
This module contains the loading function.  The supported formats are
the following 31-instrument ProTracker variants: M.K., M!K!, FLT4,
FLT8, 4CHN, 6CHN, 8CHN, 16CH, 32CH.


module Sound.Hemkay.Loader (loadModule) where

import Control.Applicative
import Control.Monad
import Data.Array.IO
import Data.Binary.Get
import Data.Bits
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as LS
import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as S
import Data.Maybe
import Data.Word
import Sound.Hemkay.Music
import System.IO.Unsafe

type TempInstrument = (String, Int, Int, Int, Int, Int)

type TempNote = (Int, Int, [Effect])

formatList :: [(String, Int)]
formatList = [("M.K.",4),("M!K!",4),("FLT4",4),("FLT8",8),("4CHN",4),("6CHN",6),("8CHN",8),

-- | Load a song.  Some exception is thrown in case of failure.
loadModule :: FilePath -> IO Song
loadModule path = readModule <$> LS.readFile path

readModule :: LS.ByteString -> Song
readModule = runGet $ do
  songTitle <- getString 20
  sampleInfo <- replicateM 31 getSampleInfo
  songLength <- getByte
  skip 1
  orderList <- replicateM 128 getByte
  numChans <- flip lookup formatList <$> getString 4
  when (isNothing numChans) (fail "Unknown format")
  patternData <- getPatterns (maximum orderList + 1) (fromJust numChans)
  sampleData <- mapM getBytes $ map getSampleLength sampleInfo
  let insList = map mkInstrument $ zip3 sampleInfo (map S.unpack sampleData) [1..]
      patternData' = (map.map.map) finaliseNote patternData
      finaliseNote (pit,ins,eff) = Note pit ins' eff
        where ins' = if ins == 0 then Nothing else Just (insList !! (ins-1))
  return $ Song
    { title = songTitle
    , instruments = insList
    , patterns = map (patternData' !!) (take songLength orderList)

getString :: Int -> Get String
getString = fmap (takeWhile (/='\0') . S.unpack) . getByteString

getSize :: Get Int
getSize = fromIntegral . (*2) <$> getWord16be

getByte :: Get Int
getByte = fromIntegral <$> getWord8

getSampleInfo :: Get TempInstrument
getSampleInfo = (,,,,,) <$> getString 22 <*> getSize <*> getByte <*> getByte <*> getSize <*> getSize

getSampleLength :: TempInstrument -> Int
getSampleLength (_,l,_,_,_,_) = l

getPatterns :: Int -> Int -> Get [[[TempNote]]]
getPatterns count chan = replicateM count (replicateM 64 (replicateM chan getNote))

getNote :: Get TempNote
getNote = do
  [n1,n2,n3,n4] <- replicateM 4 getWord8
  return (fromIntegral (n1 .&. 0xf) * 256 + fromIntegral n2,
          fromIntegral $ (n1 .&. 0xf0) .|. shift n3 (-4),
          mkEffect (n3 .&. 0xf) (shift n4 (-4)) (fromIntegral n4 `mod` if n3 .&. 0xf == 0xe then 16 else 256))

