module Lex(Lex(..),LexAnnot(..),TokenId) where import Extra(strStr,strChr) import TokenId(TokenId) import Data.Ratio data LexAnnot = LexArity TokenId Int | LexPrimitive TokenId (String,String) -- id (opcode,strictness) instance Show LexAnnot where showsPrec d (LexArity fun a) = showString "{#- ARITY " . shows fun . showString " = " . shows a . showString "#-}" showsPrec d (LexPrimitive fun s) = showString "{#- PRIMITIVE ". shows fun . showString " = " . shows s . showString "#-}" data Lex = L_EOF | L_ERROR Char -- illegal character | L_LPAR | L_RPAR | L_LANNOT | L_RANNOT | L_LCURL | L_LCURL' | L_RCURL | L_RCURL' | L_LBRACK | L_RBRACK | L_BACKTICK | L_COMMA | L_SEMI | L_SEMI' -- reserved ops | L_DotDot | L_ColonColon | L_EqualGreater | L_Equal | L_At | L_Lambda | L_Pipe | L_Tidle | L_LessMinus | L_MinusGreater | L_Underscore | L_AVARID TokenId | L_AVAROP TokenId | L_ACONID TokenId | L_ACONOP TokenId | L_INTEGER Integer | L_RATIONAL Rational | L_DOUBLE Double | L_CHAR Char | L_STRING [Char] -- reserved words | L_case | L_class | L_data | L_default | L_deriving | L_do | L_else | L_if | L_import | L_in | L_infix | L_infixl | L_infixr | L_instance | L_let | L_module | L_newtype | L_of | L_then | L_type | L_where -- | L_as -- | L_hiding -- | L_prefix -- | L_primitive -- | L_interface -- | L_qualified -- | L_renaming -- | L_unboxed -- | L_with instance Eq Lex where L_EOF == L_EOF = True (L_ERROR _) == (L_ERROR _) = True L_LPAR == L_LPAR = True L_RPAR == L_RPAR = True L_LANNOT == L_LANNOT = True L_RANNOT == L_RANNOT = True L_LCURL == L_LCURL = True L_LCURL' == L_LCURL' = True L_RCURL == L_RCURL = True L_RCURL' == L_RCURL' = True L_LBRACK == L_LBRACK = True L_RBRACK == L_RBRACK = True L_BACKTICK == L_BACKTICK = True L_COMMA == L_COMMA = True L_SEMI == L_SEMI = True L_SEMI' == L_SEMI' = True L_DotDot == L_DotDot = True L_ColonColon == L_ColonColon = True L_EqualGreater == L_EqualGreater = True L_Equal == L_Equal = True L_At == L_At = True L_Lambda == L_Lambda = True L_Pipe == L_Pipe = True L_Tidle == L_Tidle = True L_LessMinus == L_LessMinus = True L_MinusGreater == L_MinusGreater = True L_Underscore == L_Underscore = True (L_AVARID a) == (L_AVARID b) = a==b (L_AVAROP a) == (L_AVAROP b) = a==b (L_ACONID a) == (L_ACONID b) = a==b (L_ACONOP a) == (L_ACONOP b) = a==b (L_INTEGER _) == (L_INTEGER _) = True (L_RATIONAL _) == (L_RATIONAL _) = True (L_DOUBLE _) == (L_DOUBLE _) = True (L_CHAR _) == (L_CHAR _) = True (L_STRING _) == (L_STRING _) = True L_case == L_case = True L_class == L_class = True L_data == L_data = True L_default == L_default = True L_deriving == L_deriving = True L_do == L_do = True L_else == L_else = True L_if == L_if = True L_import == L_import = True L_in == L_in = True L_infix == L_infix = True L_infixl == L_infixl = True L_infixr == L_infixr = True L_instance == L_instance = True L_let == L_let = True L_module == L_module = True L_newtype == L_newtype = True L_of == L_of = True L_then == L_then = True L_type == L_type = True L_where == L_where = True -- L_as == L_as = True -- L_hiding == L_hiding = True -- L_interface == L_interface = True -- L_prefix == L_prefix = True -- L_primitive == L_primitive = True -- L_qualified == L_qualified = True -- L_renaming == L_renaming = True -- L_unboxed == L_unboxed = True -- L_with == L_with = True _ == _ = False instance Show Lex where -- Note: EOF really means end-of-file, but because error messages -- saying "got blah but expected EOF" are less than helpful, -- I have changed the string for EOF to indicate the likely cause -- of the parse error. showsPrec d (L_EOF) = showString "{-end-of-definition-or-EOF-}" showsPrec d (L_ERROR c) = showString "{-ERROR " . showChar c . showString "-}" showsPrec d (L_LPAR ) = showString "(" showsPrec d (L_RPAR ) = showString ")" showsPrec d (L_LANNOT ) = showString "{-#" showsPrec d (L_RANNOT ) = showString "#-}" showsPrec d (L_LCURL ) = showString "{" showsPrec d (L_RCURL ) = showString "}" showsPrec d (L_LCURL' ) = showString "{-start-of-group-}" showsPrec d (L_RCURL' ) = showString "{-end-of-group-}" showsPrec d (L_LBRACK ) = showString "[" showsPrec d (L_RBRACK ) = showString "]" showsPrec d (L_BACKTICK ) = showString "`" showsPrec d (L_COMMA ) = showString "," showsPrec d (L_SEMI ) = showString ";" showsPrec d (L_SEMI' ) = showString "{-end-of-definition-}" showsPrec d (L_DotDot) = showString ".." showsPrec d (L_ColonColon) = showString "::" showsPrec d (L_EqualGreater) = showString "=>" showsPrec d (L_Equal) = showString "=" showsPrec d (L_At) = showString "@" showsPrec d (L_Lambda) = showString "\\" showsPrec d (L_Pipe) = showString "|" showsPrec d (L_Tidle) = showString "~" showsPrec d (L_LessMinus) = showString "<-" showsPrec d (L_MinusGreater) = showString "->" showsPrec d (L_Underscore) = showString "_ " showsPrec d (L_AVARID s) = shows s showsPrec d (L_AVAROP s) = showChar '(' . shows s . showChar ')' showsPrec d (L_ACONID s) = showsPrec d s showsPrec d (L_ACONOP s) = showChar '(' . shows s . showChar ')' showsPrec d (L_INTEGER i) = shows i showsPrec d (L_RATIONAL i) = shows i showsPrec d (L_DOUBLE f) = shows f showsPrec d (L_CHAR c) = showString (strChr c) showsPrec d (L_STRING s) = showString (strStr s) showsPrec d (L_case ) = showString "_case_" showsPrec d (L_class ) = showString "_class_" showsPrec d (L_data ) = showString "_data_" showsPrec d (L_default ) = showString "_default_" showsPrec d (L_deriving ) = showString "_deriving_" showsPrec d (L_do ) = showString "_do_" showsPrec d (L_else ) = showString "_else_" showsPrec d (L_if ) = showString "_if_" showsPrec d (L_import ) = showString "_import_" showsPrec d (L_in ) = showString "_in_" showsPrec d (L_infix ) = showString "_infix_" showsPrec d (L_infixl ) = showString "_infixl_" showsPrec d (L_infixr ) = showString "_infixr_" showsPrec d (L_instance ) = showString "_instance_" showsPrec d (L_let ) = showString "_let_" showsPrec d (L_module ) = showString "_module_" showsPrec d (L_newtype) = showString "_newtype_" showsPrec d (L_of ) = showString "_of_" showsPrec d (L_then ) = showString "_then_" showsPrec d (L_type ) = showString "_type_" showsPrec d (L_where ) = showString "_where_" -- showsPrec d (L_as ) = showString "_as_" -- showsPrec d (L_hiding ) = showString "_hiding_" -- showsPrec d (L_interface ) = showString "_interface_" -- showsPrec d (L_prefix ) = showString "_prefix_" -- showsPrec d (L_primitive) = showString "_primitive_" -- showsPrec d (L_qualified) = showString "_qualified_" -- showsPrec d (L_renaming ) = showString "_renaming_" -- showsPrec d (L_unboxed) = showString "_unboxed_" -- showsPrec d (L_with ) = showString "_with_"