STANDALONE_DIST=YES #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Begin by slurping in the boilerplate from one level up. # Remember, TOP is the top level of the innermost level # (FPTOOLS_TOP is the fptools top) # We need to set TOP to be the TOP that the next level up expects! # The TOP variable is reset after the inclusion of the fptools # boilerplate, so we stash TOP away first: ifneq "$(STANDALONE_DIST)" "YES" HDIRECT_TOP := $(TOP) TOP:=$(TOP)/.. include $(TOP)/mk/ # Reset TOP TOP:=$(HDIRECT_TOP) endif # Determine what platform we're on; currently, we only need # to distinguish between compiling on a Win32 box or not. # Iff the OS env variable isn't defined, check for windir. IS_WIN9x=$(patsubst X%X,YES,$(subst XX,NO,X$(windir)X)) FOR_WIN32=$(patsubst X%X,YES,$(subst XX,$(IS_WIN9x),X$(OS)X)) ifeq "$(STANDALONE_DIST)" "YES" # This rule makes sure that "all" is the default target, regardless of where it appears # THIS RULE MUST REMAIN FIRST! default: all include $(TOP)/ endif WAYS=$(HDirectWays) ifneq "$(STANDALONE_DIST)" "YES" GHC_TOP=$(HDIRECT_TOP)/../ghc include $(GHC_TOP)/mk/ endif include $(TOP)/mk/ include $(TOP)/mk/ include $(TOP)/mk/ include $(TOP)/mk/ ifeq "$(STANDALONE_DIST)" "YES" -include .depend endif