{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
{- | Import / export Bayesian networks and junction tress

module Bayes.ImportExport (
	-- * Networks
	, readNetworkFromFile
	-- * Junction Tree 
	, writeVariableMapAndJunctionTreeToFile
	, readVariableMapAndJunctionTreeToFile
	) where 

import Data.Binary
import Bayes
import Bayes.PrivateTypes(Vertex(..),Edge(..), SimpleGraph(..),DE(..), UE(..),DV(..))
import Bayes.Factor.PrivateCPT(CPT(..), MAXCPT(..),PrivateCPT(..)) 
import System.FilePath
import qualified Data.Vector as NV
import qualified Data.Vector.Unboxed as V
import Bayes.FactorElimination.JTree(SeparatorValue(..),NodeValue(..),JTree(..),Cluster(..),JunctionTree(..))
import qualified Data.Map as M 

-- | Write a bayesian network to file
writeNetworkToFile :: FilePath -- ^ File path
                   -> SBN CPT -- ^ Bayesian network
                   -> IO () 
writeNetworkToFile f n = encodeFile f n 

-- | Read bayesian network from file 
readNetworkFromFile :: FilePath 
                    -> IO (SBN CPT)
readNetworkFromFile = decodeFile

-- | Write a junction tree and the variable map to a file 
writeVariableMapAndJunctionTreeToFile :: FilePath
                                      -> (M.Map String Vertex)
                                      -> JunctionTree CPT 
                                      -> IO ()
writeVariableMapAndJunctionTreeToFile f vm jt = encodeFile f (vm,jt)

-- | Read variable map and junction tree from file
readVariableMapAndJunctionTreeToFile :: FilePath 
                                     -> IO (M.Map String Vertex, JunctionTree CPT)
readVariableMapAndJunctionTreeToFile f = decodeFile f

instance Binary Cluster where 
	put (Cluster s) = put s 
	get = get >>= return . Cluster

instance (Ord c, Binary c, Binary f) => Binary (JTree c f) where 
	put (JTree r ls cm pm spm scm nvm svm sck sclm) = do 
		put r 
		put ls 
		put cm 
		put pm 
		put spm 
		put scm 
		put nvm 
		put svm 
		put sck 
		put sclm 
	get = do 
		r <- get
		ls <- get 
		cm <- get 
		pm <- get 
		spm <- get 
		scm <- get 
		nvm <- get 
		svm <- get 
		sck <- get 
		sclm <- get
		return $ JTree r ls cm pm spm scm nvm svm sck sclm

instance Binary a => Binary (NodeValue a) where 
	put (NodeValue v f e) = do 
		put v 
		put f 
		put e 
	get = do 
		v <- get 
		f <- get 
		e <- get
		return $ NodeValue v f e

instance Binary a => Binary (SeparatorValue a) where
	put (EmptySeparator) = do 
		putWord8 0 
	put (SeparatorValue a b) = do 
		putWord8 1 
		put a 
		put b 
	get = do 
		tag <- getWord8 
		case tag of 
			0 -> return EmptySeparator
			_ -> do 
				a <- get 
				b <- get 
				return $ SeparatorValue a b 

instance Binary (V.Vector Double) where 
	put = put . V.toList 
	get = get >>= return . V.fromList 

instance Binary (NV.Vector Double) where 
	put = put . NV.toList 
	get = get >>= return . NV.fromList 

instance Binary DV where 
	put (DV v i) = do 
		put v 
		put i 
	get = do 
		v <- get 
		i <- get 
		return $ DV v i 

instance Binary (v Double) => Binary (PrivateCPT v Double) where 
    put (Table d m v) = do 
    	putWord8 0 
    	put d 
    	put m 
    	put v 
    put (Scalar v) = do 
    	putWord8 1 
    	put v 
    get = do 
    	tag <- getWord8 
    	case tag of 
    		0 -> do 
    			d <- get 
    			m <- get 
    			v <- get 
    			return $ Table d m v 
    		_ -> get >>= return . Scalar 

instance Binary Vertex where 
  put (Vertex v) = put v 
  get = get >>= return . Vertex 

instance Binary Edge where 
	put (Edge va vb) = do 
		put va 
		put vb 
	get = do 
		va <- get
		vb <- get 
		return $ Edge va vb

instance (Binary l, Binary e, Binary v) => Binary (SimpleGraph l e v) where 
	put (SP e v n) = do 
		put e 
		put v 
		put n 
	get = do 
		e <- get 
		v <- get 
		n <- get 
		return $ SP e v n

instance Binary DE where 
    put (DE a b) = do 
    	put a 
    	put b 
    get = do 
    	a <- get 
    	b <- get 
    	return $ DE a b 

instance Binary UE where 
	put (UE a) = put a 
	get = get >>= return . UE