{- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- This `main' function is basically just the front-end of the nhc98 compiler. It parses the .hs source file, creates the .hx file, and then stops immediately after writing a new transformed .hs file. -} module Main where import System.IO import System.Environment(getArgs) import System.Exit(exitWith,ExitCode(..)) import System.IO.Error(isAlreadyExistsError) import qualified Control.Exception (catch) import Control.Monad(when) import Data.List(isPrefixOf,intersperse,inits) import System.Directory(doesDirectoryExist,createDirectory) import Error import Syntax import Extra (Pos(..),mix,mixSpace,jRight,jLeft,noPos,strPos,showErr,mixLine ,pair,fst3,thd3,trace) import AssocTree(listAT) -- for debugging output import ParseCore (Parser(..),ParseBad(..),ParseError(..),ParseGood(..) ,ParseResult(..),parseit) import Flags (Flags(..),processArgs,pF,sUnderscore,sRealFile,sSourceFile,sUnlit ,sLex,sParse,sPrelude,sSrcDir,sIBound,sWrap ,sHatFileBase,sHatAuxFile,sTraceFns,sHatTransFile,sDbgTrusted) import PrettyTraceId (prettyPrintTokenId,prettyPrintId,prettyPrintTraceId ,ppModule,ppTopDecls,ppClassCodes) import TokenId (TokenId(..),getUnqualified ,visible,t_Arrow,t_List,tPrelude,tminus,tnegate,tTrue) import IdKind (IdKind(..)) import Id (Id) import Lex (Lex,LexAnnot) -- need show import Unlit (unlit) import Lexical (PosToken(..),PosTokenPre(..),LexState(..),lexical) import Parse (parseProg) import AuxFile (toAuxFile) import AuxLabelAST (auxLabelSyntaxTree) import TraceTrans (traceTrans,maybeStripOffQual) import Wrapper (prepareWrapping) import Paths_hat (getDataDir) --import NonStdProfile --beginPhase str = profile str (return ()) beginPhase str = return () -- some miscellaneous settings primFlags = (False -- bool is not the same as Word ,False -- && || not is not primitive ,False -- translate into prim only when strict ) -- some nicer error handling catchError :: Either b a -> String -> (b->String) -> IO a catchError comp errmsg showErrors = do case comp of Left errs -> do pF True errmsg (showErrors errs) exit Right a -> return a -- for Hugs, which cannot read commandline args using System.getArgs: gmain cml = main' (words cml) -- for all other compilers: main = do args <- getArgs main' args main' args = do let flagsArgs = processArgs args preludePath <- getDataDir let flags = flagsArgs{sPreludes = preludePath : (sPreludes flagsArgs)} let filename = sRealFile flags {- lex source code -} beginPhase "lex" mainChar -- :: String <- Control.Exception.catch (readFile filename) (can'tOpen filename) lexdata -- :: [PosToken] <- return (lexical (sUnderscore flags) (sSourceFile flags) (if sUnlit flags then unlit (sSourceFile flags) mainChar else mainChar)) pF (sLex flags) "Lexical" (mixSpace (map (\ (p,l,_,_) -> strPos p ++ ':':show l) lexdata)) {- parse source code -} beginPhase "parse" parsedPrg -- :: Module TokenId <- catchError (parseit parseProg lexdata) ("In file: "++sSourceFile flags) showErr pF (sParse flags) "Parse" (prettyPrintTokenId flags ppModule parsedPrg) {- Ensure we can write our output files. -} let hatDir = sSrcDir flags dir <- doesDirectoryExist hatDir when (not dir) (createDirectoriesRecursively hatDir) {- If wrapping rather than transforming, then prepare the parsed AST. -} parsedPrg <- if sWrap flags then return (prepareWrapping (sSourceFile flags) parsedPrg) else return parsedPrg when (sWrap flags) (pF (sParse flags) "Wrap" (prettyPrintTokenId flags ppModule parsedPrg)) {- -- Read and write auxiliary information files (for tracing). -- Then relabel the syntax tree with the auxiliary information. -- Then the tracing transformation itself is applied. -- The result is written to file (no redirection possible yet) -} let prg = implicitlyImportPrelude flags (maybeStripOffQual "Prelude" parsedPrg) pF (sParse flags) "post-Prelude" (prettyPrintTokenId flags ppModule parsedPrg) -- hack to make full environment available when writing aux file -- (needed for handling partial expansion of type synonyms) (env,newprog) <- auxLabelSyntaxTree flags prg toAuxFile env flags (sHatAuxFile flags) prg -- waste space: hold on to prg when (sIBound flags) (print (listAT (fst env))) when (sTraceFns flags) (putStr (prettyPrintTraceId flags ppModule newprog)) -- debug let outputTree = (implicitlyImportPreludeBasic flags (maybeStripOffQual "Hat.Prelude" (traceTrans (not (sDbgTrusted flags)) (sSourceFile flags) (sHatFileBase flags) newprog))) writeFile (sHatTransFile flags) (prettyPrintTokenId flags ppModule outputTree) putStrLn ("Wrote " ++ sHatTransFile flags) exitWith (ExitSuccess) -- add implicit Prelude, if it is not imported explicitly and we -- are not currently transforming part of the Prelude. implicitlyImportPrelude :: Flags -> Module TokenId -> Module TokenId implicitlyImportPrelude flags (Module pos modId exports imports fixities decls) = Module pos modId exports imports' fixities decls where imports' = if (sPrelude flags && "Prelude" `isPrefixOf` getUnqualified modId) || (any ((==) tPrelude . importedModule) imports) then imports else Import (noPos,tPrelude) (Hiding []) : imports -- import implementation of Prelude qualified -- use this for transformation-introduced Prelude identifiers -- even some internal identifiers that are not part of the Prelude -- (e.g. for deriving of instances) implicitlyImportPreludeBasic :: Flags -> Module TokenId -> Module TokenId implicitlyImportPreludeBasic flags (Module pos modId exports imports fixities decls) = Module pos modId exports imports' fixities decls where imports' = if sPrelude flags && "Hat.Prelude" `isPrefixOf` getUnqualified modId then imports else ImportQ (noPos,visible (reverse "Hat.PreludeBasic")) (Hiding []) : imports createDirectoriesRecursively path = do putStrLn ("Creating directories "++unwords paths) mapM_ safeCreate paths where paths = accum (wordsBy '/' path) accum xs = map (concat . intersperse "/") (tail (inits xs)) wordsBy c s = let (w,s') = break (==c) s in w: case s' of [] -> []; (_:s'') -> wordsBy c s'' safeCreate path = Control.Exception.catch (createDirectory path) (\e-> if isAlreadyExistsError e then return () else ioError e) {- End Module Main ----------------------------------------------------------}