% Copyright (c) 2004 Princeton University % $Id: logic.elf,v 1.17 2005/02/10 15:21:23 richards Exp $ tp : type. tm : tp -> type. form : tp. tform : type = tm form. arrow : tp -> tp -> tp. %infix right 14 arrow. pf : tform -> type. _lam : {T1 : tp} {T2 : tp} (tm T1 -> tm T2) -> tm (T1 arrow T2). _@ : {T1 : tp} {T2 : tp} tm (T1 arrow T2) -> tm T1 -> tm T2. _forall : {T : tp} (tm T -> tform) -> tform. imp : tform -> tform -> tform. %infix right 10 imp. _beta_e : {T1 : tp} {T2 : tp} {F : tm T1 -> tm T2} {X : tm T1} {P : tm T2 -> tform} pf (P (_@ T1 T2 (_lam T1 T2 F) X)) -> pf (P (F X)). _imp_i : {A : tform} {B : tform} (pf A -> pf B) -> pf (A imp B). _imp_e : {A : tform} {B : tform} pf (A imp B) -> pf A -> pf B. _forall_i:{T: tp} {A : tm T -> tform}({X : tm T} pf (A X)) -> pf (_forall T A). _forall_e:{T: tp} {A : tm T -> tform} pf (_forall T A) -> {X : tm T} pf (A X). pair : tp -> tp -> tp. _mkpair : {T1 : tp} {T2 : tp} tm (T1 arrow T2 arrow pair T1 T2). _fst : {T1 : tp} {T2 : tp} tm (pair T1 T2 arrow T1). _snd : {T1 : tp} {T2 : tp} tm (pair T1 T2 arrow T2). _fstpair : {T1 : tp} {T2 : tp} {X : tm T1} {Y : tm T2} pf (_forall (T1 arrow form) [f : tm (T1 arrow form)] (_@ T1 form f X) imp (_@ T1 form f (_@ (pair T1 T2) T1 (_fst T1 T2) (_@ T2 (pair T1 T2) (_@ T1 (T2 arrow pair T1 T2) (_mkpair T1 T2) X) Y)))). _sndpair : {T1 : tp} {T2 : tp} {X : tm T1} {Y : tm T2} pf (_forall (T2 arrow form) [f : tm (T2 arrow form)] (_@ T2 form f Y) imp (_@ T2 form f (_@ (pair T1 T2) T2 (_snd T1 T2) (_@ T2 (pair T1 T2) (_@ T1 (T2 arrow pair T1 T2) (_mkpair T1 T2) X) Y)))). % Copyright (c) 2004 Princeton University % $Id: coredefs.elf,v 1.49 2004/07/29 00:30:38 rsimmons Exp $ _frl_frm : (tform -> tform) -> tform = _forall form. _@_f : {T : tp} tm (T arrow form) -> tm T -> tform = [T : tp] _@ T form. _eq : {T : tp} tm T -> tm T -> tform = [T : tp][A : tm T][B : tm T] _forall (T arrow form) [P : tm (T arrow form)] _@_f T P B imp _@_f T P A. and : tform -> tform -> tform = [A : tform][B : tform] _frl_frm [C : tform] (A imp B imp C) imp C. %infix right 12 and. or : tform -> tform -> tform = [A : tform][B : tform] _frl_frm [C : tform] (A imp C) imp (B imp C) imp C. %infix right 11 or. false : tform = _frl_frm [A : tform] A. not : tform -> tform = [A : tform] A imp false. equiv : tform -> tform -> tform = [A : tform][B : tform] (A imp B) and (B imp A). %infix right 10 equiv. _lam2 = [T1 : tp][T2 : tp][T3 : tp][f : tm T1 -> tm T2 -> tm T3] _lam T1 (T2 arrow T3) [x : tm T1] _lam T2 T3 (f x). _lam3 = [T1 : tp][T2 : tp][T3 : tp][T4 : tp] [f : tm T1 -> tm T2 -> tm T3 -> tm T4] _lam T1 (T2 arrow T3 arrow T4) [x : tm T1] _lam2 T2 T3 T4 (f x). _lam4 = [T1 : tp] [T2 : tp] [T3 : tp] [T4 : tp] [T5 : tp] [f : tm T1 -> tm T2 -> tm T3 -> tm T4 -> tm T5] _lam T1 (T2 arrow T3 arrow T4 arrow T5) [x : tm T1] _lam3 T2 T3 T4 T5 (f x). _@2 = [T1 : tp][T2 : tp][T3 : tp][f : tm (T1 arrow T2 arrow T3)] [x1 : tm T1] _@ T2 T3 (_@ T1 (T2 arrow T3) f x1). _@3 = [T1 : tp][T2 : tp][T3 : tp][T4 : tp] [f : tm (T1 arrow T2 arrow T3 arrow T4)][x1 : tm T1] _@2 T2 T3 T4 (_@ T1 (T2 arrow T3 arrow T4) f x1). _@4 = [T1 : tp][T2 : tp][T3 : tp][T4 : tp][T5 : tp] [f : tm (T1 arrow T2 arrow T3 arrow T4 arrow T5)][x1 : tm T1] _@3 T2 T3 T4 T5 (_@ T1 (T2 arrow T3 arrow T4 arrow T5) f x1). _forall2 = [T1 : tp][T2 : tp][f : tm T1 -> tm T2 -> tform] _forall T1 [x : tm T1] _forall T2 (f x). _forall3 = [T1 : tp][T2 : tp][T3 : tp][f : tm T1 -> tm T2 -> tm T3 -> tform] _forall T1 [x : tm T1] _forall2 T2 T3 (f x). _forall4 = [T1 : tp][T2 : tp][T3 : tp][T4: tp] [f : tm T1 -> tm T2 -> tm T3 -> tm T4 -> tform] _forall T1 [x : tm T1] _forall3 T2 T3 T4 (f x). _forall5 = [T1 : tp][T2 : tp][T3 : tp][T4 : tp][T5 : tp] [f : tm T1 -> tm T2 -> tm T3 -> tm T4 -> tm T5 -> tform] _forall T1 [x : tm T1] _forall4 T2 T3 T4 T5 (f x). _forall6 = [T1 : tp][T2 : tp][T3 : tp][T4 : tp][T5 : tp][T6 : tp] [f : tm T1 -> tm T2 -> tm T3 -> tm T4 -> tm T5 -> tm T6 -> tform] _forall T1 [x : tm T1] _forall5 T2 T3 T4 T5 T6 (f x). _exists : {T : tp} (tm T -> tform) -> tform = [T : tp][F : tm T -> tform] _frl_frm [B : tform] (_forall T [X : tm T] F X imp B) imp B. _exists2 = [T1 : tp][T2 : tp][f : tm T1 -> tm T2 -> tform] _exists T1 [x : tm T1] _exists T2 (f x). _exists3 = [T1 : tp][T2 : tp][T3 : tp][f : tm T1 -> tm T2 -> tm T3 -> tform] _exists T1 [x : tm T1] _exists2 T2 T3 (f x). app1 = [T1 : tp][T2 : tp][f : tm T1 -> tm T2][x1 : tm T1] _@ T1 T2 (_lam T1 T2 f) x1. app2 = [T1 : tp][T2 : tp][T3 : tp][f : tm T1 -> tm T2 -> tm T3] _@2 T1 T2 T3 (_lam2 T1 T2 T3 f). app3 = [T1 : tp][T2 : tp][T3 : tp][T4 : tp] [f : tm T1 -> tm T2 -> tm T3 -> tm T4] _@3 T1 T2 T3 T4 (_lam3 T1 T2 T3 T4 f). app4 = [T1 : tp][T2 : tp][T3 : tp][T4 : tp][T5 : tp] [f : tm T1 -> tm T2 -> tm T3 -> tm T4 -> tm T5] _@4 T1 T2 T3 T4 T5 (_lam4 T1 T2 T3 T4 T5 f). app5 = [T1 : tp][T2 : tp][T3 : tp][T4 : tp][T5: tp][T6 : tp] [f : tm T1 -> tm T2 -> tm T3 -> tm T4 -> tm T5 -> tm T6][x1 : tm T1] _@4 T2 T3 T4 T5 T6 ((app1 T1 (T2 arrow T3 arrow T4 arrow T5 arrow T6) [x : tm T1] _lam4 T2 T3 T4 T5 T6 (f x)) x1). app6 = [T1 : tp][T2 : tp][T3 : tp][T4 : tp][T5: tp][T6 : tp][T7 : tp] [f : tm T1 -> tm T2 -> tm T3 -> tm T4 -> tm T5 -> tm T6 -> tm T7] [x1 : tm T1][x2 : tm T2] _@4 T3 T4 T5 T6 T7 ((app2 T1 T2 (T3 arrow T4 arrow T5 arrow T6 arrow T7) [x : tm T1][y : tm T2] _lam4 T3 T4 T5 T6 T7 (f x y)) x1 x2). if : tform -> tform -> tform -> tform = [E : tform][A : tform][B : tform] (E imp A) and (not E imp B). true : tform = not false. xor : tform -> tform -> tform = [A : tform][B : tform] (A and (not B)) or ((not A) and B). %infix right 11 xor. _kleene_star : {T : tp} (tm T -> tm T -> tform) -> tm T -> tm T -> tform = [T : tp][R : tm T -> tm T -> tform][V : tm T][W : tm T] _forall (T arrow T arrow form) [S : tm (T arrow T arrow form)] (_forall T [Z : tm T] _@2 T T form S Z Z) imp (_forall3 T T T [X : tm T][Y : tm T][Z : tm T] (app2 T T form R X Y) imp (_@2 T T form S Y Z) imp (_@2 T T form S X Z)) imp (_@2 T T form S V W). % Pairs out of pairs. % Object vs Meta logic. tuple2 : tp -> tp -> tp = pair. _mktuple2 : {T1 : tp}{T2 : tp} tm T1 -> tm T2 -> tm (tuple2 T1 T2) = [T1 : tp][T2 : tp][x1 : tm T1][x2 : tm T2] _@2 T1 T2 (pair T1 T2) (_mkpair T1 T2) x1 x2. _get1of2 = [T1 : tp][T2 : tp][p : tm (tuple2 T1 T2)] _@ (pair T1 T2) T1 (_fst T1 T2) p. _get2of2 = [T1 : tp][T2 : tp][p : tm (tuple2 T1 T2)] _@ (pair T1 T2) T2 (_snd T1 T2) p. % Quadruples out of pairs. tuple4 : tp -> tp -> tp -> tp -> tp = [T1 : tp][T2 : tp][T3 : tp ][T4 : tp] pair (pair T1 T2) (pair T3 T4). _mktuple4 : {T1 : tp}{T2 : tp}{T3 : tp}{T4 : tp} tm T1 -> tm T2 -> tm T3 -> tm T4 -> tm (tuple4 T1 T2 T3 T4) = [T1 : tp][T2 : tp][T3 : tp][T4 : tp][x1 : tm T1][x2 : tm T2][x3 : tm T3] [x4 : tm T4] _@2 (pair T1 T2) (pair T3 T4) (tuple4 T1 T2 T3 T4) (_mkpair (pair T1 T2) (pair T3 T4)) (_@2 T1 T2 (pair T1 T2) (_mkpair T1 T2) x1 x2) (_@2 T3 T4 (pair T3 T4) (_mkpair T3 T4) x3 x4). _get1of4 = [T1 : tp][T2 : tp][T3 : tp][T4 : tp][p : tm (tuple4 T1 T2 T3 T4)] _@ (pair T1 T2) T1 (_fst T1 T2) (_@ (tuple4 T1 T2 T3 T4) (pair T1 T2) (_fst (pair T1 T2) (pair T3 T4)) p). _get2of4 = [T1 : tp][T2 : tp][T3 : tp][T4 : tp][p : tm (tuple4 T1 T2 T3 T4)] _@ (pair T1 T2) T2 (_snd T1 T2) (_@ (tuple4 T1 T2 T3 T4) (pair T1 T2) (_fst (pair T1 T2) (pair T3 T4)) p). _get3of4 = [T1 : tp][T2 : tp][T3 : tp][T4 : tp][p : tm (tuple4 T1 T2 T3 T4)] _@ (pair T3 T4) T3 (_fst T3 T4) (_@ (tuple4 T1 T2 T3 T4) (pair T3 T4) (_snd (pair T1 T2) (pair T3 T4)) p). _get4of4 = [T1 : tp][T2 : tp][T3 : tp][T4 : tp][p : tm (tuple4 T1 T2 T3 T4)] _@ (pair T3 T4) T4 (_snd T3 T4) (_@ (tuple4 T1 T2 T3 T4) (pair T3 T4) (_snd (pair T1 T2) (pair T3 T4)) p). % Copyright (c) 2004 Princeton University % $Id: arith-fix-checker.elf,v 1.7 2004/04/22 10:47:38 appel Exp $ %use word32. rep_type = word32. rep_plus = +. rep_times = *. rep_div = /. % Copyright (c) 2004 Princeton University % $Id: arith.elf,v 1.16 2004/04/22 10:47:38 appel Exp $ % Author : Neophytos Michael % num : tp. tnum = tm num. const : rep_type -> tnum. isInt : tnum -> tform. zero = const 0. one = const 1. p_one : pf (isInt one). neg : tnum -> tnum. eqn : tnum -> tnum -> tform = _eq num. % % The existece of negatives is an axiom. % _neg_exists : {N : tnum} pf (isInt N) -> pf (isInt (neg N)). % % The integers with addition (Z, +) form an abelian group. % plus : tnum -> tnum -> tnum. _closure_add : {N : tnum}{M : tnum}pf (isInt N) -> pf (isInt M) -> pf (isInt (plus N M)). _assoc_add : {A : tnum}{B : tnum}{C : tnum} pf (eqn (plus (plus A B) C) (plus A (plus B C))). _comm_add : {A : tnum}{B : tnum} pf (eqn (plus A B) (plus B A)). _zero_add : {A : tnum} pf (eqn (plus A zero) A). _inv_add : {A : tnum} pf (eqn (plus A (neg A)) zero). % % The integers with multiplication (Z, *) form a monoid. % times : tnum -> tnum -> tnum. _closure_mult : {N : tnum}{M : tnum} pf (isInt N) -> pf (isInt M) -> pf (isInt (times N M)). _assoc_mult : {A : tnum}{B : tnum}{C : tnum} pf (eqn (times (times A B) C) (times A (times B C))). _zero_mult : {A : tnum} pf (eqn (times A one) A). _comm_mult : {A : tnum}{B : tnum} pf (eqn (times A B) (times B A)). % The 1 != 0 rule. This rules out the trivial structure of the single % element Ring. one_neq_zero : pf ((eqn one zero) imp false). % % The distributive law of multiplication over addition. % _distrib : {A : tnum}{B : tnum}{C : tnum} pf (eqn (times A (plus B C)) (plus (times A B) (times A C))). % % The order relation on integers. % geq : tnum -> tnum -> tform. _ord_reflexivity : {A : tnum} pf (geq A A). _ord_transitivity : {A : tnum}{B : tnum}{C : tnum} pf (geq A B) -> pf (geq B C) -> pf (geq A C). _ord_dichotomy : {A : tnum}{B : tnum} pf ((geq A B) or (geq B A)). _ord_add_closure : {A : tnum}{B : tnum}{C : tnum} pf (geq A C) -> pf (geq (plus A B) (plus C B)). _ord_mult_closure : {A : tnum}{B : tnum} pf (geq A zero) -> pf (geq B zero) -> pf (geq (times A B) zero). _ord_antisymmetry : {A : tnum}{B : tnum} pf (geq A B) -> pf (geq B A) -> pf (eqn A B). _ord_excluded_middle : {A : tnum}{B : tnum} pf ((geq A B) or not (geq A B)). % % The cancelation Axiom % _cancelation : {A : tnum}{B : tnum} pf (eqn (times A B) zero) -> pf ((eqn A zero) or (eqn B zero)). % % Finally the induction principle on the integers. % isNat = [n : tnum] (isInt n) and (geq n zero). induction : {A : tnum -> tform} pf (A zero) -> ({n : tnum}pf (isNat n) -> pf (A n) -> pf (A (plus n one))) -> pf (_forall num [n : tnum] (isNat n) imp A n). sign : tnum -> tnum. _sign0 : {N : tnum} pf (geq N zero) -> pf (eqn (sign N) zero). _sign1 : {N : tnum} pf (geq N zero imp false) -> pf (eqn (sign N) one). _eval_plus : {A : rep_type}{B : rep_type}{C : rep_type} rep_plus A B C -> pf (eqn (plus (const A) (const B)) (const C)). _eval_times : {A : rep_type}{B : rep_type}{C : rep_type} rep_times A B C -> pf (eqn (times (const A) (const B)) (const C)). _eval_div : {M : rep_type}{N : rep_type}{Q : rep_type} rep_div M N Q -> pf (geq (const M) (times (const N) (const Q)) and (not (geq (const M) (times (const N) (plus one (const Q)))))). % Copyright (c) 2004 Princeton University % $Id: arithdefs.elf,v 1.43 2004/10/07 22:39:18 gtan Exp $ _frl_n : (tnum -> tform) -> tform = _forall num. _exs_n : (tnum -> tform) -> tform = _exists num. _exs_n2 : (tnum -> tnum -> tform) -> tform = _exists2 num num. _exs_n3 : (tnum -> tnum -> tnum -> tform) -> tform = _exists3 num num num. minus : tnum -> tnum -> tnum = [x : tnum][y : tnum] plus x (neg y). lt : tnum -> tnum -> tform = [x : tnum][y : tnum] not (geq x y). gt : tnum -> tnum -> tform = [x : tnum][y : tnum] lt y x. leq : tnum -> tnum -> tform = [x : tnum][y : tnum] geq y x. if1: tnum -> tnum -> tnum -> tnum = [A : tnum][B : tnum][C : tnum] plus (times A B) (times (minus one A) C). ifgtz : tnum -> tnum -> tnum -> tnum = [x : tnum] if1 (sign (neg x)). ifeq : tnum -> tnum -> tnum -> tnum -> tnum = [I : tnum][J : tnum][A : tnum][B : tnum] ifgtz (minus I J) B (ifgtz (minus J I) B A). % Some symbolic constants. two : tnum = const 2. three : tnum = const 3. four : tnum = const 4. seven : tnum = const 7. eight : tnum = const 8. ten : tnum = const 10. fifteen : tnum = const 15. sixteen : tnum = const 16. pred1 : tp -> type = [t1:tp] tm t1 -> tform. pred2 : tp -> tp -> type = [t1:tp][t2:tp] tm t1 -> pred1 t2. pred4 : tp -> tp -> tp -> tp -> type = [t1:tp][t2:tp][t3:tp][t4:tp] tm t1 -> tm t2 -> pred2 t3 t4. pred5 : tp -> tp -> tp -> tp -> tp -> type = [t1:tp][t2:tp][t3:tp][t4:tp][t5:tp] tm t1 -> pred4 t2 t3 t4 t5. high0 : type = pred2 form form. high1 : type = {t1:tp} pred1 t1 -> pred1 t1 -> pred1 t1. high2 : type = {t1:tp}{t2:tp} pred2 t1 t2 -> pred2 t1 t2 -> pred2 t1 t2. high4 : type = {t1:tp}{t2:tp}{t3:tp}{t4:tp} pred4 t1 t2 t3 t4 -> pred4 t1 t2 t3 t4 -> pred4 t1 t2 t3 t4. high5 : type = {t1:tp}{t2:tp}{t3:tp}{t4:tp}{t5:tp} pred5 t1 t2 t3 t4 t5 -> pred5 t1 t2 t3 t4 t5 -> pred5 t1 t2 t3 t4 t5. %abbrev mkhigh1 : high0 -> high1 = [op:high0][t1:tp][h1:pred1 t1][h2:pred1 t1][x1:tm t1] op (app1 t1 form h1 x1) (app1 t1 form h2 x1). %abbrev mkhigh2 : high0 -> high2 = [op:high0][t1:tp][t2:tp][h1:pred2 t1 t2][h2:pred2 t1 t2][x1:tm t1][x2:tm t2] op (app2 t1 t2 form h1 x1 x2) (app2 t1 t2 form h2 x1 x2). %abbrev mkhigh4 : high0 -> high4 = [op:high0][t1:tp][t2:tp][t3:tp][t4:tp] [h1:pred4 t1 t2 t3 t4][h2:pred4 t1 t2 t3 t4] [x1:tm t1][x2:tm t2][x3:tm t3][x4:tm t4] op (app4 t1 t2 t3 t4 form h1 x1 x2 x3 x4) (app4 t1 t2 t3 t4 form h2 x1 x2 x3 x4). %abbrev mkhigh5 : high0 -> high5 = [op:high0][t1:tp][t2:tp][t3:tp][t4:tp][t5:tp] [h1:pred5 t1 t2 t3 t4 t5][h2:pred5 t1 t2 t3 t4 t5] [x1:tm t1][x2:tm t2][x3:tm t3][x4:tm t4][x5:tm t5] op (app5 t1 t2 t3 t4 t5 form h1 x1 x2 x3 x4 x5) (app5 t1 t2 t3 t4 t5 form h2 x1 x2 x3 x4 x5). %abbrev __and : pred2 form form = [a : tform][b : tform] a and b. %abbrev __or : pred2 form form = [a : tform][b : tform] a or b. _&& : high1 = mkhigh1 __and. _&&2 : high2 = mkhigh2 __and. _&&4 : high4 = mkhigh4 __and. _|| : high1 = mkhigh1 __or. _||2 : high2 = mkhigh2 __or. _||4 : high4 = mkhigh4 __or. _||5 : high5 = mkhigh5 __or. % A high level not operator _!! : {T : tp} (tm T -> tform) -> tm T -> tform = [T : tp][p : tm T -> tform][w : tm T] not (_@ T form (_lam T form p) w). % These are used a lot in the trusted code so they've been moved here. succ : tnum -> tnum = [n : tnum] plus n one. pred : tnum -> tnum = [n : tnum] minus n one. % The definitions of ncomp and sequences % See core/sequence.elf sequence : tp -> tp = [T : tp] num arrow T arrow form. _ncomp : {T : tp} tm (T arrow T) -> tm num -> tm T -> tm T -> tform = [T : tp][F : tm (T arrow T)][N : tnum][X : tm T][Y : tm T] _forall ((T arrow T) arrow num arrow T arrow T arrow form) [NC : tm ((T arrow T) arrow num arrow T arrow T arrow form)] (_forall T [Z : tm T] _@4 (T arrow T) num T T form NC F zero Z Z) imp (_forall3 num T T [N' : tm num][Z1 : tm T][Z2 : tm T] (isNat N') imp (gt N' zero) imp (_@4 (T arrow T) num T T form NC F (pred N') Z1 Z2) imp (_@4 (T arrow T) num T T form NC F N' Z1 (_@ T T F Z2))) imp (_@4 (T arrow T) num T T form NC F N X Y). double : tm (num arrow num) = _lam num num [x : tnum] times two x. _power2 : tnum -> tnum -> tform = [a : tnum][b : tnum] (isNat a) and (_ncomp num double a one b). bignum_base : rep_type = 256. bignum : tnum = zero. dig : tnum -> rep_type -> tnum = [x : tnum][d : rep_type] plus (times x (const bignum_base)) (const d). %infix left 1000 dig. pow2_8 : tnum = bignum dig 1 dig 0. pow2_16 : tnum = bignum dig 1 dig 0 dig 0. pow2_24 : tnum = bignum dig 1 dig 0 dig 0 dig 0. pow2_32 : tnum = bignum dig 1 dig 0 dig 0 dig 0 dig 0. pow2_64 : tnum = bignum dig 1 dig 0 dig 0 dig 0 dig 0 dig 0 dig 0 dig 0 dig 0. pow2_31 = const 2147483648. _abs : tnum -> tnum -> tform = [a : tnum][abs_a : tnum] if (geq a zero) (eqn abs_a a) (eqn abs_a (neg a)). % Arithmetic modulo an integer _divide_mod : tnum -> tnum -> tnum -> tnum -> tform = [m : tnum][n : tnum][q : tnum][r : tnum] (gt n zero) and (eqn m (plus (times q n) r)) and (isInt q) and geq r zero and lt r n. _divide : tnum -> tnum -> tnum -> tform = [n : tnum][m : tnum][q : tnum] _exs_n [r : tnum] _divide_mod n m q r. _modulo : tnum -> tnum -> tnum -> tform = [n: tnum][m : tnum][r : tnum] _exs_n [q : tnum] _divide_mod n m q r. _modulo32 : tnum -> tnum -> tform = [n : tnum][res : tnum] _modulo n pow2_32 res. _plus_mod16 : tnum -> tnum -> tnum -> tform = [a : tnum][b : tnum][c : tnum] _modulo (plus a b) pow2_16 c. _plus_mod32 : tnum -> tnum -> tnum -> tform = [a : tnum][b : tnum][c : tnum] _modulo (plus a b) pow2_32 c. _minus_mod32 : tnum -> tnum -> tnum -> tform = [a : tnum][b : tnum][c : tnum] _modulo (minus a b) pow2_32 c. _times_mod32 : tnum -> tnum -> tnum -> tform = [a : tnum][b : tnum][c : tnum] _modulo (times a b) pow2_32 c. % Bitwise operations _bits : tnum -> tnum -> tnum -> tnum -> tform = [r : tnum][l : tnum][v : tnum][word : tnum] _exs_n3 [pr : tnum][plr : tnum][shifted : tnum] (_power2 r pr) and (_power2 (succ (minus l r)) plr) and (_divide word pr shifted) and (_modulo shifted plr v). _inrange2 : tnum -> tnum -> tnum -> tform = [lo:tnum][hi:tnum][x:tnum] isInt x and leq lo x and lt x hi. _set_disjoint : {t: tp} (tm t -> tform) -> (tm t -> tform) -> tform = [t: tp] [s1: tm t -> tform] [s2: tm t -> tform] not (_exists t [x:tm t] s1 x and s2 x). _rbits : rep_type -> rep_type -> tnum -> tnum -> tform = [r : rep_type][l : rep_type] _bits (const r) (const l). % Number is even even? : tnum -> tform = [m: tnum] _modulo m two zero. % Number is a multiple of four mult4? : tnum -> tform = [m: tnum] _modulo m four zero. % Copyright (c) 2004 Princeton University % $Id: arith-fix-axioms.elf,v 1.4 2004/04/22 10:47:38 appel Exp $ % All rations are word32 (unsigned ints) for this theory. _warning_not_portable_to_arith_rat : {C : rep_type} pf (isNat (const C)). % Copyright (c) 2004 Princeton University % $Id: classic.elf,v 1.4 2004/04/22 10:47:39 appel Exp $ _not_not_e : {B : tform} pf ((B imp (_frl_frm [A : tform] A)) imp (_frl_frm [A : tform] A)) -> pf B. % Copyright (c) 2004 Princeton University % $Id: ops.elf,v 1.87 2004/04/22 10:49:18 appel Exp $ registers : tp = num arrow num. memory : tp = num arrow num. tregs : type = tm registers. tmem : type = tm memory. program : tp = num arrow num arrow form. __program__ : type = tm program. _exs_r : (tregs -> tform) -> tform = _exists registers. _readable : tregs -> tmem -> tnum -> tform. _writable : tregs -> tmem -> tnum -> tform. _executable : tregs -> tmem -> tnum -> tform. instr : tp = registers arrow memory arrow registers arrow memory arrow form. app_instr = _@4 registers memory registers memory form. % no api steps for now api_step : tm instr = _lam4 registers memory registers memory form [r: tregs][m: tmem][r': tregs][m': tmem] false. tnfn : tp -> tp -> type = [T1 : tp][T2 : tp] tm (T1 arrow T2). upd_typ = [T1 : tp][T2 : tp] tnfn T1 T2 -> tnfn T1 T2 -> tm T1 -> tform. _k0 = [T1 : tp][T2 : tp][f : tnfn T1 T2][f' : tnfn T1 T2][z : tm T1] _eq T2 (_@ T1 T2 f' z) (_@ T1 T2 f z). _upd/cc = [T1 : tp][T2 : tp][d : tm T1][x : tm T2] [k : upd_typ T1 T2][f : tnfn T1 T2][f' : tnfn T1 T2][z : tm T1] if (_eq T1 z d) (_eq T2 (_@ T1 T2 f' d) x) (_@3 (T1 arrow T2) (T1 arrow T2) T1 form (_lam3 (T1 arrow T2) (T1 arrow T2) T1 form k) f f' z). _upd : {T1 : tp}{T2 : tp} tnfn T1 T2 -> tm T1 -> tm T2 -> tnfn T1 T2 -> tform = [T1 : tp][T2 : tp][f : tnfn T1 T2][d : tm T1][x : tm T2][f' : tnfn T1 T2] _forall T1 [z : tm T1] _upd/cc T1 T2 d x (_k0 T1 T2) f f' z. _upd2 = [T1 : tp][T2 : tp][f : tnfn T1 T2][d1 : tm T1][x1 : tm T2] [d2 : tm T1][x2 : tm T2][f' : tnfn T1 T2] _forall T1 [z : tm T1] _upd/cc T1 T2 d1 x1 (_upd/cc T1 T2 d2 x2 (_k0 T1 T2)) f f' z. _upd3 = [T1 : tp][T2 : tp][f : tnfn T1 T2][d1 : tm T1][x1 : tm T2][d2 : tm T1] [x2 : tm T2][d3 : tm T1][x3 : tm T2][f' : tnfn T1 T2] _forall T1 [z : tm T1] _upd/cc T1 T2 d1 x1 (_upd/cc T1 T2 d2 x2 (_upd/cc T1 T2 d3 x3 (_k0 T1 T2))) f f' z. _upd4 = [T1 : tp][T2 : tp][f : tnfn T1 T2][d1 : tm T1][x1 : tm T2][d2 : tm T1] [x2 : tm T2][d3 : tm T1][x3 : tm T2][d4 : tm T1][x4 : tm T2][f' : tnfn T1 T2] _forall T1 [z : tm T1] _upd/cc T1 T2 d1 x1 (_upd/cc T1 T2 d2 x2 (_upd/cc T1 T2 d3 x3 (_upd/cc T1 T2 d4 x4 (_k0 T1 T2)))) f f' z. app1_pred = app1 num form. app_get_t = app2 registers num. app_get = app_get_t num. app_upd = app4 registers num num registers form. app_upd2 = app6 registers num num num num registers form. updn_typ = tnfn num num -> tm num -> tm num -> tnfn num num -> tform. updn2_typ = tnfn num num -> tm num -> tm num -> tm num -> tm num -> tnfn num num -> tform. updn3_typ = tnfn num num -> tm num -> tm num -> tm num -> tm num -> tm num -> tm num -> tnfn num num -> tform. updn : updn_typ = _upd num num. updn2 : updn2_typ = _upd2 num num. updn3 : updn3_typ = _upd3 num num. strictify_num = [f : tform][c : tnum] app1_pred ([_ : tnum] f) c. true_fn = strictify_num true. get_mem = [m : tmem][a : tnum] _@ num num m a. get_reg = [r : tregs][a : tnum] _@ num num r a. _eq_mem : tmem -> tmem -> tform = [m : tmem][m' : tmem] _frl_n [i : tnum] eqn (get_mem m i) (get_mem m' i). _eq_regs : tregs -> tregs -> tform = [r : tregs][r' : tregs]_frl_n [i : tnum] eqn (get_reg r i) (get_reg r' i). _eq_hidden_regs: tregs -> tregs -> tform = [r : tregs][r' : tregs] _frl_n [i : tnum] geq i (const 1000) imp eqn (get_reg r i) (get_reg r' i). _is_word : tnum -> tform = [x : tnum] isNat x and lt x pow2_32. _regmempred_extensional : (tregs -> tmem -> tnum -> tform) -> tform = [f : tregs -> tmem -> tnum -> tform] _forall5 registers registers memory memory num [r : tregs][r' : tregs][m : tmem][m' : tmem][n : tnum] _eq_hidden_regs r r' imp (_frl_n [x : tm num] not (_writable r m x) imp eqn (get_mem m x) (get_mem m' x)) imp f r m n equiv f r' m' n. _readable_extensional : pf (_regmempred_extensional _readable). _writable_extensional : pf (_regmempred_extensional _writable). _executable_extensional : pf (_regmempred_extensional _executable). _executable_isword : {R:tregs} {M:tmem} {X:tnum} pf (_executable R M X) -> pf (_is_word X). instr_lam : (tregs -> tmem -> tregs -> tmem -> tform) -> tm instr = _lam4 registers memory registers memory form. % This definition converts the byte input argument to the number of bits % that are contained in the given number of bytes. byte2bit = [bytes : tnum] times bytes eight. % This definition makes sure that the bit pattern between "left" and "right" % is identical in words "v1" and "v2". eq_between = [right : tnum][left : tnum][v1 : tnum][v2 : tnum] _exs_n [t : tnum] _bits right left t v1 and _bits right left t v2. % Sign extend an integer. "msb" is the most significant bit of the % number we are sign extending, "v" is the number itself and "vres" is % the result of the sign extension. "v" must always be a positive % integer. sign_ext = [msb : tnum][v : tnum][vres : tnum] _exs_n [s : tnum] _bits msb msb s v and (if (eqn s zero) (eqn vres v) (_exs_n [p : tnum] (_power2 (succ msb) p) and (eqn vres (plus v (minus pow2_32 p))))). % This definition forms the "address" and the "offset" arguments when % given an unaligned argument. It also ensures that the address is % well aligned given the size of the value we are trying to fetch. form_address = [u_address : tnum][alignment_bit : tnum][address : tnum] [offset : tnum][size : tnum] _bits zero alignment_bit offset u_address and _minus_mod32 u_address offset address and _modulo offset size zero. % This definition is used to cast the value of a word to the appropriate % size. It is used by the load instructions to chop the value fetched % from memory to the appopriate size. chop_value = [m : tmem][address : tnum][offset : tnum][size : tnum][v : tnum] _exs_n2 [right : tnum][left : tnum] eqn left (minus (const 31) (byte2bit offset)) and eqn right (minus (succ left) (byte2bit size)) and _bits right left v (get_mem m address). % This definition is used (in conjuction with the above) by the load % instructions. The function sign extends a value from the % appropriate bit depending on the size. After the value is choped % then if we are dealing with a sign extending load the value fetched % from memory must be sign-extended. sign_extend_from_size = [v : tnum][signed : tform][size : tnum][vres : tnum] if signed (((eqn size one) and (sign_ext seven v vres)) or ((eqn size two) and (sign_ext fifteen v vres)) or ((eqn size four) and (eqn v vres))) (eqn v vres). % This definition is used to fetch the value stored in a memory % location due to a load instruction. It performs sign extention and % casting to the appropriate machine type. fetch_value = [m : tmem][address : tnum][offset : tnum][signed : tform] [size : tnum][val : tnum] _exs_n [v : tnum] chop_value m address offset size v and sign_extend_from_size v signed size val. mk_stored_value_word = [reg_val : tnum][new_val : tnum] eqn new_val reg_val. mk_stored_value_half = [mem_val : tnum][reg_val : tnum][offset : tnum][new_val : tnum] _exs_n2 [mp_right : tnum][mp_left : tnum] _exs_n2 [p1 : tnum][p2 : tnum] _power2 (byte2bit (minus four offset)) p2 and _power2 (byte2bit (minus (minus four offset) two)) p1 and _modulo mem_val p1 mp_right and _divide mem_val p2 mp_left and eqn new_val (plus (plus (times mp_left p2) (times reg_val p1)) mp_right). mk_stored_value_byte = [mem_val : tnum][reg_val : tnum][offset : tnum][new_val : tnum] _exs_n2 [mp_left : tnum][mp_right : tnum] _exs_n2 [p1 : tnum][p2 : tnum] (_power2 (byte2bit (minus four offset)) p2) and (_power2 (byte2bit (pred (minus four offset))) p1) and _modulo mem_val p1 mp_right and _divide mem_val p2 mp_left and eqn new_val (plus (plus (times mp_left p2) (times reg_val p1)) mp_right). % This definition is used for manufucturing the value to be stored % into a memory location by the store kind of instructions. make_stored_value : tmem -> tnum -> tnum -> tnum -> tnum -> tnum -> tform = [m : tmem][address : tnum][offset : tnum] [size : tnum][reg_val : tnum][new_val : tnum] _exs_n2 [mem_val : tnum][rval : tnum] (eqn mem_val (get_mem m address)) and (_bits zero (pred (byte2bit size)) rval reg_val) and ((eqn size four and mk_stored_value_word rval new_val) or (eqn size two and mk_stored_value_half mem_val rval offset new_val) or (eqn size one and mk_stored_value_byte mem_val rval offset new_val)). % Operators for logical/Arithmetic operations. alu_fun = tnum -> tnum -> tnum -> tform. app_alu = app3 num num num form. app_alu2 = app2 num num form. % Logical bitwise : (tform -> tform -> tform)-> alu_fun = [f : tform -> tform -> tform][x : tnum][y : tnum][z : tnum] _is_word z and _frl_n [i : tnum] (_bits i i one z) equiv ( _inrange2 zero (const 32) i and _@2 form form form (_lam2 form form form f) (_bits i i one x) (_bits i i one y)). and_oper : alu_fun = bitwise [x : tform][y : tform] x and y. andn_oper : alu_fun = bitwise [x : tform][y : tform] x and not y. or_oper : alu_fun = bitwise [x : tform][y : tform] x or y. orn_oper : alu_fun = bitwise [x : tform][y : tform] x or not y. xor_oper : alu_fun = bitwise [x : tform][y : tform] x equiv not y. xnor_oper : alu_fun = bitwise [x : tform][y : tform] x equiv y. bits_0_31 : tnum -> tnum -> tform = _rbits 0 31. get_lsb5 : tnum -> tnum -> tform = _rbits 0 4. % Shift Left logical shift_ll_oper : alu_fun = [x : tnum][y : tnum][z : tnum] _exs_n2 [lsb5 : tnum][s : tnum] (get_lsb5 lsb5 y) and (_power2 lsb5 s) and (bits_0_31 z (times x s)). % Shift right logical shift_rl_oper : alu_fun = [x : tnum][y : tnum][z : tnum] _exs_n [lsb5 : tnum] (get_lsb5 lsb5 y) and (_bits lsb5 (const 31) z x). % Shift right arithmetic shift_ra_oper : alu_fun = [x : tnum][y : tnum][z : tnum] _exs_n2 [r : tnum][lsb5 : tnum] (shift_rl_oper x y r) and (get_lsb5 lsb5 y) and (sign_ext (minus (const 31) lsb5) r z). % Negate in two's complement neg_2s_comp = [c : tnum][x : tnum][y : tnum] if (eqn x zero) (eqn y zero) (eqn y (minus c x)). neg_2s_comp_16 : tnum -> tnum -> tform = neg_2s_comp pow2_16. neg_2s_comp_32 : tnum -> tnum -> tform = neg_2s_comp pow2_32. neg_2s_comp_64 : tnum -> tnum -> tform = neg_2s_comp pow2_64. % Arith plus % commented out since it overlaps with _plus_mod32 % plus_mod32_oper = [x : tnum][y : tnum][z : tnum] bits_0_31 z (plus x y). % Arith minus % commented out since it overlaps with _minus_mod32 % minus_mod32_oper : alu_fun = [x : tnum][y : tnum][z : tnum] % _exs_n [negy : tnum] neg_2s_comp_32 y negy and bits_0_31 z (plus x