module Text.Templating.Heist.Splices.Cache
  ( CacheTagState
  , mkCacheTag
  , clearCacheTagState
  ) where

import           Control.Concurrent
import           Control.Monad
import           Control.Monad.Trans
import           Data.IORef
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import           Data.Map (Map)
import           Data.Maybe
import qualified Data.Set as Set
import           Data.Text (Text)
import qualified Data.Text as T
import           Data.Text.Read
import           Data.Time.Clock
import           System.Random
import           Text.XmlHtml.Cursor
import           Text.XmlHtml hiding (Node)

import           Text.Templating.Heist.Internal
import           Text.Templating.Heist.Types

cacheTagName :: Text
cacheTagName = "cache"

-- | State for storing cache tag information
newtype CacheTagState = CTS (MVar (Map Text (UTCTime, Template)))

-- | Clears the cache tag state.
clearCacheTagState :: CacheTagState -> IO ()
clearCacheTagState (CTS cacheMVar) =
    modifyMVar_ cacheMVar (const $ return Map.empty)

-- | Converts a TTL string into an integer number of seconds.
parseTTL :: Text -> Int
parseTTL s = value * multiplier
    value = either (const 0) fst $ decimal s
    multiplier = case T.last s of
        's' -> 1
        'm' -> 60
        'h' -> 3600
        'd' -> 86400
        'w' -> 604800
        _   -> 0
-- | The \"cache\" splice ensures that its contents are cached and only
-- evaluated periodically.  The cached contents are returned every time the
-- splice is referenced.
-- Use the ttl attribute to set the amount of time between reloads.  The ttl
-- value should be a positive integer followed by a single character
-- specifying the units.  Valid units are seconds, minutes, hours, days, and
-- weeks.  If the ttl string is invalid or the ttl attribute is not specified,
-- the cache is never refreshed unless explicitly cleared with
-- clearCacheTagState.
cacheImpl :: (MonadIO m)
           => CacheTagState
           -> TemplateMonad m Template
cacheImpl (CTS mv) = do
    tree <- getParamNode
    let i = fromJust $ getAttribute "id" tree
        ttl = maybe 0 parseTTL $ getAttribute "ttl" tree
    mp <- liftIO $ readMVar mv

    (mp',ns) <- do
                   curTime <- liftIO getCurrentTime
                   let mbn = Map.lookup i mp
                       reload = do
                           nodes' <- runNodeList $ childNodes tree
                           return $! (Map.insert i (curTime,nodes') mp, nodes')
                   case mbn of
                       Nothing -> reload
                       (Just (lastUpdate,n)) -> do
                           if ttl > 0 &&
                              diffUTCTime curTime lastUpdate > fromIntegral ttl
                             then reload
                             else do
                                 return $! (mp,n)

    liftIO $ modifyMVar_ mv (const $ return mp')

    return ns

-- | Modifies a TemplateState to include a \"cache\" tag.  The cache tag is
-- not bound automatically with the other default Heist tags.  This is because
-- this function also returns CacheTagState, so the user will be able to
-- clear it with the 'clearCacheTagState' function.
mkCacheTag :: MonadIO m
           => IO (TemplateState m -> TemplateState m, CacheTagState)
mkCacheTag = do
    sr <- newIORef $ Set.empty
    mv <- liftM CTS $ newMVar Map.empty

    return $ (addOnLoadHook (assignIds sr) .
              bindSplice cacheTagName (cacheImpl mv), mv)

    generateId :: IO Int
    generateId = getStdRandom random

    assignIds setref = mapM f
          f node = g $ fromNode node

          getId = do
              i  <- liftM (T.pack . show) generateId
              st <- readIORef setref
              if Set.member i st
                then getId
                else do
                    writeIORef setref $ Set.insert i st
                    return $ T.append "cache-id-" i

          g curs = do
              let node = current curs
              curs' <- if tagName node == Just cacheTagName
                         then do
                             i <- getId
                             return $ modifyNode (setAttribute "id" i) curs
                         else return curs
              let mbc = nextDF curs'
              maybe (return $ topNode curs') g mbc