hdph-closure-0.0.1: Explicit closures in Haskell distributed parallel Haskell

Safe HaskellNone




Explicit Closures, inspired by [1] and refined by [2].


  1. Epstein, Black, Peyton-Jones. Towards Haskell in the Cloud. Haskell Symposium 2011.
  2. Maier, Trinder. Implementing a High-level Distributed-Memory Parallel Haskell in Haskell. IFL 2011.


Explicit Closures

Key facts

An explicit Closure is a term of type Closure t, wrapping a thunk of type t. Henceforth, we will write Closure (capitalised) to mean an explicit Closure, and closure (in lower case) to mean an ordinary Haskell closure (ie. a thunk).

The Closure type constructor is abstract (see reference [2] or module Internal for its internal dual representation).

The function unClosure returns the thunk wrapped in a Closure.

The function unsafeMkClosure constructs Closures but is considered unsafe because it exposes the internal dual representation, and relies on the programmer to guarantee consistency.

Article [2] proposes a safe Closure construction $(mkClosure [|...|]) where the ... is an arbitrary thunk. Due to current limitations of the GHC (namely missing support for the Static type constructor), this module provides only limited variants of $(mkClosure [|...|]). The restrictions on the the thunk ... are

  • either ... is a toplevel variable (also called a static closure),
  • or ... is a toplevel variable (also called a closure abstraction) applied to a tuple of local variables.

As a matter of nomenclature, functions operating on Closures will either contain the string Closure (like unClosure and mkClosure) or will end in the suffix C (like the categorical operations idC and compC).

Some identities involving Closures:

  1. unClosure $ unsafeMkClosure x fun env = x
  2. unClosure $ toClosure x = x
  3. unClosure $(mkClosure [| stat_clo |]) = stat_clo
  4. unClosure $(mkClosure [| clo_abs free_vars |]) = clo_abs free_vars

The Closure type constructor

data Closure a Source

An explicit Closure, ie. a term of type Closure a, maintains a dual representation of an actual closure (ie. a thunk) of type a.

  1. One half of that representation is the actual closure, the thunk of type a.
  2. The other half is a serialisable representation of the thunk, consisting of a Static environment deserialiser, of type Static (Env -> a), plus a serialised environment of type Env.

Representation (1) is used for computing with Closures while representation (2) is used for serialising and communicating Closures across the network.

Caveat: Deserialisation is not type safe

Deserialising a serialised value via the methods of class Binary (or Serialize) is not type safe. For instance, the compiler will happily assign type Int -> Bool to

 decodeBool . encodeInt where
     decodeBool = decode :: ByteString -> Bool
     encodeInt  = encode :: Int -> ByteString

This type coercion will only fail at runtime, when (and if) the decoder for Bool stumbles over unexepected input values. Hence deserialising can be viewed as an assertion that the serialised byte string represents a value of the type decode expects to see. A well-written decoder will check this assertion on deserialisation, and will abort with an error message if the assertion fails.

HdpH treats Closure deserialisation similarly as an assertion that the serialised byte string represents a value of the expected Closure type. However, HdpH does not check whether the assertion holds. Instead it subverts the type system via unsafeCoerce, with potentially disastrous consequences (like seg faults) in cases where the assertion fails.

The up side of this design choice is a simpler Closure representation without runtime type reflection. The down side is that Closure deserialisation has to be treated with extreme care. HdpH, for instance, avoids the pitfalls of Closure deserialisation by making sure only Closures of the fixed type Closure (Par ()) are serialised and deserialised.

Closure elimination

unClosure :: Closure a -> aSource

Eliminates a Closure by returning its thunk. This operation is cheap.

Forcing Closures

forceClosure :: (NFData a, ToClosure a) => Closure a -> Closure aSource

forceClosure fully forces its argument, ie. fully normalises the thunk. Importantly, forceClosure also updates the serialisable closure represention in order to keep it in sync with the normalised thunk. Note that only the thunk of the resulting Closure is in normal form; for the serialisable representation to also be in normal form, the resulting Closure must be forced by deepseq.

Note that forceClosure clo does not have the same effect as

  • force clo (because forceClosure updates the closure representation), or
  • force $ toClosure $ unClosure clo (because forceClosure does not force the resulting Closure's serialisable representation).

Categorical operations on function Closures

A function Closure is a Closure of type Closure (a -> b).

idC :: Closure (a -> a)Source

Identity arrow wrapped in a Closure.

termC :: Closure (a -> ())Source

Terminal arrow wrapped in a Closure.

compC :: Closure (b -> c) -> Closure (a -> b) -> Closure (a -> c)Source

Composition of function Closures.

apC :: Closure (a -> b) -> Closure a -> Closure bSource

Application of a function Closure to another Closure. Behaves like the ap operation of an applicative functor.

