{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
module System.Posix.Daemonize (
  -- * Simple daemonization
  -- * Building system services
  serviced, CreateDaemon(..), simpleDaemon,
  -- * Intradaemon utilities
  fatalError, exitCleanly,
  -- * Logging utilities
  ) where

{- originally based on code from
   http://sneakymustard.com/2008/12/11/haskell-daemons -}

import Control.Monad (when)
import Control.Monad.Trans
import Control.Exception.Extensible
import qualified Control.Monad as M (forever)

#if MIN_VERSION_base(4,6,0)
import Prelude
import Prelude hiding (catch)

#if !(MIN_VERSION_base(4,8,0))
import Control.Applicative ((<$), (<$>))

import Data.ByteString (ByteString)
import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as ByteString
import Data.ByteString.Unsafe (unsafeUseAsCStringLen)
import Data.Maybe (isNothing, fromMaybe, fromJust)
import System.Environment
import System.Exit
import System.Posix
import System.Posix.Syslog (Priority(..), Facility(Daemon), Option, withSyslog)
import qualified System.Posix.Syslog as Log
import System.FilePath.Posix (joinPath)

syslog :: Priority -> ByteString -> IO ()
syslog pri msg = unsafeUseAsCStringLen msg (Log.syslog (Just Daemon) pri)

-- | Turning a process into a daemon involves a fixed set of
-- operations on unix systems, described in section 13.3 of Stevens
-- and Rago, "Advanced Programming in the Unix Environment."  Since
-- they are fixed, they can be written as a single function,
-- 'daemonize' taking an 'IO' action which represents the daemon's
-- actual activity.
-- Briefly, 'daemonize' sets the file creation mask to 0, forks twice,
-- changed the working directory to @/@, closes stdin, stdout, and
-- stderr, blocks 'sigHUP', and runs its argument.  Strictly, it
-- should close all open file descriptors, but this is not possible in
-- a sensible way in Haskell.
-- The most trivial daemon would be
-- > daemonize (forever $ return ())
-- which does nothing until killed.

daemonize :: IO () -> IO ()
daemonize program = do
        setFileCreationMask 0
        forkProcess p
        exitImmediately ExitSuccess
      p  = do createSession
              forkProcess p'
              exitImmediately ExitSuccess
      p' = do changeWorkingDirectory "/"
              blockSignal sigHUP

-- | 'serviced' turns a program into a UNIX daemon (system service)
--   ready to be deployed to /etc/rc.d or similar startup folder.  It
--   is meant to be used in the @main@ function of a program, such as
-- > serviced simpleDaemon
--   The resulting program takes one of three arguments: @start@,
--   @stop@, and @restart@.  All control the status of a daemon by
--   looking for a file containing a text string holding the PID of
--   any running instance.  Conventionally, this file is in
--   @/var/run/$name.pid@, where $name is the executable's name.  For
--   obvious reasons, this file is known as a PID file.
--   @start@ makes the program write a PID file.  If the file already
--   exists, it refuses to start, guaranteeing there is only one
--   instance of the daemon at any time.
--   @stop@ read the PID file, and terminates the process whose pid is
--   written therein.  First it does a soft kill, SIGTERM, giving the
--   daemon a chance to shut down cleanly, then three seconds later a
--   hard kill which the daemon cannot catch or escape.
--   @restart@ is simple @stop@ followed by @start@.
--   'serviced' also tries to drop privileges.  If you don't specify a
--   user the daemon should run as, it will try to switch to a user
--   with the same name as the daemon, and otherwise to user @daemon@.
--   It goes through the same sequence for group.  Just to complicate
--   matters, the name of the daemon is by default the name of the
--   executable file, but can again be set to something else in the
--   'CreateDaemon' record.
--   Finally, exceptions in the program are caught, logged to syslog,
--   and the program restarted.