negy). % Floating point types o_flt32 : tp = num. o_flt64 : tp = pair o_flt32 o_flt32. o_flt128 : tp = pair o_flt64 o_flt64. flt32 : type = tm o_flt32. flt64 : type = tm o_flt64. flt128 : type = tm o_flt128. mk_float64 = _mktuple2 num num. mk_float128 = _mktuple4 num num num num. % Convert ints to floats int32->float32 : tnum -> flt32 -> tform. int32->float64 : tnum -> flt64 -> tform. int32->float128 : tnum -> flt128 -> tform. % Convert floats to ints float32->int32 : flt32 -> tnum -> tform. float64->int32 : flt64 -> tnum -> tform. float128->int32 : flt128 -> tnum -> tform. % Convert floats to floats float32->float64 : flt32 -> flt64 -> tform. float32->float128 : flt32 -> flt128 -> tform. float64->float32 : flt64 -> flt32 -> tform. float64->float128 : flt64 -> flt128 -> tform. float128->float32 : flt128 -> flt32 -> tform. float128->float64 : flt128 -> flt64 -> tform. % Floating point negate float32_neg : flt32 -> flt32 -> tform. float64_neg : flt64 -> flt64 -> tform. % Floating point absolute value float32_abs : flt32 -> flt32 -> tform. float64_abs : flt64 -> flt64 -> tform. % Floating point square root float32_sqrt : flt32 -> flt32 -> tform. float64_sqrt : flt64 -> flt64 -> tform. float128_sqrt : flt128 -> flt128 -> tform. % Floating point bin operators float32_oper_type : type = flt32 -> flt32 -> flt32 -> tform. float64_oper_type : type = flt64 -> flt64 -> flt64 -> tform. float128_oper_type : type = flt128 -> flt128 -> flt128 -> tform. % Floating point add, and subtract float32_add : float32_oper_type. float64_add : float64_oper_type. float128_add : float128_oper_type. float32_sub : float32_oper_type. float64_sub : float64_oper_type. float128_sub : float128_oper_type. % Floating point multiply, and divide float32_mul : float32_oper_type. float64_mul : float64_oper_type. float128_mul : float128_oper_type. float32->64_mul : flt32 -> flt32 -> flt64 -> tform. float64->128_mul : flt64 -> flt64 -> flt128 -> tform. float32_div : float32_oper_type. float64_div : float64_oper_type. float128_div : float128_oper_type. % Ordering relations float32_eq : flt32 -> flt32 -> tform. float32_gt : flt32 -> flt32 -> tform. float32_lt : flt32 -> flt32 -> tform. float32_uo : flt32 -> flt32 -> tform. float64_eq : flt64 -> flt64 -> tform. float64_gt : flt64 -> flt64 -> tform. float64_lt : flt64 -> flt64 -> tform. float64_uo : flt64 -> flt64 -> tform. float128_eq : flt128 -> flt128 -> tform. float128_gt : flt128 -> flt128 -> tform. float128_lt : flt128 -> flt128 -> tform. float128_uo : flt128 -> flt128 -> tform. app_upd_t = [T : tp] app6 registers num T registers memory memory form. % Perform a unary floating point operation float_unary_op = [T1 : tp][fs2c : tnum -> tform][getf : tregs -> tnum -> tm T1] [T2 : tp][upd : tregs -> tnum -> tm T2 -> tregs -> tmem -> tmem -> tform] [f : tm T1 -> tm T2 -> tform][fs2 : tnum][fd : tnum] instr_lam [r : tregs][m : tmem][r' : tregs][m' : tmem] (app1_pred fs2c fs2) and (_exists T2 [v : tm T2] (app2 T1 T2 form f (app_get_t T1 getf r fs2) v) and (app_upd_t T2 upd r fd v r' m m')). % Perform a binary floating point operation float_binary_op = [T1 : tp][fsc : tnum -> tform][getf : tregs -> tnum -> tm T1] [T2 : tp][upd : tregs -> tnum -> tm T2 -> tregs -> tmem -> tmem -> tform] [f : tm T1 -> tm T1 -> tm T2 -> tform][fs1 : tnum][fs2 : tnum][fd : tnum] instr_lam [r : tregs][m : tmem][r' : tregs][m' : tmem] (app1_pred fsc fs1) and (fsc fs2) and (_exists T2 [v : tm T2] (app3 T1 T1 T2 form f (app_get_t T1 getf r fs1) (app_get_t T1 getf r fs2) v) and (app_upd_t T2 upd r fd v r' m m')). pi_typ = tnum -> tform. f_typ = [T : tp] tm T -> tnum -> tform. &&n : pi_typ -> pi_typ -> pi_typ = _&& num. %infix right 5 &&n. fld0 = [T : tp][p_pi : pi_typ][icons : tm T][ins : tm T][word : tnum] app1_pred p_pi word and _eq T ins icons. fld1 = [T : tp][T1 : tp][f0 : f_typ T1][p_pi : pi_typ] [icons : tm T1 -> tm T][ins : tm T][word : tnum] _exists T1 [g : tm T1] (f0 g &&n fld0 T p_pi (icons g) ins) word. fld2 = [T : tp][T1 : tp][T2 : tp] [f0 : f_typ T1][f1 : f_typ T2][p_pi : pi_typ] [icons : tm T1 -> tm T2 -> tm T][ins : tm T][word : tnum] _exists T1 [g : tm T1] (f0 g &&n fld1 T T2 f1 p_pi (icons g) ins) word. fld3 = [T : tp][T1 : tp][T2 : tp][T3 : tp] [f0 : f_typ T1][f1 : f_typ T2][f2 : f_typ T3][p_pi : pi_typ] [icons : tm T1 -> tm T2 -> tm T3 -> tm T][ins : tm T][word : tnum] _exists T1 [g : tm T1] (f0 g &&n fld2 T T2 T3 f1 f2 p_pi (icons g) ins) word. fld4 = [T : tp][T1 : tp][T2 : tp][T3 : tp][T4 : tp] [f0 : f_typ T1][f1 : f_typ T2][f2 : f_typ T3][f3 : f_typ T4][p_pi : pi_typ] [icons : tm T1 -> tm T2 -> tm T3 -> tm T4 -> tm T][ins : tm T][word : tnum] _exists T1 [g : tm T1] (f0 g &&n fld3 T T2 T3 T4 f1 f2 f3 p_pi (icons g) ins) word. fld0i = fld0 instr. fld1i = fld1 instr. fld2i = fld2 instr. fld3i = fld3 instr. fld4i = fld4 instr. field_typ = tnum -> tnum -> tform. pat_typ = tnum -> tform. %abbrev fldapp = [f : field_typ][v : rep_type] f (const v). ||2n = _||2 instr num. %infix right 4 ||2n. % Copyright (c) 2004 Princeton University % $Id: float_axioms.elf,v 1.4 2004/04/22 10:49:17 appel Exp $ % The floating point axioms for the sparc V8 machine. float32_range : flt32 -> tform = [v : flt32] (geq v zero and leq v (const 4294967295)). float64_range : flt64 -> tform = [vp : flt64] float32_range (_get1of2 o_flt32 o_flt32 vp) and float32_range (_get2of2 o_flt32 o_flt32 vp). float128_range : flt128 -> tform = [vpp : flt128] float64_range (_get1of2 o_flt64 o_flt64 vpp) and float64_range (_get2of2 o_flt64 o_flt64 vpp). float_unary_prop : {T1 : tp}{T2 : tp} (tm T2 -> tform) -> (tm T1 -> tm T2 -> tform) -> tform = [T1 : tp][T2 : tp][range : tm T2 -> tform][f : tm T1 -> tm T2 -> tform] _forall T1 [x : tm T1] (_exists T2 [y : tm T2] f x y) and (_forall2 T2 T2 [y : tm T2][y' : tm T2] f x y and f x y' imp _eq T2 y y') and (_forall T2 [y : tm T2] f x y imp range y). float_unary_prop_32 : {T : tp} (tm T -> flt32 -> tform) -> tform = [T : tp] float_unary_prop T o_flt32 float32_range. float_unary_prop_64 : {T : tp} (tm T -> flt64 -> tform) -> tform = [T : tp] float_unary_prop T o_flt64 float64_range. float_unary_prop_128 : {T : tp} (tm T -> flt128 -> tform) -> tform = [T : tp] float_unary_prop T o_flt128 float128_range. % Convert ints to floats axioms int32->float32_axiom : pf (float_unary_prop_32 num int32->float32). int32->float64_axiom : pf (float_unary_prop_64 num int32->float64). int32->float128_axiom : pf (float_unary_prop_128 num int32->float128). % Convert floats to ints float32->int32_axiom : pf (float_unary_prop_32 o_flt32 float32->int32). float64->int32_axiom : pf (float_unary_prop_32 o_flt64 float64->int32). float128->int32_axiom : pf (float_unary_prop_32 o_flt128 float128->int32). % Convert floats to floats float32->float64_axiom : pf (float_unary_prop_64 o_flt32 float32->float64). float32->float128_axiom : pf (float_unary_prop_128 o_flt32 float32->float128). float64->float32_axiom : pf (float_unary_prop_32 o_flt64 float64->float32). float64->float128_axiom : pf (float_unary_prop_128 o_flt64 float64->float128). float128->float32_axiom : pf (float_unary_prop_32 o_flt128 float128->float32). float128->float64_axiom : pf (float_unary_prop_64 o_flt128 float128->float64). % Negate axiom float32_neg_axiom : pf (float_unary_prop_32 o_flt32 float32_neg). float64_neg_axiom : pf (float_unary_prop_64 o_flt64 float64_neg). % Absolute value axiom float32_abs_axiom : pf (float_unary_prop_32 o_flt32 float32_abs). float64_abs_axiom : pf (float_unary_prop_64 o_flt64 float64_abs). % Floating point square root float32_sqrt_axiom : pf (float_unary_prop_32 o_flt32 float32_sqrt). float64_sqrt_axiom : pf (float_unary_prop_64 o_flt64 float64_sqrt). float128_sqrt_axiom : pf (float_unary_prop_128 o_flt128 float128_sqrt). % Floating point bin operators float_binary_prop : {T1 : tp} {T2 : tp}{T3 : tp} (tm T3 -> tform) -> (tm T1 -> tm T2 -> tm T3 -> tform) -> tform = [T1 : tp][T2 : tp][T3 : tp] [range : tm T3 -> tform][f : tm T1 -> tm T2 -> tm T3 -> tform] _forall2 T1 T2 [x1 : tm T1][x2 : tm T2] (_exists T3 [y : tm T3] f x1 x2 y) and (_forall2 T3 T3 [y : tm T3][y' : tm T3] (f x1 x2 y) and (f x1 x2 y') imp _eq T3 y y') and (_forall T3 [y : tm T3] (f x1 x2 y) imp (range y)). float_binary_prop_32 : {T1:tp} {T2:tp} (tm T1 -> tm T2 -> tm o_flt32 -> tform) -> tform = [T1 : tp][T2 : tp] float_binary_prop T1 T2 o_flt32 float32_range. float_binary_prop_64 : {T1:tp} {T2:tp} (tm T1 -> tm T2 -> tm o_flt64 -> tform) -> tform = [T1 : tp][T2 : tp] float_binary_prop T1 T2 o_flt64 float64_range. float_binary_prop_128 : {T1:tp} {T2:tp}(tm T1 -> tm T2 -> tm o_flt128 -> tform) -> tform = [T1 : tp][T2 : tp] float_binary_prop T1 T2 o_flt128 float128_range. % Floating point add and subtract axioms float32_add_axiom : pf (float_binary_prop_32 o_flt32 o_flt32 float32_add). float64_add_axiom : pf (float_binary_prop_64 o_flt64 o_flt64 float64_add). float128_add_axiom : pf (float_binary_prop_128 o_flt128 o_flt128 float128_add). float32_sub_axiom : pf (float_binary_prop_32 o_flt32 o_flt32 float32_sub). float64_sub_axiom : pf (float_binary_prop_64 o_flt64 o_flt64 float64_sub). float128_sub_axiom : pf (float_binary_prop_128 o_flt128 o_flt128 float128_sub). % Floating point multiply, and divide axioms float32_mul_axiom : pf (float_binary_prop_32 o_flt32 o_flt32 float32_mul). float64_mul_axiom : pf (float_binary_prop_64 o_flt64 o_flt64 float64_mul). float128_mul_axiom : pf (float_binary_prop_128 o_flt128 o_flt128 float128_mul). float32->64_axiom : pf (float_binary_prop_64 o_flt32 o_flt32 float32->64_mul). float64->128_axiom: pf(float_binary_prop_128 o_flt64 o_flt64 float64->128_mul). float32_div_axiom : pf (float_binary_prop_32 o_flt32 o_flt32 float32_div). float64_div_axiom : pf (float_binary_prop_64 o_flt64 o_flt64 float64_div). float128_div_axiom : pf (float_binary_prop_128 o_flt128 o_flt128 float128_div). % Ordering axiom cmptyp : tp -> type = [T : tp] tm T -> tm T -> tform. float*_order : {T : tp} cmptyp T -> cmptyp T -> cmptyp T -> cmptyp T -> tform = [T : tp][eq : cmptyp T][gt : cmptyp T][lt : cmptyp T][uo : cmptyp T] _forall2 T T [x : tm T][y : tm T] (eq x y) xor (gt x y) xor (lt x y) xor (uo x y). float32_order_axiom : pf (float*_order o_flt32 float32_eq float32_gt float32_lt float32_uo). float64_order_axiom : pf (float*_order o_flt64 float64_eq float64_gt float64_lt float64_uo). float128_order_axiom : pf (float*_order o_flt128 float128_eq float128_gt float128_lt float128_uo). % Copyright (c) 2004 Princeton University % $Id: oper_types.elf,v 1.4 2004/04/22 10:49:20 appel Exp $ regaddr : tp = registers arrow num arrow form. address_ : tp = registers arrow num arrow form. reg_or_imm : tp = registers arrow num arrow form. % Copyright (c) 2004 Princeton University % $Id: oper_injectors.elf,v 1.4 2004/04/22 10:49:20 appel Exp $ app_constr : tm reg_or_imm -> tregs -> tnum -> tform = _@2 registers num form. inj_imode : tnum -> tm reg_or_imm = [n : tnum] _lam2 registers num form [r : tregs][x : tnum] sign_ext (const 12) n x. inj_rmode : tnum -> tm reg_or_imm = [i : tnum] _lam2 registers num form [r : tregs][x : tnum] eqn (get_reg r i) x. inj_generalA : tnum -> tm reg_or_imm -> tm address_ = [rs1 : tnum][reg_imm : tm reg_or_imm] _lam2 registers num form [r : tregs][x : tnum] _exs_n [y : tnum] app_constr reg_imm r y and _plus_mod32 (get_reg r rs1) y x. inj_indexR : tnum -> tnum -> tm regaddr = [rs1 : tnum][rs2 : tnum] _lam2 registers num form [r : tregs][x : tnum] _plus_mod32 (get_reg r rs1) (get_reg r rs2) x. % Copyright (c) 2004 Princeton University % $Id: instr_sem.elf,v 1.70 2004/06/01 21:38:09 gtan Exp $ % Instruction Semantics for the sparc V8 machine. % We use numbers >= 32 to hold non-numbered machine registers. pc : tnum = const 32. % The program counter npc : tnum = const 33. % The next program counter icc : tnum = const 34. % The 4 bit condition code register fcc : tnum = const 35. % The 2 bit condition code register (floating) y_reg : tnum = const 36. % The Y register used for integer multiplication icnt : tnum = const 37. % The number of instructions executed % this includes the current instruction last_cbr : tnum = const 38. % The last time a cbr instr was executed last_cmpfcc : tnum = const 39. % The last time a cmpfcc instr was executed last_wry : tnum = const 40. % The last time a wry instr was executed opc : tnum = const 41. % The old pc i.e. the pc of the instr we are % currently executing flt_offset : tnum = const 128. % Offset at which floating-point registers begin % Compute the offset into the reg bank of floating point register "reg" flt_num : tnum -> tnum = [reg : tnum] plus flt_offset reg. % Get integer register. get_ireg : tregs -> tnum -> tnum = get_reg. % Get floating point register. get_freg = [r : tregs][fd : tnum] get_reg r (flt_num fd). set_from_icnt : tnum -> tregs -> tregs -> tform = [reg : tnum][r : tregs][r' : tregs] updn r reg (get_ireg r icnt) r'. set_cbr : tregs -> tregs -> tform = set_from_icnt last_cbr. set_cmpfcc : tregs -> tregs -> tform = set_from_icnt last_cmpfcc. set_wry : tregs -> tregs -> tform = set_from_icnt last_wry. cbr_in_progress? : tregs -> tform = [r : tregs] eqn (get_ireg r icnt) (succ (get_ireg r last_cbr)). cmpfcc_in_progress? : tregs -> tform = [r : tregs] eqn (get_ireg r icnt) (succ (get_ireg r last_cmpfcc)). wry_in_progress? : tregs -> tform = [r : tregs] lt (get_ireg r icnt) (plus (get_ireg r last_wry) four). word_size : tnum = four. % The word size of the machine word_bits : tnum = pow2_32. % The word size in bits. double_size : tnum = eight. % The alignment of a double word instr_size : tnum = four. % The instruction size % The bit to look at to establish if the number is negative sign_bit : rep_type = 31. sign_bit? : tnum -> tnum -> tform = _rbits sign_bit sign_bit. % The predicates that decides negativity, positiveness and nulity negative? : tnum -> tform = sign_bit? one. positive? : tnum -> tform = sign_bit? zero. zero? : tnum -> tform = [x : tnum] eqn x zero. % Bit locations of the icc fields in the cc word icc_n_bit : tnum = three. icc_z_bit : tnum = two. icc_v_bit : tnum = one. icc_c_bit : tnum = zero. % The bits below indicate the status