  , RecordWildCards
  , NamedFieldPuns
  , ViewPatterns #-}

-- | Interface to the @udis86@ disassembler.
-- The goal at this level of wrapping is to provide the
-- maximum feature-set from the underlying C library,
-- with the minimum of C-related headaches. Therefore,
-- this module's API is thoroughly imperative, but uses
-- Haskellish types and automatic resource management.
-- For a higher-level, @IO@-free API, see "Hdis86.Pure".
-- This module is fully thread-safe: any number of threads
-- may manipulate one or several @'UD'@ objects at the same
-- time.  The individual operations exported by this module
-- are guaranteed to be atomic.
module Hdis86.IO
  ( -- * Instances
  , newUD

    -- * Input sources
  , setInputBuffer
  , InputHook, setInputHook
  , unsetInput

    -- * Disassembly
  , advance, skip, setIP
  , run

    -- * Inspecting the output
  , getInstruction
  , getLength, getOffset
  , getHex, getBytes, getAssembly
  , getMetadata

    -- * Configuration
  , setConfig
  , setVendor, setCPUMode, setSyntax

    -- * Callbacks
  , setCallback

    -- * Unsafe operations
  , unsafeSetInputPtr
  , unsafeRunLazy
  ) where

import qualified Hdis86.C as C
import Hdis86.Types
import Hdis86.Internal.Map

import Data.Typeable ( Typeable )
import Control.Concurrent.MVar
  ( MVar, newMVar, withMVar, modifyMVar_, addMVarFinalizer )
import Foreign
import Foreign.C.String
import Control.Applicative hiding ( Const )
import Control.Monad
import Data.Maybe
import Data.Function

import qualified Data.ByteString          as BS
import qualified Data.ByteString.Internal as BS

import System.IO.Unsafe ( unsafeInterleaveIO )

-- We keep track of the current input source and
-- the current translator so that these resources
-- can be freed automatically.

data Input
  = InNone
  | InHook (FunPtr C.InputHook)
  | InBuf  (ForeignPtr Word8)
  | InPtr

data XlatType
  = XlBuiltin
  | XlCustom

data State = State
  { udPtr      :: Ptr C.UD_t
  , udInput    :: Input
  , udXlatType :: XlatType
  , udXlat     :: FunPtr C.Translator }

-- | Abstract type representing an instance of the disassembler.
newtype UD = UD (MVar State)
  deriving (Typeable)

setInput :: Input -> State -> IO State
setInput inpt st@State{udInput} = do
  case udInput of
    InHook fp -> freeHaskellFunPtr fp
    -- We make sure any ByteString's contents stay valid to this point
    InBuf ptr -> touchForeignPtr ptr
    _ -> return ()
  return $ st { udInput = inpt }

setXlat :: XlatType -> FunPtr C.Translator -> State -> IO State
setXlat ty fp st@State{udPtr, udXlat, udXlatType} = do
  case udXlatType of
    XlCustom -> freeHaskellFunPtr udXlat
    _ -> return ()
  C.set_syntax udPtr fp
  return $ st { udXlatType = ty, udXlat = fp }

finalizeState :: MVar State -> IO ()
finalizeState = flip withMVar $ \st@State{udPtr} -> do
  _ <- setInput InNone st
  _ <- setXlat  XlBuiltin nullFunPtr st
  free udPtr

-- | Create a new disassembler instance.
-- There is no @deleteUD@.  Associated resources will be freed automatically
-- after this @'UD'@ value becomes unreachable.
newUD :: IO UD
newUD = do
  p <- mallocBytes C.sizeof_ud_t
  C.init p
  s <- newMVar $ State p InNone XlBuiltin nullFunPtr
  addMVarFinalizer s (finalizeState s)
  return $ UD s

withUDPtr :: UD -> (Ptr C.UD_t -> IO a) -> IO a
withUDPtr (UD s) f = withMVar s $ \State{udPtr} -> f udPtr