serviced :: CreateDaemon a -> IO ()
serviced daemon = do
        systemName <- getProgName
        let daemon' = daemon { name = if isNothing (name daemon)
                                        then Just systemName else name daemon }
        args <- getArgs
        process daemon' args
      program' daemon = withSyslog (fromJust (name daemon)) (syslogOptions daemon) Daemon $
                      do let log = syslog Notice
                         log "starting"
                         pidWrite daemon
                         privVal <- privilegedAction daemon
                         dropPrivileges daemon
                         forever $ program daemon privVal

      process daemon ["start"] = pidExists daemon >>= f where
          f True  = do error "PID file exists. Process already running?"
                       exitImmediately (ExitFailure 1)
          f False = daemonize (program' daemon)

      process daemon ["stop"]  =
          do pid <- pidRead daemon
             case pid of
               Nothing  -> pass
               Just pid ->
                   whenM (pidLive pid)
                            (do signalProcess sigTERM pid
                                usleep (10^3)
                                wait (killWait daemon) pid)
                   removeLink (pidFile daemon)

      process daemon ["restart"] = do process daemon ["stop"]
                                      process daemon ["start"]

      process daemon ["status"] = pidExists daemon >>= f where
        f True =
          do pid <- pidRead daemon
             case pid of
               Nothing -> putStrLn $ fromJust (name daemon) ++ " is not running."
               Just pid ->
                 do res <- pidLive pid
                    if res then
                              putStrLn $ fromJust (name daemon) ++ " is running."
                         else putStrLn $ fromJust (name daemon) ++ " is not running, but pidfile is remaining."
        f False = putStrLn $ fromJust (name daemon) ++ " is not running."

      process _      _ =
        getProgName >>= \pname -> putStrLn $ "usage: " ++ pname ++ " {start|stop|status|restart}"

      -- Wait 'secs' seconds for the process to exit, checking
      -- for liveness once a second.  If still alive send sigKILL.
      wait :: Maybe Int -> CPid -> IO ()
      wait secs pid =
          whenM (pidLive pid) $
               if maybe True (> 0) secs
               then do usleep (10^6)
                       wait (fmap (\x->x-1) secs) pid
               else signalProcess sigKILL pid

-- | A monadic-conditional version of the "when" guard (copied from shelly.)
whenM :: Monad m => m Bool -> m () -> m ()
whenM c a = c >>= \res -> when res a

-- | The details of any given daemon are fixed by the 'CreateDaemon'
-- record passed to 'serviced'.  You can also take a predefined form
-- of 'CreateDaemon', such as 'simpleDaemon' below, and set what
-- options you want, rather than defining the whole record yourself.
data CreateDaemon a = CreateDaemon {
  privilegedAction :: IO a, -- ^ An action to be run as root, before
                            -- permissions are dropped, e.g., binding
                            -- a trusted port.
  program :: a -> IO (), -- ^ The actual guts of the daemon, more or less
                         -- the @main@ function.  Its argument is the result
                         -- of running 'privilegedAction' before dropping
                         -- privileges.
  name :: Maybe String, -- ^ The name of the daemon, which is used as
                        -- the name for the PID file, as the name that
                        -- appears in the system logs, and as the user
                        -- and group the daemon tries to run as if
                        -- none are explicitly specified.  In general,
                        -- this should be 'Nothing', in which case the
                        -- system defaults to the name of the
                        -- executable file containing the daemon.
  user :: Maybe String, -- ^ Most daemons are initially run as root,
                        -- and try to change to another user so they
                        -- have fewer privileges and represent less of
                        -- a security threat.  This field specifies
                        -- which user it should try to run as.  If it
                        -- is 'Nothing', or if the user does not exist
                        -- on the system, it next tries to become a
                        -- user with the same name as the daemon, and
                        -- if that fails, the user @daemon@.
  group :: Maybe String, -- ^ 'group' is the group the daemon should
                         -- try to run as, and works the same way as
                         -- the user field.
  syslogOptions :: [Option], -- ^ The options the daemon should set on
                             -- syslog.  You can safely leave this as @[]@.
  pidfileDirectory :: Maybe FilePath, -- ^ The directory where the
                                      -- daemon should write and look
                                      -- for the PID file.  'Nothing'
                                      -- means @/var/run@.  Unless you
                                      -- have a good reason to do
                                      -- otherwise, leave this as
                                      -- 'Nothing'.
  killWait :: Maybe Int -- ^ How many seconds to wait between sending
                        -- sigTERM and sending sigKILL.  If Nothing
                        -- wait forever.  Default 4.

