-- |
-- Module      :  System.Win32.Com.Server.ConnectionPoint
-- Copyright   :  (c) Sigbjorn Finne <sof@dcs.gla.ac.uk> 1998-99
-- License     :  BSD-style (see the file libraries/base/LICENSE)
-- Maintainer  :  sof@forkIO.com
-- Stability   :  provisional
-- Portability :  portable
-- Generic implementation of COM connectable objects \/ connection points,
-- server side.
-- The connection between this framework impl. and the Haskell object
-- responsible for firing events on the registered sinks, is still
-- up in the air. The current arrangement is for the object and a
-- particular connection point to share an IORef holding the current
-- set of registered sinks. The object will then fire the events
-- by using the (generated) stubs for that particular event interface.
-- Probably want to abstract away the details of how sink broadcasting
-- is done.
module System.Win32.Com.Server.ConnectionPoint 
        ) where

import System.Win32.Com.Server
import System.Win32.Com.Automation.Connection ( iidIConnectionPointContainer, iidIConnectionPoint,
            IConnectionPointContainer, IConnectionPoint,
            iidIEnumConnections, iidIEnumConnectionPoints
import System.Win32.Com
import System.Win32.Com.HDirect.HDirect ( writeWord32, Ptr, sizeofPtr )
import System.Win32.Com.Server.EnumInterface ( mkEnumInterface )
import Foreign.Ptr
import Foreign.ForeignPtr
import Foreign.Storable
import System.IO.Unsafe ( unsafePerformIO )
import System.IO        ( fixIO  )
import Data.IORef       ( IORef, newIORef, readIORef, writeIORef )
import Data.Word
import Data.Int
import System.Win32.Com.Exception

import Control.Exception

type ThisPtr = Ptr (IUnknown ())

mkConnectionContainer :: [(IID (IUnknown ()), IORef [(Word32, IUnknown ())])]
                      -> IO (IConnectionPointContainer ())
mkConnectionContainer ls = fixIO $ \ ip -> do
  let ils = unsafePerformIO (mapM (mkConnection ip) ls)
  addrOf_eCP <- export_enumCP (enumConnectionPoints (map snd ils))
  addrOf_fCP <- export_fCP    (findConnectionPoint ils)
  vtbl       <- createComVTable [ castPtr addrOf_eCP, castPtr addrOf_fCP ]
  createComInstance "" () (return ())
                    [mkIface iidIConnectionPointContainer vtbl]
mkConnection :: IConnectionPointContainer ()
             -> (IID (IUnknown ()), IORef [(Word32, IUnknown ())])
             -> IO (IID (IUnknown ()), IConnectionPoint ())
mkConnection ip (iid, regd_sinks) = do
  vtbl <- mkConnectionPointVTBL ip iid regd_sinks
  ip   <- createComInstance "" () (return ())
                            [ mkIface iidIConnectionPoint vtbl ]
  return (iid, ip)

mkConnectionPointVTBL :: IConnectionPointContainer ()
              -> IID (IUnknown iid)
                      -> IORef [(Word32, IUnknown ())]
                      -> IO (ComVTable (IConnectionPoint a) objState)
mkConnectionPointVTBL ip iid sinks = do
   addrOf_gi    <- export_gi    (getConnectionInterface iid)
   addrOf_gcpc  <- export_gcpc  (getConnectionPointContainer ip)
   cookie_ref   <- newIORef (0::Word32)
   addrOf_adv   <- export_adv   (advise sinks cookie_ref iid)
   addrOf_unadv <- export_unadv (unadvise sinks)
   addrOf_eC    <- export_eCP   (enumConnections sinks)
         [ castPtr addrOf_gi , castPtr addrOf_gcpc , castPtr addrOf_adv, castPtr addrOf_unadv, castPtr addrOf_eC ]

getConnectionInterface :: IID iid
                       -> ThisPtr
               -> Ptr GUID
               -> IO HRESULT
getConnectionInterface iid _ piid 
  | piid == nullPtr  = return e_POINTER
  | otherwise        = do
     writeGUID piid (iidToGUID iid)
     return s_OK

foreign import stdcall "wrapper"
    export_gi :: (ThisPtr -> Ptr GUID -> IO HRESULT) -> IO (Ptr (ThisPtr -> Ptr GUID -> IO HRESULT))

getConnectionPointContainer :: IConnectionPointContainer ()
                            -> ThisPtr
                            -> Ptr (Ptr (IUnknown b))
                            -> IO HRESULT
getConnectionPointContainer ip _ pip = do
   writeIUnknown True{-addRef-} pip ip
   return s_OK

