{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} {-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-} module Heist.Compiled.Tests where import Blaze.ByteString.Builder import Control.Applicative import Control.Exception import Control.Monad.Trans.Except import Control.Lens import Control.Monad.Trans import Data.Bifunctor (first) import Data.ByteString (ByteString) import qualified Data.ByteString as B import Data.Char import Data.IORef import Data.Maybe import Data.Map.Syntax import Data.Monoid import qualified Data.Set as Set import qualified Data.Text as T import Data.Text.Encoding import Test.Framework (Test) import Test.Framework.Providers.HUnit import qualified Test.HUnit as H import qualified Text.XmlHtml as X ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ import Heist import Heist.Compiled import Heist.Compiled.Internal import Heist.Internal.Types import Heist.Tutorial.CompiledSplices import Heist.TestCommon -- NOTE: We can't test compiled templates on the templates directory as it -- stands today because that directory contains some error conditions such as -- infinite bind loops, apply tags with no template attribute, and apply tags -- with ".." in the tag path (which doesn't currently work). tests :: [Test] tests = [ testCase "compiled/simple" simpleCompiledTest , testCase "compiled/people" peopleTest , testCase "compiled/namespace1" namespaceTest1 , testCase "compiled/namespace2" namespaceTest2 , testCase "compiled/namespace3" namespaceTest3 , testCase "compiled/namespace4" namespaceTest4 , testCase "compiled/namespace5" namespaceTest5 , testCase "compiled/no-ns-splices" noNsSplices , testCase "compiled/ns-nested" nsNestedUnused , testCase "compiled/nsbind" nsBindTest , testCase "compiled/nsbinderr" nsBindErrorTest , testCase "compiled/nscall" nsCallTest , testCase "compiled/nscallerr" nsCallErrTest , testCase "compiled/nsbindstack" nsBindStackTest , testCase "compiled/doctype" doctypeTest , testCase "compiled/exceptions" exceptionsTest , testCase "compiled/defer" deferTest ] simpleCompiledTest :: IO () simpleCompiledTest = do res <- runWithStateSplice "templates" H.assertEqual "compiled state splice" expected res where expected = mappend doctype "\n\n\n3\n\n" peopleTest :: IO () peopleTest = do res <- personListTest "templates" H.assertEqual "people splice" expected res where expected = "\n

Doe, John: 42 years old


Smith, Jane: 21 years old

\n\n" templateHC :: HeistConfig IO templateHC = HeistConfig sc "" False where sc = mempty & scLoadTimeSplices .~ defaultLoadTimeSplices & scCompiledSplices .~ ("foo" ## return (yieldPureText "aoeu")) & scTemplateLocations .~ [loadTemplates "templates"] genericTest :: String -> ByteString -> ByteString -> IO () genericTest nm template expected = do res <- runExceptT $ do hs <- ExceptT $ initHeist templateHC runner <- noteT ["Error rendering"] $ hoistMaybe $ renderTemplate hs template b <- lift $ fst runner return $ toByteString b H.assertEqual nm (Right expected) res doctypeTest :: IO () doctypeTest = genericTest "doctype test" "rss" expected where expected = encodeUtf8 "http://www.devalot.com/\n" namespaceTest1 :: IO () namespaceTest1 = do res <- runExceptT $ do hs <- ExceptT $ initHeist templateHC runner <- noteT ["Error rendering"] $ hoistMaybe $ renderTemplate hs "namespaces" b <- lift $ fst runner return $ toByteString b H.assertEqual "namespace test 1" (Right expected) res where expected = "Alpha\naoeu\nBeta\nInside h:foo\nEnd\n" namespaceTest2 :: IO () namespaceTest2 = do res <- runExceptT $ do hs <- ExceptT $ initHeist $ templateHC & hcErrorNotBound .