-- | A custom input source.
-- Each time this action is executed, it should return a single byte of
-- input, or @'Nothing'@ if there are no more bytes to read.
type InputHook = IO (Maybe Word8)

-- | Register an @'InputHook'@ to provide machine code to disassemble.
setInputHook :: UD -> InputHook -> IO ()
setInputHook (UD s) f = modifyMVar_ s $ \st@State{udPtr} -> do
  fp <- C.wrap_InputHook (maybe C.eoi fromIntegral <$> f)
  C.set_input_hook udPtr fp
  setInput (InHook fp) st

-- no wrapper for C.set_input_file, as I have not found a good way to
-- make a C FILE* from Haskell code, and file reading is also possible
-- through setInputHook.

-- | Set up the @'UD'@ instance to read directly from memory.
-- Given are a pointer to a memory region, and the length of that region.
-- This is an unsafe operation because the contents of the memory region
-- might change, especially if it's part of the heap managed by GHC's
-- garbage collector.
-- You are responsible for ensuring that the memory pointed to does not
-- change or become invalid until another input source is selected.
-- You cannot rely on garbage collection of the @'UD'@ value, because
-- finalization may be delayed arbitrarily long after the value becomes
-- unreachable.
-- It should be safe to use this on the static code segment of your
-- process, which is useful when your Haskell program needs to
-- disassemble itself.
unsafeSetInputPtr :: UD -> Ptr Word8 -> Word -> IO ()
unsafeSetInputPtr (UD s) ptr len = modifyMVar_ s $ \st@State{udPtr} -> do
  C.set_input_buffer udPtr (castPtr ptr) (fromIntegral len)
  setInput InPtr st

-- | Clear any previous input source setting.
-- This allows the @'UD'@ instance to free any resources associated with
-- the input source.  Those resources would be freed automatically after
-- the @'UD'@ value becomes unreachable, but you can use @'unsetInput'@
-- to force this to happen earlier.
unsetInput :: UD -> IO ()
unsetInput (UD s) = modifyMVar_ s $ \st@State{udPtr} -> do
  C.set_input_buffer udPtr nullPtr 0
  setInput InNone st

-- | Set up the @'UD'@ instance to read machine code from a @'BS.ByteString'@.
-- This library does not copy the contents of the @'BS.ByteString'@.
-- It will hold onto the value until another input source is selected,
-- or until the @'UD'@ value becomes unreachable.
-- This means that @'setInputBuffer'@ is both safe and efficient, but it
-- may inhibit garbage collection of a larger @'BS.ByteString'@ containing
-- the input.  To prevent this, use @ByteString.@@'BS.copy'@.
setInputBuffer :: UD -> BS.ByteString -> IO ()
setInputBuffer (UD s) bs = modifyMVar_ s $ \st@State{udPtr} -> do
  let (ptr, off, len) = BS.toForeignPtr bs
  C.set_input_buffer udPtr
    (unsafeForeignPtrToPtr ptr `plusPtr` off)
    (fromIntegral len)
  setInput (InBuf ptr) st

-- TODO: error checking

-- | Set the CPU mode, i.e. 16-bit, 32-bit, or 64-bit.
setCPUMode :: UD -> CPUMode -> IO ()
setCPUMode s = withUDPtr s . flip C.set_mode . f where
  f Mode16 = 16
  f Mode32 = 32
  f Mode64 = 64

-- | Set the instruction pointer, i.e. the disassembler's idea of
-- where the current instruction would live in memory.
setIP :: UD -> Word64 -> IO ()
setIP s w = withUDPtr s $ flip C.set_pc w

-- | Set the assembly syntax to be used by @'getAssembly'@.
-- This takes effect after the next call to @'disassemble'@.
setSyntax :: UD -> Syntax -> IO ()
setSyntax (UD s) = modifyMVar_ s . setXlat XlBuiltin . f where
  f SyntaxNone  = nullFunPtr
  f SyntaxIntel = C.translate_intel
  f SyntaxATT   = C.translate_att

