Parsec              as Parsec

getSrtFilesInDir :: FilePath -> IO [FilePath]
getSrtFilesInDir destination = do
    anchored_dir_tree <- build destination
    -- Filter out everything that is not an .srt file
    let file_dt = filter isfile $ flattenDir $ filterDir (\x -> case x of (File name a) -> (takeExtension name) == ".srt";Dir _ _ -> True;_->False) (dirTree anchored_dir_tree)
    -- Extract FilePath objects out the the result tree
    return $ fmap (\(File name file_path) -> file_path) file_dt
        isfile x = case x of
            File _ _ -> True
            _ -> False

parseFile :: MovieInfo -> FilePath -> IO Subtitle
parseFile movie_info file_path = do
    putStrLn $ "Parsing subtitles from " ++ file_path
    handle <- openBinaryFile file_path ReadMode
    doParse handle
        doParse handle = do
            b_string <- BS.hGetContents handle
            -- Drop bytes util the charecter '1' is found
            -- This is a hack to account for the BOM marker in some
            -- utf-8 encoded files
            let string = DT.dropWhile (/= '1') $ decodeUtf8With ignore b_string
            case Parsec.parse srtParser "(mainparser)" string of
                Right subtitles -> case subtitles of
                    [] -> do
                        putStrLn $ "WARNING : No subtitles could be read from file " ++ file_path
                        return $ Subtitle movie_info file_path []
                    all@(x:xs) -> do
                        putStrLn $ "Read " ++ (show $ length all) ++ " dialogues."
                        return $ Subtitle movie_info  file_path subtitles
                Left err -> do
                    print err
                    return $ Subtitle movie_info file_path []

srtParser :: Parsec.Parsec DT.Text () [SubtitleDialog]
srtParser = Parsec.many $ Parsec.try chunk_parser
    makeDigest dialog = DT.filter isAlphaNum $ DT.toLower dialog
    newLine = (Parsec.string "\n") <|> (Parsec.string "\r\n")
    separator = Parsec.count 2 newLine
    separatorOrEof = do
    chunk_parser = do
        let time_parser = Parsec.many (Parsec.digit <|> (Parsec.char ':') <|> (Parsec.char ','))
        index <- (Parsec.many Parsec.digit)
        start_time <- time_parser
        Parsec.many1 $ Parsec.char ' '
        Parsec.string "-->"
        Parsec.many1 $ Parsec.char ' '
        end_time <- time_parser
        dialog <- Parsec.manyTill Parsec.anyChar (Parsec.try separatorOrEof)
        return $ SubtitleDialog (cs start_time) (cs end_time) (cs dialog) (makeDigest $ cs dialog)