-- |
-- Module      :  System.Win32.Com.ClassFactory
-- Copyright   :  (c) Sigbjorn Finne <sof@dcs.gla.ac.uk> 1998-99
-- License     :  BSD-style (see the file libraries/base/LICENSE)
-- Maintainer  :  sof@forkIO.com
-- Stability   :  provisional
-- Portability :  portable
-- Haskell implementation of a COM class factory \/ component instance creator.
module System.Win32.Com.ClassFactory 
    createClassFactory -- :: (IID a -> IO (PrimIP a)) -> IO (PrimIP ())

        , iidIClassFactory
  ) where

import System.Win32.Com
import System.Win32.Com.Server hiding ( createInstance )
import Foreign.Ptr
import System.Win32.Com.Exception     ( cLASS_E_NOAGGREGATION )
import System.IO.Unsafe ( unsafePerformIO )
import Data.IORef       ( IORef, newIORef, readIORef, writeIORef )

data ClassFactory a
 = ClassFactory {
         new_instance :: (IID (IUnknown ()) -> IO (IUnknown ())),
   lockCount    :: (IORef Int)

type IClassFactory a = IUnknown (ClassFactory a)

type This_ClassFactory = Ptr (IClassFactory ())

iidIClassFactory :: IID (IClassFactory ())
iidIClassFactory = mkIID "{00000001-0000-0000-C000-000000000046}"

--Class factory implementation:

createInstance :: This_ClassFactory 
               -> Ptr (IUnknown a)
         -> Ptr (IID (IUnknown ()))
         -> Ptr (Ptr (IUnknown b))
         -> IO HRESULT
createInstance this punkOuter riid ppv
 | punkOuter /= nullPtr = return cLASS_E_NOAGGREGATION
 | otherwise            = do
    st  <- getObjState this
    iid <- unmarshallIID False riid
    unk <- (new_instance st) iid
    writeIUnknown True ppv unk
    return s_OK

lockServer :: This_ClassFactory -> Int -> IO HRESULT
lockServer this ilock = do
    st    <- getObjState this
    let ref = lockCount st
    count <- readIORef ref
    if lock then
      writeIORef ref (count+1)
      writeIORef ref (count-1)
    return s_OK
    | ilock == 0 = False
    | otherwise  = True

foreign import stdcall "wrapper"
   export_createInstance :: (This_ClassFactory -> Ptr (IUnknown a) -> Ptr (IID (IUnknown ())) -> Ptr (Ptr (IUnknown b)) -> IO HRESULT)
                             -> IO (Ptr (This_ClassFactory -> Ptr (IUnknown a) -> Ptr (IID (IUnknown ())) -> Ptr (Ptr (IUnknown b)) -> IO HRESULT))

foreign import stdcall "wrapper"
   export_lockServer :: (Ptr (IUnknown a) -> Int -> IO HRESULT)
                         -> IO (Ptr (Ptr (IUnknown a) -> Int -> IO HRESULT))

createClassFactory :: (IID (IUnknown ()) -> IO (IUnknown ()))
       -> IO (IClassFactory ())
createClassFactory mkInst = do
   lcount <- newIORef 0
   let cf_state = ClassFactory mkInst lcount
   createComInstance ""
                     cf_state (return ())
         [mkIface iidIClassFactory iClassFactory_vtbl]
  guidIClassFactory = iidToGUID iidIClassFactory

iClassFactory_vtbl :: VTable (IClassFactory ()) (ClassFactory ())
iClassFactory_vtbl = unsafePerformIO $ do
   addrOf_cI <- export_createInstance createInstance
   addrOf_lS <- export_lockServer     lockServer
   createComVTable [castPtr addrOf_cI, castPtr addrOf_lS]