mkEffect :: Word8 -> Word8 -> Int -> [Effect]
mkEffect 0x0 _   0 = []
mkEffect 0x0 _   x = [Arpeggio (mkHalfNote (x `div` 16)) (mkHalfNote (x `mod` 16))]
mkEffect 0x1 _   0 = [Portamento LastUp]
mkEffect 0x1 _   x = [Portamento (Porta (-x))]
mkEffect 0x2 _   0 = [Portamento LastDown]
mkEffect 0x2 _   x = [Portamento (Porta x)]
mkEffect 0x3 _   0 = [TonePortamento Nothing]
mkEffect 0x3 _   x = [TonePortamento (Just x)]
mkEffect 0x4 _   x = [uncurry Vibrato (mkWaveData x)]
mkEffect 0x5 _   x = [TonePortamento Nothing, VolumeSlide (mkVolSlide x)]
mkEffect 0x6 _   x = [Vibrato Nothing Nothing, VolumeSlide (mkVolSlide x)]
mkEffect 0x7 _   x = [uncurry Tremolo (mkWaveData x)]
mkEffect 0x8 _   x = [FinePanning (min 1 (fromIntegral x/128))]
mkEffect 0x9 _   x = [SampleOffset (x*256)]
mkEffect 0xa _   x = [VolumeSlide (mkVolSlide x)]
mkEffect 0xb _   x = [OrderJump x]
mkEffect 0xc _   x = [SetVolume (fromIntegral x/64)]
mkEffect 0xd _   x = [PatternBreak (x `div` 16 * 10 + x `mod` 16)]
mkEffect 0xe 0x1 0 = [FinePortamento LastUp]
mkEffect 0xe 0x1 x = [FinePortamento (Porta (-x))]
mkEffect 0xe 0x2 0 = [FinePortamento LastDown]
mkEffect 0xe 0x2 x = [FinePortamento (Porta x)]
mkEffect 0xe 0x4 0 = [SetVibratoWaveform SineWave]
mkEffect 0xe 0x4 1 = [SetVibratoWaveform SawtoothWave]
mkEffect 0xe 0x4 2 = [SetVibratoWaveform SquareWave]
mkEffect 0xe 0x5 x = [FineTuneControl (mkFineTune x)]
mkEffect 0xe 0x6 0 = [PatternLoop Nothing]
mkEffect 0xe 0x6 x = [PatternLoop (Just x)]
mkEffect 0xe 0x7 0 = [SetTremoloWaveform SineWave]
mkEffect 0xe 0x7 1 = [SetTremoloWaveform SawtoothWave]
mkEffect 0xe 0x7 2 = [SetTremoloWaveform SquareWave]
mkEffect 0xe 0x8 x = [FinePanning (fromIntegral x/15)] -- The so-called Gravis panning
mkEffect 0xe 0x9 0 = []
mkEffect 0xe 0x9 x = [RetrigNote x]
mkEffect 0xe 0xa 0 = [FineVolumeSlide Nothing]
mkEffect 0xe 0xa x = [FineVolumeSlide (Just (fromIntegral x/64))]
mkEffect 0xe 0xb 0 = [FineVolumeSlide Nothing]
mkEffect 0xe 0xb x = [FineVolumeSlide (Just (-fromIntegral x/64))]
mkEffect 0xe 0xc 0 = []
mkEffect 0xe 0xc x = [NoteCut x]
mkEffect 0xe 0xd 0 = []
mkEffect 0xe 0xd x = [NoteDelay x]
mkEffect 0xe 0xe 0 = []
mkEffect 0xe 0xe x = [PatternDelay x]
mkEffect 0xf _   x = [if x < 32 then SetTempo x else SetBPM x]
mkEffect _   _   _ = []

mkVolSlide :: Int -> Maybe Float
mkVolSlide 0 = Nothing
mkVolSlide x = Just $ fromIntegral (x `div` 16 - x `mod` 16)/64

mkWaveData :: Int -> (Maybe Int, Maybe Int)
mkWaveData x = let (a1,a2) = divMod x 16 in (notZero a1,notZero a2)
  where notZero 0 = Nothing
        notZero v = Just v

mkInstrument :: (TempInstrument, [Char], Int) -> Instrument
mkInstrument ((n,_,ft,vol,lbeg,llen),dat,num) =
  Instrument { ident = num
             , name = n
             , wave = if llen <= 2 then dat'
                      else take lbeg dat' ++ cycle (take llen (drop lbeg dat'))
             , volume = fromIntegral vol/64
             , fineTune = mkFineTune ft
    where dat' = map charToFloat dat

mkHalfNote :: Int -> Float
mkHalfNote x = exp (log 2 * fromIntegral x/12)

mkFineTune :: Int -> Float
mkFineTune x = exp (log 2 * fromIntegral (if x `mod` 16 < 8 then x `mod` 16 else x `mod` 16-16)/96)

charToFloat :: Char -> Float
charToFloat = unsafePerformIO . readArray floatSamples

floatSamples :: IOUArray Char Float
floatSamples = unsafePerformIO $ newListArray ('\0','\255') floats
  where floats = map (/128) ([0..127] ++ [-128..1])