Safe Haskell | None |
Language | Haskell2010 |
- wellFormedPrism :: Monad m => (Show large, Eq large) => (Show small, Eq small) => Gen large -> Gen small -> Prism' large small -> PropertyT m ()
- wellFormedLens :: Monad m => (Show large, Eq large) => (Show small, Eq small) => Gen large -> Gen small -> Lens' large small -> PropertyT m ()
- wellFormedIso :: Monad m => (Show a, Eq a) => (Show b, Eq b) => Gen a -> Gen b -> Iso' a b -> PropertyT m ()
- prismExample :: Monad m => (Show large, Eq large) => (Show small, Eq small) => Prism' large small -> large -> small -> PropertyT m ()
:: Monad m | |
=> (Show large, Eq large) | |
=> (Show small, Eq small) | |
=> Gen large | |
-> Gen small | |
-> Prism' large small | Prism signifying that the
-> PropertyT m () |
Checks whether a prism respects the well-formedness laws:
1) Get-Set Prism Law 2) Set-Get Prism Law
:: Monad m | |
=> (Show large, Eq large) | |
=> (Show small, Eq small) | |
=> Gen large | |
-> Gen small | |
-> Lens' large small | Lens signifying that the |
-> PropertyT m () |
Checks whether a lens respects the well-formedness laws:
1) Get-Put Lens Law 2) Put-Get Lens Law 3) Put-Put Lens Law
:: Monad m | |
=> (Show a, Eq a) | |
=> (Show b, Eq b) | |
=> Gen a | |
-> Gen b | |
-> Iso' a b | Isomorphism signifying that types
-> PropertyT m () |
Checks whether an isomorphism respects the well-formedness laws:
1) Set-Get Iso Law 2) Get-Set Iso Law