% % (c) The Foo Project, University of Glasgow, 1998 % % @(#) $Docid: Aug. 28th 2001 12:06 Sigbjorn Finne $ % @(#) $Contactid: sof@galconn.com $ % Abstract Syntax Tree for OMG/MS IDL Declarations: \begin{code}
module IDLSyn where

import Literal
import BasicTypes

\end{code} The abstract syntax for declarations/definitions in IDL. \begin{code}
data Defn 
 = Typedef    Type [Attribute] [Id]
 | TypeDecl   Type  --structs, unions (w/ tag) and enums.
 | ExternDecl Type [Id]
 | Constant   Id [Attribute] Type Expr
 | Attributed [Attribute] Defn
 | Attribute  [Id] Bool Type
 | Operation  Id Type {-[Param]-} (Maybe Raises) (Maybe Context)
 | Exception  Id [Member]
 | Interface  Id Inherit [Defn]
 | Forward    Id
   -- MS specific declaration groups:
 | Module        Id [Defn]
 | DispInterface Id [([Attribute],Type,Id)] [Defn]
 | DispInterfaceDecl Id Id
 | CoClass Id [CoClassMember]
 | Library Id [Defn]
 | CppQuote String
 | HsQuote  String
 | CInclude String
 | Import    [(String,[Defn])]
 | ImportLib    String -- importing a type library.
 | Pragma       String
 | IncludeStart String
 | IncludeEnd
   deriving ( Eq )

\end{code} An identifier could be followed by bracketed expressions(?) specifying the dimensions of the array, i.e., foo[2][3] Notice that it is convenient for the parser to associate attributes with definitions and parameters, and not with IDL Ids directly (as is done in CoreIDL). That being said, an 'attributed Id' is also provided, not used by the parser, but the desugarer employs it to decorate Ids prior to CoreIDL translation. \begin{code}
data Id 
 = Id String 
 | AttrId  [Attribute] Id  
 | ArrayId Id [Expr]  -- 0,1 or 2 expressions.
 | Pointed [[Qualifier]] Id
 | CConvId CallConv Id
 | BitFieldId Int   Id
 | FunId Id (Maybe CallConv) [Param]
   deriving ( Eq )
\end{code} Big type encoding type constants and constructors provided with IDL. \begin{code}
data Type
 = TyApply Type Type
 | TyInteger Size
 | TyFloat   Size
 | TyStable
 | TyChar
 | TySigned  Bool
 | TyWChar
 | TyBool   
 | TyOctet
 | TyAny    
 | TyObject
 | TyStruct (Maybe Id) [Member] (Maybe Int)
 | TyString (Maybe Expr)
 | TyWString (Maybe Expr)
 | TySequence Type (Maybe Expr)
 | TyFixed (Maybe (Expr, IntegerLit))
 | TyName String (Maybe Type)
 | TyIface Name
 | TyUnion (Maybe Id) Type Id (Maybe Id) [Switch] -- encapsulated union.
 | TyEnum (Maybe Id) [(Id, [Attribute], Maybe Expr)]
   -- MS specific types:
 | TyUnionNon (Maybe Id) [Switch] -- non-encapsulated union.
 | TyCUnion (Maybe Id) [Member]
            (Maybe Int)     -- C-style union.
 | TyBString
 | TyPointer Type
 | TyArray Type [Expr]
 | TySafeArray Type
 | TyFun (Maybe CallConv) Type [Param]
 | TyVoid
 | TyQualifier Qualifier
   deriving ( Eq )

data Expr
 = Binary BinaryOp Expr Expr
 | Cond   Expr Expr Expr
 | Unary  UnaryOp Expr
 | Var    Name
 | Lit    Literal
 | Cast   Type Expr
 | Sizeof Type
   deriving ( Eq )

type Raises = [Name]
type Context = [String]

type CoClassMember = (Bool, Id, [Attribute])

data Param      = Param Id Type [Attribute]
		  deriving ( Eq )

type Member     = (Type, [Attribute], [Id])

data Attribute  
 = Attrib Id [AttrParam]  -- name(e1,..,en)
 | Mode ParamDir
   deriving ( Eq )

data AttrParam 
  = AttrExpr Expr
  | EmptyAttr         -- size_is(,e) => [EmptyAttr,attr_param e]
  | AttrLit Literal
  | AttrPtr AttrParam
   deriving ( Eq )

data Switch    = Switch [CaseLabel] (Maybe SwitchArm) 
		 deriving ( Eq )
data CaseLabel = Case [Expr] | Default
		 deriving ( Eq )

-- switch arms can have attributes along with type and
-- declarator, just as proc. params.
type SwitchArm = Param

data GNUAttrib
 = Packed
 | CConv         CallConv
 | Unsupported   String
   deriving (Eq)