-- |
-- Module      :  HCube.Permutation
-- Copyright   :  (c) Todd Wegner 2013
-- License     :  BSD-style (see the LICENSE file)
-- Maintainer  :  todd.w.wegner@gmail.com
-- Stability   :  provisional
-- Portability :  portable
-- Generation of permutation representation of cube.
module HCube.Permutation (genPerm) where

import Math.Algebra.Group.PermutationGroup (Permutation, fromPairs')
import HCube.Lib
import HCube.Data

-- | Map a cube operation to an element of the permutation group.
genPerm 		:: Size -> (Rubik -> [Cube]) -> Rotation -> Permutation Numb
genPerm sz fn rt	= fromPairs' . g $ doCubeOps [rt] f  where
    f			= initCube sz
    g rb		= map h $ fn rb
    h (Cube ps or ci)	= (ci, posToId sz ps)

-- [crn, edg, cnt, hid]
all = map f  [crn, edg, cnt, hid] where
    f fu = genPerm 3 fu (Rotation Layer Clockwise 3)

l = genPerm 3 edg (Rotation Layer Clockwise 3)
ll = genPerm2 3 edg (Rotation Layer Clockwise 3)
lll = toPairs l

m = genPerm 3 edg (Rotation HSlice Clockwise 3)

n = supp m