{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-} module Hedgehog.Gen.JSON.JSONSpec ( tests ) where import Control.Lens (over, set) import qualified Data.Aeson as Aeson import Data.Fixed (mod') import qualified Data.HashMap.Strict as H import qualified Data.HashSet as HS import qualified Data.Scientific as Scientific import qualified Data.Text as Text import Hedgehog import qualified Hedgehog.Gen as Gen import Hedgehog.Gen.JSON import Hedgehog.Gen.JSON.JSONSchema import qualified Hedgehog.Range as Range import qualified Prelude as P import Protolude import Test.Tasty import Test.Tasty.Hedgehog import Text.Regex.PCRE prop_generatedUnconstrainedJSON :: Property prop_generatedUnconstrainedJSON = property $ do v <- forAll $ genJSON sensibleRanges assert $ isJust (Aeson.decodeStrict v :: Maybe Aeson.Value) prop_constrainedValueFromEnum :: Property prop_constrainedValueFromEnum = property $ do values <- forAll $ Gen.nonEmpty (Range.linear 1 10) (Gen.text (Range.linear 1 100) Gen.unicode) schema <- forAll $ over schemaEnum (const $ Just $ AnyConstraintEnum (Aeson.String <$> values)) <$> genSchema v <- forAll $ genConstrainedJSON sensibleRanges schema assert $ isJust $ find (== Aeson.decodeStrict v) (Just <$> values) prop_constrainedValueFromConst :: Property prop_constrainedValueFromConst = property $ do c <- forAll $ genJSONValue sensibleRanges schema <- forAll $ over schemaConst (const $ Just $ AnyConstraintConst c) <$> genSchema v <- forAll $ genConstrainedJSON sensibleRanges schema Aeson.decodeStrict v === Just c prop_constrainedNumber :: Property prop_constrainedNumber = property $ do vmin <- forAll $ Gen.maybe $ Scientific.fromFloatDigits <$> Gen.double (Range.linearFrac 0 5000) vminEx <- forAll $ Gen.maybe $ Scientific.fromFloatDigits <$> Gen.double (Range.linearFrac 0 5000) vmax <- forAll $ Gen.maybe $ Scientific.fromFloatDigits <$> Gen.double (Range.linearFrac 6000 10000) vmaxEx <- forAll $ Gen.maybe $ Scientific.fromFloatDigits <$> Gen.double (Range.linearFrac 6000 10000) let schema = (set schemaMinimum (NumberConstraintMinimum <$> vmin) . set schemaMaximum (NumberConstraintMaximum <$> vmax) . set schemaExclusiveMinimum (NumberConstraintExclusiveMinimum <$> vminEx) . set schemaExclusiveMaximum (NumberConstraintExclusiveMaximum <$> vmaxEx)) (singleTypeSchema NumberType) (Aeson.Number v) <- forAll $ genConstrainedJSONValue sensibleRanges schema assert $ maybe True (v >=) vmin assert $ maybe True (v <=) vmax assert $ maybe True (v <) vmaxEx assert $ maybe True (v >) vminEx prop_constrainedInteger :: Property prop_constrainedInteger = property $ do vmin <- forAll $ Gen.maybe $ fromInteger <$> Gen.integral (Range.linear (-50) 50) vminEx <- forAll $ Gen.maybe $ fromInteger <$> Gen.integral (Range.linear (-50) 50) vmax <- forAll $ Gen.maybe $ fromInteger <$> Gen.integral (Range.linear 50 100) vmaxEx <- forAll $ Gen.maybe $ fromInteger <$> Gen.integral (Range.linear 50 100) multipleOf <- forAll $ Gen.maybe $ fromInteger <$> Gen.integral (Range.linear 1 10) let schema = (set schemaMinimum (NumberConstraintMinimum <$> vmin) . set schemaMaximum (NumberConstraintMaximum <$> vmax) . set schemaExclusiveMinimum (NumberConstraintExclusiveMinimum <$> vminEx) . set