~ True runner <- noteT ["Error rendering"] $ hoistMaybe $ renderTemplate hs "namespaces" b <- lift $ fst runner return $ toByteString b H.assertEqual "namespace test 2" (Right expected) res where expected = "Alpha\naoeu\nBeta\nInside h:foo\nEnd\n" namespaceTest3 :: IO () namespaceTest3 = do res <- runExceptT $ do hs <- ExceptT $ initHeist $ templateHC & hcNamespace .~ "h" runner <- noteT ["Error rendering"] $ hoistMaybe $ renderTemplate hs "namespaces" b <- lift $ fst runner return $ toByteString b H.assertEqual "namespace test 3" (Right expected) res where expected = "Alpha\nInside foo\nBeta\naoeu\nEnd\n" namespaceTest4 :: IO () namespaceTest4 = do res <- runExceptT $ do hs <- ExceptT $ initHeist $ templateHC & hcNamespace .~ "h" & hcErrorNotBound .~ True runner <- noteT ["Error rendering"] $ hoistMaybe $ renderTemplate hs "namespaces" b <- lift $ fst runner return $ toByteString b H.assertEqual "namespace test 4" (Right expected) res where expected = "Alpha\nInside foo\nBeta\naoeu\nEnd\n" namespaceTest5 :: IO () namespaceTest5 = do res <- runExceptT $ do hs <- ExceptT $ initHeist $ templateHC & hcNamespace .~ "h" & hcCompiledSplices .~ mempty & hcErrorNotBound .~ True runner <- noteT ["Error rendering"] $ hoistMaybe $ renderTemplate hs "namespaces" b <- lift $ fst runner return $ toByteString b H.assertEqual "namespace test 5" (Left ["templates/namespaces.tpl: No splice bound for h:foo"]) res ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- | The templates-no-ns directory should have no tags beginning with h: so -- this test will throw an error. noNsSplices :: IO () noNsSplices = do res <- runExceptT $ do hs <- ExceptT $ initHeist hc runner <- noteT ["Error rendering"] $ hoistMaybe $ renderTemplate hs "test" b <- lift $ fst runner return $ toByteString b H.assertEqual "noNsSplices" (Left [noNamespaceSplicesMsg "h:"]) res where hc = HeistConfig sc "h" True sc = mempty & scLoadTimeSplices .~ defaultLoadTimeSplices & scCompiledSplices .~ ("foo" ## return (yieldPureText "aoeu")) & scTemplateLocations .~ [loadTemplates "templates-no-ns"] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- | Test that no namespace splice message works correctly when there are no -- top level splices used nsNestedUnused :: IO () nsNestedUnused = do res <- runExceptT $ do hs <- ExceptT $ initHeist hc runner <- noteT ["Error rendering"] $ hoistMaybe $ renderTemplate hs "test" b <- lift $ fst runner return $ toByteString b H.assertEqual "ns nested unused warn test" (Right "
\n") res where hc = HeistConfig sc "h" False sc = mempty & scCompiledSplices .~ ("foo" ## return $ yieldPureText "aeou") & scTemplateLocations .~ [loadTemplates "templates-ns-nested"] nsBindTemplateHC :: String -> HeistConfig IO nsBindTemplateHC dir = HeistConfig sc "h" False where sc = mempty & scLoadTimeSplices .~ defaultLoadTimeSplices & scCompiledSplices .~ nsBindTestSplices & scTemplateLocations .