Resolving dependencies... Configuring colour-2.3.3... Building colour-2.3.3... Preprocessing library colour-2.3.3... [ 1 of 14] Compiling Data.Colour.Matrix ( Data/Colour/Matrix.hs, dist/build/Data/Colour/Matrix.o ) [ 2 of 14] Compiling Data.Colour.Chan ( Data/Colour/Chan.hs, dist/build/Data/Colour/Chan.o ) [ 3 of 14] Compiling Data.Colour.CIE.Chromaticity ( Data/Colour/CIE/Chromaticity.hs, dist/build/Data/Colour/CIE/Chromaticity.o ) [ 4 of 14] Compiling Data.Colour.RGB ( Data/Colour/RGB.hs, dist/build/Data/Colour/RGB.o ) [ 5 of 14] Compiling Data.Colour.RGBSpace.HSL ( Data/Colour/RGBSpace/HSL.hs, dist/build/Data/Colour/RGBSpace/HSL.o ) [ 6 of 14] Compiling Data.Colour.RGBSpace.HSV ( Data/Colour/RGBSpace/HSV.hs, dist/build/Data/Colour/RGBSpace/HSV.o ) [ 7 of 14] Compiling Data.Colour.CIE.Illuminant ( Data/Colour/CIE/Illuminant.hs, dist/build/Data/Colour/CIE/Illuminant.o ) [ 8 of 14] Compiling Data.Colour.Internal ( Data/Colour/Internal.hs, dist/build/Data/Colour/Internal.o ) [ 9 of 14] Compiling Data.Colour.SRGB.Linear ( Data/Colour/SRGB/Linear.hs, dist/build/Data/Colour/SRGB/Linear.o ) [10 of 14] Compiling Data.Colour.RGBSpace ( Data/Colour/RGBSpace.hs, dist/build/Data/Colour/RGBSpace.o ) [11 of 14] Compiling Data.Colour.SRGB ( Data/Colour/SRGB.hs, dist/build/Data/Colour/SRGB.o ) [12 of 14] Compiling Data.Colour ( Data/Colour.hs, dist/build/Data/Colour.o ) [13 of 14] Compiling Data.Colour.CIE ( Data/Colour/CIE.hs, dist/build/Data/Colour/CIE.o ) [14 of 14] Compiling Data.Colour.Names ( Data/Colour/Names.hs, dist/build/Data/Colour/Names.o ) In-place registering colour-2.3.3... Running Haddock for colour-2.3.3... Running hscolour for colour-2.3.3... Preprocessing library colour-2.3.3... Preprocessing library colour-2.3.3... Haddock coverage: 0% ( 0 / 5) in 'Data.Colour.Matrix' Missing documentation for: Module header inverse (Data/Colour/Matrix.hs:29) determinant (Data/Colour/Matrix.hs:35) mult (Data/Colour/Matrix.hs:38) matrixMult (Data/Colour/Matrix.hs:40) 0% ( 0 / 10) in 'Data.Colour.Chan' Missing documentation for: Module header Chan (Data/Colour/Chan.hs:29) empty (Data/Colour/Chan.hs:31) full (Data/Colour/Chan.hs:34) scale (Data/Colour/Chan.hs:37) add (Data/Colour/Chan.hs:40) invert (Data/Colour/Chan.hs:43) over (Data/Colour/Chan.hs:46) convert (Data/Colour/Chan.hs:48) sum (Data/Colour/Chan.hs:51) 50% ( 6 / 12) in 'Data.Colour.CIE.Chromaticity' Missing documentation for: Module header Chromaticity (Data/Colour/CIE/Chromaticity.hs:25) (Data/Colour/CIE/Chromaticity.hs:56) (Data/Colour/CIE/Chromaticity.hs:63) app_prec (Data/Colour/CIE/Chromaticity.hs:74) infix_prec (Data/Colour/CIE/Chromaticity.hs:76) 38% ( 6 / 16) in 'Data.Colour.RGB' Missing documentation for: Module header (Data/Colour/RGB.hs:36) (Data/Colour/RGB.hs:39) (Data/Colour/RGB.hs:59) (Data/Colour/RGB.hs:66) primaryMatrix (Data/Colour/RGB.hs:82) rgb2xyz (Data/Colour/RGB.hs:92) xyz2rgb (Data/Colour/RGB.hs:100) hslsv (Data/Colour/RGB.hs:103) mod1 (Data/Colour/RGB.hs:127) 86% ( 6 / 7) in 'Data.Colour.RGBSpace.HSL' Missing documentation for: Module header 86% ( 6 / 7) in 'Data.Colour.RGBSpace.HSV' Missing documentation for: Module header 100% ( 21 / 21) in 'Data.Colour.CIE.Illuminant' 50% ( 14 / 28) in 'Data.Colour.Internal' Missing documentation for: Module header Red (Data/Colour/Internal.hs:30) Green (Data/Colour/Internal.hs:31) Blue (Data/Colour/Internal.hs:32) black (Data/Colour/Internal.hs:53) (Data/Colour/Internal.hs:56) Alpha (Data/Colour/Internal.hs:65) AffineSpace (Data/Colour/Internal.hs:109) (Data/Colour/Internal.hs:130) (Data/Colour/Internal.hs:136) ColourOps (Data/Colour/Internal.hs:146) (Data/Colour/Internal.hs:156) (Data/Colour/Internal.hs:165) rgbaAdd (Data/Colour/Internal.hs:214) 100% ( 6 / 6) in 'Data.Colour.SRGB.Linear' 83% ( 20 / 24) in 'Data.Colour.RGBSpace' Missing documentation for: primaries (Data/Colour/RGB.hs:55) whitePoint (Data/Colour/RGB.hs:56) gamut (Data/Colour/RGBSpace.hs:121) transferFunction (Data/Colour/RGBSpace.hs:122) 100% ( 14 / 14) in 'Data.Colour.SRGB' 85% ( 17 / 20) in 'Data.Colour' Missing documentation for: black (Data/Colour/Internal.hs:53) AffineSpace (Data/Colour/Internal.hs:109) ColourOps (Data/Colour/Internal.hs:146) 88% ( 15 / 17) in 'Data.Colour.CIE' Missing documentation for: toCIEXYZ (Data/Colour/CIE.hs:65) Chromaticity (Data/Colour/CIE/Chromaticity.hs:25) 1% ( 1 /149) in 'Data.Colour.Names' Missing documentation for: readColourName (Data/Colour/Names.hs:188) aliceblue (Data/Colour/Names.hs:339) antiquewhite (Data/Colour/Names.hs:342) aqua (Data/Colour/Names.hs:345) aquamarine (Data/Colour/Names.hs:348) azure (Data/Colour/Names.hs:351) beige (Data/Colour/Names.hs:354) bisque (Data/Colour/Names.hs:357) black (Data/Colour/Internal.hs:53) blanchedalmond (Data/Colour/Names.hs:362) blue (Data/Colour/Names.hs:365) blueviolet (Data/Colour/Names.hs:368) brown (Data/Colour/Names.hs:371) burlywood (Data/Colour/Names.hs:374) cadetblue (Data/Colour/Names.hs:377) chartreuse (Data/Colour/Names.hs:380) chocolate (Data/Colour/Names.hs:383) coral (Data/Colour/Names.hs:386) cornflowerblue (Data/Colour/Names.hs:389) cornsilk (Data/Colour/Names.hs:392) crimson (Data/Colour/Names.hs:395) cyan (Data/Colour/Names.hs:398) darkblue (Data/Colour/Names.hs:401) darkcyan (Data/Colour/Names.hs:404) darkgoldenrod (Data/Colour/Names.hs:407) darkgray (Data/Colour/Names.hs:410) darkgreen (Data/Colour/Names.hs:413) darkgrey (Data/Colour/Names.hs:416) darkkhaki (Data/Colour/Names.hs:419) darkmagenta (Data/Colour/Names.hs:422) darkolivegreen (Data/Colour/Names.hs:425) darkorange (Data/Colour/Names.hs:428) darkorchid (Data/Colour/Names.hs:431) darkred (Data/Colour/Names.hs:434) darksalmon (Data/Colour/Names.hs:437) darkseagreen (Data/Colour/Names.hs:440) darkslateblue (Data/Colour/Names.hs:443) darkslategray (Data/Colour/Names.hs:446) darkslategrey (Data/Colour/Names.hs:449) darkturquoise (Data/Colour/Names.hs:452) darkviolet (Data/Colour/Names.hs:455) deeppink (Data/Colour/Names.hs:458) deepskyblue (Data/Colour/Names.hs:461) dimgray (Data/Colour/Names.hs:464) dimgrey (Data/Colour/Names.hs:467) dodgerblue (Data/Colour/Names.hs:470) firebrick (Data/Colour/Names.hs:473) floralwhite (Data/Colour/Names.hs:476) forestgreen (Data/Colour/Names.hs:479) fuchsia (Data/Colour/Names.hs:482) gainsboro (Data/Colour/Names.hs:485) ghostwhite (Data/Colour/Names.hs:488) gold (Data/Colour/Names.hs:491) goldenrod (Data/Colour/Names.hs:494) gray (Data/Colour/Names.hs:497) grey (Data/Colour/Names.hs:500) green (Data/Colour/Names.hs:503) greenyellow (Data/Colour/Names.hs:506) honeydew (Data/Colour/Names.hs:509) hotpink (Data/Colour/Names.hs:512) indianred (Data/Colour/Names.hs:515) indigo (Data/Colour/Names.hs:518) ivory (Data/Colour/Names.hs:521) khaki (Data/Colour/Names.hs:524) lavender (Data/Colour/Names.hs:527) lavenderblush (Data/Colour/Names.hs:530) lawngreen (Data/Colour/Names.hs:533) lemonchiffon (Data/Colour/Names.hs:536) lightblue (Data/Colour/Names.hs:539) lightcoral (Data/Colour/Names.hs:542) lightcyan (Data/Colour/Names.hs:545) lightgoldenrodyellow (Data/Colour/Names.hs:548) lightgray (Data/Colour/Names.hs:551) lightgreen (Data/Colour/Names.hs:554) lightgrey (Data/Colour/Names.hs:557) lightpink (Data/Colour/Names.hs:560) lightsalmon (Data/Colour/Names.hs:563) lightseagreen (Data/Colour/Names.hs:566) lightskyblue (Data/Colour/Names.hs:569) lightslategray (Data/Colour/Names.hs:572) lightslategrey (Data/Colour/Names.hs:575) lightsteelblue (Data/Colour/Names.hs:578) lightyellow (Data/Colour/Names.hs:581) lime (Data/Colour/Names.hs:584) limegreen (Data/Colour/Names.hs:587) linen (Data/Colour/Names.hs:590) magenta (Data/Colour/Names.hs:593) maroon (Data/Colour/Names.hs:596) mediumaquamarine (Data/Colour/Names.hs:599) mediumblue (Data/Colour/Names.hs:602) mediumorchid (Data/Colour/Names.hs:605) mediumpurple (Data/Colour/Names.hs:608) mediumseagreen (Data/Colour/Names.hs:611) mediumslateblue (Data/Colour/Names.hs:614) mediumspringgreen (Data/Colour/Names.hs:617) mediumturquoise (Data/Colour/Names.hs:620) mediumvioletred (Data/Colour/Names.hs:623) midnightblue (Data/Colour/Names.hs:626) mintcream (Data/Colour/Names.hs:629) mistyrose (Data/Colour/Names.hs:632) moccasin (Data/Colour/Names.hs:635) navajowhite (Data/Colour/Names.hs:638) navy (Data/Colour/Names.hs:641) oldlace (Data/Colour/Names.hs:644) olive (Data/Colour/Names.hs:647) olivedrab (Data/Colour/Names.hs:650) orange (Data/Colour/Names.hs:653) orangered (Data/Colour/Names.hs:656) orchid (Data/Colour/Names.hs:659) palegoldenrod (Data/Colour/Names.hs:662) palegreen (Data/Colour/Names.hs:665) paleturquoise (Data/Colour/Names.hs:668) palevioletred (Data/Colour/Names.hs:671) papayawhip (Data/Colour/Names.hs:674) peachpuff (Data/Colour/Names.hs:677) peru (Data/Colour/Names.hs:680) pink (Data/Colour/Names.hs:683) plum (Data/Colour/Names.hs:686) powderblue (Data/Colour/Names.hs:689) purple (Data/Colour/Names.hs:692) red (Data/Colour/Names.hs:695) rosybrown (Data/Colour/Names.hs:698) royalblue (Data/Colour/Names.hs:701) saddlebrown (Data/Colour/Names.hs:704) salmon (Data/Colour/Names.hs:707) sandybrown (Data/Colour/Names.hs:710) seagreen (Data/Colour/Names.hs:713) seashell (Data/Colour/Names.hs:716) sienna (Data/Colour/Names.hs:719) silver (Data/Colour/Names.hs:722) skyblue (Data/Colour/Names.hs:725) slateblue (Data/Colour/Names.hs:728) slategray (Data/Colour/Names.hs:731) slategrey (Data/Colour/Names.hs:734) snow (Data/Colour/Names.hs:737) springgreen (Data/Colour/Names.hs:740) steelblue (Data/Colour/Names.hs:743) tan (Data/Colour/Names.hs:746) teal (Data/Colour/Names.hs:749) thistle (Data/Colour/Names.hs:752) tomato (Data/Colour/Names.hs:755) turquoise (Data/Colour/Names.hs:758) violet (Data/Colour/Names.hs:761) wheat (Data/Colour/Names.hs:764) white (Data/Colour/Names.hs:767) whitesmoke (Data/Colour/Names.hs:770) yellow (Data/Colour/Names.hs:773) yellowgreen (Data/Colour/Names.hs:776) Documentation created: dist/doc/html/colour/index.html, dist/doc/html/colour/colour.txt Creating package registration file: /tmp/pkgConf-colour-2.3278722862233665123.3 Installing library in /home/builder/hackage-server/build-cache/tmp-install/lib/x86_64-linux-ghc-7.10.2/colour-2.3.3-4TwxYYIWlRc4y14QiEhTww Registering colour-2.3.3... Installed colour-2.3.3 Configuring mtl-2.2.1... Building mtl-2.2.1... Preprocessing library mtl-2.2.1... [ 1 of 22] Compiling Control.Monad.Writer.Class ( Control/Monad/Writer/Class.hs, dist/build/Control/Monad/Writer/Class.o ) [ 2 of 22] Compiling Control.Monad.State.Class ( Control/Monad/State/Class.hs, dist/build/Control/Monad/State/Class.o ) [ 3 of 22] Compiling Control.Monad.Reader.Class ( Control/Monad/Reader/Class.hs, dist/build/Control/Monad/Reader/Class.o ) [ 4 of 22] Compiling Control.Monad.RWS.Class ( Control/Monad/RWS/Class.hs, dist/build/Control/Monad/RWS/Class.o ) [ 5 of 22] Compiling Control.Monad.Identity ( Control/Monad/Identity.hs, dist/build/Control/Monad/Identity.o ) [ 6 of 22] Compiling Control.Monad.Error.Class ( Control/Monad/Error/Class.hs, dist/build/Control/Monad/Error/Class.o ) [ 7 of 22] Compiling Control.Monad.Cont.Class ( Control/Monad/Cont/Class.hs, dist/build/Control/Monad/Cont/Class.o ) [ 8 of 22] Compiling Control.Monad.Trans ( Control/Monad/Trans.hs, dist/build/Control/Monad/Trans.o ) [ 9 of 22] Compiling Control.Monad.Error ( Control/Monad/Error.hs, dist/build/Control/Monad/Error.o ) [10 of 22] Compiling Control.Monad.Except ( Control/Monad/Except.hs, dist/build/Control/Monad/Except.o ) [11 of 22] Compiling Control.Monad.List ( Control/Monad/List.hs, dist/build/Control/Monad/List.o ) [12 of 22] Compiling Control.Monad.RWS.Lazy ( Control/Monad/RWS/Lazy.hs, dist/build/Control/Monad/RWS/Lazy.o ) [13 of 22] Compiling Control.Monad.RWS ( Control/Monad/RWS.hs, dist/build/Control/Monad/RWS.o ) [14 of 22] Compiling Control.Monad.Reader ( Control/Monad/Reader.hs, dist/build/Control/Monad/Reader.o ) [15 of 22] Compiling Control.Monad.RWS.Strict ( Control/Monad/RWS/Strict.hs, dist/build/Control/Monad/RWS/Strict.o ) [16 of 22] Compiling Control.Monad.State.Lazy ( Control/Monad/State/Lazy.hs, dist/build/Control/Monad/State/Lazy.o ) [17 of 22] Compiling Control.Monad.State ( Control/Monad/State.hs, dist/build/Control/Monad/State.o ) [18 of 22] Compiling Control.Monad.State.Strict ( Control/Monad/State/Strict.hs, dist/build/Control/Monad/State/Strict.o ) [19 of 22] Compiling Control.Monad.Writer.Lazy ( Control/Monad/Writer/Lazy.hs, dist/build/Control/Monad/Writer/Lazy.o ) [20 of 22] Compiling Control.Monad.Writer ( Control/Monad/Writer.hs, dist/build/Control/Monad/Writer.o ) [21 of 22] Compiling Control.Monad.Writer.Strict ( Control/Monad/Writer/Strict.hs, dist/build/Control/Monad/Writer/Strict.o ) [22 of 22] Compiling Control.Monad.Cont ( Control/Monad/Cont.hs, dist/build/Control/Monad/Cont.o ) In-place registering mtl-2.2.1... Running Haddock for mtl-2.2.1... Running hscolour for mtl-2.2.1... Preprocessing library mtl-2.2.1... Preprocessing library mtl-2.2.1... Haddock coverage: 75% ( 3 / 4) in 'Control.Monad.Writer.Class' Missing documentation for: MonadWriter (Control/Monad/Writer/Class.hs:62) 100% ( 5 / 5) in 'Control.Monad.State.Class' 100% ( 3 / 3) in 'Control.Monad.Reader.Class' 80% ( 4 / 5) in 'Control.Monad.RWS.Class' Missing documentation for: MonadRWS (Control/Monad/RWS/Class.hs:44) 100% ( 4 / 4) in 'Control.Monad.Identity' 100% ( 3 / 3) in 'Control.Monad.Error.Class' 50% ( 1 / 2) in 'Control.Monad.Cont.Class' Missing documentation for: MonadCont (Control/Monad/Cont/Class.hs:73) 100% ( 3 / 3) in 'Control.Monad.Trans' 93% ( 14 / 15) in 'Control.Monad.Error' Missing documentation for: runErrorT 100% ( 19 / 19) in 'Control.Monad.Except' 100% ( 5 / 5) in 'Control.Monad.List' 95% ( 21 / 22) in 'Control.Monad.RWS.Lazy' Missing documentation for: runRWST 100% ( 2 / 2) in 'Control.Monad.RWS' 96% ( 22 / 23) in 'Control.Monad.Reader' Missing documentation for: runReaderT 95% ( 21 / 22) in 'Control.Monad.RWS.Strict' Missing documentation for: runRWST 96% ( 24 / 25) in 'Control.Monad.State.Lazy' Missing documentation for: runStateT 100% ( 2 / 2) in 'Control.Monad.State' 96% ( 24 / 25) in 'Control.Monad.State.Strict' Missing documentation for: runStateT 89% ( 17 / 19) in 'Control.Monad.Writer.Lazy' Missing documentation for: MonadWriter (Control/Monad/Writer/Class.hs:62) runWriterT 100% ( 2 / 2) in 'Control.Monad.Writer' 94% ( 17 / 18) in 'Control.Monad.Writer.Strict' Missing documentation for: MonadWriter (Control/Monad/Writer/Class.hs:62) 91% ( 20 / 22) in 'Control.Monad.Cont' Missing documentation for: MonadCont (Control/Monad/Cont/Class.hs:73) runContT Documentation created: dist/doc/html/mtl/index.html, dist/doc/html/mtl/mtl.txt Creating package registration file: /tmp/pkgConf-mtl-2.214472676051369321801.1 Installing library in /home/builder/hackage-server/build-cache/tmp-install/lib/x86_64-linux-ghc-7.10.2/mtl-2.2.1-KMpng31YRYc5JfMWFZ3FCU Registering mtl-2.2.1... Installed mtl-2.2.1 Configuring text- Building text- Preprocessing library text- [ 1 of 44] Compiling Data.Text.Internal.Read ( Data/Text/Internal/Read.hs, dist/build/Data/Text/Internal/Read.o ) Data/Text/Internal/Read.hs:21:1: Warning: The import of ‘Control.Applicative’ is redundant except perhaps to import instances from ‘Control.Applicative’ To import instances alone, use: import Control.Applicative() [ 2 of 44] Compiling Data.Text.Internal.Encoding.Utf32 ( Data/Text/Internal/Encoding/Utf32.hs, dist/build/Data/Text/Internal/Encoding/Utf32.o ) [ 3 of 44] Compiling Data.Text.Internal.Builder.RealFloat.Functions ( Data/Text/Internal/Builder/RealFloat/Functions.hs, dist/build/Data/Text/Internal/Builder/RealFloat/Functions.o ) [ 4 of 44] Compiling Data.Text.Internal.Builder.Int.Digits ( Data/Text/Internal/Builder/Int/Digits.hs, dist/build/Data/Text/Internal/Builder/Int/Digits.o ) [ 5 of 44] Compiling Data.Text.Encoding.Error ( Data/Text/Encoding/Error.hs, dist/build/Data/Text/Encoding/Error.o ) Data/Text/Encoding/Error.hs:3:14: Warning: ‘Data.Text.Encoding.Error’ is marked as Trustworthy but has been inferred as safe! [ 6 of 44] Compiling Data.Text.Internal.Unsafe.Shift ( Data/Text/Internal/Unsafe/Shift.hs, dist/build/Data/Text/Internal/Unsafe/Shift.o ) [ 7 of 44] Compiling Data.Text.Internal.Encoding.Utf16 ( Data/Text/Internal/Encoding/Utf16.hs, dist/build/Data/Text/Internal/Encoding/Utf16.o ) [ 8 of 44] Compiling Data.Text.Internal.Functions ( Data/Text/Internal/Functions.hs, dist/build/Data/Text/Internal/Functions.o ) [ 9 of 44] Compiling Data.Text.Internal.Unsafe ( Data/Text/Internal/Unsafe.hs, dist/build/Data/Text/Internal/Unsafe.o ) [10 of 44] Compiling Data.Text.Array ( Data/Text/Array.hs, dist/build/Data/Text/Array.o ) [11 of 44] Compiling Data.Text.Internal.Unsafe.Char ( Data/Text/Internal/Unsafe/Char.hs, dist/build/Data/Text/Internal/Unsafe/Char.o ) [12 of 44] Compiling Data.Text.Internal ( Data/Text/Internal.hs, dist/build/Data/Text/Internal.o ) [13 of 44] Compiling Data.Text.Internal.Fusion.Size ( Data/Text/Internal/Fusion/Size.hs, dist/build/Data/Text/Internal/Fusion/Size.o ) [14 of 44] Compiling Data.Text.Internal.Fusion.Types ( Data/Text/Internal/Fusion/Types.hs, dist/build/Data/Text/Internal/Fusion/Types.o ) [15 of 44] Compiling Data.Text.Internal.Fusion.CaseMapping ( Data/Text/Internal/Fusion/CaseMapping.hs, dist/build/Data/Text/Internal/Fusion/CaseMapping.o ) [16 of 44] Compiling Data.Text.Internal.Fusion.Common ( Data/Text/Internal/Fusion/Common.hs, dist/build/Data/Text/Internal/Fusion/Common.o ) [17 of 44] Compiling Data.Text.Unsafe ( Data/Text/Unsafe.hs, dist/build/Data/Text/Unsafe.o ) [18 of 44] Compiling Data.Text.Internal.Private ( Data/Text/Internal/Private.hs, dist/build/Data/Text/Internal/Private.o ) [19 of 44] Compiling Data.Text.Internal.Fusion ( Data/Text/Internal/Fusion.hs, dist/build/Data/Text/Internal/Fusion.o ) [20 of 44] Compiling Data.Text.Show ( Data/Text/Show.hs, dist/build/Data/Text/Show.o ) [21 of 44] Compiling Data.Text.Internal.Encoding.Fusion.Common ( Data/Text/Internal/Encoding/Fusion/Common.hs, dist/build/Data/Text/Internal/Encoding/Fusion/Common.o ) [22 of 44] Compiling Data.Text.Internal.Encoding.Utf8 ( Data/Text/Internal/Encoding/Utf8.hs, dist/build/Data/Text/Internal/Encoding/Utf8.o ) [23 of 44] Compiling Data.Text.Internal.Encoding.Fusion ( Data/Text/Internal/Encoding/Fusion.hs, dist/build/Data/Text/Internal/Encoding/Fusion.o ) [24 of 44] Compiling Data.Text.Encoding ( Data/Text/Encoding.hs, dist/build/Data/Text/Encoding.o ) [25 of 44] Compiling Data.Text.Internal.Lazy.Encoding.Fusion ( Data/Text/Internal/Lazy/Encoding/Fusion.hs, dist/build/Data/Text/Internal/Lazy/Encoding/Fusion.o ) [26 of 44] Compiling Data.Text.Internal.Search ( Data/Text/Internal/Search.hs, dist/build/Data/Text/Internal/Search.o ) [27 of 44] Compiling Data.Text.Foreign ( Data/Text/Foreign.hs, dist/build/Data/Text/Foreign.o ) [28 of 44] Compiling Data.Text ( Data/Text.hs, dist/build/Data/Text.o ) [29 of 44] Compiling Data.Text.Internal.IO ( Data/Text/Internal/IO.hs, dist/build/Data/Text/Internal/IO.o ) [30 of 44] Compiling Data.Text.IO ( Data/Text/IO.hs, dist/build/Data/Text/IO.o ) [31 of 44] Compiling Data.Text.Internal.Lazy ( Data/Text/Internal/Lazy.hs, dist/build/Data/Text/Internal/Lazy.o ) [32 of 44] Compiling Data.Text.Internal.Lazy.Fusion ( Data/Text/Internal/Lazy/Fusion.hs, dist/build/Data/Text/Internal/Lazy/Fusion.o ) [33 of 44] Compiling Data.Text.Internal.Lazy.Search ( Data/Text/Internal/Lazy/Search.hs, dist/build/Data/Text/Internal/Lazy/Search.o ) [34 of 44] Compiling Data.Text.Lazy.Internal ( Data/Text/Lazy/Internal.hs, dist/build/Data/Text/Lazy/Internal.o ) [35 of 44] Compiling Data.Text.Lazy.Encoding ( Data/Text/Lazy/Encoding.hs, dist/build/Data/Text/Lazy/Encoding.o ) Data/Text/Lazy/Encoding.hs:65:1: Warning: The import of ‘Data.Monoid’ is redundant except perhaps to import instances from ‘Data.Monoid’ To import instances alone, use: import Data.Monoid() [36 of 44] Compiling Data.Text.Lazy ( Data/Text/Lazy.hs, dist/build/Data/Text/Lazy.o ) [37 of 44] Compiling Data.Text.Internal.Builder ( Data/Text/Internal/Builder.hs, dist/build/Data/Text/Internal/Builder.o ) Data/Text/Internal/Builder.hs:61:1: Warning: The import of ‘Data.Monoid’ is redundant except perhaps to import instances from ‘Data.Monoid’ To import instances alone, use: import Data.Monoid() [38 of 44] Compiling Data.Text.Lazy.Builder ( Data/Text/Lazy/Builder.hs, dist/build/Data/Text/Lazy/Builder.o ) [39 of 44] Compiling Data.Text.Internal.Builder.Functions ( Data/Text/Internal/Builder/Functions.hs, dist/build/Data/Text/Internal/Builder/Functions.o ) Data/Text/Internal/Builder/Functions.hs:24:1: Warning: The import of ‘Data.Monoid’ is redundant except perhaps to import instances from ‘Data.Monoid’ To import instances alone, use: import Data.Monoid() [40 of 44] Compiling Data.Text.Lazy.Builder.Int ( Data/Text/Lazy/Builder/Int.hs, dist/build/Data/Text/Lazy/Builder/Int.o ) Data/Text/Lazy/Builder/Int.hs:24:1: Warning: The import of ‘Data.Monoid’ is redundant except perhaps to import instances from ‘Data.Monoid’ To import instances alone, use: import Data.Monoid() Data/Text/Lazy/Builder/Int.hs:30:1: Warning: The import of ‘Word’ from module ‘Data.Word’ is redundant Data/Text/Lazy/Builder/Int.hs:32:1: Warning: The import of ‘GHC.Num’ is redundant except perhaps to import instances from ‘GHC.Num’ To import instances alone, use: import GHC.Num() [41 of 44] Compiling Data.Text.Lazy.IO ( Data/Text/Lazy/IO.hs, dist/build/Data/Text/Lazy/IO.o ) [42 of 44] Compiling Data.Text.Lazy.Read ( Data/Text/Lazy/Read.hs, dist/build/Data/Text/Lazy/Read.o ) Data/Text/Lazy/Read.hs:3:14: Warning: ‘Data.Text.Lazy.Read’ is marked as Trustworthy but has been inferred as safe! Data/Text/Lazy/Read.hs:32:1: Warning: The import of ‘Word’ from module ‘Data.Word’ is redundant [43 of 44] Compiling Data.Text.Lazy.Builder.RealFloat ( Data/Text/Lazy/Builder/RealFloat.hs, dist/build/Data/Text/Lazy/Builder/RealFloat.o ) [44 of 44] Compiling Data.Text.Read ( Data/Text/Read.hs, dist/build/Data/Text/Read.o ) Data/Text/Read.hs:33:1: Warning: The import of ‘Word’ from module ‘Data.Word’ is redundant In-place registering text- Running Haddock for text- Running hscolour for text- Preprocessing library text- Preprocessing library text- Data/Text/Internal/Read.hs:21:1: Warning: The import of ‘Control.Applicative’ is redundant except perhaps to import instances from ‘Control.Applicative’ To import instances alone, use: import Control.Applicative() Data/Text/Encoding/Error.hs:3:14: Warning: ‘Data.Text.Encoding.Error’ is marked as Trustworthy but has been inferred as safe! Data/Text/Lazy/Encoding.hs:65:1: Warning: The import of ‘Data.Monoid’ is redundant except perhaps to import instances from ‘Data.Monoid’ To import instances alone, use: import Data.Monoid() Data/Text/Internal/Builder.hs:61:1: Warning: The import of ‘Data.Monoid’ is redundant except perhaps to import instances from ‘Data.Monoid’ To import instances alone, use: import Data.Monoid() Data/Text/Internal/Builder/Functions.hs:24:1: Warning: The import of ‘Data.Monoid’ is redundant except perhaps to import instances from ‘Data.Monoid’ To import instances alone, use: import Data.Monoid() Data/Text/Lazy/Builder/Int.hs:24:1: Warning: The import of ‘Data.Monoid’ is redundant except perhaps to import instances from ‘Data.Monoid’ To import instances alone, use: import Data.Monoid() Data/Text/Lazy/Builder/Int.hs:30:1: Warning: The import of ‘Word’ from module ‘Data.Word’ is redundant Data/Text/Lazy/Builder/Int.hs:32:1: Warning: The import of ‘GHC.Num’ is redundant except perhaps to import instances from ‘GHC.Num’ To import instances alone, use: import GHC.Num() Data/Text/Lazy/Read.hs:3:14: Warning: ‘Data.Text.Lazy.Read’ is marked as Trustworthy but has been inferred as safe! Data/Text/Lazy/Read.hs:32:1: Warning: The import of ‘Word’ from module ‘Data.Word’ is redundant Data/Text/Read.hs:33:1: Warning: The import of ‘Word’ from module ‘Data.Word’ is redundant Haddock coverage: 14% ( 1 / 7) in 'Data.Text.Internal.Read' Missing documentation for: IReader (Data/Text/Internal/Read.hs:26) IParser (Data/Text/Internal/Read.hs:28) T (Data/Text/Internal/Read.hs:48) digitToInt (Data/Text/Internal/Read.hs:61) hexDigitToInt (Data/Text/Internal/Read.hs:55) perhaps (Data/Text/Internal/Read.hs:50) 50% ( 1 / 2) in 'Data.Text.Internal.Encoding.Utf32' Missing documentation for: validate (Data/Text/Internal/Encoding/Utf32.hs:24) 50% ( 1 / 2) in 'Data.Text.Internal.Builder.RealFloat.Functions' Missing documentation for: roundTo (Data/Text/Internal/Builder/RealFloat/Functions.hs:17) 0% ( 0 / 2) in 'Data.Text.Internal.Builder.Int.Digits' Missing documentation for: Module header digits (Data/Text/Internal/Builder/Int/Digits.hs:21) 100% ( 12 / 12) in 'Data.Text.Encoding.Error' 100% ( 2 / 2) in 'Data.Text.Internal.Unsafe.Shift' 25% ( 1 / 4) in 'Data.Text.Internal.Encoding.Utf16' Missing documentation for: chr2 (Data/Text/Internal/Encoding/Utf16.hs:29) validate1 (Data/Text/Internal/Encoding/Utf16.hs:38) validate2 (Data/Text/Internal/Encoding/Utf16.hs:42) 100% ( 2 / 2) in 'Data.Text.Internal.Functions' 100% ( 3 / 3) in 'Data.Text.Internal.Unsafe' 100% ( 16 / 16) in 'Data.Text.Array' 33% ( 2 / 6) in 'Data.Text.Internal.Unsafe.Char' Missing documentation for: ord (Data/Text/Internal/Unsafe/Char.hs:39) unsafeChr (Data/Text/Internal/Unsafe/Char.hs:43) unsafeChr8 (Data/Text/Internal/Unsafe/Char.hs:47) unsafeChr32 (Data/Text/Internal/Unsafe/Char.hs:51) 95% ( 19 / 20) in 'Data.Text.Internal' Missing documentation for: textP (Data/Text/Internal.hs:97) 38% ( 5 / 13) in 'Data.Text.Internal.Fusion.Size' Missing documentation for: Size (Data/Text/Internal/Fusion/Size.hs:40) exactly (Data/Text/Internal/Fusion/Size.hs:44) exactSize (Data/Text/Internal/Fusion/Size.hs:49) maxSize (Data/Text/Internal/Fusion/Size.hs:57) betweenSize (Data/Text/Internal/Fusion/Size.hs:65) unknownSize (Data/Text/Internal/Fusion/Size.hs:74) compareSize (Data/Text/Internal/Fusion/Size.hs:143) isEmpty (Data/Text/Internal/Fusion/Size.hs:151) 88% ( 7 / 8) in 'Data.Text.Internal.Fusion.Types' Missing documentation for: Stream (Data/Text/Internal/Fusion/Types.hs:83) 0% ( 0 / 5) in 'Data.Text.Internal.Fusion.CaseMapping' Missing documentation for: Module header upperMapping (Data/Text/Internal/Fusion/CaseMapping.hs:13) lowerMapping (Data/Text/Internal/Fusion/CaseMapping.hs:220) titleMapping (Data/Text/Internal/Fusion/CaseMapping.hs:225) foldMapping (Data/Text/Internal/Fusion/CaseMapping.hs:324) 89% ( 63 / 71) in 'Data.Text.Internal.Fusion.Common' Missing documentation for: singleton (Data/Text/Internal/Fusion/Common.hs:119) streamList (Data/Text/Internal/Fusion/Common.hs:125) unstreamList (Data/Text/Internal/Fusion/Common.hs:131) intercalate (Data/Text/Internal/Fusion/Common.hs:577) justifyLeftI (Data/Text/Internal/Fusion/Common.hs:479) scanl (Data/Text/Internal/Fusion/Common.hs:656) replicateCharI (Data/Text/Internal/Fusion/Common.hs:671) replicateI (Data/Text/Internal/Fusion/Common.hs:682) 93% ( 13 / 14) in 'Data.Text.Unsafe' Missing documentation for: Iter (Data/Text/Unsafe.hs:62) 33% ( 1 / 3) in 'Data.Text.Internal.Private' Missing documentation for: runText (Data/Text/Internal/Private.hs:33) span_ (Data/Text/Internal/Private.hs:23) 91% ( 20 / 22) in 'Data.Text.Internal.Fusion' Missing documentation for: Stream (Data/Text/Internal/Fusion/Types.hs:83) length (Data/Text/Internal/Fusion.hs:127) 100% ( 4 / 4) in 'Data.Text.Show' 33% ( 2 / 6) in 'Data.Text.Internal.Encoding.Fusion.Common' Missing documentation for: restreamUtf16LE (Data/Text/Internal/Encoding/Fusion/Common.hs:63) restreamUtf16BE (Data/Text/Internal/Encoding/Fusion/Common.hs:39) restreamUtf32LE (Data/Text/Internal/Encoding/Fusion/Common.hs:106) restreamUtf32BE (Data/Text/Internal/Encoding/Fusion/Common.hs:87) 17% ( 2 / 12) in 'Data.Text.Internal.Encoding.Utf8' Missing documentation for: ord2 (Data/Text/Internal/Encoding/Utf8.hs:58) ord3 (Data/Text/Internal/Encoding/Utf8.hs:69) ord4 (Data/Text/Internal/Encoding/Utf8.hs:81) chr2 (Data/Text/Internal/Encoding/Utf8.hs:94) chr3 (Data/Text/Internal/Encoding/Utf8.hs:103) chr4 (Data/Text/Internal/Encoding/Utf8.hs:114) validate1 (Data/Text/Internal/Encoding/Utf8.hs:128) validate2 (Data/Text/Internal/Encoding/Utf8.hs:132) validate3 (Data/Text/Internal/Encoding/Utf8.hs:136) validate4 (Data/Text/Internal/Encoding/Utf8.hs:153) 91% ( 10 / 11) in 'Data.Text.Internal.Encoding.Fusion' Missing documentation for: streamASCII (Data/Text/Internal/Encoding/Fusion.hs:57) 100% ( 33 / 33) in 'Data.Text.Encoding' 100% ( 10 / 10) in 'Data.Text.Internal.Lazy.Encoding.Fusion' 100% ( 2 / 2) in 'Data.Text.Internal.Search' 100% ( 18 / 18) in 'Data.Text.Foreign' 100% (126 /126) in 'Data.Text' 100% ( 3 / 