of the 32-bit ALU result % of the last instruction that modified the icc field icc_n? : tnum -> tnum -> tform = _bits icc_n_bit icc_n_bit. icc_z? : tnum -> tnum -> tform = _bits icc_z_bit icc_z_bit. icc_v? : tnum -> tnum -> tform = _bits icc_v_bit icc_v_bit. icc_c? : tnum -> tnum -> tform = _bits icc_c_bit icc_c_bit. % Result was negative (1 = negative, 0 = non negative) icc_n : tnum -> tform = icc_n? one. % Result was zero (1 = zero, 0 = nonzero) icc_z : tnum -> tform = icc_z? one. % Result was out of range (overflow) (1 = overflow, 0 = no overflow) icc_v : tnum -> tform = icc_v? one. % This bit indicates whether a carry out or borrow occurred. Carry is % set on addition if there is a carry out of bit 31. Carry is set on % subtraction if there is a borrow into bit 31. (1 = carry, 0 = no carry) icc_c : tnum -> tform = icc_c? one. % Floating point condition codes (field of the fcc register) fcc? : tnum -> tnum -> tform = _eq num. % Equal (freg_rs1 = freg_rs2) fcc_e : tnum -> tform = fcc? zero. % Greater (freg_rs1 > freg_rs2) fcc_g : tnum -> tform = fcc? two. % Less (freg_rs1 < freg_rs2) fcc_l : tnum -> tform = fcc? one. % Unordered (freg_rs1 ? freg_rs2) fcc_u : tnum -> tform = fcc? three. % Update the icc register upd_icc : tregs -> tnum -> tregs -> tform = [r : tregs][v : tnum][r' : tregs] updn r icc v r'. % Set the fcc register upd_fcc : tregs -> tnum -> tregs -> tform = [r : tregs][v : tnum][r' : tregs] updn r fcc v r'. % Update a sparc machine integer reg (when target is zero do nothing). upd_ireg = [r : tregs][rd : tnum][v : tnum][r' : tregs] updn2 r zero (get_reg r zero) rd v r'. % Same as above for two registers. upd_ireg2 = [r: tregs][rd1: tnum][v1: tnum][rd2: tnum][v2: tnum][r': tregs] updn3 r zero (get_reg r zero) rd1 v1 rd2 v2 r'. % Update one sparc machine floating point register. upd_freg = [r : tregs][fd : tnum][v : tnum][r' : tregs] updn r (flt_num fd) v r'. % Update two sparc machine floating point registers. upd_freg2 = [r: tregs][fd1: tnum][v1: tnum][fd2: tnum][v2: tnum][r': tregs] updn2 r (flt_num fd1) v1 (flt_num fd2) v2 r'. % Update four sparc machine floating point registers. upd_freg4 = [r : tregs][fd1 : tnum][v1 : tnum][fd2 : tnum][v2 : tnum] [fd3 : tnum][v3 : tnum][fd4 : tnum][v4 : tnum][r' : tregs] _exs_r [r'' : tregs] (updn2 r (flt_num fd1) v1 (flt_num fd2) v2 r'') and (updn2 r'' (flt_num fd3) v3 (flt_num fd4) v4 r'). % This definition is true if the input argument "v" is indeed the value % that is represented by "reg_imm" in the given register set. load_reg_imm : tregs -> tm reg_or_imm -> tnum -> tform = [r : tregs][reg_imm : tm reg_or_imm][v : tnum] app_constr reg_imm r v. % This definition is true if the input value "v" is indeed the result % of the load generalA operation (see the syntax definition for sparc). load_generalA : tregs -> tnum -> tm reg_or_imm -> tnum -> tform = [r : tregs][rs1 : tnum][reg_imm : tm reg_or_imm][v : tnum] _exs_n [v_reg_imm : tnum] load_reg_imm r reg_imm v_reg_imm and _plus_mod32 (get_ireg r rs1) v_reg_imm v. % This definition is true if the "address_" given is equal to the num % supplied in the input variable "v". It uses the definition of % "generalA" defined above. It also makes sure that the address is % appropriately aligned. load_address_align : tregs -> tm address_ -> tnum -> tnum -> tnum -> tform = [r : tregs][addr : tm address_][address : tnum][offset : tnum][size : tnum] _exs_n [v' : tnum] app_constr addr r v' and form_address v' one address offset size. load_address_align_aux = [read/write-able : tregs -> tmem -> tnum -> tform] [r : tregs][m : tmem][addr : tm address_] [address : tnum][offset : tnum][size : tnum] load_address_align r addr address offset size and _@3 registers memory num form (_lam3 registers memory num form read/write-able) r m address. % This definition computes the address we are trying to load from, % makes sure that this address is readable and that it is % appropriately aligned. load_address_read_align = load_address_align_aux _readable. % This definition computes the address we are trying to write to % makes sure that this address is writable and that it is % appropriately aligned. load_address_write_align = load_address_align_aux _writable. % Loadg loadg_typ = tm address_ -> tnum -> tm instr. % The load instruction family. i_loadg : tform -> tnum -> updn_typ -> loadg_typ = [signed : tform][size : tnum][upd : updn_typ] [addr : tm address_][rd : tnum] instr_lam [r : tregs][m : tmem][r' : tregs][m' : tmem] (_exs_n3 [address : tnum][offset : tnum][value : tnum] (load_address_read_align r m addr address offset size) and (fetch_value m address offset signed size value) and (app_upd upd r rd value r')) and (_eq_mem m m'). % Load Signed Byte i_LDSB : tm address_ -> tnum -> tm instr = i_loadg true (const 1) upd_ireg. % Load Signed Halfword i_LDSH : tm address_ -> tnum -> tm instr = i_loadg true (const 2) upd_ireg. % Load Unsigned Byte i_LDUB : tm address_ -> tnum -> tm instr = i_loadg false (const 1) upd_ireg. % Load Unsigned Halfword i_LDUH : tm address_ -> tnum -> tm instr = i_loadg false (const 2) upd_ireg. % Load Word i_LD : tm address_ -> tnum -> tm instr = i_loadg false (const 4) upd_ireg. i_LDSTUB : tm address_ -> tnum -> tm instr = % Atomic Load-Store Unsigned Byte [addr : tm address_][rd : tnum] instr_lam [r : tregs][m : tmem][r' : tregs][m' : tmem] (_exs_n3 [address : tnum][offset : tnum][value : tnum] _exs_n [value' : tnum] (load_address_read_align r m addr address offset one) and (fetch_value m address offset false one value) and (_writable r m address) and (make_stored_value m address offset one (const 255) value') and (upd_ireg r rd value r') and (updn m address value' m')). i_SWAP_DOT : tm address_ -> tnum -> tm instr = % Swap r Register with Memory [addr : tm address_][rd : tnum] instr_lam [r : tregs][m : tmem][r' : tregs][m' : tmem] (_exs_n3 [address : tnum][offset : tnum][value : tnum] (load_address_read_align r m addr address offset word_size) and (fetch_value m address offset false word_size value) and (_writable r m address) and (upd_ireg r rd value r') and (updn m address (get_ireg r rd) m')). ldd_aux : updn2_typ -> tm address_ -> tnum -> tm instr = [upd : updn2_typ][addr : tm address_][rd : tnum] instr_lam [r : tregs][m : tmem][r' : tregs][m' : tmem] (even? rd) and (_exs_n3 [address : tnum][address' : tnum][offset : tnum] _exs_n3 [offset' : tnum][v1 : tnum][v2 : tnum] (load_address_read_align r m addr address offset double_size) and (fetch_value m address offset false word_size v1) and (_plus_mod32 address word_size address') and (_readable r m address') and (fetch_value m address' offset' false word_size v2) and (app_upd2 upd r rd v1 (plus rd one) v2 r')) and (_eq_mem m m'). % Load Doubleword i_LDD : tm address_ -> tnum -> tm instr = ldd_aux upd_ireg2. % Load Floating-point i_LDF : tm address_ -> tnum -> tm instr = i_loadg false four upd_freg. % Load Double Floating-point i_LDDF : tm address_ -> tnum -> tm instr = ldd_aux upd_freg2. i_LDC : tm address_ -> tnum -> tm instr. % Load Coprocessor i_LDDC : tm address_ -> tnum -> tm instr. % Load Double Coprocessor % Storeg storeg_typ = tnum -> tm address_ -> tm instr. % The store instruction family. i_storeg = [size : tnum][get : tregs -> tnum -> tnum][rd : tnum][addr : tm address_] instr_lam [r : tregs][m : tmem][r' : tregs][m' : tmem] (_exs_n3 [address : tnum][offset : tnum][value : tnum] (load_address_write_align r m addr address offset size) and (make_stored_value m address offset size (app_get get r rd) value) and (updn m address value m')) and (_eq_regs r r'). % Store Byte i_STB : tnum -> tm address_ -> tm instr = i_storeg one get_ireg. % Store Halfword i_STH : tnum -> tm address_ -> tm instr = i_storeg two get_ireg. % Store Word i_ST : tnum -> tm address_ -> tm instr = i_storeg four get_ireg. std_aux = [get : tregs -> tnum -> tnum][rd : tnum][addr : tm address_] instr_lam [r : tregs][m : tmem][r' : tregs][m' : tmem] (even? rd) and (_exs_n3 [address : tnum][address' : tnum][offset : tnum] (load_address_write_align r m addr address offset double_size) and (eqn address'(plus address word_size)) and (_writable r m address') and (updn2 m address (app_get get r rd) address' (app_get get r (plus rd one)) m')) and (_eq_regs r r'). i_STD : storeg_typ = std_aux get_ireg. % Store Doubleword % Store Floating-point i_STF : tnum -> tm address_ -> tm instr = i_storeg four get_freg. % Store Double Floating-point i_STDF : tnum -> tm address_ -> tm instr = std_aux get_freg. i_STC : tnum -> tm address_ -> tm instr. % Store Coprocessor i_STDC : tnum -> tm address_ -> tm instr. % Store Double Coprocessor loada_typ = tm regaddr -> tnum -> tnum -> tm instr. i_loada : tnum -> tform -> loada_typ. % Here FAS = From Alternative Space. i_LDSBA : loada_typ = i_loada one true. % Load Signed Byte FAS i_LDSHA : loada_typ = i_loada two true. % Load Signed Halfword FAS i_LDUBA : loada_typ = i_loada one false. % Load Unsigned Byte FAS i_LDUHA : loada_typ = i_loada two false. % Load Unsigned Halfword FAS i_LDA : loada_typ = i_loada word_size false. % Load Word FAS i_LDSTUBA : loada_typ. % Atomic Load-Store Unsigned Byte FAS i_SWAPA : loada_typ. % Swap r Register with Memory FAS i_LDDA : loada_typ. % Load Double Word FAS storea_typ = tnum -> tm regaddr -> tnum -> tm instr. i_storea : tnum -> storea_typ. % Here IAS = Into Alternative Space. i_STBA : storea_typ = i_storea (const 1). % Store Byte IAS i_STHA : storea_typ = i_storea (const 2). % Store Halfword IAS i_STA : storea_typ = i_storea word_size. % Store Word IAS i_STDA : storea_typ. % Store Doubleword IAS i_LDFSR : loadg_typ. % Load Floating-point State Register i_LDCSR : loadg_typ. % Load Coprocessor State Register i_STFSR : storeg_typ. % Store Floating-point State Register i_STCSR : storeg_typ. % Store Coprocessor State Register i_STDFQ : storeg_typ. % Store Double Floating-point % deferred-trap Queue (**) i_STDCQ : storeg_typ. % Store Double Coprocessor % deferred-trap Queue (**) i_RDY = % Read Y Register [rd : tnum] instr_lam [r : tregs][m : tmem][r' : tregs][m' : tmem] (not (wry_in_progress? r)) and (upd_ireg r rd (get_ireg r y_reg) r') and (_eq_mem m m'). rd_instr_typ = tnum -> tm instr. i_RDPSR : rd_instr_typ. % Read Processor State Register (**) i_RDWIM : rd_instr_typ. % Read Window Invalid Mask Register (**) i_RDTBR : rd_instr_typ. % Read Trap Base Register (**) i_WRY : tnum -> tm reg_or_imm -> tm instr = % Write Y Register [rs1 : tnum][reg_imm : tm reg_or_imm] instr_lam [r : tregs][m : tmem][r' : tregs][m' : tmem] (_exists3 num num registers [v : tnum][xor_v : tnum][r'' : tregs] (load_reg_imm r reg_imm v) and (xor_oper (get_ireg r rs1) v xor_v) and (upd_ireg r y_reg xor_v r'') and (set_wry r'' r')) and (_eq_mem m m'). rs1_reg_imm_typ : type = tnum -> tm reg_or_imm -> tm instr. i_WRPSR : rs1_reg_imm_typ. % Write PSR (**) i_WRWIM : rs1_reg_imm_typ. % Write Window Invalid Mask Reg (**) i_WRTBR : rs1_reg_imm_typ. % Write Trap Base Register (**) i_RDASR : tnum -> tnum -> tm instr. % Read Ancillary State Register (***) i_WRASR : tnum -> tm reg_or_imm -> tnum -> tm instr. % Write ASR (***) i_STBAR : tm instr. % Store Barrier alu_typ = tnum -> tm reg_or_imm -> tnum -> tm instr. % This definition computes the result of an alu operation based on % whether or not a carry forward was specified. compute_with_carry = [x : tform][func : alu_fun][r : tregs][rs1 : tnum][v : tnum][v' : tnum] if x (_exs_n2 [d : tnum][ires : tnum] (icc_c? d (get_ireg r icc)) and (app_alu func (get_ireg r rs1) v ires) and (app_alu func ires d v')) (func (get_ireg r rs1) v v'). % A condition-code function takes two operands and the result, and % decides whether the corresponding cc should be set or not. cc_fun = tnum -> tnum -> tnum -> tform. % the cc_fun to set the cc to zero %abbrev cc_zero : cc_fun = [_ : tnum][_ : tnum][_ : tnum] false. % The following predicates compute V and C condition codes for add instruction. add_overflow : cc_fun = [w1 : tnum][w2 : tnum][res : tnum] _exs_n3 [b1 : tnum][b2 : tnum][b3 : tnum] sign_bit? b1 w1 and sign_bit? b2 w2 and sign_bit? b3 res and eqn b1 b2 and not (eqn b1 b3). add_carry : cc_fun = [w1 : tnum][w2 : tnum][res : tnum] negative? w1 and negative? w2 or positive? res and (negative? w1 or negative? w2). % The following predicates compute V and C condition codes for sub instruction. sub_overflow : cc_fun = [w1 : tnum][w2 : tnum][res : tnum] _exs_n3 [b1 : tnum][b2 : tnum][b3 : tnum] sign_bit? b1 w1 and sign_bit? b2 w2 and sign_bit? b3 res and not (eqn b1 b2) and not (eqn b1 b3). sub_carry : cc_fun = [w1 : tnum][w2 : tnum][res : tnum] positive? w1 and negative? w2 or negative? res and (positive? w1 or negative? w2). % Here the processor state register is updated after an alu instruction. compute_new_icc : tnum -> tnum -> tnum -> cc_fun -> cc_fun -> tnum -> tform = [w1 : tnum][w2 : tnum][res : tnum][v_fun : cc_fun][c_fun : cc_fun][vcc' : tnum] _exs_n3 [n : tnum][z : tnum][v : tnum] _exs_n [c : tnum] (if (negative? res) (eqn n eight) (eqn n zero)) and (if (zero? res) (eqn z four) (eqn z zero)) and (if (app_alu v_fun w1 w2 res) (eqn v two) (eqn v zero)) and (if (app_alu c_fun w1 w2 res) (eqn c one) (eqn c zero)) and (eqn vcc' (plus n (plus z (plus v c)))). % This definition implements the semantics of any alu operation (where % any is as defined in "sparc/instr_sem.elf"). It relates the machine % state (r, m) before the instruction occured to the state (r', m') at % the end of the instruction. i_aluxcc_aux : cc_fun -> cc_fun -> tform -> tform -> alu_fun -> alu_typ = [v_fun : cc_fun][c_fun : cc_fun][x : tform][cc : tform][func : alu_fun] [rs1 : tnum][reg_imm : tm reg_or_imm][rd : tnum] instr_lam [r : tregs][m : tmem][r' : tregs][m' : tmem] (_exs_n3 [v : tnum][v' : tnum][vcc' : tnum] _exs_r [r'' : tregs] (load_reg_imm r reg_imm v) and (compute_with_carry x func r rs1 v v') and (if cc (compute_new_icc (get_ireg r rs1) v v' v_fun c_fun vcc' and upd_icc r vcc' r'') (_eq_regs r r'')) and (upd_ireg r'' rd v' r')) and (_eq_mem m m'). i_aluxcc : tform -> tform -> alu_fun -> alu_typ = i_aluxcc_aux cc_zero cc_zero. i_aluxcc_x : tform -> alu_fun -> alu_typ = i_aluxcc true. i_aluxcc_no_x : tform -> alu_fun -> alu_typ = i_aluxcc false. mul_unsigned32->64 : tnum -> tnum -> tnum -> tform = [v1 : tnum][v2 : tnum][w : tnum] eqn w (times v1 v2). mul_signed32->64 : tnum -> tnum -> tnum -> tform = [v1 : tnum][v2 : tnum][w : tnum] (_exs_n3 [s1 : tnum][s2 : tnum][v1' : tnum] _exs_n2 [v2' : tnum][res : tnum] (sign_bit? s1 v1) and (sign_bit? s2 v2) and (if (eqn s1 one) (neg_2s_comp_32 v1 v1') (eqn v1' v1)) and (if (eqn s2 one) (neg_2s_comp_32 v2 v2') (eqn v2' v2)) and (mul_unsigned32->64 v1' v2' res) and (if (not (eqn s1 s2)) (neg_2s_comp_32 res w) (eqn w res))). i_multiply : tform -> alu_fun -> alu_typ = [cc : tform][fun : alu_fun][rs1 : tnum][reg_imm : tm reg_or_imm][rd : tnum] instr_lam [r : tregs][m : tmem][r' : tregs][m' : tmem] (_exs_n3 [v1 : tnum][v2 : tnum][res : tnum] _exs_n2 [res1 : tnum][res2 : tnum] _exs_r [r'' : tregs] (eqn v1 (get_ireg r rs1)) and (load_reg_imm r reg_imm v2) and (app_alu fun v1 v2 res) and (_rbits 0 31 res1 res) and (_rbits 32 63 res2 res) and (if cc (_exs_n2 [n : tnum][z : tnum] (if (negative? res1) (eqn n eight) (eqn n zero)) and (if (zero? res1) (eqn z four) (eqn z zero)) and (upd_icc r (plus n z) r'')) (_eq_regs r r'')) and (upd_ireg2 r'' rd res1 y_reg res2 r')) and (_eq_mem m m'). i_multiply_cc : alu_fun -> alu_typ = i_multiply true. i_multiply_no_cc : alu_fun -> alu_typ = i_multiply false. div_neg_res_overflow_method : tm form. div_alu_typ = tnum -> tnum -> tnum -> tnum -> tform. div_unsigned64->32 : div_alu_typ = [x1 : tnum][x2 : tnum][w : tnum][v : tnum] (_exs_n2 [quo : tnum][rem : tnum] (_divide_mod x1 x2 quo rem) and (if ((geq quo pow2_32) and (eqn rem (pred x2))) ((eqn v two) and (eqn w (pred pow2_32))) (eqn v zero) and (bits_0_31 w quo))). div_signed64->32 : div_alu_typ = [x1 : tnum][x2 : tnum][w : tnum][v : tnum] (_exs_n2 [s1 : tnum][s2 : tnum] _exs_n2 [x1' : tnum][x2' : tnum] (_exs_n3 [quo : tnum][rem : tnum][quo_pos : tnum] _exs_n2 [rem_pos : tnum][quo_2s : tnum] (_rbits 63 63 s1 x1) and (sign_bit? s2 x2) and (if (eqn s1 one) (neg_2s_comp_64 x1 x1') (eqn x1' x1)) and (if (eqn s2 one) (neg_2s_comp_32 x2 x2') (eqn x2' x2)) and (_divide_mod x1' x2' quo_pos rem_pos) and (if (eqn s1 s2) ((eqn quo quo_pos) and (eqn quo_2s quo_pos)) ((eqn quo (neg quo_pos)) and (neg_2s_comp_64 quo quo_2s))) and (if (eqn s1 zero) (eqn rem rem_pos) (eqn rem (neg rem_pos))) and (if ((geq quo pow2_31) and (eqn rem (pred x2'))) ((eqn v two) and (eqn w (pred pow2_31))) (if (leq quo (neg pow2_31)) (if ((div_neg_res_overflow_method and (eqn rem (neg (pred x2')))) or (not div_neg_res_overflow_method and (eqn rem zero))) ((eqn v two) and (eqn w (neg pow2_31))) ((eqn v zero) and (bits_0_31 w quo_2s))) ((eqn v zero) and (bits_0_31 w quo_2s)))))). i_divide : tform -> div_alu_typ -> tnum -> tm reg_or_imm -> tnum -> tm instr = [cc : tform][fun : div_alu_typ][rs1 : tnum][reg_imm : tm reg_or_imm][rd : tnum] instr_lam [r : tregs][m : tmem][r' : tregs][m' : tmem] (_exs_n3 [v1 : tnum][v2 : tnum][v3 : tnum] _exists2 num registers [res : tnum][r'' : tregs] _exs_n3 [n : tnum][z : tnum][v : tnum] _exs_n [y: tnum] (if (wry_in_progress? r) (_is_word y) (eqn y (get_ireg r y_reg))) and (eqn v1 (get_ireg r rs1)) and (load_reg_imm r reg_imm v2) and (eqn v3 (plus v1 (times pow2_32 y))) and (fun v3 v2 res v) and (if cc ((if (negative? res) (eqn n eight) (eqn n zero)) and (if (zero? res) (eqn z four) (eqn z zero)) and (upd_icc r (plus n (plus z v)) r'')) (_eq_regs r r'')) and (upd_ireg r'' rd res r')) and (_eq_mem m m'). i_divide_cc = i_divide true. i_divide_no_cc = i_divide false. % Logical i_AND = i_aluxcc_no_x false and_oper. % And i_ANDcc = i_aluxcc_no_x true and_oper. % And and modify icc i_ANDN = i_aluxcc_no_x false andn_oper. % And not i_ANDNcc = i_aluxcc_no_x true andn_oper. % And not and modify icc i_OR = i_aluxcc_no_x false or_oper. % Inclusive-Or i_ORcc = i_aluxcc_no_x true or_oper. % Inclusive-Or and modify icc i_ORN = i_aluxcc_no_x false orn_oper. % Inclusive-Or not i_ORNcc = i_aluxcc_no_x true orn_oper. % Inclusive-Or not and modify icc i_XOR = i_aluxcc_no_x false xor_oper. % Exclusive-Or i_XORcc = i_aluxcc_no_x true xor_oper. % Exclusive-Or and modify icc i_XNOR = i_aluxcc_no_x false xnor_oper. % Exclusive-NOr i_XNORcc = i_aluxcc_no_x true xnor_oper. % Exclusive-NOr and modify icc % Shift i_SLL = i_aluxcc_no_x false shift_ll_oper. % Shift Left Logical i_SRL = i_aluxcc_no_x false shift_rl_oper. % Shift Right Logical i_SRA = i_aluxcc_no_x false shift_ra_oper. % Shift Right Arithmetic % Arith i_ADD = i_aluxcc_no_x false _plus_mod32. % Add % Add and modify icc i_ADDcc = i_aluxcc_aux add_overflow add_carry false true _plus_mod32. i_ADDX = i_aluxcc_x false _plus_mod32. % Add with Carry % Add with Carry and modify icc i_ADDXcc = i_aluxcc_aux add_overflow add_carry true true _plus_mod32. i_TADDcc : alu_typ. % Tagged Add and modify icc i_TADDccTV : alu_typ. % Tagged Add, modify icc and trap on overflow i_SUB = i_aluxcc_no_x false _minus_mod32. % Subtract % Subtract and modify icc i_SUBcc = i_aluxcc_aux sub_overflow sub_carry false true _minus_mod32. i_SUBX = i_aluxcc_x false _minus_mod32. % Subtract with Carry % Subtract with Carry and modify icc i_SUBXcc = i_aluxcc_aux sub_overflow sub_carry true true _minus_mod32. i_TSUBcc : alu_typ. % Tagged Subtract and mod icc i_TSUBccTV : alu_typ. % Tagged Subtract, mod icc and trap on overflow i_MULScc : alu_typ. % Multiply step and modify icc i_UMUL = i_multiply_no_cc mul_unsigned32->64. % U Int Mult i_SMUL = i_multiply_no_cc mul_signed32->64. % S Int mult i_UMULcc = i_multiply_cc mul_unsigned32->64. % U Int Mult and w/ icc i_SMULcc = i_multiply_cc mul_signed32->64. % S Int mult w/ icc i_UDIV = i_divide_no_cc div_unsigned64->32. % U Int Div i_SDIV = i_divide_no_cc div_signed64->32. % S Int Div i_UDIVcc = i_divide_cc div_unsigned64->32. % U Int Div w/ icc i_SDIVcc = i_divide_cc div_signed64->32. % S Int Div w/ icc i_SAVE : alu_typ. % Save caller's window i_RESTORE : alu_typ. % Restore caller's window branch_typ = tnum -> tnum -> tm instr. comp_btarget : tnum -> tnum -> tnum -> tform = [loc : tnum][disp : tnum][target : tnum] _exs_n2 [d1 : tnum][d2 : tnum] (sign_ext (const 21) disp d1) and (_times_mod32 four d1 d2) and (_plus_mod32 loc d2 target). annul_instr : tregs -> tregs -> tform = [r : tregs][r' : tregs] _exists num [new_npc: tm num] _plus_mod32 (get_reg r npc) instr_size new_npc and updn2 r pc (get_ireg r npc) npc new_npc r'. annul? : tnum -> tform = [x : tnum] (eqn x one). branch_aux = [init_cond : tregs -> tform][get_cc : tregs -> tnum] [ba : tform][comp : tnum -> tform][a : tnum][disp : tnum] instr_lam [r : tregs][m : tmem][r' : tregs][m' : tmem] (init_cond r) and (_exs_r [r''' : tregs] (if (app1_pred comp (get_cc r)) (_exists2 num registers [target : tnum][r'' : tregs] (comp_btarget (get_ireg r opc) disp target) and (updn r npc target r'') and (if (ba and annul? a) (annul_instr r'' r''') (_eq_regs r'' r'''))) (if (annul? a) (annul_instr r r''') (_eq_regs r r'''))) and (if ba (_eq_regs r''' r') (set_cbr r''' r'))) and (_eq_mem m m'). i_init_cond = [r : tregs] not (cbr_in_progress? r). f_init_cond = [r : tregs] not (cbr_in_progress? r) and not (cmpfcc_in_progress? r). i_ibranch : tform -> (tnum -> tform) -> branch_typ = branch_aux i_init_cond [r : tregs] (get_ireg r icc). i_fbranch : tform -> (tnum -> tform) -> branch_typ = branch_aux f_init_cond [r : tregs] (get_ireg r fcc). i_cbranch : (tnum -> tform) -> branch_typ. cnd_bn = strictify_num false. cnd_be = [vcc : tnum] (icc_z vcc). cnd_ble = [vcc : tnum] (icc_z vcc) or ((icc_n vcc) xor (icc_v vcc)). cnd_bl = [vcc : tnum] (icc_n vcc) xor (icc_v vcc). cnd_bleu = [vcc : tnum] (icc_c vcc) or (icc_z vcc). cnd_bcs = [vcc : tnum] (icc_c vcc). cnd_bneg = [vcc : tnum] (icc_n vcc). cnd_bvs = [vcc : tnum] (icc_v vcc). cnd_ba = strictify_num true. cnd_bne = [vcc : tnum] not (icc_z vcc). cnd_bg = [vcc : tnum] not ((icc_z vcc) or ((icc_n vcc) xor (icc_v vcc))). cnd_bge = [vcc : tnum] not ((icc_n vcc) xor (icc_v vcc)). cnd_bgu = [vcc : tnum] not ((icc_c vcc) or (icc_z vcc)). cnd_bcc = [vcc : tnum] not (icc_c vcc). cnd_bpos = [vcc : tnum] not (icc_n vcc). cnd_bvc = [vcc : tnum] not (icc_v vcc). nrBranch = i_ibranch false. % Normal branch i.e. not a ba baBranch = i_ibranch true. % A ba branch - annul behavior differs i_BN = nrBranch cnd_bn. % Branch Never i_BE = nrBranch cnd_be. % Branch on Equal i_BLE = nrBranch cnd_ble. % Branch on Less or Equal i_BL = nrBranch cnd_bl. % Branch on Less i_BLEU = nrBranch cnd_bleu. % Branch on Less or Equal Unsigned i_BCS = nrBranch cnd_bcs. % Branch on Carry Set (Less than, Unsigned) i_BNEG = nrBranch cnd_bneg. % Branch on Negative i_BVS = nrBranch cnd_bvs. % Branch on Overflow Set i_BA = baBranch cnd_ba. % Branch Always - the annul behavior % is different for this instruction i_BNE = nrBranch cnd_bne. % Branch on Not Equal i_BG = nrBranch cnd_bg. % Branch on Greater i_BGE = nrBranch cnd_bge. % Branch on Greater or Equal i_BGU = nrBranch cnd_bgu. % Branch on Greater Unsigned i_BCC = nrBranch cnd_bcc. % Branch on Carry Clear (Greater or eq Unsigned) i_BPOS = nrBranch cnd_bpos. % Branch on Positive i_BVC = nrBranch cnd_bvc. % Branch on Overflow Set % Floating point cnd_fbn = strictify_num false. cnd_fbne = [fsr : tnum] (fcc_l fsr) or (fcc_g fsr) or (fcc_u fsr). cnd_fblg = [fsr : tnum] (fcc_l fsr) or (fcc_g fsr). cnd_fbul = [fsr : tnum] (fcc_l fsr) or (fcc_u fsr). cnd_fbl = [fsr : tnum] (fcc_l fsr). cnd_fbug = [fsr : tnum] (fcc_g fsr) or (fcc_u fsr). cnd_fbg = [fsr : tnum] (fcc_g fsr). cnd_fbu = [fsr : tnum] (fcc_u fsr). cnd_fba = strictify_num true. cnd_fbe = [fsr : tnum] (fcc_e fsr). cnd_fbue = [fsr : tnum] (fcc_u fsr) or (fcc_e fsr). cnd_fbge = [fsr : tnum] (fcc_e fsr) or (fcc_g fsr). cnd_fbuge = [fsr : tnum] (fcc_e fsr) or (fcc_g fsr) or (fcc_u fsr). cnd_fble = [fsr : tnum] (fcc_l fsr) or (fcc_e fsr). cnd_fbule = [fsr : tnum] (fcc_e fsr) or (fcc_l fsr) or (fcc_u fsr). cnd_fbo = [fsr : tnum] (fcc_e fsr) or (fcc_l fsr) or (fcc_g fsr). f_nrBranch = i_fbranch false. % Normal branch i.e. not a ba f_baBranch = i_fbranch true. % A ba branch - annul behavior differs i_FBN = f_nrBranch cnd_fbn. % Branch Never i_FBNE = f_nrBranch cnd_fbne. % Branch on Not Equal i_FBLG = f_nrBranch cnd_fblg. % Branch on Less or Greater i_FBUL = f_nrBranch cnd_fbul. % Branch on Unordered or Less i_FBL = f_nrBranch cnd_fbl. % Branch on Less i_FBUG = f_nrBranch cnd_fbug. % Branch on Unordered or Greater i_FBG = f_nrBranch cnd_fbg. % Branch on Greater i_FBU = f_nrBranch cnd_fbu. % Branch on Unordered i_FBA = f_baBranch cnd_fba. % Branch Always -- the annul behavior % is different for this instruction i_FBE = f_nrBranch cnd_fbe. % Branch on Equal i_FBUE = f_nrBranch cnd_fbue. % Branch on Unordered or Equal i_FBGE = f_nrBranch cnd_fbge. % Branch on Greater or Equal i_FBUGE = f_nrBranch cnd_fbuge. % Branch on Unordered or Greater or Equal i_FBLE = f_nrBranch cnd_fble. % Branch on Less or Equal i_FBULE = f_nrBranch cnd_fbule. % Branch on Unordered or Less or Equal i_FBO = f_nrBranch cnd_fbo. % Branch on Unordered always_false = strictify_num false. i_CBN = i_cbranch always_false. i_CB123 = i_cbranch always_false. i_CB12 = i_cbranch always_false. i_CB13 = i_cbranch always_false. i_CB1 = i_cbranch always_false. i_CB23 = i_cbranch always_false. i_CB2 = i_cbranch always_false. i_CB3 = i_cbranch always_false. i_CBA = i_cbranch always_false. i_CB0 = i_cbranch always_false. i_CB03 = i_cbranch always_false. i_CB02 = i_cbranch always_false. i_CB023 = i_cbranch always_false. i_CB01 = i_cbranch always_false. i_CB013 = i_cbranch always_false. i_CB012 = i_cbranch always_false. i_CALL = [disp : tnum] % Call and Link instr_lam [r : tregs][m : tmem][r' : tregs][m' : tmem] (not (cbr_in_progress? r)) and (updn2 r fifteen (get_ireg r opc) npc (times four disp) r') and (_eq_mem m m'). % Get a floating point value from the register bank get_float32 = get_freg. get_float64 = [r : tregs][fs2 : tnum] mk_float64 (get_freg r fs2) (get_freg r (succ fs2)). get_float128 = [r : tregs][fs2 : tnum] mk_float128 (get_freg r fs2) (get_freg r (succ fs2)) (get_freg r (plus fs2 two)) (get_freg r (plus fs2 three)). % Update the floating point register, and declare % that there was no memory change upd_freg32_no_mem_change = [r : tregs][fd : tnum][v : flt32][r' : tregs][m : tmem][m' : tmem] (upd_freg r fd v r') and (_eq_mem m m'). % Update a 64 bit floating point registers, and declare % that there was no memory change upd_freg64_no_mem_change = [r : tregs][fd : tnum][v : flt64][r' : tregs][m : tmem][m' : tmem] (even? fd) and (_exs_n2 [v1 : tnum][v2 : tnum] (_eq o_flt64 v (mk_float64 v1 v2)) and (upd_freg2 r fd v1 (succ fd) v2 r')) and (_eq_mem m m'). % Update a 128 bit floating point registers, and declare % that there was no memory change upd_freg128_no_mem_change = [r : tregs][fd : tnum][v : flt128][r' : tregs][m : tmem][m' : tmem] (mult4? fd) and (_exs_n2 [v1 : tnum][v2 : tnum] _exs_n2 [v3 : tnum][v4 : tnum] (_eq o_flt128 v (mk_float128 v1 v2 v3 v4)) and (upd_freg4 r fd v1 (succ fd) v2 (plus fd two) v3 (plus fd three) v4 r')) and (_eq_mem m m'). % Unary floating point operations float_unary_op_32 = float_unary_op o_flt32 true_fn get_float32. float_unary_op_32->32 = float_unary_op_32 o_flt32 upd_freg32_no_mem_change. float_unary_op_32->64 = float_unary_op_32 o_flt64 upd_freg64_no_mem_change. float_unary_op_32->128 = float_unary_op_32 o_flt128 upd_freg128_no_mem_change. float_unary_op_64 = float_unary_op o_flt64 even? get_float64. float_unary_op_64->32 = float_unary_op_64 o_flt32 upd_freg32_no_mem_change. float_unary_op_64->64 = float_unary_op_64 o_flt64 upd_freg64_no_mem_change. float_unary_op_64->128 = float_unary_op_64 o_flt128 upd_freg128_no_mem_change. float_unary_op_128 = float_unary_op o_flt128 mult4? get_float128. float_unary_op_128->32 = float_unary_op_128 o_flt32 upd_freg32_no_mem_change. float_unary_op_128->64 = float_unary_op_128 o_flt64 upd_freg64_no_mem_change. float_unary_op_128->128 = float_unary_op_128 o_flt128 upd_freg128_no_mem_change. i_FMOVs = float_unary_op_32->32 (_eq o_flt32). % Move i_FNEGs = float_unary_op_32->32 float32_neg. % Negate