{-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-} {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} module Main (main) where import qualified Test.Framework as Test import Database.Redis import Tests main :: IO () main = do -- We're looking for the cluster on a non-default port to support running -- this test in parallel witht the regular non-cluster tests. To quickly -- spin up a cluster on this port using docker you can run: -- -- docker run -e "IP=" -p 7000-7010:7000-7010 grokzen/redis-cluster:5.0.6 conn <- connectCluster defaultConnectInfo { connectPort = PortNumber 7000 } Test.defaultMain (tests conn) tests :: Connection -> [Test.Test] tests conn = map ($conn) $ concat [ testsMisc, testsKeys, testsStrings, [testHashes], testsLists, testsSets, [testHyperLogLog] , testsZSets, [testTransaction], [testScripting] , testsConnection, testsServer, [testSScan, testHScan, testZScan], [testZrangelex] , [testXAddRead, testXReadGroup, testXRange, testXpending, testXClaim, testXInfo, testXDel, testXTrim] -- should always be run last as connection gets closed after it , [testQuit] ] testsServer :: [Test] testsServer = [testBgrewriteaof, testFlushall, testSlowlog, testDebugObject] testsConnection :: [Test] testsConnection = [ testConnectAuthUnexpected, testConnectDb , testConnectDbUnexisting, testEcho, testPing ] testsKeys :: [Test] testsKeys = [ testKeys, testExpireAt, testSortCluster, testGetType, testObject ] testSortCluster :: Test testSortCluster = testCase "sort" $ do lpush "{same}ids" ["1","2","3"] >>=? 3 sort "{same}ids" defaultSortOpts >>=? ["1","2","3"] sortStore "{same}ids" "{same}anotherKey" defaultSortOpts >>=? 3 let opts = defaultSortOpts { sortOrder = Desc, sortAlpha = True , sortLimit = (1,2) , sortBy = Nothing , sortGet = [] } sort "{same}ids" opts >>=? ["2", "1"]