Construction of value Closures

A value Closure is a Closure, which when eliminated (from its serialisable representation, at least) yields an evaluated value (rather than an unevaluated thunk).

toClosure :: ToClosure a => a -> Closure aSource

toClosure x constructs a value Closure wrapping x, provided the type of x is an instance of class ToClosure. Note that the serialised representation of the resulting Closure stores a serialised representation (as per class Serialize) of x, so serialising the resulting Closure will force x (hence could be costly). However, Closure construction itself is cheap.

class Serialize a => ToClosure a whereSource

Indexing class, recording types which support the toClosure operation; see the tutorial below for a more thorough explanation. Note that ToClosure is a subclass of Serialize.


locToClosure :: LocT aSource

Only method of class ToClosure, recording the source location where an instance of ToClosure is declared.


type StaticToClosure a = Static (Env -> a)Source

Type synonym for declaring the Static deserialisers required by ToClosure instances; see the tutorial below for a more thorough explanation.

staticToClosure :: ToClosure a => StaticToClosure aSource

Static deserialiser required by a ToClosure instance; see the tutorial below for a more thorough explanation.

Safe Closure construction

mkClosure :: ExpQ -> ExpQSource

Template Haskell transformation constructing a Closure from a given thunk. The thunk must either be a single toplevel closure (in which case the result is a static Closure), or an application of a toplevel closure abstraction to a tuple of local variables. See the tutorial below for how to use mkClosure.

mkClosureLoc :: ExpQ -> ExpQSource

Template Haskell transformation constructing a family of Closures from a given thunk. The family is indexed by location (that's what the suffix Loc stands for). The thunk must either be a single toplevel closure (in which case the result is a family of static Closures), or an application of a toplevel closure abstraction to a tuple of local variables. See the tutorial below for how to use mkClosureLoc.

data LocT a Source

A value of type 'LocT a' is a representation of a Haskell source location (or more precisely, the location of a Template Haskell slice, as produced by here). Additionally, this location is annotated with a phantom type a, which is used for mapping location indexing to type indexing.


Eq (LocT a) 
Ord (LocT a) 
Show (LocT a) 

here :: ExpQSource

Template Haskell construct returning its own location when spliced.

Unsafe Closure construction

unsafeMkClosure :: a -> Static (Env -> a) -> Env -> Closure aSource

unsafeMkClosure thk fun env constructs a Closure that

  1. wraps the thunk thk and
  2. whose serialised representation consists of the Static deserialiser fun and the serialised environment env.

This operation is cheap and does not require Template Haskell support, but it is unsafe because it relies on the programmer to ensure that both closure representations evaluate to the same term.

Static terms

A term t is called static if it could be declared at the toplevel. That is, t is static if all free variables occuring in t are toplevel.

The Static type constructor

data Static a Source

A term of type Static a is a serialisable reference to a static term of type a.


Static declaration and registration

data StaticDecl Source

A Static declaration is a collection of static terms together with their serialisable Static references. Static declarations form a monoid, and can be combined by methods of class Monoid.

declare :: Static a -> StaticDeclSource

Promotes a given Static reference to a Static declaration consisting exactly of the given Static reference (and the static term it refers to). See the tutorial below for how to declare Static references.

register :: StaticDecl -> IO ()Source

Registers the given Static declaration; that is, stores the declaration in the global Static table. Must be called exactly once, before any operations involving Static references (or explicit Closures). See the tutorial below for how to register a Static declaration.

showStaticTable :: [String]Source

Emits the contents of the global Static table as a list of Strings, one per entry. Useful for debugging; not to be called prior to registration.

Static deserialisers

A Static environment deserialiser is a term of type Static (Env -> a), for some type a, and is part of the serialisable representation of an explicit Closure.

static :: Name -> ExpQSource

Template Haskell transformation converting a toplevel closure abstraction (given by its name) into a Static deserialiser. See the tutorial below for how to use static.

static_ :: Name -> ExpQSource

Template Haskell transformation converting a static toplevel closure (given by its name) into a Static deserialiser. Note that a static closure ignores its empty environment (which is what the suffix _ is meant to signify). See the tutorial below for how to use static_.

staticLoc :: Name -> ExpQSource

Template Haskell transformation converting a toplevel closure abstraction (given by its name) into a family of Static deserialisers indexed by location (that's what the suffix Loc stands for). See the tutorial below for how to use staticLoc.

staticLoc_ :: Name -> ExpQSource

Template Haskell transformation converting a static toplevel closure (given by its name) into a family of Static deserialisers indexed by location (that's what the suffix Loc stands for). Note that a static closure ignores its empty environment (which is what the suffix _ is meant to signify). See the tutorial below for how to use staticLoc_.