i_FABSs = float_unary_op_32->32 float32_abs. % Absolute Value i_FSQRTs = float_unary_op_32->32 float32_sqrt. % Square Root Single i_FSQRTd = float_unary_op_64->64 float64_sqrt. % Square Root Double i_FSQRTq = float_unary_op_128->128 float128_sqrt. % Square Root Quad i_FiTOs = float_unary_op_32->32 int32->float32. % Convert Integer to Single i_FsTOi = float_unary_op_32->32 float32->int32. % Convert Single to Integer i_FiTOd = float_unary_op_32->64 int32->float64. % Convert Integer to Double i_FsTOd = float_unary_op_32->64 float32->float64. % Convert Single to Double i_FiTOq = float_unary_op_32->128 int32->float128. % Convert Integer to Quad i_FsTOq = float_unary_op_32->128 float32->float128. % Convert Single to Quad i_FdTOi = float_unary_op_64->32 float64->int32. % Convert Double to Integer i_FdTOs = float_unary_op_64->32 float64->float32. % Convert Double to Single i_FqTOs = float_unary_op_128->32 float128->float32. % Convert Quad to Single i_FqTOi = float_unary_op_128->32 float128->int32. % Convert Quad to Integer i_FqTOd = float_unary_op_128->64 float128->float64. % Convert Quad to Double i_FdTOq = float_unary_op_64->128 float64->float128. % Convert Double to Quad % Binary floating point operations float_bin_op_32 = float_binary_op o_flt32 true_fn get_float32. float_bin_op_32->32 = float_bin_op_32 o_flt32 upd_freg32_no_mem_change. float_bin_op_32->64 = float_bin_op_32 o_flt64 upd_freg64_no_mem_change. float_bin_op_64 = float_binary_op o_flt64 even? get_float64. float_bin_op_64->64 = float_bin_op_64 o_flt64 upd_freg64_no_mem_change. float_bin_op_64->128 = float_bin_op_64 o_flt128 upd_freg128_no_mem_change. float_bin_op_128 = float_binary_op o_flt128 mult4? get_float128. float_bin_op_128->128 = float_bin_op_128 o_flt128 upd_freg128_no_mem_change. i_FADDs = float_bin_op_32->32 float32_add. % Add Single i_FSUBs = float_bin_op_32->32 float32_sub. % Subtract Single i_FMULs = float_bin_op_32->32 float32_mul. % Multiply Single i_FDIVs = float_bin_op_32->32 float32_div. % Divide Single i_FADDd = float_bin_op_64->64 float64_add. % Add Double i_FSUBd = float_bin_op_64->64 float64_sub. % Subtract Double i_FMULd = float_bin_op_64->64 float64_mul. % Multiply Double i_FDIVd = float_bin_op_64->64 float64_div. % Divide Double i_FADDq = float_bin_op_128->128 float128_add. % Add Quad i_FSUBq = float_bin_op_128->128 float128_sub. % Subtract Quad i_FMULq = float_bin_op_128->128 float128_mul. % Multiply Quad i_FDIVq = float_bin_op_128->128 float128_div. % Divide Quad i_FsMULd = float_bin_op_32->64 float32->64_mul. % Multiply Single to Double i_FdMULq = float_bin_op_64->128 float64->128_mul. % Multiply Double to Quad % The Compare instructions. f_compare = [T : tp] [getf : tregs -> tnum -> tm T][ceq : tm T -> tm T -> tform] [clt : tm T -> tm T -> tform][cgt : tm T -> tm T -> tform] [ex : tform][fs1 : tnum][fs2 : tnum] instr_lam [r : tregs][m : tmem][r' : tregs][m' : tmem] (_exists3 T T num [v1 : tm T][v2 : tm T][fccv : tnum] _exs_r [r'' : tregs] (_eq T v1 (app_get_t T getf r fs1)) and (_eq T v2 (app_get_t T getf r fs2)) and (if (ceq v1 v2) (eqn fccv zero) (if (clt v1 v2) (eqn fccv one) (if (cgt v1 v2) (eqn fccv two) (eqn fccv three)))) and (not (ex and (eqn fccv three))) and (upd_fcc r fccv r'') and (set_cmpfcc r'' r')) and (_eq_mem m m'). f_compare32 = f_compare o_flt32 get_float32 float32_eq float32_lt float32_gt. f_compare64 = f_compare o_flt64 get_float64 float64_eq float64_lt float64_gt. f_compare128 = f_compare o_flt128 get_float128 float128_eq float128_lt float128_gt. i_FCMPs = f_compare32 false. % Compare Single i_FCMPEs = f_compare32 true. % Compare Single and Exception if Unordered i_FCMPd = f_compare64 false. % Compare Double i_FCMPEd = f_compare64 true. % Compare Double and Exception if Unordered i_FCMPq = f_compare128 false. % Compare Quad i_FCMPEq = f_compare128 true. % Compare Quad and Exception if Unordered i_FLUSH : tm address_ -> tm instr. % Flush Instruction Memory i_JMPL = [addr : tm address_][rd : tnum] % Jump and Link instr_lam [r : tregs][m : tmem][r' : tregs][m' : tmem] (not (cbr_in_progress? r)) and (_exs_n2 [target : tnum][offset : tnum] (load_address_align r addr target offset word_size) and (upd_ireg2 r rd (get_ireg r opc) npc target r')) and (_eq_mem m m'). i_RETT : tm address_ -> tm instr. % Return from Trap trap_oper = tnum. tn : trap_oper = const 0. te : trap_oper = const 1. tle : trap_oper = const 2. tl : trap_oper = const 3. tleu : trap_oper = const 4. tcs : trap_oper = const 5. tneg : trap_oper = const 6. tvs : trap_oper = const 7. ta : trap_oper = const 8. tne : trap_oper = const 9. tg : trap_oper = const 10. tge : trap_oper = const 11. tgu : trap_oper = const 12. tcc : trap_oper = const 13. tpos : trap_oper = const 14. tvc : trap_oper = const 15. trap : trap_oper -> tm address_ -> tm instr. i_TN = trap tn. % Trap Never i_TE = trap te. % Trap on Equal i_TLE = trap tle. % Trap on Less or Equal i_TL = trap tl. % Trap on Less i_TLEU = trap tleu. % Trap on Less or Equal Unsigned i_TCS = trap tcs. % Trap on Carry Set (Less Than, Unsigned) i_TNEG = trap tneg. % Trap on Negative i_TVS = trap tvs. % Trap on Overflow Set i_TA = trap ta. % Trap Always i_TNE = trap tne. % Trap on Not Equal i_TG = trap tg. % Trap on Greater i_TGE = trap tge. % Trap on Greater or Equal i_TGU = trap tgu. % Trap on Greater Unsigned i_TCC = trap tcc. % Trap on Carry Clear (Greater then or Equal, Unsigned) i_TPOS = trap tpos. % Trap on Positive i_TVC = trap tvc. % Trap on Overflow Clear % The unimplemented instruction % used when returning a structure in a C program i_UNIMP : tnum -> tm instr = [imm : tnum] instr_lam [r : tregs][m : tmem][r' : tregs][m' : tmem] app1_pred ([_ : tnum] false) imm. i_SETHI = % Set High 22 bits of r Register [rd : tnum][val : tnum] instr_lam [r : tregs][m : tmem][r' : tregs][m' : tmem] (upd_ireg r rd (times (const 1024) val) r') and (_eq_mem m m'). i_NOP = i_SETHI zero zero. % Copyright (c) 2004 Princeton University % $Id: fields.elf,v 1.8 2004/04/22 10:49:20 appel Exp $ % % The encoding of the instruction fields. % This is a machine generated file. Do not edit! % f_inst : field_typ = _rbits 0 31. f_op : field_typ = _rbits 30 31. f_disp30 : field_typ = _rbits 0 29. f_rd : field_typ = _rbits 25 29. f_op2 : field_typ = _rbits 22 24. f_imm22 : field_typ = _rbits 0 21. f_a : field_typ = _rbits 29 29. f_cond : field_typ = _rbits 25 28. f_disp22 : field_typ = _rbits 0 21. f_op3 : field_typ = _rbits 19 24. f_rs1 : field_typ = _rbits 14 18. f_i : field_typ = _rbits 13 13. f_asi : field_typ = _rbits 5 12. f_rs2 : field_typ = _rbits 0 4. f_simm13 : field_typ = _rbits 0 12. f_opf : field_typ = _rbits 5 13. f_fd : field_typ = _rbits 25 29. f_cd : field_typ = _rbits 25 29. f_fs1 : field_typ = _rbits 14 18. f_fs2 : field_typ = _rbits 0 4. f_rs1i : field_typ = _rbits 14 18. f_rdi : field_typ = _rbits 25 29. % Copyright (c) 2004 Princeton University % $Id: patterns.elf,v 1.9 2004/04/22 10:49:21 appel Exp $ % % The encoding of the instruction patterns. % This is a machine generated file. Do not edit! % !!n : pat_typ -> pat_typ = _!! num. p_TABLE_F2 : pat_typ = f_op (const 0). p_CALL : pat_typ = f_op (const 1). p_TABLE_F3 : pat_typ = f_op (const 2). p_TABLE_F4 : pat_typ = f_op (const 3). p_UNIMP : pat_typ = p_TABLE_F2 &&n f_op2 (const 0). p_Bicc : pat_typ = p_TABLE_F2 &&n f_op2 (const 2). p_SETHI : pat_typ = p_TABLE_F2 &&n f_op2 (const 4). p_FBfcc : pat_typ = p_TABLE_F2 &&n f_op2 (const 6). p_CBccc : pat_typ = p_TABLE_F2 &&n f_op2 (const 7). p_ADD : pat_typ = p_TABLE_F3 &&n f_op3 (const 0). p_ADDcc : pat_typ = p_TABLE_F3 &&n f_op3 (const 16). p_TADDcc : pat_typ = p_TABLE_F3 &&n f_op3 (const 32). p_WRxxx : pat_typ = p_TABLE_F3 &&n f_op3 (const 48). p_AND : pat_typ = p_TABLE_F3 &&n f_op3 (const 1). p_ANDcc : pat_typ = p_TABLE_F3 &&n f_op3 (const 17). p_TSUBcc : pat_typ = p_TABLE_F3 &&n f_op3 (const 33). p_WRPSR : pat_typ = p_TABLE_F3 &&n f_op3 (const 49). p_OR : pat_typ = p_TABLE_F3 &&n f_op3 (const 2). p_ORcc : pat_typ = p_TABLE_F3 &&n f_op3 (const 18). p_TADDccTV : pat_typ = p_TABLE_F3 &&n f_op3 (const 34). p_WRWIM : pat_typ = p_TABLE_F3 &&n f_op3 (const 50). p_XOR : pat_typ = p_TABLE_F3 &&n f_op3 (const 3). p_XORcc : pat_typ = p_TABLE_F3 &&n f_op3 (const 19). p_TSUBccTV : pat_typ = p_TABLE_F3 &&n f_op3 (const 35). p_WRTBR : pat_typ = p_TABLE_F3 &&n f_op3 (const 51). p_SUB : pat_typ = p_TABLE_F3 &&n f_op3 (const 4). p_SUBcc : pat_typ = p_TABLE_F3 &&n f_op3 (const 20). p_MULScc : pat_typ = p_TABLE_F3 &&n f_op3 (const 36). p_FPop1 : pat_typ = p_TABLE_F3 &&n f_op3 (const 52). p_ANDN : pat_typ = p_TABLE_F3 &&n f_op3 (const 5). p_ANDNcc : pat_typ = p_TABLE_F3 &&n f_op3 (const 21). p_SLL : pat_typ = p_TABLE_F3 &&n f_op3 (const 37). p_FPop2 : pat_typ = p_TABLE_F3 &&n f_op3 (const 53). p_ORN : pat_typ = p_TABLE_F3 &&n f_op3 (const 6). p_ORNcc : pat_typ = p_TABLE_F3 &&n f_op3 (const 22). p_SRL : pat_typ = p_TABLE_F3 &&n f_op3 (const 38). p_CPop1 : pat_typ = p_TABLE_F3 &&n f_op3 (const 54). p_XNOR : pat_typ = p_TABLE_F3 &&n f_op3 (const 7). p_XNORcc : pat_typ = p_TABLE_F3 &&n f_op3 (const 23). p_SRA : pat_typ = p_TABLE_F3 &&n f_op3 (const 39). p_CPop2 : pat_typ = p_TABLE_F3 &&n f_op3 (const 55). p_ADDX : pat_typ = p_TABLE_F3 &&n f_op3 (const 8). p_ADDXcc : pat_typ = p_TABLE_F3 &&n f_op3 (const 24). p_RDxxx : pat_typ = p_TABLE_F3 &&n f_op3 (const 40). p_JMPL : pat_typ = p_TABLE_F3 &&n f_op3 (const 56). p_RDPSR : pat_typ = p_TABLE_F3 &&n f_op3 (const 41). p_RETT : pat_typ = p_TABLE_F3 &&n f_op3 (const 57). p_UMUL : pat_typ = p_TABLE_F3 &&n f_op3 (const 10). p_UMULcc : pat_typ = p_TABLE_F3 &&n f_op3 (const 26). p_RDWIM : pat_typ = p_TABLE_F3 &&n f_op3 (const 42). p_Ticc : pat_typ = p_TABLE_F3 &&n f_op3 (const 58). p_SMUL : pat_typ = p_TABLE_F3 &&n f_op3 (const 11). p_SMULcc : pat_typ = p_TABLE_F3 &&n f_op3 (const 27). p_RDTBR : pat_typ = p_TABLE_F3 &&n f_op3 (const 43). p_FLUSH : pat_typ = p_TABLE_F3 &&n f_op3 (const 59). p_SUBX : pat_typ = p_TABLE_F3 &&n f_op3 (const 12). p_SUBXcc : pat_typ = p_TABLE_F3 &&n f_op3 (const 28). p_SAVE : pat_typ = p_TABLE_F3 &&n f_op3 (const 60). p_RESTORE : pat_typ = p_TABLE_F3 &&n f_op3 (const 61). p_UDIV : pat_typ = p_TABLE_F3 &&n f_op3 (const 14). p_UDIVcc : pat_typ = p_TABLE_F3 &&n f_op3 (const 30). p_SDIV : pat_typ = p_TABLE_F3 &&n f_op3 (const 15). p_SDIVcc : pat_typ = p_TABLE_F3 &&n f_op3 (const 31). p_WRASR : pat_typ = p_WRxxx &&n !!n (f_rd (const 0)). p_WRY : pat_typ = p_WRxxx &&n f_rd (const 0). p_RDASR : pat_typ = p_RDxxx &&n !!n (f_rs1 (const 0)) &&n !!n (f_rd (const 0)). p_RDY : pat_typ = p_RDxxx &&n f_rs1 (const 0). p_STBAR : pat_typ = p_RDxxx &&n f_rs1 (const 15) &&n f_rd (const 0). p_LD : pat_typ = p_TABLE_F4 &&n f_op3 (const 0). p_LDA : pat_typ = p_TABLE_F4 &&n f_op3 (const 16). p_LDF : pat_typ = p_TABLE_F4 &&n f_op3 (const 32). p_LDC : pat_typ = p_TABLE_F4 &&n f_op3 (const 48). p_LDUB : pat_typ = p_TABLE_F4 &&n f_op3 (const 1). p_LDUBA : pat_typ = p_TABLE_F4 &&n f_op3 (const 17). p_LDFSR : pat_typ = p_TABLE_F4 &&n f_op3 (const 33). p_LDCSR : pat_typ = p_TABLE_F4 &&n f_op3 (const 49). p_LDUH : pat_typ = p_TABLE_F4 &&n f_op3 (const 2). p_LDUHA : pat_typ = p_TABLE_F4 &&n f_op3 (const 18). p_LDD : pat_typ = p_TABLE_F4 &&n f_op3 (const 3). p_LDDA : pat_typ = p_TABLE_F4 &&n f_op3 (const 19). p_LDDF : pat_typ = p_TABLE_F4 &&n f_op3 (const 35). p_LDDC : pat_typ = p_TABLE_F4 &&n f_op3 (const 51). p_ST : pat_typ = p_TABLE_F4 &&n f_op3 (const 4). p_STA : pat_typ = p_TABLE_F4 &&n f_op3 (const 20). p_STF : pat_typ = p_TABLE_F4 &&n f_op3 (const 36). p_STC : pat_typ = p_TABLE_F4 &&n f_op3 (const 52). p_STB : pat_typ = p_TABLE_F4 &&n f_op3 (const 5). p_STBA : pat_typ = p_TABLE_F4 &&n f_op3 (const 21). p_STFSR : pat_typ = p_TABLE_F4 &&n f_op3 (const 37). p_STCSR : pat_typ = p_TABLE_F4 &&n f_op3 (const 53). p_STH : pat_typ = p_TABLE_F4 &&n f_op3 (const 6). p_STHA : pat_typ = p_TABLE_F4 &&n f_op3 (const 22). p_STDFQ : pat_typ = p_TABLE_F4 &&n f_op3 (const 38). p_STDCQ : pat_typ = p_TABLE_F4 &&n f_op3 (const 54). p_STD : pat_typ = p_TABLE_F4 &&n f_op3 (const 7). p_STDA : pat_typ = p_TABLE_F4 &&n f_op3 (const 23). p_STDF : pat_typ = p_TABLE_F4 &&n f_op3 (const 39). p_STDC : pat_typ = p_TABLE_F4 &&n f_op3 (const 55). p_LDSB : pat_typ = p_TABLE_F4 &&n f_op3 (const 9). p_LDSBA : pat_typ = p_TABLE_F4 &&n f_op3 (const 25). p_LDSH : pat_typ = p_TABLE_F4 &&n f_op3 (const 10). p_LDSHA : pat_typ = p_TABLE_F4 &&n f_op3 (const 26). p_LDSTUB : pat_typ = p_TABLE_F4 &&n f_op3 (const 13). p_LDSTUBA : pat_typ = p_TABLE_F4 &&n f_op3 (const 29). p_SWAP_DOT : pat_typ = p_TABLE_F4 &&n f_op3 (const 15). p_SWAPA : pat_typ = p_TABLE_F4 &&n f_op3 (const 31). p_FMOVs : pat_typ = p_FPop1 &&n f_opf (const 1). p_FNEGs : pat_typ = p_FPop1 &&n f_opf (const 5). p_FABSs : pat_typ = p_FPop1 &&n f_opf (const 9). p_FSQRTs : pat_typ = p_FPop1 &&n f_opf (const 41). p_FSQRTd : pat_typ = p_FPop1 &&n f_opf (const 42). p_FSQRTq : pat_typ = p_FPop1 &&n f_opf (const 43). p_FiTOs : pat_typ = p_FPop1 &&n f_opf (const 196). p_FdTOs : pat_typ = p_FPop1 &&n f_opf (const 198). p_FqTOs : pat_typ = p_FPop1 &&n f_opf (const 199). p_FiTOd : pat_typ = p_FPop1 &&n f_opf (const 200). p_FsTOd : pat_typ = p_FPop1 &&n f_opf (const 201). p_FqTOd : pat_typ = p_FPop1 &&n f_opf (const 203). p_FiTOq : pat_typ = p_FPop1 &&n f_opf (const 204). p_FsTOq : pat_typ = p_FPop1 &&n f_opf (const 205). p_FdTOq : pat_typ = p_FPop1 &&n f_opf (const 206). p_FsTOi : pat_typ = p_FPop1 &&n f_opf (const 209). p_FdTOi : pat_typ = p_FPop1 &&n f_opf (const 210). p_FqTOi : pat_typ = p_FPop1 &&n f_opf (const 211). p_FADDs : pat_typ = p_FPop1 &&n f_opf (const 65). p_FADDd : pat_typ = p_FPop1 &&n f_opf (const 66). p_FADDq : pat_typ = p_FPop1 &&n f_opf (const 67). p_FSUBs : pat_typ = p_FPop1 &&n f_opf (const 69). p_FSUBd : pat_typ = p_FPop1 &&n f_opf (const 70). p_FSUBq : pat_typ = p_FPop1 &&n f_opf (const 71). p_FMULs : pat_typ = p_FPop1 &&n f_opf (const 73). p_FMULd : pat_typ = p_FPop1 &&n f_opf (const 74). p_FMULq : pat_typ = p_FPop1 &&n f_opf (const 75). p_FDIVs : pat_typ = p_FPop1 &&n f_opf (const 77). p_FDIVd : pat_typ = p_FPop1 &&n f_opf (const 78). p_FDIVq : pat_typ = p_FPop1 &&n f_opf (const 