-- | Graph drawing
module Sound.DF.Draw (view) where

import Sound.DF.Node
import Sound.DF.Graph

import qualified Data.Graph.Inductive as G
import Data.Maybe
import Data.List
import System.Cmd
import System.Directory
import System.FilePath

-- | Implicit edge from wR to rW.
r_edge :: [(NodeID, Node)] -> (NodeID, Node) -> Maybe Edge
r_edge ns (i, R (R_ID d) (Left _)) =
    let f x (_, R (R_ID y) (Right _)) = x == y
        f _ _ = False
        (j, _) = fromMaybe (error "r_edge") (find (f d) ns)
    in Just ((j,0),(i,0))
r_edge _ _ = Nothing

-- | Transform the actual graph into the viewing graph.
vgraph :: G.Gr Node (PortID, PortID) -> G.Gr Node (PortID, PortID)
vgraph g = let ns = G.labNodes g
               es = G.labEdges g
               es' = map mod_e (mapMaybe (r_edge ns) ns)
           in G.mkGraph ns (es ++ es')

draw :: Node -> String
draw = G.graphviz' . vgraph . graph

-- | Draw graph using graphviz.
view :: Node -> IO ()
view n = do t <- getTemporaryDirectory
            let s = draw n
                fn = t </> "df_view" <.> "dot"
            writeFile fn s
            _ <- rawSystem "dotty" [fn]
            return ()