3) in 'Data.Text.Internal.IO' 100% ( 20 / 20) in 'Data.Text.IO' 93% ( 14 / 15) in 'Data.Text.Internal.Lazy' Missing documentation for: Text (Data/Text/Internal/Lazy.hs:47) 100% ( 8 / 8) in 'Data.Text.Internal.Lazy.Fusion' 100% ( 2 / 2) in 'Data.Text.Internal.Lazy.Search' 100% ( 2 / 2) in 'Data.Text.Lazy.Internal' 89% ( 24 / 27) in 'Data.Text.Lazy.Encoding' Missing documentation for: encodeUtf8 (Data/Text/Lazy/Encoding.hs:148) encodeUtf8Builder (Data/Text/Lazy/Encoding.hs:162) encodeUtf8BuilderEscaped (Data/Text/Lazy/Encoding.hs:167) 99% (127 /128) in 'Data.Text.Lazy' Missing documentation for: Text (Data/Text/Internal/Lazy.hs:47) 94% ( 16 / 17) in 'Data.Text.Internal.Builder' Missing documentation for: append' (Data/Text/Internal/Builder.hs:288) 100% ( 12 / 12) in 'Data.Text.Lazy.Builder' 100% ( 3 / 3) in 'Data.Text.Internal.Builder.Functions' 0% ( 0 / 3) in 'Data.Text.Lazy.Builder.Int' Missing documentation for: Module header decimal (Data/Text/Lazy/Builder/Int.hs:52) hexadecimal (Data/Text/Lazy/Builder/Int.hs:162) 100% ( 19 / 19) in 'Data.Text.Lazy.IO' 100% ( 7 / 7) in 'Data.Text.Lazy.Read' 75% ( 3 / 4) in 'Data.Text.Lazy.Builder.RealFloat' Missing documentation for: formatRealFloat (Data/Text/Lazy/Builder/RealFloat.hs:46) 100% ( 7 / 7) in 'Data.Text.Read' Warning: Data.Text.Internal.Fusion.Common: could not find link destinations for: findIndicesI Warning: Data.Text.Unsafe: could not find link destinations for: bracket Warning: Data.Text: could not find link destinations for: replicateChar countChar Warning: Data.Text.Internal.IO: could not find link destinations for: Handle__ Warning: Data.Text.Lazy: could not find link destinations for: replicateChar dropWords splitAtWord countChar Warning: Data.Text.Internal.Builder: could not find link destinations for: empty append Warning: Data.Text.Lazy.Builder.RealFloat: could not find link destinations for: floatToDigits Documentation created: dist/doc/html/text/index.html, dist/doc/html/text/text.txt Creating package registration file: /tmp/pkgConf-text-1.2.1126107205159473059.3 Installing library in /home/builder/hackage-server/build-cache/tmp-install/lib/x86_64-linux-ghc-7.10.2/text- Registering text- Installed text- Configuring utf8-string- Building utf8-string- Preprocessing library utf8-string- [1 of 5] Compiling Codec.Binary.UTF8.String ( Codec/Binary/UTF8/String.hs, dist/build/Codec/Binary/UTF8/String.o ) [2 of 5] Compiling Codec.Binary.UTF8.Generic ( Codec/Binary/UTF8/Generic.hs, dist/build/Codec/Binary/UTF8/Generic.o ) [3 of 5] Compiling Data.String.UTF8 ( Data/String/UTF8.hs, dist/build/Data/String/UTF8.o ) [4 of 5] Compiling Data.ByteString.Lazy.UTF8 ( Data/ByteString/Lazy/UTF8.hs, dist/build/Data/ByteString/Lazy/UTF8.o ) [5 of 5] Compiling Data.ByteString.UTF8 ( Data/ByteString/UTF8.hs, dist/build/Data/ByteString/UTF8.o ) In-place registering utf8-string- Running Haddock for utf8-string- Running hscolour for utf8-string- Preprocessing library utf8-string- Preprocessing library utf8-string- Haddock coverage: 100% ( 8 / 8) in 'Codec.Binary.UTF8.String' 94% ( 16 / 17) in 'Codec.Binary.UTF8.Generic' Missing documentation for: UTF8Bytes (Codec/Binary/UTF8/Generic.hs:48) 89% ( 24 / 27) in 'Data.String.UTF8' Missing documentation for: UTF8Bytes (Codec/Binary/UTF8/Generic.hs:48) fromRep (Data/String/UTF8.hs:59) toRep (Data/String/UTF8.hs:62) 100% ( 17 / 17) in 'Data.ByteString.Lazy.UTF8' 100% ( 17 / 17) in 'Data.ByteString.UTF8' Documentation created: dist/doc/html/utf8-string/index.html, dist/doc/html/utf8-string/utf8-string.txt Creating package registration file: /tmp/pkgConf-utf8-string-1.0.181757276114933990.1 Installing library in /home/builder/hackage-server/build-cache/tmp-install/lib/x86_64-linux-ghc-7.10.2/utf8-string- Registering utf8-string- Installed utf8-string- Configuring SG-1.0... Building SG-1.0... Preprocessing library SG-1.0... [1 of 8] Compiling Data.SG.Vector ( Data/SG/Vector.hs, dist/build/Data/SG/Vector.o ) Data/SG/Vector.hs:56:1: Warning: The import of ‘Foldable’ from module ‘Data.Foldable’ is redundant [2 of 8] Compiling Data.SG.Vector.Basic ( Data/SG/Vector/Basic.hs, dist/build/Data/SG/Vector/Basic.o ) Data/SG/Vector/Basic.hs:50:1: Warning: The import of ‘Data.Foldable’ is redundant except perhaps to import instances from ‘Data.Foldable’ To import instances alone, use: import Data.Foldable() [3 of 8] Compiling Data.SG.Geometry ( Data/SG/Geometry.hs, dist/build/Data/SG/Geometry.o ) Data/SG/Geometry.hs:64:13: Could not deduce (Eq a) arising from a use of ‘+’ from the context (Num a) bound by the type signature for plusDir :: Num a => Pair a -> Pair a -> Pair a at Data/SG/Geometry.hs:64:3-9 Possible fix: add (Eq a) to the context of the type signature for plusDir :: Num a => Pair a -> Pair a -> Pair a In the expression: (+) In an equation for ‘plusDir’: plusDir = (+) In the instance declaration for ‘Geometry Pair Pair LinePair’ Data/SG/Geometry.hs:65:12: Could not deduce (Eq a) arising from a use of ‘-’ from the context (Num a) bound by the type signature for fromPt :: Num a => Pair a -> Pair a -> Pair a at Data/SG/Geometry.hs:65:3-8 Possible fix: add (Eq a) to the context of the type signature for fromPt :: Num a => Pair a -> Pair a -> Pair a In the expression: (-) In an equation for ‘fromPt’: fromPt = (-) In the instance declaration for ‘Geometry Pair Pair LinePair’ Data/SG/Geometry.hs:70:13: Could not deduce (Eq a) arising from a use of ‘+’ from the context (Num a) bound by the type signature for plusDir :: Num a => Triple a -> Triple a -> Triple a at Data/SG/Geometry.hs:70:3-9 Possible fix: add (Eq a) to the context of the type signature for plusDir :: Num a => Triple a -> Triple a -> Triple a In the expression: (+) In an equation for ‘plusDir’: plusDir = (+) In the instance declaration for ‘Geometry Triple Triple LineTriple’ Data/SG/Geometry.hs:71:12: Could not deduce (Eq a) arising from a use of ‘-’ from the context (Num a) bound by the type signature for fromPt :: Num a => Triple a -> Triple a -> Triple a at Data/SG/Geometry.hs:71:3-8 Possible fix: add (Eq a) to the context of the type signature for fromPt :: Num a => Triple a -> Triple a -> Triple a In the expression: (-) In an equation for ‘fromPt’: fromPt = (-) In the instance declaration for ‘Geometry Triple Triple LineTriple’ Data/SG/Geometry.hs:164:8: Could not deduce (Eq a) arising from a use of ‘==’ from the context (Geometry rel pt ln, Coord2 rel, Coord2 pt, Fractional a) bound by the type signature for valueAtX :: (Geometry rel pt ln, Coord2 rel, Coord2 pt, Fractional a) => ln a -> a -> Maybe a at Data/SG/Geometry.hs:(161,13)-(162,25) Possible fix: add (Eq a) to the context of the type signature for valueAtX :: (Geometry rel pt ln, Coord2 rel, Coord2 pt, Fractional a) => ln a -> a -> Maybe a In the expression: xd == 0 In a stmt of a pattern guard for an equation for ‘valueAtX’: xd == 0 In an equation for ‘valueAtX’: valueAtX l tgt | xd == 0 = Nothing | otherwise = let t = (tgt - x) / xd in Just t where x = getX $ getLineStart l xd = getX $ getLineDir l Data/SG/Geometry.hs:177:8: Could not deduce (Eq a) arising from a use of ‘==’ from the context (Geometry rel pt ln, Coord2 rel, Coord2 pt, Fractional a) bound by the type signature for valueAtY :: (Geometry rel pt ln, Coord2 rel, Coord2 pt, Fractional a) => ln a -> a -> Maybe a at Data/SG/Geometry.hs:(174,13)-(175,25) Possible fix: add (Eq a) to the context of the type signature for valueAtY :: (Geometry rel pt ln, Coord2 rel, Coord2 pt, Fractional a) => ln a -> a -> Maybe a In the expression: yd == 0 In a stmt of a pattern guard for an equation for ‘valueAtY’: yd == 0 In an equation for ‘valueAtY’: valueAtY l tgt | yd == 0 = Nothing | otherwise = let t = (tgt - y) / yd in Just t where y = getY $ getLineStart l yd = getY $ getLineDir l Data/SG/Geometry.hs:190:8: Could not deduce (Eq a) arising from a use of ‘==’ from the context (Geometry rel pt ln, Coord3 rel, Coord3 pt, Fractional a) bound by the type signature for valueAtZ :: (Geometry rel pt ln, Coord3 rel, Coord3 pt, Fractional a) => ln a -> a -> Maybe a at Data/SG/Geometry.hs:(187,13)-(188,25) Possible fix: add (Eq a) to the context of the type signature for valueAtZ :: (Geometry rel pt ln, Coord3 rel, Coord3 pt, Fractional a) => ln a -> a -> Maybe a In the expression: zd == 0 In a stmt of a pattern guard for an equation for ‘valueAtZ’: zd == 0 In an equation for ‘valueAtZ’: valueAtZ l tgt | zd == 0 = Nothing | otherwise = let t = (tgt - z) / zd in Just t where z = getZ $ getLineStart l zd = getZ $ getLineDir l Failed to install SG-1.0 [1 of 2] Compiling SetupWrapper ( /tmp/cabal-tmp-20535/cairo-, /tmp/cabal-tmp-20535/cairo- ) [2 of 2] Compiling Main ( /tmp/cabal-tmp-20535/cairo-, /tmp/cabal-tmp-20535/cairo- ) Linking /tmp/cabal-tmp-20535/cairo- ... [1 of 2] Compiling Gtk2HsSetup ( Gtk2HsSetup.hs, dist/setup-wrapper/Gtk2HsSetup.o ) [2 of 2] Compiling Main ( SetupMain.hs, dist/setup-wrapper/Main.o ) Linking dist/setup-wrapper/setup ... Configuring cairo- setup: The following package dependencies were requested --dependency='utf8-string=utf8-string-' --dependency='text=text-' --dependency='mtl=mtl-2.2.1-bfb998dc8c11466235d862ade6fe90ac' however the given installed package instance does not exist. Failed to install cairo- cabal: Error: some packages failed to install: SG-1.0 failed during the building phase. The exception was: ExitFailure 1 cairo- failed during the configure step. The exception was: ExitFailure 1 hcg-minus-0.12 depends on SG-1.0 which failed to install. hcg-minus-cairo-0.12 depends on cairo- which failed to install.