-- | The simplest possible instance of 'CreateDaemon' is
-- > CreateDaemon {
-- >  privilegedAction = return ()
-- >  program = const $ forever $ return ()
-- >  name = Nothing,
-- >  user = Nothing,
-- >  group = Nothing,
-- >  syslogOptions = [],
-- >  pidfileDirectory = Nothing,
-- > }
-- which does nothing forever with all default settings.  We give it a
-- name, 'simpleDaemon', since you may want to use it as a template
-- and modify only the fields that you need.

simpleDaemon :: CreateDaemon ()
simpleDaemon = CreateDaemon {
  name = Nothing,
  user = Nothing,
  group = Nothing,
  syslogOptions = [],
  pidfileDirectory = Nothing,
  program = const $ M.forever $ return (),
  privilegedAction = return (),
  killWait = Just 4

{- implementation -}

forever :: IO () -> IO ()
forever program =
    program `catch` restart where
        restart :: SomeException -> IO ()
        restart e =
            do syslog Error $ ByteString.pack ("unexpected exception: " ++ show e)
               syslog Error "restarting in 5 seconds"
               usleep (5 * 10^6)
               forever program

closeFileDescriptors :: IO ()
closeFileDescriptors =
    do null <- openFd "/dev/null" ReadWrite Nothing defaultFileFlags
       let sendTo fd' fd = closeFd fd >> dupTo fd' fd
       mapM_ (sendTo null) [stdInput, stdOutput, stdError]

blockSignal :: Signal -> IO ()
blockSignal sig = installHandler sig Ignore Nothing >> pass

getGroupID :: String -> IO (Maybe GroupID)
getGroupID group =
        f <$> try (fmap groupID (getGroupEntryForName group))
        f :: Either IOException GroupID -> Maybe GroupID
        f (Left _)    = Nothing
        f (Right gid) = Just gid

getUserID :: String -> IO (Maybe UserID)
getUserID user =
        f <$> try (fmap userID (getUserEntryForName user))
        f :: Either IOException UserID -> Maybe UserID
        f (Left _)    = Nothing
        f (Right uid) = Just uid

dropPrivileges :: CreateDaemon a -> IO ()
dropPrivileges daemon =
    do Just ud <- getUserID "daemon"
       Just gd <- getGroupID "daemon"
       let targetUser = fromMaybe (fromJust $ name daemon) (user daemon)
           targetGroup = fromMaybe (fromJust $ name daemon) (group daemon)
       u <- fromMaybe ud <$> getUserID targetUser
       g <- fromMaybe gd <$> getGroupID targetGroup
       setGroupID g
       setUserID u

pidFile:: CreateDaemon a -> String
pidFile daemon = joinPath [dir, fromJust (name daemon) ++ ".pid"]
  where dir = fromMaybe "/var/run" (pidfileDirectory daemon)

pidExists :: CreateDaemon a -> IO Bool
pidExists daemon = fileExist (pidFile daemon)

pidRead :: CreateDaemon a -> IO (Maybe CPid)
pidRead daemon = pidExists daemon >>= choose where
    choose True  = return . read <$> readFile (pidFile daemon)
    choose False = return Nothing

pidWrite :: CreateDaemon a -> IO ()
pidWrite daemon =
    getProcessID >>= \pid ->
    writeFile (pidFile daemon) (show pid)

pidLive :: CPid -> IO Bool
pidLive pid =
    (getProcessPriority pid >> return True) `catch` f where
        f :: IOException -> IO Bool
        f _ = return False

pass :: IO ()
pass = return ()

-- | When you encounter an error where the only sane way to handle it
-- is to write an error to the log and die messily, use fatalError.
-- This is a good candidate for things like not being able to find
-- configuration files on startup.
fatalError :: MonadIO m => String -> m a
fatalError msg = liftIO $ do
  syslog Error $ ByteString.pack $ "Terminating from error: " ++ msg
  exitImmediately (ExitFailure 1)
  undefined -- You will never reach this; it's there to make the type checker happy

-- | Use this function when the daemon should terminate normally.  It
-- logs a message, and exits with status 0.
exitCleanly :: MonadIO m => m a
exitCleanly = liftIO $ do
  syslog Notice "Exiting."
  exitImmediately ExitSuccess
  undefined -- You will never reach this; it's there to make the type checker happy