{- | Test of learning

In this example, two networks are used : 'simple' which is the reference and 'wrong' which is a wrong start.
The goal is to use test patterns to learn the right 'simple' network from 'wrong'. Only the values are learnt.
The topology of both networks is the same.

simple :: (['TDV' Bool],'SBN' 'CPT')
simple = 'runBN' $ do 
    a <- 'variable' \"a\" ('t' :: Bool)
    b <- 'variable' \"b\" ('t' :: Bool) 
    'proba' a '~~' [0.4,0.6]
    'cpt' b [a] '~~' [0.8,0.2,0.2,0.8]
    return [a,b]

and 'wrong' where the probability for a is wrong.

wrong :: (['TDV' Bool],'SBN' 'CPT')
wrong = 'runBN' $ do 
    a <- 'variable' \"a\" ('t' :: Bool)
    b <- 'variable' \"b\" ('t' :: Bool) 
    'proba' a '~~' [0.2,0.8]
    'cpt' b [a] '~~' [0.8,0.2,0.2,0.8]
    return [a,b]

So, the first thing to do is generate test patterns. We are using the 'discreteAncestralSampler' for this. This function is
generating a sequence of graphs. We are just interested in the values. So, we get the values with 'allVertexValues'.

generatePatterns :: IO [[DVI]]
generatePatterns = do 
    let (vars\@[a,b],exampleG) = simple
    r <- 'runSampling' 5000 0 ('discreteAncestralSampler' exampleG)
    return (map 'allVertexValues' r)

Once we have the data, we can try to learn the network:

emTest = do 
  samples <- generatePatterns 
  let (_,simpleG) = simple 
      (_,wrongG) = wrong 
  print simpleG 
  'printGraphValues' simpleG
  'printGraphValues' wrongG
  'printGraphValues' ('learnEM' samples wrongG)

First, we display the topology of the graph and the values for the reference graph and the wrong one.
Then, we use the 'learnEM' function to learn a new network from the samples. And, we print the new values to check.

module Bayes.Examples.EMTest(
    -- * Test function
  ) where

import Bayes.Sampling 
import System.Random.MWC.CondensedTable
import qualified Data.Vector as V
import Bayes.Factor
import Bayes
import Bayes.FactorElimination
import Data.Maybe(fromJust)
import Bayes.BayesianNetwork
import Bayes.Factor.CPT
import Statistics.Sample.Histogram
import Bayes.EM

simple :: ([TDV Bool],SBN CPT)
simple = runBN $ do 
    a <- variable "a" (t :: Bool)
    b <- variable "b" (t :: Bool) 
    proba a ~~ [0.4,0.6]
    cpt b [a] ~~ [0.8,0.2,0.2,0.8]

    return [a,b]

wrong :: ([TDV Bool],SBN CPT)
wrong = runBN $ do 
    a <- variable "a" (t :: Bool)
    b <- variable "b" (t :: Bool) 
    proba a ~~ [0.2,0.8]
    cpt b [a] ~~ [0.8,0.2,0.2,0.8]

    return [a,b]

setJust vertex v = Just v 

generatePatterns :: IO [[DVI]]
generatePatterns = do 
    let (vars@[a,b],exampleG) = simple
    r <- runSampling 5000 0 (discreteAncestralSampler exampleG)
    return (map allVertexValues r)

emTest = do 
  samples <- generatePatterns 
  let (_,simpleG) = simple 
      (_,wrongG) = wrong 
  print simpleG 
  printGraphValues simpleG
  printGraphValues wrongG

  printGraphValues (learnEM samples wrongG)