Serialised environment

A serialised enviroment is part of the serialisable representation of an explicit Closure.

data Env Source

Abstract type of serialised environments.

encodeEnv :: Serialize a => a -> EnvSource

Creates a serialised environment from a given value of type a.

decodeEnv :: Serialize a => Env -> aSource

Deserialises a serialised environment producing a value of type a. Note that the programmer asserts that the environment can be deserialised at type a, a type mismatch may abort or crash the program.

This module's Static declaration

Tutorial on safe Closure construction

This guide will demonstrate the safe construction of explicit Closures in HdpH through a series of examples.

Constructing plain Closures

The first example is the definition of the Closure transformation apC. It is defined in [2] (where it is called mapClosure) by eliminating the Closures of its arguments, and constructing a new Closure of the the resulting application, as follows:

 apC :: Closure (a -> b) -> Closure a -> Closure b
 apC clo_f clo_x =
   $(mkClosure [|unClosure clo_f $ unClosure clo_x|])

If Static were fully supported by GHC then mkClosure would abstract the free local variables (here clo_f and clo_x) in its quoted argument, serialise a tuple of these variables, and construct a suitable Static deserialiser. In short, expanding the above Template Haskell splice would yield the following definition:

 apC clo_f clo_x =
   let thk = unClosure clo_f $ unClosure clo_x
       env = encodeEnv (clo_f, clo_x)
       fun = static $ \ env -> let (clo_f, clo_x) = decodeEnv env
                                 in unClosure clo_f $ unClosure clo_x
     in unsafeMkClosure thk fun env

However, the current implementation of mkClosure cannot do this because there is no term former static. Instead, the current implementation of mkClosure expects its quoted argument to be in a one of two special forms: either it is a single toplevel variable, or an application of a toplevel variable to a tuple of free variables. To distinguish the two forms, Closures constructed from single toplevel variables will be called static (because like static terms they do not capture any variables).

Here is the definition of apC as an example of how to construct a general, non-static Closure.

 apC clo_f clo_x =
   $(mkClosure [|apC_abs (clo_f, clo_x)|])

 apC_abs :: (Closure (a -> b), Closure a) -> b
 apC_abs (clo_f, clo_x) = unClosure clo_f $ unClosure clo_x

First, the programmer must manually define a toplevel closure abstraction apC_abs which abstracts a tuple (clo_f, clo_x) of free local variables occuring in the expression to be converted into a Closure. (Usually, the programmer would want the closure abstraction apC_abs to be inlined.)

Second, the programmer constructs the explicit Closure via a Template Haskell splice $(mkClosure [|apC_abs (clo_f, clo_x)|]), where the quoted expression apC_abs (clo_f, clo_x) is an application of the toplevel closure abstraction to a tuple of free local variables. It is important that this actual tuple of variables matches exactly the formal tuple in the definition of the closure abstraction. In fact, best practice is for the quoted expression to textually match the left-hand side of the definition of the closure abstraction.

Finally, a Static deserialiser corresponding to the toplevel closure abstraction must be declared. To this end, this module exports a Template Haskell function static which converts the name of a toplevel closure abstraction into a Static deserialiser, and a function declare which turns the Static deserialiser into a Static declaration. These should be used as follows; see also the definition of declareStatic below.

 declare $(static 'apC_abs)

The second example is the definition of the static Closure idC, which lifts the identity function to a function Closure. The definition is a follows; see also code towards the end of this file.

 idC :: Closure (a -> a)
 idC = $(mkClosure [|id|])

The expression to be converted into a Closure, the variable id, does not contain any free local variables, so there is no need to abstract a tuple of free variables. In fact, the expression is already a toplevel variable, so there is also no need to define a new toplevel closure abstraction either. Thus, the programmer constructs the static Closure via the the Template Haskell splice $(mkClosure [|id|]), where the quoted expression id is a toplevel variable.

The programmer must also declare a Static deserialiser corresponding to the toplevel variable of which the static Closure was created. This is done as follows; see also the definition of declareStatic below.

 declare $(static_ 'id)

Note the use of static_ instead of static to create a Static deserialiser for a static Closure, ie. a Static deserialiser that does not actually deserialise any free variables. Accidentally mixing up static and static_ may lead to runtime errors!

