-- |
-- Module      :  Network.XmlRpc.Client
-- Copyright   :  (c) Bjorn Bringert 2003
-- License     :  BSD-style
-- Maintainer  :  bjorn@bringert.net
-- Stability   :  experimental
-- Portability :  non-portable (requires extensions and non-portable libraries)
-- This module contains the client functionality of XML-RPC.
-- The XML-RPC specifcation is available at <http://www.xmlrpc.com/spec>.
-- A simple client application:
-- > import Network.XmlRpc.Client
-- >
-- > server = "http://localhost/~bjorn/cgi-bin/simple_server"
-- >
-- > add :: String -> Int -> Int -> IO Int
-- > add url = remote url "examples.add"
-- > 
-- > main = do
-- >        let x = 4
-- >            y = 7
-- >        z <- add server x y
-- >        putStrLn (show x ++ " + " ++ show y ++ " = " ++ show z)

module Network.XmlRpc.Client
    ) where

import Network.XmlRpc.Base64 as Base64
import Network.XmlRpc.Internals

import Control.Exception (handleJust, userErrors)
import Data.Char
import Data.Maybe
import Data.Word (Word8)
import Network.URI
import Network.Socket (withSocketsDo)

import Network.HTTP

-- | Gets the return value from a method response.
--   Throws an exception if the response was a fault.
handleResponse :: Monad m => MethodResponse -> m Value
handleResponse (Return v) = return v
handleResponse (Fault code str) = fail ("Error " ++ show code ++ ": " ++ str)

-- | Sends a method call to a server and returns the response.
--   Throws an exception if the response was an error.
doCall :: String -> MethodCall -> Err IO MethodResponse
doCall url mc = 
    let req = renderCall mc
    --FIXME: remove
    --putStrLn req
    resp <- ioErrorToErr $ post url req
    --FIXME: remove
    --putStrLn resp
    parseResponse resp

-- | Low-level method calling function. Use this function if
--   you need to do custom conversions between XML-RPC types and 
--   Haskell types.
--   Throws an exception if the response was a fault.
call :: String -- ^ URL for the XML-RPC server.
     -> String -- ^ Method name.
     -> [Value] -- ^ The arguments.
     -> Err IO Value -- ^ The result
call url method args = doCall url (MethodCall method args) >>= handleResponse

-- | Call a remote method.
remote :: Remote a => 
	  String -- ^ Server URL. May contain username and password on
	         --   the format username:password\@ before the hostname.
       -> String -- ^ Remote method name.
       -> a      -- ^ Any function 
		 -- @(XmlRpcType t1, ..., XmlRpcType tn, XmlRpcType r) => 
                 -- t1 -> ... -> tn -> IO r@
remote u m = remote_ (\e -> "Error calling " ++ m ++ ": " ++ e) (call u m)

class Remote a where
    remote_ :: (String -> String)        -- ^ Will be applied to all error
					 --   messages.
	    -> ([Value] -> Err IO Value) 
	    -> a

instance XmlRpcType a => Remote (IO a) where
    remote_ h f = handleError (fail . h) $ f [] >>= fromValue

instance (XmlRpcType a, Remote b) => Remote (a -> b) where
    remote_ h f x = remote_ h (\xs -> f (toValue x:xs))

-- HTTP functions

userAgent :: String
userAgent = "Haskell XmlRpcClient/0.1"

-- | Handle connection errors.
handleE :: Monad m => (ConnError -> m a) -> Either ConnError a -> m a
handleE h (Left e) = h e
handleE _ (Right v) = return v

-- | Post some content to a uri, return the content of the response
--   or an error.
-- FIXME: should we really use fail?
post :: String -> String -> IO String
post url content = do
    uri <- maybeFail ("Bad URI: '" ++ url ++ "'") (parseURI url)
    let a = authority uri
    auth <- maybeFail ("Bad URI authority: '" ++ a ++ "'") (parseURIAuthority a)
    post_ uri auth content

-- | Post some content to a uri, return the content of the response
--   or an error.
-- FIXME: should we really use fail?
post_ :: URI -> URIAuthority -> String -> IO String
post_ uri auth content = 
    -- FIXME: remove
    --putStrLn (show (request uri content))
    --putStrLn content
    eresp <- simpleHTTP (request uri auth content)
    resp <- handleE (fail . show) eresp
    case rspCode resp of
		      (2,0,0) -> return (rspBody resp)
		      _ -> fail (httpError resp)
    showRspCode (a,b,c) = map intToDigit [a,b,c]
    httpError resp = showRspCode (rspCode resp) ++ " " ++ rspReason resp

-- | Create an XML-RPC compliant HTTP request.
request :: URI -> URIAuthority -> String -> Request
request uri auth content = Request{ rqURI = uri, 
				    rqMethod = POST, 
				    rqHeaders = headers, 
				    rqBody = content }
    -- the HTTP module adds a Host header based on the URI
    headers = [Header HdrUserAgent userAgent,
	       Header HdrContentType "text/xml",
	       Header HdrContentLength (show (length content))	       
	      ] ++ maybeToList (authHdr (user auth) (password auth))

-- | Creates an Authorization header using the Basic scheme, 
--   see RFC 2617 section 2.
authHdr :: Maybe String -- ^ User name, if any
	-> Maybe String -- ^ Password, if any
	-> Maybe Header -- ^ If user name or password was given, returns 
	                --   an Authorization header, otherwise 'Nothing'
authHdr Nothing Nothing = Nothing
authHdr u p = Just (Header HdrAuthorization ("Basic " ++ base64encode user_pass))
	where user_pass = fromMaybe "" u ++ ":" ++ fromMaybe "" p
	      base64encode = encode . stringToOctets
	      -- FIXME: this probably only works right for latin-1 strings
	      stringToOctets :: String -> [Word8]
	      stringToOctets = map (fromIntegral . fromEnum)

-- Utility functions

maybeFail :: Monad m => String -> Maybe a -> m a
maybeFail msg = maybe (fail msg) return