79). p_FsMULd : pat_typ = p_FPop1 &&n f_opf (const 105). p_FdMULq : pat_typ = p_FPop1 &&n f_opf (const 110). p_FCMPs : pat_typ = p_FPop2 &&n f_opf (const 81). p_FCMPEs : pat_typ = p_FPop2 &&n f_opf (const 85). p_FCMPd : pat_typ = p_FPop2 &&n f_opf (const 82). p_FCMPEd : pat_typ = p_FPop2 &&n f_opf (const 86). p_FCMPq : pat_typ = p_FPop2 &&n f_opf (const 83). p_FCMPEq : pat_typ = p_FPop2 &&n f_opf (const 87). p_BN : pat_typ = p_Bicc &&n f_cond (const 0). p_BE : pat_typ = p_Bicc &&n f_cond (const 1). p_BLE : pat_typ = p_Bicc &&n f_cond (const 2). p_BL : pat_typ = p_Bicc &&n f_cond (const 3). p_BLEU : pat_typ = p_Bicc &&n f_cond (const 4). p_BCS : pat_typ = p_Bicc &&n f_cond (const 5). p_BNEG : pat_typ = p_Bicc &&n f_cond (const 6). p_BVS : pat_typ = p_Bicc &&n f_cond (const 7). p_BA : pat_typ = p_Bicc &&n f_cond (const 8). p_BNE : pat_typ = p_Bicc &&n f_cond (const 9). p_BG : pat_typ = p_Bicc &&n f_cond (const 10). p_BGE : pat_typ = p_Bicc &&n f_cond (const 11). p_BGU : pat_typ = p_Bicc &&n f_cond (const 12). p_BCC : pat_typ = p_Bicc &&n f_cond (const 13). p_BPOS : pat_typ = p_Bicc &&n f_cond (const 14). p_BVC : pat_typ = p_Bicc &&n f_cond (const 15). p_FBN : pat_typ = p_FBfcc &&n f_cond (const 0). p_FBNE : pat_typ = p_FBfcc &&n f_cond (const 1). p_FBLG : pat_typ = p_FBfcc &&n f_cond (const 2). p_FBUL : pat_typ = p_FBfcc &&n f_cond (const 3). p_FBL : pat_typ = p_FBfcc &&n f_cond (const 4). p_FBUG : pat_typ = p_FBfcc &&n f_cond (const 5). p_FBG : pat_typ = p_FBfcc &&n f_cond (const 6). p_FBU : pat_typ = p_FBfcc &&n f_cond (const 7). p_FBA : pat_typ = p_FBfcc &&n f_cond (const 8). p_FBE : pat_typ = p_FBfcc &&n f_cond (const 9). p_FBUE : pat_typ = p_FBfcc &&n f_cond (const 10). p_FBGE : pat_typ = p_FBfcc &&n f_cond (const 11). p_FBUGE : pat_typ = p_FBfcc &&n f_cond (const 12). p_FBLE : pat_typ = p_FBfcc &&n f_cond (const 13). p_FBULE : pat_typ = p_FBfcc &&n f_cond (const 14). p_FBO : pat_typ = p_FBfcc &&n f_cond (const 15). p_CBN : pat_typ = p_CBccc &&n f_cond (const 0). p_CB123 : pat_typ = p_CBccc &&n f_cond (const 1). p_CB12 : pat_typ = p_CBccc &&n f_cond (const 2). p_CB13 : pat_typ = p_CBccc &&n f_cond (const 3). p_CB1 : pat_typ = p_CBccc &&n f_cond (const 4). p_CB23 : pat_typ = p_CBccc &&n f_cond (const 5). p_CB2 : pat_typ = p_CBccc &&n f_cond (const 6). p_CB3 : pat_typ = p_CBccc &&n f_cond (const 7). p_CBA : pat_typ = p_CBccc &&n f_cond (const 8). p_CB0 : pat_typ = p_CBccc &&n f_cond (const 9). p_CB03 : pat_typ = p_CBccc &&n f_cond (const 10). p_CB02 : pat_typ = p_CBccc &&n f_cond (const 11). p_CB023 : pat_typ = p_CBccc &&n f_cond (const 12). p_CB01 : pat_typ = p_CBccc &&n f_cond (const 13). p_CB013 : pat_typ = p_CBccc &&n f_cond (const 14). p_CB012 : pat_typ = p_CBccc &&n f_cond (const 15). p_TN : pat_typ = p_Ticc &&n f_cond (const 0). p_TE : pat_typ = p_Ticc &&n f_cond (const 1). p_TLE : pat_typ = p_Ticc &&n f_cond (const 2). p_TL : pat_typ = p_Ticc &&n f_cond (const 3). p_TLEU : pat_typ = p_Ticc &&n f_cond (const 4). p_TCS : pat_typ = p_Ticc &&n f_cond (const 5). p_TNEG : pat_typ = p_Ticc &&n f_cond (const 6). p_TVS : pat_typ = p_Ticc &&n f_cond (const 7). p_TA : pat_typ = p_Ticc &&n f_cond (const 8). p_TNE : pat_typ = p_Ticc &&n f_cond (const 9). p_TG : pat_typ = p_Ticc &&n f_cond (const 10). p_TGE : pat_typ = p_Ticc &&n f_cond (const 11). p_TGU : pat_typ = p_Ticc &&n f_cond (const 12). p_TCC : pat_typ = p_Ticc &&n f_cond (const 13). p_TPOS : pat_typ = p_Ticc &&n f_cond (const 14). p_TVC : pat_typ = p_Ticc &&n f_cond (const 15). % Copyright (c) 2004 Princeton University % $Id: oper_selectors.elf,v 1.7 2004/04/22 10:49:20 appel Exp $ % % The encoding of the instruction operator selectors. % This is a machine generated file. Do not edit! % ||2_r : (tm reg_or_imm -> tm num -> tform) -> (tm reg_or_imm -> tm num -> tform) -> tm reg_or_imm -> tm num -> tform = _||2 reg_or_imm num. sel_imode : tm reg_or_imm -> tnum -> tform = fld1 reg_or_imm num f_simm13 (f_i (const 1)) inj_imode. % sel_imode : tm reg_or_imm -> tnum -> tform = % [obj : tm reg_or_imm][word : tnum] % f_i (const 1) word and % _exs_n [g1200 : tnum] f_simm13 g1200 word and % _eq reg_or_imm obj (inj_imode g1200). sel_rmode : tm reg_or_imm -> tnum -> tform = fld1 reg_or_imm num f_rs2 (f_i (const 0)) inj_rmode. % sel_rmode : tm reg_or_imm -> tnum -> tform = % [obj : tm reg_or_imm][word : tnum] % f_i (const 0) word and % _exs_n [g1201 : tnum] f_rs2 g1201 word and % _eq reg_or_imm obj (inj_rmode g1201). oper_reg_or_imm : tm reg_or_imm -> tnum -> tform = ||2_r sel_imode sel_rmode. sel_generalA : tm address_ -> tnum -> tform = fld2 address_ num reg_or_imm f_rs1 oper_reg_or_imm true_fn inj_generalA. % sel_generalA : tm address_ -> tnum -> tform = % [obj : tm address_][word : tnum] % _exists2 num reg_or_imm [g1202 : tnum][g1203 : tm reg_or_imm] % (f_rs1 g1202 &&n oper_reg_or_imm g1203) word and % _eq address_ obj (inj_generalA g1202 g1203). oper_address_ : tm address_ -> tnum -> tform = [obj : tm address_][word : tnum] sel_generalA obj word. sel_indexR : tm regaddr -> tnum -> tform = fld2 regaddr num num f_rs1 f_rs2 (f_i (const 0)) inj_indexR. % [obj : tm regaddr][word : tnum] % f_i (const 0) word and % _exs_n2 [g1204 : tnum][g1205 : tnum] % (f_rs1 g1204 &&n f_rs2 g1205) word and % _eq regaddr obj (inj_indexR g1204 g1205). oper_regaddr : tm regaddr -> tnum -> tform = [obj : tm regaddr][word : tnum] sel_indexR obj word. % Copyright (c) 2004 Princeton University % $Id: instructions.elf,v 1.15 2004/04/22 10:49:20 appel Exp $ % % The encoding of the instructions. % This is a machine generated file. Do not edit! % aux_loadg = fld2 instr address_ num oper_address_ f_rd. ins_loadg = aux_loadg p_LDSB i_LDSB ||2n aux_loadg p_LDSH i_LDSH ||2n aux_loadg p_LDUB i_LDUB ||2n aux_loadg p_LDUH i_LDUH ||2n aux_loadg p_LD i_LD ||2n aux_loadg p_LDSTUB i_LDSTUB ||2n aux_loadg p_SWAP_DOT i_SWAP_DOT ||2n aux_loadg p_LDFSR i_LDFSR ||2n aux_loadg p_LDCSR i_LDCSR. ins_LDD = fld2 instr address_ num oper_address_ f_rd p_LDD i_LDD. ins_LDF = fld2 instr address_ num oper_address_ f_fd p_LDF i_LDF. ins_LDDF = fld2 instr address_ num oper_address_ f_fd p_LDDF i_LDDF. ins_LDC = fld2 instr address_ num oper_address_ f_cd p_LDC i_LDC. ins_LDDC = fld2 instr address_ num oper_address_ f_cd p_LDDC i_LDDC. aux_storeg = fld2 instr num address_ f_rd oper_address_. ins_storeg = aux_storeg p_STB i_STB ||2n aux_storeg p_STH i_STH ||2n aux_storeg p_ST i_ST ||2n aux_storeg p_STFSR i_STFSR ||2n aux_storeg p_STCSR i_STCSR ||2n aux_storeg p_STDFQ i_STDFQ ||2n aux_storeg p_STDCQ i_STDCQ. ins_STD = fld2 instr num address_ f_rd oper_address_ p_STD i_STD. ins_STF = fld2 instr num address_ f_fd oper_address_ p_STF i_STF. ins_STDF = fld2 instr num address_ f_fd oper_address_ p_STDF i_STDF. ins_STC = fld2 instr num address_ f_cd oper_address_ p_STC i_STC. ins_STDC = fld2 instr num address_ f_cd oper_address_ p_STDC i_STDC. aux_loada = fld3 instr address_ num num oper_regaddr f_asi f_rd. ins_loada = aux_loada p_LDSBA i_LDSBA ||2n aux_loada p_LDSHA i_LDSHA ||2n aux_loada p_LDUBA i_LDUBA ||2n aux_loada p_LDUHA i_LDUHA ||2n aux_loada p_LDA i_LDA ||2n aux_loada p_LDSTUBA i_LDSTUBA ||2n aux_loada p_SWAPA i_SWAPA. ins_LDDA = fld3 instr address_ num num oper_regaddr f_asi f_rd p_LDDA i_LDDA. aux_storea = fld3 instr num address_ num f_rd oper_regaddr f_asi. ins_storea = aux_storea p_STBA i_STBA ||2n aux_storea p_STHA i_STHA ||2n aux_storea p_STA i_STA. ins_STDA = fld3 instr num address_ num f_rd oper_regaddr f_asi p_STDA i_STDA. ins_LDFSR = aux_loadg p_LDFSR i_LDFSR. ins_LDCSR = aux_loadg p_LDCSR i_LDCSR. ins_STFSR = aux_storeg p_STFSR i_STFSR. ins_STCSR = aux_storeg p_STCSR i_STCSR. ins_STDFQ = aux_storeg p_STDFQ i_STDFQ. ins_STDCQ = aux_storeg p_STDCQ i_STDCQ. ins_RDY = fld1 instr num f_rd p_RDY i_RDY. ins_RDPSR = fld1 instr num f_rd p_RDPSR i_RDPSR. ins_RDWIM = fld1 instr num f_rd p_RDWIM i_RDWIM. ins_RDTBR = fld1 instr num f_rd p_RDTBR i_RDTBR. ins_WRY = fld2 instr num reg_or_imm f_rs1 oper_reg_or_imm p_WRY i_WRY. ins_WRPSR = fld2 instr num reg_or_imm f_rs1 oper_reg_or_imm p_WRPSR i_WRPSR. ins_WRWIM = fld2 instr num reg_or_imm f_rs1 oper_reg_or_imm p_WRWIM i_WRWIM. ins_WRTBR = fld2 instr num reg_or_imm f_rs1 oper_reg_or_imm p_WRTBR i_WRTBR. ins_RDASR = fld2 instr num num f_rs1 f_rd p_RDASR i_RDASR. ins_WRASR = fld3 instr num reg_or_imm num f_rs1 oper_reg_or_imm f_rd p_WRASR i_WRASR. ins_STBAR = fld0 instr p_STBAR i_STBAR. aux_alu = fld3 instr num reg_or_imm num f_rs1 oper_reg_or_imm f_rd. ins_alu = aux_alu p_AND i_AND ||2n aux_alu p_ANDcc i_ANDcc ||2n aux_alu p_ANDN i_ANDN ||2n aux_alu p_ANDNcc i_ANDNcc ||2n aux_alu p_OR i_OR ||2n aux_alu p_ORcc i_ORcc ||2n aux_alu p_ORN i_ORN ||2n aux_alu p_ORNcc i_ORNcc ||2n aux_alu p_XOR i_XOR ||2n aux_alu p_XORcc i_XORcc ||2n aux_alu p_XNOR i_XNOR ||2n aux_alu p_XNORcc i_XNORcc ||2n aux_alu p_SLL i_SLL ||2n aux_alu p_SRL i_SRL ||2n aux_alu p_SRA i_SRA ||2n aux_alu p_ADD i_ADD ||2n aux_alu p_ADDcc i_ADDcc ||2n aux_alu p_ADDX i_ADDX ||2n aux_alu p_ADDXcc i_ADDXcc ||2n aux_alu p_TADDcc i_TADDcc ||2n aux_alu p_TADDccTV i_TADDccTV ||2n aux_alu p_SUB i_SUB ||2n aux_alu p_SUBcc i_SUBcc ||2n aux_alu p_SUBX i_SUBX ||2n aux_alu p_SUBXcc i_SUBXcc ||2n aux_alu p_TSUBcc i_TSUBcc ||2n aux_alu p_TSUBccTV i_TSUBccTV ||2n aux_alu p_MULScc i_MULScc ||2n aux_alu p_UMUL i_UMUL ||2n aux_alu p_SMUL i_SMUL ||2n aux_alu p_UMULcc i_UMULcc ||2n aux_alu p_SMULcc i_SMULcc ||2n aux_alu p_UDIV i_UDIV ||2n aux_alu p_SDIV i_SDIV ||2n aux_alu p_UDIVcc i_UDIVcc ||2n aux_alu p_SDIVcc i_SDIVcc ||2n aux_alu p_SAVE i_SAVE ||2n aux_alu p_RESTORE i_RESTORE. aux_branch = fld2 instr num num f_a f_disp22. ins_branch = aux_branch p_BN i_BN ||2n aux_branch p_BE i_BE ||2n aux_branch p_BLE i_BLE ||2n aux_branch p_BL i_BL ||2n aux_branch p_BLEU i_BLEU ||2n aux_branch p_BCS i_BCS ||2n aux_branch p_BNEG i_BNEG ||2n aux_branch p_BVS i_BVS ||2n aux_branch p_BA i_BA ||2n aux_branch p_BNE i_BNE ||2n aux_branch p_BG i_BG ||2n aux_branch p_BGE i_BGE ||2n aux_branch p_BGU i_BGU ||2n aux_branch p_BCC i_BCC ||2n aux_branch p_BPOS i_BPOS ||2n aux_branch p_BVC i_BVC ||2n aux_branch p_FBN i_FBN ||2n aux_branch p_FBNE i_FBNE ||2n aux_branch p_FBLG i_FBLG ||2n aux_branch p_FBUL i_FBUL ||2n aux_branch p_FBL i_FBL ||2n aux_branch p_FBUG i_FBUG ||2n aux_branch p_FBG i_FBG ||2n aux_branch p_FBU i_FBU ||2n aux_branch p_FBA i_FBA ||2n aux_branch p_FBE i_FBE ||2n aux_branch p_FBUE i_FBUE ||2n aux_branch p_FBGE i_FBGE ||2n aux_branch p_FBUGE i_FBUGE ||2n aux_branch p_FBLE i_FBLE ||2n aux_branch p_FBULE i_FBULE ||2n aux_branch p_FBO i_FBO ||2n aux_branch p_CBN i_CBN ||2n aux_branch p_CB123 i_CB123 ||2n aux_branch p_CB12 i_CB12 ||2n aux_branch p_CB13 i_CB13 ||2n aux_branch p_CB1 i_CB1 ||2n aux_branch p_CB23 i_CB23 ||2n aux_branch p_CB2 i_CB2 ||2n aux_branch p_CB3 i_CB3 ||2n aux_branch p_CBA i_CBA ||2n aux_branch p_CB0 i_CB0 ||2n aux_branch p_CB03 i_CB03 ||2n aux_branch p_CB02 i_CB02 ||2n aux_branch p_CB023 i_CB023 ||2n aux_branch p_CB01 i_CB01 ||2n aux_branch p_CB013 i_CB013 ||2n aux_branch p_CB012 i_CB012. ins_CALL = fld1 instr num f_disp30 p_CALL i_CALL. aux_float2s = fld2 instr num num f_fs2 f_fd. ins_float2s = aux_float2s p_FMOVs i_FMOVs ||2n aux_float2s p_FNEGs i_FNEGs ||2n aux_float2s p_FABSs i_FABSs ||2n aux_float2s p_FSQRTs i_FSQRTs. ins_FSQRTd = fld2 instr num num f_fs2 f_fd p_FSQRTd i_FSQRTd. ins_FSQRTq = fld2 instr num num f_fs2 f_fd p_FSQRTq i_FSQRTq. aux_FTOs = fld2 instr num num f_fs2 f_fd. ins_FTOs = aux_FTOs p_FiTOs i_FiTOs ||2n aux_FTOs p_FsTOi i_FsTOi. aux_FTOd = fld2 instr num num f_fs2 f_fd. ins_FTOd = aux_FTOd p_FiTOd i_FiTOd ||2n aux_FTOd p_FsTOd i_FsTOd. aux_FTOq = fld2 instr num num f_fs2 f_fd. ins_FTOq = aux_FTOq p_FiTOq i_FiTOq ||2n aux_FTOq p_FsTOq i_FsTOq. aux_FdTO = fld2 instr num num f_fs2 f_fd. ins_FdTO = aux_FdTO p_FdTOi i_FdTOi ||2n aux_FdTO p_FdTOs i_FdTOs. aux_FqTO = fld2 instr num num f_fs2 f_fd. ins_FqTO = aux_FqTO p_FqTOs i_FqTOs ||2n aux_FqTO p_FqTOi i_FqTOi. ins_FqTOd = fld2 instr num num f_fs2 f_fd p_FqTOd i_FqTOd. ins_FdTOq = fld2 instr num num f_fs2 f_fd p_FdTOq i_FdTOq. aux_float3s = fld3 instr num num num f_fs1 f_fs2 f_fd. ins_float3s = aux_float3s p_FADDs i_FADDs ||2n aux_float3s p_FSUBs i_FSUBs ||2n aux_float3s p_FMULs i_FMULs ||2n aux_float3s p_FDIVs i_FDIVs. aux_float3d = fld3 instr num num num f_fs1 f_fs2 f_fd. ins_float3d = aux_float3d p_FADDd i_FADDd ||2n aux_float3d p_FSUBd i_FSUBd ||2n aux_float3d p_FMULd i_FMULd ||2n aux_float3d p_FDIVd i_FDIVd. aux_float3q = fld3 instr num num num f_fs1 f_fs2 f_fd. ins_float3q = aux_float3q p_FADDq i_FADDq ||2n aux_float3q p_FSUBq i_FSUBq ||2n aux_float3q p_FMULq i_FMULq ||2n aux_float3q p_FDIVq i_FDIVq. ins_FsMULd = fld3 instr num num num f_fs1 f_fs2 f_fd p_FsMULd i_FsMULd. ins_FdMULq = fld3 instr num num num f_fs1 f_fs2 f_fd p_FdMULq i_FdMULq. aux_fcompares = fld2 instr num num f_fs1 f_fs2. ins_fcompares = aux_fcompares p_FCMPs i_FCMPs ||2n aux_fcompares p_FCMPEs i_FCMPEs. aux_fcompared = fld2 instr num num f_fs1 f_fs2. ins_fcompared = aux_fcompared p_FCMPd i_FCMPd ||2n aux_fcompared p_FCMPEd i_FCMPEd. aux_fcompareq = fld2 instr num num f_fs1 f_fs2. ins_fcompareq = aux_fcompareq p_FCMPq i_FCMPq ||2n aux_fcompareq p_FCMPEq i_FCMPEq. ins_FLUSH = fld1 instr address_ oper_address_ p_FLUSH i_FLUSH. ins_JMPL = fld2 instr address_ num oper_address_ f_rd p_JMPL i_JMPL. ins_RETT = fld1 instr address_ oper_address_ p_RETT i_RETT. aux_trap = fld1 instr address_ oper_address_. ins_trap = aux_trap p_TN i_TN ||2n aux_trap p_TE i_TE ||2n aux_trap p_TLE i_TLE ||2n aux_trap p_TL i_TL ||2n aux_trap p_TLEU i_TLEU ||2n aux_trap p_TCS i_TCS ||2n aux_trap p_TNEG i_TNEG ||2n aux_trap p_TVS i_TVS ||2n aux_trap p_TA i_TA ||2n aux_trap p_TNE i_TNE ||2n aux_trap p_TG i_TG ||2n aux_trap p_TGE i_TGE ||2n aux_trap p_TGU i_TGU ||2n aux_trap p_TCC i_TCC ||2n aux_trap p_TPOS i_TPOS ||2n aux_trap p_TVC i_TVC. ins_UNIMP = fld1 instr num f_imm22 p_UNIMP i_UNIMP. ins_SETHI = fld2 instr num num f_rd f_imm22 p_SETHI i_SETHI. instruction = ins_loadg ||2n ins_LDD ||2n ins_LDF ||2n ins_LDDF ||2n ins_LDC ||2n ins_LDDC ||2n ins_storeg ||2n ins_STD ||2n ins_STF ||2n ins_STDF ||2n ins_STC ||2n ins_STDC ||2n ins_loada ||2n ins_LDDA ||2n ins_storea ||2n ins_STDA ||2n ins_RDY ||2n ins_RDPSR ||2n ins_RDWIM ||2n ins_RDTBR ||2n ins_WRY ||2n ins_WRPSR ||2n ins_WRWIM ||2n ins_WRTBR ||2n % ins_RDASR ||2n ins_WRASR ||2n ins_STBAR ||2n ins_alu ||2n ins_branch ||2n ins_CALL ||2n ins_float2s ||2n ins_FSQRTd ||2n ins_FSQRTq ||2n ins_FTOs ||2n ins_FTOd ||2n ins_FTOq ||2n ins_FdTO ||2n ins_FqTO ||2n ins_FqTOd ||2n ins_FdTOq ||2n ins_float3s ||2n ins_float3d ||2n ins_float3q ||2n ins_FsMULd ||2n ins_FdMULq ||2n ins_fcompares ||2n ins_fcompared ||2n ins_fcompareq ||2n ins_FLUSH ||2n ins_JMPL ||2n ins_RETT ||2n ins_trap ||2n ins_UNIMP ||2n ins_SETHI. % Copyright (c) 2004 Princeton University % $Id: step.elf,v 1.25 2004/04/22 10:49:21 appel Exp $ % Instruction Semantics for the sparc V8 machine. genpc = tuple4 num num num num. % opc, pc, npc, icnt _mk_gen_pc = _mktuple4 num num num num. _get_opc : tm genpc -> tnum = _get1of4 num num num num. _get_pc : tm genpc -> tnum = _get2of4 num num num num. _get_npc : tm genpc -> tnum = _get3of4 num num num num. _get_icnt : tm genpc -> tnum = _get4of4 num num num num. % Change the genpc as if a nonjump instruction of size "num" executes _nextpc : tnum -> tm genpc -> tm genpc = [n : tnum][g : tm genpc] _mk_gen_pc (_get_pc g) (_get_npc g) (plus (_get_npc g) n) (succ (_get_icnt g)). % Change the program counter as if a jump to "n" instruction executes _nextpc_jmp = [n: tnum][g: tm genpc] _mk_gen_pc (_get_opc g) (_get_pc g) n (_get_icnt g). % Some genpc's will continue % execution in a straight line as long as no branch occurs. % These relate to some location via the "normalpc" relation. % Other genpc's have a latent branch about to occur; these % relate to no single location. _normalpc = [g : tm genpc][n : tnum] _exists num [n+4:tm num] _is_word n and _modulo n word_size zero and _plus_mod32 n word_size n+4 and eqn (_get_pc g) n and eqn (_get_npc g) n+4. % The next location to fetch an instruction. _nextinstr : tm genpc -> tnum = _get_pc. % A generalized version of control_at. _gen_control_at : tm genpc -> tregs -> tform = [g : tm genpc][r : tregs] eqn (get_reg r opc) (_get_opc g) and eqn (get_reg r pc) (_get_pc g) and eqn (get_reg r npc) (_get_npc g) and eqn (get_reg r icnt) (_get_icnt g). % Modify the state r,m by setting the program counter to genpc _setpc : tm genpc -> tm instr = [g : tm genpc] instr_lam [r : tregs][m : tmem][r' : tregs][m' : tmem] _upd4 num num r opc (_get_opc g) pc (_get_pc g) npc (_get_npc g) icnt (_get_icnt g) r' and _eq_mem m m'. % Modify the state r,m by setting program counter to genpc % and also update the count of the number of instructions executed _updatepc : tm (registers arrow registers arrow form) = _lam2 registers registers form [r : tregs][r' : tregs] _exists num [new_npc: tm num] _plus_mod32 (get_reg r npc) four new_npc and _upd4 num num r opc (get_reg r pc) pc (get_reg r npc) npc new_npc icnt (succ (get_reg r icnt)) r'. % The decode relation specifying machine instruction syntax _decode : tmem -> tnum -> tm instr -> tnum -> tform = [m : tmem][w : tnum][instr : tm instr][size : tnum] eqn size four and instruction instr (get_mem m w). % Copyright (c) 2004 Princeton University % $Id: policy.elf,v 1.15 2005/05/31 15:22:30 gtan Exp $ % This file contains the machine-dependent parts of the conventions % about register usage for proof-carrying code. % It is loosely based on Standard ML of New Jersey 110.34. % See, for example, src/runtime/mach-dep/SPARC.prim.asm in % the SML/NJ 110.34 source distribution. % % R# REG Convention % % 0 %g0 always 0 % 1 %g1 % ... % 7 %g7 % 8 %o0 standard link % 9 %o1 alloc pointer (boundary between allocated and available heap) % 10 %o2 limit pointer (end of available heap, minus 4096) % 11 %o3 standard arg % 12 %o4 % 13 %o5 % 14 %sp stack pointer % 15 %o7 return address (set by call instruction) % 16 %l0 % ... % 23 %l7 % 24 %i0 % ... % 29 %i5 % 30 %fp frame pointer (don't touch) % 31 %i7 saved pc (don't touch) % 32 %pc program counter % 33 %npc next program counter % 34 icc integer condition codes % 35 fcc floating-point condition codes % 36 %y high-order result of multiply instruction % 37 icnt number of instructions executed, including current instr % 128 %f0 floating-point register 0 % 191 %f63 floating-point register 63 % % In our logical specifications, the register bank is a single array % of integers. The actual SPARC has several different register banks. % The numbers in the R# column indicate where in our specification's % register bank we put the corresponding SPARC register. This is % documented in logic/pccTCB/machines/sparc/instr_sem.elf. % % The stack pointer points to a block of memory like this: % * %fp = %sp+4096 % * +-------------------+ % * | | % * . . % * | | % * %sp+116: | spill area | % * +-------------------+ % * %sp+112: | | % * | various uses | % * %sp: | | % * +-------------------+ % % Thus, the memory-resident temps are m[%sp+116],m[%sp+120],...,m[%sp+4092] % % reg_stdarg = const 8. reg_stdlink = const 9. reg_allocptr = const 10. reg_limitptr = const 11. reg_storeptr = const 5. reg_sp = const 14. reg_stdcont = const 15. reg_fp = const 30. reg_savedpc = const 31. ml_framesize = const 4096. ml_spillarea = const 116. % A heap-limit check consists of a comparison (limitptr minus allocptr) % and a conditional branch. When a standard SML/NJ function is called, % the comparison is done before the call, so as to make good use % of the delay slot, and the conditional branch is done afterwards, inside % the called function. Thus, the carry flag is zero if and only if % there is at least 4k of heap space left. This relation between % the condition codes, the limitptr, and the allocptr, is "limit_test". %abbrev _initial_machine_state = [r : tregs][m : tmem] eqn (get_reg r zero) zero and eqn (get_reg r icnt) zero and mult4? (get_reg r reg_allocptr) and mult4? (get_reg r reg_limitptr). _limit_test: tregs -> tform = [r : tregs] (not (icc_c (get_reg r icc))) equiv (geq (get_reg r reg_limitptr) (get_reg r reg_allocptr)). _return_address: tnum -> tregs -> tform = [x : tnum][r : tregs] eqn (plus (get_reg r reg_stdcont) (const 8)) x. _reserved_regs : tnum -> tform = [x : tnum] eqn x reg_sp or eqn x reg_fp or eqn x reg_savedpc. % Copyright (c) 2004 Princeton University % $Id: safety.elf,v 1.24 2004/06/19 20:30:07 gtan Exp $ _control_at = [x : tnum][r : tregs] _exists genpc [g : tm genpc] _gen_control_at g r and _normalpc g x and (gt (get_reg r icnt) (get_reg r last_cbr)). _eq_reserved_regs : tregs -> tregs -> tform = [r : tregs][r0 : tregs] _frl_n [x : tnum] _reserved_regs x imp eqn (get_reg r x) (get_reg r0 x). specified_step : tm instr = instr_lam [r : tregs][m : tmem][r' : tregs][m' : tmem] _exists3 instr num num [i : tm instr][l : tnum][size : tnum] _exists2 genpc registers [g : tm genpc][r'' : tregs] _gen_control_at g r and eqn (_nextinstr g) l and _executable r m l and _decode m l i size and _eq_reserved_regs r r' and _@2 registers registers form _updatepc r r'' and app_instr i r'' m r' m'. step : tm instr = instr_lam [r : tregs][m : tmem][r' : tregs][m' : tmem] app_instr specified_step r m r' m' or app_instr api_step r m r' m'. state = pair registers memory. _mkstate = _mktuple2 registers memory. fst_st = _get1of2 registers memory. snd_st = _get2of2 registers memory. _stepx: tm state -> tm state -> tform = [x : tm state][y : tm state] app_instr step (fst_st x) (snd_st x) (fst_st y) (snd_st y). _step* : tm instr = instr_lam [r : tregs][m : tmem][r' : tregs][m' : tmem] _kleene_star state _stepx (_mkstate r m) (_mkstate r' m'). _safe : tregs -> tmem -> tform = [r : tregs][m : tmem] _forall2 registers memory [r' : tregs][m' : tmem] app_instr _step* r m r' m' imp _exists2 registers memory [r'' : tregs][m'' : tmem] app_instr step r' m' r'' m''. prog_lam = _lam2 num num form. prog_app = _@2 num num form. _next_word : tm num -> tm program -> tm program = [n : tm num][f : tm program] prog_lam [i : tnum][j : tnum] (eqn i zero imp eqn j n) and (not (eqn i zero) imp prog_app f (pred i) j). %infix right 15 _next_word. next_word : rep_type -> tm program -> tm program = [w : rep_type][ws : tm program] (const w) _next_word ws. %infix right 15 next_word. no_more_words : tm program = prog_lam [_ : tnum][_ : tnum] false. _prog_loaded_at : tm program -> tnum -> tregs -> tmem -> tform = [prog : tm program][start : tnum][r :tregs][m : tmem] _forall3 num num num [l : tnum][w : tnum][start+4l : tnum] prog_app prog l w imp _plus_mod32 start (times four l) start+4l imp eqn (get_mem m start+4l) w and _readable r m start+4l and _executable r m start+4l. % Copyright (c) 2004 Princeton University % $Id: initial.elf,v 1.27 2004/05/26 12:06:54 appel Exp $ % Things that are supposed to be true, % not by hardware but by convention, about the % registers and memory at the beginning of execution. % When the SML/NJ compiler generates code for a function, it uses % one of several kinds of calling conventions: % % ESCAPING FUNCTION: A function that can be called from another module. % Any two escaping functions with the same (ML) type must have the % same calling convention. The convention is, % % reg_stdlink the address of the function % reg_limitptr end of heap, minus 4096 % reg_storeptr (used by generational g.c.) % reg_allocptr beginning of unallocated (available) heap % reg_exncont % reg_sp (access memory-resident temps through this) % reg_stdarg (number of arguments is determined by function's type) % reg_stdcont "return address" % reg_stdclos (access free variables through this) % reg_varptr (leave this alone) % reg_fp (leave this alone) % program counter (address of function being called) % limit_test (machine-dependent predicate) % other registers are used to pass arguments as determined by % the function's (ML) type. % ESCAPING CONTINUATION: % reg_limitptr end of heap, minus 4096 % reg_storeptr (used by generational g.c.) % reg_allocptr beginning of unallocated (available) heap % reg_exncont % reg_sp (access memory-resident temps through this) % reg_stdarg (number of arguments is determined by function's type) % reg_stdcont address of the function % reg_varptr (leave this alone) % reg_fp (leave this alone) % program counter (address of function being called) % limit_test (machine-dependent predicate) % other registers are used to pass arguments as determined by % the function's (ML) type. % % KNOWN FUNCTION: % The convention here is up to the compiler, but usually includes: % reg_limitptr end of heap, minus 4096 % reg_storeptr (used by generational g.c.) % reg_allocptr beginning of unallocated (available) heap % reg_exncont % reg_sp (access memory-resident temps through this) % base pointer (address of beginning of compilation unit + 4096) % reg_fp (leave this alone) % program counter (address of function being called) % other registers are used to pass arguments as the compiler wishes. % For our proof-carrying code prototype, let us assume that % the initial entry point, address 0 of the compilation unit, % is a function that takes one integer argument and returns one integer % result. Then we have, _block : (tnum -> tform) -> tnum -> tnum -> tform = [f : tnum -> tform][start : tnum][end : tnum] _frl_n [x : tnum] leq start x imp lt x end imp f x. _spill_area_rw : tregs -> tmem -> tform = [r : tregs][m : tmem] _block (_readable r m &&n _writable r m) (plus (get_reg r reg_sp) ml_spillarea) (plus (get_reg r reg_sp) ml_framesize). _heap_area_rw : tregs -> tmem -> tform = [r : tregs][m : tmem] _block (_readable r m &&n _writable r m) (get_reg r reg_allocptr) (plus (get_reg r reg_limitptr) (const 4096)). _spill_area : tregs -> tnum -> tform = [r : tregs] _inrange2 (plus (get_reg r reg_sp) ml_spillarea) (plus (get_reg r reg_sp) ml_framesize). _heap_area : tregs -> tnum -> tform = [r : tregs] _inrange2 (get_reg r reg_allocptr) (plus (get_reg r reg_limitptr) (const 4096)). _prog_area: tm program -> tnum -> tnum -> tform = [prog: tm program][start: tnum][i: tnum] _exists2 num num [l: tnum][w: tnum] prog_app prog l w and _plus_mod32 start (times four l) i. _all_fixnums : tregs -> tmem -> tform = [r : tregs][m : tmem] _frl_n [x : tnum] _is_word (get_mem m x) and _is_word (get_reg r x). _return_type : tnum -> tregs -> tform = [x : tnum][r0 : tregs] _modulo x four zero and _is_word x and _forall2 registers memory [r : tregs][m : tmem] _eq_reserved_regs r r0 imp _control_at x r imp _safe r m. _initial_state : tm program -> tnum -> tregs -> tmem -> tform = [prog: tm program][start: tnum][r : tregs][m : tmem] _initial_machine_state r m and _all_fixnums r m and _spill_area_rw r m and _heap_area_rw r m and _set_disjoint num (_spill_area r) (_heap_area r) and _set_disjoint num (_heap_area r) (_prog_area prog start) and _set_disjoint num (_prog_area prog start) (_spill_area r) and eqn (get_reg r reg_stdlink) start and _is_word (plus (get_reg r reg_limitptr) (const 4096)) and _return_type (plus (get_reg r reg_stdcont) (const 8)) r and geq (plus (get_reg r reg_limitptr) (const 4096)) (get_reg r reg_allocptr) and _prog_loaded_at prog start r m and _control_at start r. _exists_initial_state: pf (_exists2 program num [prog: tm program][start: tnum] _exists2 registers memory [r: tregs][m: tmem] _initial_state prog start r m).% Copyright (c) 2004 Princeton University % $Id: policy.elf,v 1.14 2004/04/30 20:59:52 appel Exp $ safe_program: tm program -> tform = [prog : tm program] _forall3 num registers memory [start : tnum][r : tregs][m : tmem] _initial_state prog start r m imp _safe r m. % % Example of a safety theorem: % % my_prog_is_safe: pf (safe_program ( % 81329 next_word % 293765 next_word % 93 next_word % 29387 next_word % 92387895 next_word % 129872 next_word % 938275 next_word % no_more_words)). % __safe__ : __program__ -> type = [prog: __program__] pf (safe_program prog). % Copyright (c) 2004 Princeton University hole: {A: tm form} pf A. _termhole: {T: tp} tm T. tphole: rep_type -> tp. _predhole: {T1: tp}{T2: tp}{T: tp} (tm T1 -> tm T2 -> tm form) -> tm T = [T1: tp][T2: tp][T: tp] [f: tm T1 -> tm T2 -> tm form] _@ (T1 arrow T2 arrow form) T (_termhole ((T1 arrow T2 arrow form) arrow T)) (_lam2 T1 T2 form f).