Constructing families of Closures

A problem arises with Closures whose type is not only polymorphic (as eg. the type of idC above) but also constrained by type classes. The problem here is that the class constraint has to be resolved statically, as there is no way of attaching implicit dictionaries to a Closure (because these dictionaries would have to be serialised as well). However, there is a way of safely constructing such constrained Closures. The idea is to actually construct a family of Closures, indexed by source locations. The indices are produced by certain type class instances, effectively turning the location-based into a type-based indexing. We illustrate this method on two examples.

The first example is the function toClosure which converts any suitable value into a Closure, forcing the value upon serialisation. The suitable values are those whose type is an instance of class Serialize, so one would expect toClosure to have the following implementation and Static declaration:

 toClosure :: (Serialize a) => a -> Closure a
 toClosure val = $(mkClosure [| id val |])

 declare $(static 'id)

However, this does not compile - the last line complains from an ambiguous type variable a in the constrait Serialize a.

The solution is to define a new type class ToClosure as a subclass of the given Serialize constraint, and use instances of ToClosure to index a family of Closures. The indexing is done by locToClosure, the only member of class ToClosure, as follows.

 class (Serialize a) => ToClosure a where
   locToClosure :: LocT a

 toClosure :: (ToClosure a) => a -> Closure a
 toClosure val = $(mkClosureLoc [| id val |]) locToClosure

Note that the above splice $(mkClosureLoc [|id val|]) generates a family of type LocT a -> Closure a. Applying that family to the index locToClosure yields the actual Closure. On the face of it, indexing appears to be location based, but actually the family generated by mkClosureLoc never evaluates the index; thanks to the phantom type argument of LocT the indexing is really done statically on the types. (Though the location information is necessary to tag the associated Static deserialisers, and will be evaluated when constructing the Static table.)

What this achieves is reducing the constraint on toClosure from Serialize to ToClosure. Hence toClosure is only available for types for which the programmer explicitly instantiates ToClosure. These instances are very simple, see the following two samples.

 instance ToClosure Int where locToClosure = $(here)
 instance ToClosure (Closure a) where locToClosure = $(here)

Note that the two instances are entirely identical, in fact all instances of ToClosure must be identical. In particular, instances must not be recursive, so that the number of types instantiating ToClosure matches exactly the number of instance declarations in the source code. All an instance does is record its location in the source code via locToClosure, making locToClosure a key for ToClosure instances.

The programmer must declare the Static deserialisers associated with the above family of Closures. More precisely, she must declare one deserialiser per ToClosure instance. This is done by defining a family of Static deserialisers, similar to the family of Closures.

 type StaticToClosure a = Static (Env -> a)

 staticToClosure :: (ToClosure a) => StaticToClosure a
 staticToClosure = $(staticLoc 'id) locToClosure

Note that the splice $(staticLoc 'id) above generates a family of type LocT a -> Static (Env -> a). Applying that family to the index locToClosure yields an actual Static deserialiser. The type synomyn StaticToClosure is a mere convenience to improve readability, as will become evident when actually declaring the Static deserialisers (particularly in the second example).

It remains to actually declare the Static deserialisers, one per instance of ToClosure. Since Static declarations form a monoid, the programmer can simply concatenate all these declarations. So, given the above sample ToClosure instances, the programmer would declare the associated deserialisers as follows.

   [declare (staticToClosure :: StaticToClosure Int),
    declare (staticToClosure :: forall a . StaticToClosure (Closure a))]

The second example of families of Closures is forceCC, which wraps forceC into a Closure, where forceC is defined as follows:

 forceC :: (NFData a, ToClosure a) => Strategy (Closure a)
 forceC clo = return $! forceClosure clo

Note that forceC lifts forceClosure to a strategy in the Par monad; please see module Control.Parallel.HdpH.Strategies for the definition of the Strategy type constructor.

Ideally, forceCC would be implemented simply like this:

 forceCC :: (NFData a, ToClosure a) => Closure (Strategy (Closure a))
 forceCC = $(mkClosure [|forceC|])

However, the type class constraint demands that forceCC generate a family of Closures; in fact, it must generate a family of static Closures because forceC, the expression quoted in the Template Haskell splice, is a single toplevel variable. The actual implementation of forceCC is as follows:

 class (NFData a, ToClosure a) => ForceCC a where
   locForceCC :: LocT (Strategy (Closure a))

 forceCC :: (ForceCC a) => Closure (Strategy (Closure a))
 forceCC = $(mkClosureLoc [| forceC |]) locForceCC

Above is the first part of the code, the definition of a new type class ForceCC and the defintion of forceCC itself. Note the complex phantom type argument of locForceCC; this is dictated by the splice $(mkClosureLoc [|forceC|]) which is of type LocT (Strategy (Closure a)) -> Closure (Strategy (Closure a)). Instances of class ForceCC are very similar to instances of ToClosure, cf. the following two samples.

