#Packages# \latex, in addition to its predefined commands, has a big number of packages that increase its power. \hatex functions for some of these packages are defined in separate modules, with one or more modules per package. This way you can import only the functions you actually need. Some of these modules are explained below. ##Inputenc## This package is of vital importance if you use non-ASCII characters in your document. For example, if my name is /Ángela/, the /Á/ character will not appear correctly in the output. To solve this problem, use the \{Inputenc\} module. \[ import Text.LaTeX.Base import Text.LaTeX.Packages.Inputenc thePreamble :: LaTeX thePreamble = documentclass [] article <> usepackage [utf8] inputenc <> author "Ángela" <> title "Issues with non-ASCII characters" \] Don't forget to set to UTF-8 encoding in your Haskell source too. ##Graphicx## With the \{Graphicx\} package, you can insert images in your document and do some other transformations to them. In order to insert an image, use the \{includegraphics\} function. \[ includegraphics :: LaTeXC l => [IGOption] -> FilePath -> l \] The list of \{IGOption\}'s allows you to set some properties of the image like width, height, scaling or rotation. See the API documentation for details.