foreign import stdcall "wrapper"
    export_gcpc :: (ThisPtr -> Ptr (Ptr (IUnknown b)) -> IO HRESULT)
     -> IO (Ptr (ThisPtr -> Ptr (Ptr (IUnknown b)) -> IO HRESULT))

advise :: IORef [(Word32,IUnknown ())]
       -> IORef Word32
       -> IID (IUnknown iid)
       -> ThisPtr
       -> PrimIP ()
       -> Ptr Word32
       -> IO HRESULT
advise sinks cookie_ref iid this pUnkSink pdwCookie = do
  ls      <- readIORef sinks
  cookie  <- readIORef cookie_ref
  ip      <- unmarshallIUnknown False pUnkSink
  catch (do
     ip2 <- ip # queryInterface iid
     if nullPtr == pdwCookie then
        return e_POINTER
      else do
        writeIORef cookie_ref (cookie+1)
        writeIORef sinks ((cookie,castIface ip2):ls)
        writeWord32 pdwCookie cookie
        return s_OK
   )(\ e -> do
    p <- return $ show (e :: SomeException)

foreign import stdcall "wrapper"
   export_adv :: (ThisPtr -> PrimIP () -> Ptr Word32 -> IO HRESULT)
                   -> IO (Ptr (ThisPtr -> PrimIP () -> Ptr Word32 -> IO HRESULT))

unadvise :: IORef [(Word32,IUnknown ())]
         -> ThisPtr
         -> Word32
         -> IO HRESULT
unadvise sinks this dwCookie = do
  ls     <- readIORef sinks
  case break ((==dwCookie).fst) ls of
    (ls,[])    -> return cONNECT_E_NOCONNECTION
    (ls, _:rs) -> do
     -- just drop the interface pointer and let
     -- the GC release it.
       writeIORef sinks (ls++rs)
       return s_OK

foreign import stdcall "wrapper"
    export_unadv :: (ThisPtr -> Word32 -> IO HRESULT) -> IO (Ptr (ThisPtr -> Word32 -> IO HRESULT))

enumConnections :: IORef [(Word32,IUnknown ())]
                -> ThisPtr
            -> Ptr (Ptr (IUnknown a))
                -> IO HRESULT
enumConnections sinks this ppCP
  | ppCP == nullPtr  = return e_POINTER
  | otherwise        = do
    ls   <- readIORef sinks
    vtbl <- mkEnumInterface (map snd ls) (fromIntegral sizeofPtr) (writeIUnknown True)
    ip   <- createComInstance "" () (return ())
                          [mkIface iidIEnumConnections vtbl]
    writeIUnknown True ppCP ip
    return s_OK

foreign import stdcall "wrapper"
    export_enumCP :: (ThisPtr -> Ptr (Ptr (IUnknown b)) -> IO HRESULT) -> IO (Ptr (ThisPtr -> Ptr (Ptr (IUnknown b)) -> IO HRESULT))

enumConnectionPoints :: [IConnectionPoint ()]
                     -> ThisPtr
                     -> Ptr (Ptr (IUnknown b))
                     -> IO HRESULT
enumConnectionPoints ls this ppEnum 
  | ppEnum == nullPtr  = return e_POINTER
  | otherwise           = do
     vtbl <- mkEnumInterface ls (fromIntegral sizeofPtr) (writeIUnknown True)
     ip   <- createComInstance "" () (return ())
                               [mkIface iidIEnumConnectionPoints vtbl]
     writeIUnknown True ppEnum ip
     return s_OK

foreign import stdcall "wrapper"
    export_eCP :: (ThisPtr -> Ptr (Ptr (IUnknown b)) -> IO HRESULT) -> IO (Ptr (ThisPtr -> Ptr (Ptr (IUnknown b)) -> IO HRESULT))

findConnectionPoint :: [(IID (IUnknown ()), IConnectionPoint ())]
            -> ThisPtr
            -> Ptr GUID
            -> Ptr (Ptr (IUnknown ()))
            -> IO HRESULT
findConnectionPoint ls this riid ppCP 
  | ppCP == nullPtr  = return e_POINTER
  | otherwise        = do
     guid <- unmarshallGUID False riid
     let iid = guidToIID guid
     case (lookup iid ls) of
       Nothing -> do
          poke ppCP nullPtr
          return cONNECT_E_NOCONNECTION
       Just i  -> do
          writeIUnknown True ppCP i
          return s_OK

foreign import stdcall "wrapper"
    export_fCP :: (ThisPtr -> Ptr GUID -> Ptr (Ptr (IUnknown b)) -> IO HRESULT) -> IO (Ptr (ThisPtr -> Ptr GUID -> Ptr (Ptr     (IUnknown b)) -> IO HRESULT))