 instance ForceCC Int where locForceCC = $(here)
 instance ForceCC (Closure a) where locForceCC = $(here)

Along with the family of Closures there is a family of Static deserialisers, defined as follows. Note the use of staticLoc_ because forceCC generates a family of static Closures.

 type StaticForceCC a = Static (Env -> Strategy (Closure a))

 staticForceCC :: (ForceCC a) => StaticForceCC a
 staticForceCC = $(staticLoc_ 'forceC) locForceCC

It remains to actually declare the Static deserialisers, one per ForceCC instance. Again, this is very similar to declaring the deserialisers linked to ToClosure instances. But note how the type synonym StaticForceCC improves readability of the declaration - just try expanding the last line of the following declaration.

   [declare (staticForceCC :: StaticForceCC Int),
    declare (staticForceCC :: forall a . StaticForceCC (Closure a))]
Registering Static deserialisers

All Static deserialisers need to be declared, as shown above. By convention, each module must concatenate all such Static declarations (including declarations in imported modules) into a single Static declaration. The Main module, finally, must register its Static declaration (which by convention includes all declarations in imported modules) at the beginning of the main function, to create the Static table. This section shows how to concatenate and register Static declarations.

First, concatenating Static declarations. As shown above, a Static deserialiser can be turned into a Static declaration (of type StaticDecl) by applying declare. The type StaticDecl is an instance of class Monoid, so Static declarations can be concatenated via the mconcat operation. In fact, StaticDecl is not just a monoid but a commutative and idempotent monoid, thanks to the way Static deserialisers are constructed. That means that Static declarations can be concatenated repeatedly and in any order without changing the result.

As a matter of convention, every module which constructs explicit Closures must export a term declareStatic :: StaticDecl, a comprehensive declaration of all the module's Static deserialisers, including all Static deserialisers of imported modules. The latter is required because the module may call imported functions which in turn depend on their modules' Static deserialisers.

 declareStatic :: StaticDecl
 declareStatic = Data.Monoid.mconcat
   [declare $(static_ 'id),
    declare $(static_ 'constUnit),
    declare $(static 'compC_abs),
    declare $(static 'apC_abs),
    declare (staticToClosure :: forall a . StaticToClosure (Closure a))]

Above is a simple example of such a comprehensive Static declaration, the declaration of this module. Note that the order of the list argument to mconcat does not matter because because StaticDecl is a commutative monoid. Below is a more complex example, taken from a HdpH program.

 declareStatic :: StaticDecl
 declareStatic = Data.Monoid.mconcat
    declare (staticToClosure :: StaticToClosure Int),
    declare (staticToClosure :: StaticToClosure [Int]),
    declare (staticToClosure :: StaticToClosure Integer),
    declare (staticForceCC :: StaticForceCC Integer),
    declare $(static 'spark_sum_euler_abs),
    declare $(static_ 'sum_totient),
    declare $(static_ 'totient)]

This declaration does concatenate the Static declarations of two imported modules, Control.Parllel.HdpH and Control.Parallel.HdpH.Strategies. Actually, the latter also imports the former, so Control.Parallel.HdpH.Strategies.declareStatic already concatenates Control.Parallel.HdpH.declareStatic, and so the above call to Control.Parallel.HdpH.declareStatic could be omitted. However, that omission is only justified in the knowledge of implementation details of Control.Parallel.HdpH.Strategies (namely its import graph). The convention that Static declarations of all imported modules must be concatenated, regardless of whether they are transitively concatenated by other imported modules, is more robust; the resulting Static declaration is the same anyway, thanks to StaticDecl being an idempotent monoid.

A general rule how to deal with imports and Static declarations: If module M1 imports another module M2, and if M2 exports a variable declareStatic :: StaticDecl then M1 must export its own declareStatic :: StaticDecl, which needs to concatenate M2.declareStatic (amongst other declarations). Note that the rule applies even if M1 ostensibly imports nothing from M2, eg. M1 imports M2 with the clause import M2 (). For this clause may still import instance declarations from M2, and those instances may depend on M2's Static deserialisers.

Finally, registering a Static declaration. This must be done exactly once in the Main module, right at the start of main, by calling the function register on the Main module's comprehensive Static declaration. This is shown in sample code below, taken from a HdpH program. Note that any actions executed prior to register (ie. the hSetBuffering calls) must not involve explicit Closures.

 main :: IO ()
 main = do
   hSetBuffering stdout LineBuffering
   hSetBuffering stderr LineBuffering
   register declareStatic