~ [loadTemplates dir] nsBindTestSplices :: Splices (Splice IO) nsBindTestSplices = do "call" ## do tpl <- withSplices (callTemplate "_call") nsBindSubSplices (return ()) return $ yieldRuntime $ codeGen tpl "main" ## nsBindSubImpl (return ()) "main2" ## nsBindSubImpl (return ()) nsBindSubImpl :: RuntimeSplice IO b -> Splice IO nsBindSubImpl _ = do tpl <- withSplices runChildren nsBindSubSplices (return ()) return $ yieldRuntime $ codeGen tpl nsBindSubSplices :: Splices (RuntimeSplice IO () -> Splice IO) nsBindSubSplices = do "sub" ## pureSplice . textSplice $ const "asdf" "recurse" ## nsBindSubImpl nsBindTest :: IO () nsBindTest = do res <- runExceptT $ do hs <- ExceptT $ initHeist $ (nsBindTemplateHC "templates-nsbind") runner <- noteT ["Error rendering"] $ hoistMaybe $ renderTemplate hs "nsbind" b <- lift $ fst runner return $ toByteString b H.assertEqual "namespace bind test" (Right expected) res where expected = "Alpha\n\nBeta\nasdf\nGamma\n\n\n" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- | Test splice error reporting. nsBindErrorTest :: IO () nsBindErrorTest = do res <- runExceptT $ do hs <- ExceptT $ initHeist $ (nsBindTemplateHC "templates-nsbind") & hcErrorNotBound .~ True runner <- noteT ["Error rendering"] $ hoistMaybe $ renderTemplate hs "nsbinderror" b <- lift $ fst runner return $ toByteString b H.assertEqual "namespace bind error test" (Left [ err1, err2, err3 ]) res where err1 = "templates-nsbind/nsbinderror.tpl: No splice bound for h:invalid3\n ... via templates-nsbind/nsbinderror.tpl: h:main2\nBound splices: h:sub h:recurse h:call h:main2 h:main\nNode: Element {elementTag = \"h:invalid3\", elementAttrs = [], elementChildren = []}" err2 = "templates-nsbind/nsbinderror.tpl: No splice bound for h:invalid2\n ... via templates-nsbind/nsbinderror.tpl: h:recurse\n ... via templates-nsbind/nsbinderror.tpl: h:main\nBound splices: h:sub h:recurse h:call h:main2 h:main\nNode: Element {elementTag = \"h:invalid2\", elementAttrs = [], elementChildren = []}" err3 = "templates-nsbind/nsbinderror.tpl: No splice bound for h:invalid1\nBound splices: h:call h:main2 h:main\nNode: Element {elementTag = \"h:invalid1\", elementAttrs = [], elementChildren = []}" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- | Test splice error data structure. nsBindStackTest :: IO () nsBindStackTest = do res <- initHeist (nsBindTemplateHC "templates-nsbind") >>= return . (either Left (Right . _spliceErrors)) H.assertEqual "namespace bind stack test" (Right [ err1, err2, err3 ]) res where err1 = SpliceError [ ( ["nsbinderror"] , Just "templates-nsbind/nsbinderror.tpl" , "h:main2") ] (Just "templates-nsbind/nsbinderror.tpl") ["h:sub","h:recurse","h:call","h:main2","h:main"] (X.Element "h:invalid3" [] []) "No splice bound for h:invalid3" err2 = SpliceError [ ( ["nsbinderror"] , Just "templates-nsbind/nsbinderror.tpl" , "h:recurse") , ( ["nsbinderror"] , Just "templates-nsbind/nsbinderror.tpl" ,"h:main") ] (Just "templates-nsbind/nsbinderror.tpl") ["h:sub","h:recurse","h:call","h:main2","h:main"] (X.Element "h:invalid2" [] []) "No splice bound for h:invalid2" err3 = SpliceError [] (Just "templates-nsbind/nsbinderror.tpl") ["h:call","h:main2","h:main"] (X.Element "h:invalid1" [] []) "No splice bound for h:invalid1" nsCallTest :: IO () nsCallTest = do res <- runExceptT $ do hs <- ExceptT $ initHeist $ (nsBindTemplateHC "templates-nscall") & hcErrorNotBound .~ True & hcCompiledTemplateFilter .~ nsFilter runner <- noteT ["Error rendering"] $ hoistMaybe $ renderTemplate hs "nscall" b <- lift $ fst runner return $ toByteString b H.assertEqual "namespace call test" (Right "Top\n\nInside 1\nCalled\nasdf\n\nInside 2\n\n") res where nsFilter = (/=) (fromIntegral $ ord '_') . B.head . head nsCallErrTest :: IO () nsCallErrTest = do res <- runExceptT $ do hs <- ExceptT $ initHeist $ (nsBindTemplateHC "templates-nscall") & hcErrorNotBound .