{- | A comparison of influence diagram solution with references

module Bayes.Test.InfluencePatterns(
 ) where

import Test.HUnit.Base(assertBool)
import Data.Maybe(fromJust)

import Bayes.Examples.Influence
import Bayes.InfluenceDiagram 

testStudentDecisions = do 
	let result = solveInfluenceDiagram student
	    (e,pr,s) = studentDecisionVars
	    l = map decisionToInstantiation result 
	assertBool "Student Network" $ l == [[[e =: (0::Int)]],[[s =: (0::Int),pr =: False],[s =: (0::Int),pr =: True]]]
	let result = solveInfluenceDiagram studentSimple
	    e = studentSimpleDecisionVar
	    l = map decisionToInstantiation result 
	assertBool "Simple Student Network" $ l == [[[ e =: (1 :: Int)]]]