hemokit ======= Haskell library and tool suite for the [Emotiv](http://emotiv.com) Epoc EEG, inspired by the [Emokit](https://github.com/openyou/emokit) code. It currently only works on Linux and Windows - patches for other platforms are welcome, they should be trivial. Download -------- You can download [pre-built binaries here](https://github.com/nh2/hemokit/releases), or build it yourself via [`cabal install hemokit`](http://hackage.haskell.org/package/hemokit). Library Features ---------------- * device discovery via [hidapi](https://github.com/vahokif/haskell-hidapi) * decryption of the raw data (one-to-one port from from Emokit) * convenient access to sensor values, gyro, qualities, battery, and raw data Programs -------- Hemokit comes with example programs to * `hemokit-dump` print out the current EEG data * `hemokit-mouse` move the cursor using the gyro Note that we have to use `sudo` in most of the cases because the HIDAP-hidraw implementation reads directly from a device file. hemokit-dump - Examples ----------------------- *hemokit-dump* can print EEG data, format it as JSON, serve it via TCP or Websockets, and read from real devices and dump files. * Output EEG *cumulative state* for an automatically found device: ```bash sudo hemokit-dump ``` * Select one of many connected EEGs by serial number: ```bash sudo hemokit-dump --serial SN...GM ``` * Output only the data the device sends (no cumulative state), and format the output as JSON: ```bash sudo hemokit-dump --mode packets --format json ``` The `--format` flag allows you to change the way the output is printed. The output of `--mode state --format spaced` is especially easy to work with. * Instead of from a real device, read data recorded to a file, and serve it via JSON over a TCP server on port `1234`: ```bash sudo cat /dev/hidraw1 > encrypted.dump # Dump data to a file sudo hemokit-dump --from-file encrypted.dump --serial SN...GM --serve --format json ``` Here you **have** to specify the serial since HIDAPI is not used to obtain it automatically. If you prefer a Websockets server over a raw TCP server, use `ws://` instead. * Output decrypted raw data to stdout: ```bash sudo hemokit-dump --mode raw ``` * Both print the data from the EEG **and** store the original data for later use: ```bash sudo cat /dev/hidraw1 | tee >(hemokit-dump --from-file - --serial SN...GM --format json) > encrypted.dump ``` We use `tee` and shell process substitution to duplicate the data stream, and tell *hemokit-dump* to read from `-` (stdin).