-- | Colour related functions
module Data.CG.Minus.Colour where

import Data.Colour {- colour -}
import qualified Data.Colour.SRGB as S {- colour -}
import qualified Data.Colour.Names as N {- colour -}

-- | Opaque colour.
type C = Colour Double

-- | Colour with /alpha/ channel.
type Ca = AlphaColour Double

-- | Grey 'Colour'.
mk_grey :: (Ord a,Floating a) => a -> Colour a
mk_grey x = S.sRGB x x x

-- | Reduce 'Colour' to grey.  Constants are @0.3@, @0.59@ and @0.11@.
to_greyscale :: (Ord a,Floating a) => Colour a -> a
to_greyscale c =
    let (S.RGB r g b) = S.toSRGB c
    in r * 0.3 + g * 0.59 + b * 0.11

-- | 'mk_grey' '.' 'to_greyscale'.
to_greyscale_c :: (Ord a,Floating a) => Colour a -> Colour a
to_greyscale_c = mk_grey . to_greyscale

-- | Discard /alpha/ channel, if possible.
pureColour :: (Ord a, Fractional a) => AlphaColour a -> Colour a
pureColour c =
    let a = alphaChannel c
    in if a > 0
       then darken (recip a) (c `over` black)
       else error "transparent has no pure colour"

-- * Tuples

-- | Tuple to 'C', inverse of 'unC'.
toC :: (Double,Double,Double) -> C
toC (r,g,b) = S.sRGB r g b

-- | 'C' to /(red,green,blue)/ tuple.
unC :: C -> (Double,Double,Double)
unC x =
    let x' = S.toSRGB x
    in (S.channelRed x',S.channelGreen x',S.channelBlue x')

-- | Tuple to 'Ca', inverse of 'unCa'.
toCa :: (Double,Double,Double,Double) -> Ca
toCa (r,g,b,a) = toC (r,g,b) `withOpacity` a

-- | 'Ca' to /(red,green,blue,alpha)/ tuple
unCa :: Ca -> (Double,Double,Double,Double)
unCa x =
    let x' = S.toSRGB (pureColour x)
    in (S.channelRed x'
       ,S.channelGreen x'
       ,S.channelBlue x'
       ,alphaChannel x)

-- * Constants

-- | Venetian red (@#c80815@).
venetianRed :: C
venetianRed = S.sRGB24read "#c80815"

-- | Swedish azure blue (@#005b99@).
swedishAzureBlue :: C
swedishAzureBlue = S.sRGB24read "#005b99"

-- | Safety orange (@#ff6600@).
safetyOrange :: C
safetyOrange = S.sRGB24read "#ff6600"

-- | Dye magenta (@#ca1f7b@).
dyeMagenta :: C
dyeMagenta = S.sRGB24read "#ca1f7b"

-- | Candlelight yellow (@#fcd116@).
candlelightYellow :: C
candlelightYellow = S.sRGB24read "#fcd116"

-- | Subtractive primary cyan (@#00B7EB@).
subtractivePrimaryCyan :: C
subtractivePrimaryCyan = S.sRGB24read "#00B7EB"

-- | Fern green (@#009246@).
fernGreen :: C
fernGreen = S.sRGB24read "#009246"

-- | Sepia brown (@#704214@).
sepiaBrown :: C
sepiaBrown = S.sRGB24read "#704214"

-- | The set of named colours defined in this module.
non_svg_colour_set :: [C]
non_svg_colour_set =

-- * SVG colours

-- | The set of named colours in the @SVG@ specification (in
-- alphabetical order).
svg_colour_set :: [C]
svg_colour_set =