schemaExclusiveMaximum (NumberConstraintExclusiveMaximum <$> vmaxEx) . set schemaMultipleOf (NumberConstraintMultipleOf <$> multipleOf)) (singleTypeSchema IntegerType) (Aeson.Number v) <- forAll $ genConstrainedJSONValue sensibleRanges schema assert $ maybe True (v >=) vmin assert $ maybe True (v <=) vmax assert $ maybe True (v <) vmaxEx assert $ maybe True (v >) vminEx assert $ maybe True (\x -> v `mod'` x == 0) multipleOf assert $ Scientific.isInteger v prop_constrainedString :: Property prop_constrainedString = property $ do minLength <- forAll $ Gen.maybe $ Gen.integral (Range.linear 0 50) maxLength <- forAll $ Gen.maybe $ Gen.integral (Range.linear 50 100) regexp <- forAll $ Gen.maybe $ Gen.constant "[a-zA-Z0-9]{3,9}" -- Not very arbitrary, I know. format <- forAll $ Gen.maybe $ Gen.element ["uuid", "date-time", "RFC 3339 date-time"] let schema = (set schemaPattern (StringConstraintPattern <$> regexp) . set schemaMinLength (StringConstraintMinLength <$> minLength) . set schemaMaxLength (StringConstraintMaxLength <$> maxLength) . set schemaFormat (StringConstraintFormat <$> format)) (singleTypeSchema StringType) (Aeson.String v) <- forAll $ genConstrainedJSONValue sensibleRanges schema case regexp of Just p -> regexMatches p v Nothing -> case format of (Just f) -> hasFormat (StringConstraintFormat f) v Nothing -> assert $ Text.length v >= fromMaybe 0 minLength && Text.length v <= fromMaybe 1000 maxLength prop_constrainedObject :: Property prop_constrainedObject = property $ do nonRequiredFields <- forAll $ H.fromList <$> (Gen.list (Range.linear 1 10) $ ((,) <$> (Gen.text (Range.linear 1 10) Gen.unicode) <*> genSchema)) requiredFields <- forAll $ H.fromList <$> (Gen.list (Range.linear 1 10) $ ((,) <$> (Gen.text (Range.linear 1 10) Gen.unicode) <*> genSchema)) let schema = (set schemaProperties (Just $ ObjectConstraintProperties (nonRequiredFields `H.union` requiredFields)) . set schemaRequired (Just $ ObjectConstraintRequired $ H.keys requiredFields)) (singleTypeSchema ObjectType) (Aeson.Object v) <- forAll $ genConstrainedJSONValue sensibleRanges schema assert $ all (`elem` (H.keys v)) (H.keys requiredFields) prop_constrainedArray :: Property prop_constrainedArray = property $ do uniqueItems <- forAll $ Gen.maybe Gen.bool minItems <- forAll $ Gen.maybe $ Gen.integral (Range.linear 0 2) maxItems <- forAll $ Gen.maybe $ Gen.integral (Range.linear 3 5) itemSchema <- forAll genSchema let schema = (set schemaMinItems (ArrayConstraintMinItems <$> minItems) . set schemaMaxItems (ArrayConstraintMaxItems <$> maxItems) . set schemaUniqueItems (ArrayConstraintUniqueItems <$> uniqueItems) . set schemaItems (Just $ ArrayConstraintItems itemSchema)) (singleTypeSchema ArrayType) (Aeson.Array v) <- forAll $ genConstrainedJSONValue sensibleRanges schema assert $ maybe True (length v >=) minItems assert $ maybe True (length v <=) maxItems assert $ maybe True (\b -> if b then isUnique v else True) uniqueItems prop_constrainedValueFromReferencedSchema :: Property prop_constrainedValueFromReferencedSchema = property $ do subSchema <- forAll genSchema let schema = emptySchema { _schemaType = Just $ SingleType ArrayType, _schemaItems = Just $ ArrayConstraintItems $ emptySchema { _schemaRef = Just $ AnyConstraintRef "#/definitions/x" }, _schemaDefinitions = Just $ AnyConstraintDefinitions $ H.fromList [("x", subSchema)] } _ <- forAll $ genConstrainedJSONValue sensibleRanges schema success prop_decodesSchema :: Property prop_decodesSchema = property $ decoded === Right expected where schemaJson = "{\"type\":\"object\",\"properties\":{\"user_id\":{\"type\":\"integer\"},\"user_domain\":{\"type\":\"string\"}},\"required\":[\"user_id\"], \"definitions\": {\"positiveInteger\": { \"type\": \"integer\", \"exclusiveMinimum\": 0 }}}" decoded :: Either P.String Schema = Aeson.eitherDecode schemaJson expected = (set schemaRequired (Just (ObjectConstraintRequired ["user_id"])) . set schemaProperties ((Just . ObjectConstraintProperties) (H.fromList [("user_id", singleTypeSchema IntegerType), ("user_domain", singleTypeSchema StringType)])) . set schemaDefinitions ((Just . AnyConstraintDefinitions) (H.fromList [("positiveInteger", (singleTypeSchema IntegerType) { _schemaExclusiveMinimum = Just (NumberConstraintExclusiveMinimum 0)})]))) (singleTypeSchema ObjectType) genSchema :: Gen Schema genSchema = do t <- Gen.enumBounded pure $ singleTypeSchema t singleTypeSchema :: PrimitiveType -> Schema singleTypeSchema t = set schemaType (Just $ SingleType t) emptySchema isUnique :: (Hashable a, Eq a, Foldable t) => t a -> Bool isUnique xs = (toList . HS.fromList . toList) xs == toList xs regexMatches :: (MonadTest m, HasCallStack) => Text -> Text -> m () regexMatches regex t = do footnoteShow (t <> " does not match the regexp " <> regex) assert $ (toS t :: P.String) =~ (toS regex :: P.String) hasFormat :: (MonadTest m) => StringConstraintFormat -> Text -> m () hasFormat (StringConstraintFormat "uuid") t = footnoteShow (t <> " does hot have the format of uuid") >> regexMatches "[a-f0-9]{8}-?[a-f0-9]{4}-?4[a-f0-9]{3}-?[89ab][a-f0-9]{3}-?[a-f0-9]{12}" t hasFormat (StringConstraintFormat "date-time") t = footnoteShow (t <> " does hot have the format of date-time") >> regexMatches "([0-9]+)-(0[1-9]|1[012])-(0[1-9]|[12][0-9]|3[01])[Tt]([01][0-9]|2[0-3]):([0-5][0-9]):([0-5][0-9]|60)(\\.[0-9]+)?(([Zz])|([\\+|\\-]([01][0-9]|2[0-3]):[0-5][0-9]))" t hasFormat (StringConstraintFormat "RFC 3339 date-time") t = hasFormat (StringConstraintFormat "date-time") t hasFormat _ _ = footnote "Format unsupported" >> failure tests :: TestTree tests = testGroup "Generated JSON" [ testProperty "Generated unconstrained values are valid JSON" prop_generatedUnconstrainedJSON , testProperty "Decodes JSON Schema" prop_decodesSchema , testProperty "Generates constrained values from JSON Schema enum when present" prop_constrainedValueFromEnum , testProperty "Generates constrained values from JSON Schema const when present" prop_constrainedValueFromConst , testProperty "Generates a constrained number" prop_constrainedNumber , testProperty "Generates a constrained integer" prop_constrainedInteger , testProperty "Generates a constrained string" prop_constrainedString , testProperty "Generates a constrained object" prop_constrainedObject , testProperty "Generates a constrained array" prop_constrainedArray , testProperty "Generates a value from a referenced schema" prop_constrainedValueFromReferencedSchema ]