-- no point passing the UD since we can close over it easily
-- | Register an action to be performed after each instruction is disassembled.
-- This is not necessary for using the library.  An alternative is to perform
-- the action in a loop which also calls @'advance'@.
-- This disables updating of the string returned by @'getAssembly'@.
setCallback :: UD -> IO () -> IO ()
setCallback (UD s) act = do
  fp <- C.wrap_Translator (const act)
  modifyMVar_ s $ setXlat XlCustom fp

-- | Choose an instruction set variation.
setVendor :: UD -> Vendor -> IO ()
setVendor ud = withUDPtr ud . flip C.set_vendor . f where
  f Intel = C.udVendorIntel
  f AMD   = C.udVendorAmd

-- | Set an overall configuration.
-- Calls each of @'setVendor'@, @'setCPUMode'@, @'setSyntax'@, @'setIP'@.
setConfig :: UD -> Config -> IO ()
setConfig ud Config{..} = do
  setVendor  ud cfgVendor
  setCPUMode ud cfgCPUMode
  setSyntax  ud cfgSyntax
  setIP      ud cfgOrigin

-- | Disassemble the next instruction and return its length in bytes, or
-- @'Nothing'@ if there are no more instructions.
advance :: UD -> IO (Maybe Word)
advance = fmap f . flip withUDPtr C.disassemble where
  f 0 = Nothing
  f n = Just $ fromIntegral n

-- implementation of run and unsafeRunLazy
runImpl :: (IO [a] -> IO [a]) -> UD -> IO a -> IO [a]
runImpl wrap ud get = fix $ \loop -> do
  n <- advance ud
  case n of
    Just _  -> liftA2 (:) get (wrap loop)
    Nothing -> return []

-- | A convenience function which calls @'advance'@ repeatedly
-- while instructions remain.
-- At each instruction the user-specified action is performed,
-- and the results are collected.  The @'UD'@ value is
-- not passed as an argument, but it's easy enough to close
-- over it when defining your action.
run :: UD -> IO a -> IO [a]
run = runImpl id

-- | Lazy version of @'run'@; calls into the C library as
-- elements of its result list are forced.
-- This has roughly the same caveats as @'unsafeInterleaveIO'@.
unsafeRunLazy :: UD -> IO a -> IO [a]
unsafeRunLazy = runImpl unsafeInterleaveIO

-- | Get the length of the current instruction in bytes.
getLength :: UD -> IO Word
getLength = fmap fromIntegral . flip withUDPtr C.insn_len

-- | Get the offset of the current instruction.  This value is set
-- by @'getIP'@ and updated after each call to @'advance'@.
getOffset :: UD -> IO Word64
getOffset = flip withUDPtr C.insn_off

-- | Get the current instruction's machine code as a hexadecimal string.
getHex :: UD -> IO String
getHex = flip withUDPtr $ \p ->
  C.insn_hex p >>= peekCString

-- | Get the current instruction's machine code as a @'BS.ByteString'@.
-- The bytes are copied out of internal state.
getBytes :: UD -> IO BS.ByteString
getBytes = flip withUDPtr $ \p -> do
  len <- C.insn_len p
  ptr <- C.insn_ptr p
  -- Int vs. CUInt overflow problems?
  BS.packCStringLen (castPtr ptr, fromIntegral len)

-- | Get the assembly syntax for the current instruction.
-- See also @'setSyntax'@.
getAssembly :: UD -> IO String
getAssembly = flip withUDPtr $ \p ->
  C.insn_asm p >>= peekCString

-- | Get all metadata about the current instruction,
-- along with the instruction itself.
getMetadata :: UD -> IO Metadata
getMetadata ud = Metadata
  <$> getOffset      ud
  <*> getLength      ud
  <*> getHex         ud
  <*> getBytes       ud
  <*> getAssembly    ud
  <*> getInstruction ud