~ True runner <- noteT ["Error rendering"] $ hoistMaybe $ renderTemplate hs "nscall" b <- lift $ fst runner return $ toByteString b H.assertEqual "namespace call error test" (Left $ Set.fromList [ err1, err2 ]) (first Set.fromList res) where err1 = "templates-nscall/_call.tpl: No splice bound for h:sub\nBound splices: h:call h:main2 h:main\nNode: Element {elementTag = \"h:sub\", elementAttrs = [], elementChildren = []}" err2 = "templates-nscall/_invalid.tpl: No splice bound for h:invalid\nBound splices: h:call h:main2 h:main\nNode: Element {elementTag = \"h:invalid\", elementAttrs = [], elementChildren = []}" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- | Test exception handling in template load. exceptionsTest :: IO () exceptionsTest = do res <- Control.Exception.catch (runExceptT $ do hs <- ExceptT $ initHeist hc -- The rest needed only for type inference. runner <- noteT ["Error rendering"] $ hoistMaybe $ renderTemplate hs "" _ <- lift $ fst runner throwE ["Unexpected success"]) (\(e :: CompileException) -> return $ Right (show e, head $ exceptionContext e)) H.assertEqual "exceptions" (Right (msg, err)) $ res where msg = "templates-loaderror/_error.tpl: Exception in splice compile: Prelude.read: no parse\n ... via templates-loaderror/_error.tpl: h:adder\n ... via templates-loaderror/test.tpl: h:call2\nBound splices: h:adder h:call2 h:call1\nNode: Element {elementTag = \"h:adder\", elementAttrs = [(\"value\",\"noparse\")], elementChildren = []}" err = SpliceError [ ( ["test"] , Just "templates-loaderror/_error.tpl" , "h:adder"), ( ["test"] , Just "templates-loaderror/test.tpl" ,"h:call2") ] (Just "templates-loaderror/_error.tpl") ["h:adder", "h:call2", "h:call1"] (X.Element "h:adder" [("value", "noparse")] []) "Exception in splice compile: Prelude.read: no parse" hc = HeistConfig sc "h" True sc = mempty & scLoadTimeSplices .~ defaultLoadTimeSplices & scCompiledSplices .~ splices & scTemplateLocations .~ [loadTemplates "templates-loaderror"] splices = do "call1" ## callTemplate "_ok" "call2" ## callTemplate "_error" "adder" ## do value :: Int <- read . T.unpack . fromJust . X.getAttribute "value" <$> getParamNode return $ yieldPureText $ T.pack $ show $ 1 + value ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- | Test for defer functions to see that they correctly save the result of -- a runtime computation. deferTest :: IO () deferTest = do rs <- mapM newIORef $ replicate 5 (0 :: Int) res <- runExceptT $ do hs <- ExceptT $ initHeist $ hc rs runner <- noteT ["Error rendering"] $ hoistMaybe $ renderTemplate hs "test" b <- lift $ fst runner return $ toByteString b vs <- mapM readIORef rs H.assertEqual "defer test" ([2, 1, 1, 1, 1], Right msg) (vs, res) where msg = "1 2\n1 1\n1 1\n\n1 1\n" hc rs = HeistConfig (sc rs) "h" True sc rs = mempty & scLoadTimeSplices .~ defaultLoadTimeSplices & scCompiledSplices .~ (splices rs) & scTemplateLocations .~ [loadTemplates "templates-defer"] splices [r1, r2, r3, r4, r5] = do "plain" ## subSplice $ addAndReturn r1 "defer" ## deferMap return subSplice $ addAndReturn r2 "maydefer" ## mayDeferMap (return . Just) subSplice $ addAndReturn r3 "maydefer2" ## mayDeferMap (const $ return Nothing) subSplice $ addAndReturn r4 "defermany" ## deferMany subSplice $ addAndReturn' r5 subSplice = withSplices runChildren ("use" ## \n -> return $ yieldRuntimeText $ return . T.pack . show =<< n) addAndReturn r = liftIO $ modifyIORef r (+1) >> readIORef r addAndReturn' r = liftIO $ do modifyIORef r (+1) val <- readIORef r return [val]