* 3000.9.1 (4 May 2013) - Expose Network.XmlRpc.DTD_XMLRPC from the library The point is to allow converting to XML using functions from http://hackage.haskell.org/packages/archive/HaXml/1.23.3/doc/html/Text-XML-HaXml-XmlContent.html which allows for custom serialization of the XML to deal with endpoints that don't parse XML correctly. * 3000.9.0.1 (7 July 2012) - Make everything in examples/ directory compile again * 3000.9 (7 July 2012) - Switch from dataenc to base64-bytestring for base64 encoding, resulting in dramatically improved efficiency - Change the argument type of ValueBase64 constructor from String to ByteString - bump HaXml dependency upper bound to allow HaXml 1.23.*