-- | Skip the next /n/ bytes of the input.
skip :: UD -> Word -> IO ()
skip s n = withUDPtr s $ flip C.input_skip (fromIntegral n)

getPfx :: Ptr C.UD_t -> IO [Prefix]
getPfx udt = catMaybes <$> mapM get allPfx where
  allPfx =
    [ (C.get_pfx_seg,   getSeg)
    , (C.get_pfx_rex,   k Rex)
    , (C.get_pfx_opr,   k OperSize)
    , (C.get_pfx_adr,   k AddrSize)
    , (C.get_pfx_lock,  k Lock)
    , (C.get_pfx_rep,   k Rep)
    , (C.get_pfx_repe,  k RepE)
    , (C.get_pfx_repne, k RepNE)
  get (retr, conv) = do
    n <- fromIntegral <$> retr udt
    return (guard (n /= C.udNone) >> conv n)
  getSeg (register -> RegSeg seg) = Just $ Seg seg
  getSeg _ = Nothing
  k v _ = Just v

getLvalU :: WordSize -> Ptr C.Operand -> IO Word64
getLvalU Bits0  _   = return 0
getLvalU Bits8  uop = fromIntegral <$> C.get_lval_u8  uop
getLvalU Bits16 uop = fromIntegral <$> C.get_lval_u16 uop
getLvalU Bits32 uop = fromIntegral <$> C.get_lval_u32 uop
getLvalU _      uop = C.get_lval_u64 uop

getLvalS :: WordSize -> Ptr C.Operand -> IO Int64
getLvalS Bits0  _   = return 0
getLvalS Bits8  uop = fromIntegral <$> C.get_lval_s8  uop
getLvalS Bits16 uop = fromIntegral <$> C.get_lval_s16 uop
getLvalS Bits32 uop = fromIntegral <$> C.get_lval_s32 uop
getLvalS _      uop = C.get_lval_s64 uop

opDecode :: UDTM (Ptr C.Operand -> IO Operand)
opDecode = makeUDTM
  [ (C.udOpMem,   fmap Mem   . getMem)
  , (C.udOpReg,   fmap Reg   . getReg C.get_base)
  , (C.udOpPtr,   fmap Ptr   . getPtr)
  , (C.udOpImm,   fmap Imm   . getImm getLvalU)
  , (C.udOpJimm,  fmap Jump  . getImm getLvalS)
  , (C.udOpConst, fmap Const . getImm getLvalU) ] where

    getReg f uop = register <$> f uop

    getMem uop = do
      -- These uses of fromJust are safe unless the
      -- C library is giving us bad data.
      Just sz <- wordSize <$> C.get_offset uop
      off <- Immediate sz <$> getLvalS sz uop
        <$> ((fromJust . wordSize) <$> C.get_size uop)
        <*> getReg C.get_base  uop
        <*> getReg C.get_index uop
        <*> C.get_scale uop
        <*> pure off

    getPtr uop = do
      sz <- C.get_size uop
      (seg, off) <- C.get_lval_ptr uop
      let szw = case sz of
            32 -> Bits16
            48 -> Bits32
            _  -> error ("invaild pointer size " ++ show sz)
      return . Pointer seg $ Immediate szw off

    getImm f uop = do
      Just sz <- wordSize <$> C.get_size uop
      val <- f sz uop
      return $ Immediate sz val

getOperands :: Ptr C.UD_t -> IO [Operand]
getOperands udt = catMaybes <$> mapM decode getters where
  getters = [C.get_operand1, C.get_operand2, C.get_operand3]
  decode f = do
    let uop = f udt
    ty  <- C.get_type uop
    case lookupUDTM ty opDecode of
      Just g  -> Just <$> g uop
      Nothing -> return Nothing

-- | Get the current instruction.
getInstruction :: UD -> IO Instruction
getInstruction = flip withUDPtr $ \udt ->
  Inst <$> getPfx udt <*> (opcode <$> C.get_mnemonic udt) <*> getOperands udt