-- | Output the raw Expr constructors. Helpful for writing pattern matching rewrites.
module Language.HERMIT.PrettyPrinter.Clean where

import Control.Arrow hiding ((<+>))

import Data.Char (isSpace)
import Data.Traversable (sequenceA)

import qualified GhcPlugins as GHC
import Language.HERMIT.Kure
import Language.HERMIT.PrettyPrinter
import Language.HERMIT.GHC

import Text.PrettyPrint.MarkedHughesPJ as PP

listify :: (MDoc a -> MDoc a -> MDoc a) -> [MDoc a] -> MDoc a
listify _  []     = text "[]"
listify op (d:ds) = op (text "[ " <> d) (foldr (\e es -> op (text ", " <> e) es) (text "]") ds)

-- | like vcat and hcat, only make the list syntax explicit
vlist, hlist :: [MDoc a] -> MDoc a
vlist = listify ($$)
hlist = listify (<+>)

data RetExpr
        = RetLam [DocH] DocH
        | RetLet [DocH] DocH
        | RetApp DocH [RetExpr]
        | RetExpr DocH
        | RetAtom DocH         -- parens not needed
        | RetEmpty

isAtom :: RetExpr -> Bool
isAtom (RetAtom _) = True
isAtom _           = False

specialSymbol :: SpecialSymbol -> DocH
specialSymbol = markColor SyntaxColor . specialFont . char . renderSpecial

symbol :: Char -> DocH
symbol = markColor SyntaxColor . char

keyword :: String -> DocH
keyword = markColor KeywordColor . text

ppParens :: DocH -> DocH
ppParens p = symbol '(' <> p <> symbol ')' -- :: markColor SyntaxColor

atomExpr :: RetExpr -> DocH
atomExpr (RetAtom e) = e
atomExpr other       = ppParens (normalExpr other)

normalExpr :: RetExpr -> DocH
normalExpr (RetLam vs e0) = hang (specialSymbol LambdaSymbol <+> hsep vs <+> specialSymbol RightArrowSymbol) 2 e0
normalExpr (RetLet vs e0) = sep [ keywordColor (text "let") <+> vcat vs, keywordColor (text "in") <+> e0 ]
normalExpr (RetApp fn xs) = sep [ hsep (fn : map atomExpr (takeWhile isAtom xs))
                                , nest 2 (sep (map atomExpr (dropWhile isAtom xs))) ]
normalExpr (RetExpr e0)    = e0
normalExpr (RetAtom e0)    = e0
normalExpr (RetEmpty)      = empty

typeSymbol :: DocH
typeSymbol = markColor TypeColor (specialFont $ char $ renderSpecial TypeSymbol)

typeBindSymbol :: DocH
typeBindSymbol = markColor TypeColor (specialFont $ char $ renderSpecial TypeBindSymbol)

corePrettyH :: PrettyOptions -> PrettyH Core
corePrettyH opts = do
    dynFlags <- constT GHC.getDynFlags

    let hideNotes = True

        ppVar :: GHC.Var -> DocH
        ppVar = ppName . GHC.varName

        ppName :: GHC.Name -> DocH
        ppName nm
                | isInfix name = ppParens $ varColor $ text name
                | otherwise    = varColor $ text name
          where name = GHC.occNameString $ GHC.nameOccName $ nm
                isInfix = all (\ n -> n `elem` "!@#$%^&*-._+=:?/\\<>'")

        -- binders are vars that is bound by lambda or case, etc.
        ppBinder :: GHC.Var -> Maybe DocH
        ppBinder var = case po_exprTypes opts of
                        Abstract | GHC.isTyVar var -> Just $ typeBindSymbol
                        Omit     | GHC.isTyVar var -> Nothing
                        _                          -> Just $ ppVar var

        ppIdBinder :: GHC.Id -> DocH
        ppIdBinder var = ppVar var

        -- Use for any GHC structure, the 'showSDoc' prefix is to remind us
        -- that we are eliding infomation here.
        ppSDoc :: (GHC.Outputable a) => a -> MDoc b
        ppSDoc = toDoc . (if hideNotes then id else ("showSDoc: " ++)) . GHC.showSDoc dynFlags . GHC.ppr
            where toDoc s | any isSpace s = parens (text s)
                          | otherwise     = text s

        ppModGuts :: PrettyH GHC.ModGuts
        ppModGuts =   arr $ \ m -> hang (keyword "module" <+> ppSDoc (GHC.mg_module m) <+> keyword "where") 2
                                   (vcat [ (ppIdBinder v <+> specialSymbol TypeOfSymbol <+> ppCoreType (GHC.idType v))
                                         | bnd <- GHC.mg_binds m
                                         , v <- case bnd of
                                                  GHC.NonRec f _ -> [f]
                                                  GHC.Rec bnds -> map fst bnds

        -- DocH is not a monoid, so we can't use listT here
        ppProgram :: PrettyH GHC.CoreProgram -- CoreProgram = [CoreBind]
        ppProgram = translate $ \ c -> fmap vcat . sequenceA . map (apply ppCoreBind c)

        ppCoreExpr :: PrettyH GHC.CoreExpr
        ppCoreExpr = ppCoreExprR >>^ normalExpr

        appendArg xs (RetEmpty) = xs
        appendArg xs e          = xs ++ [e]

        appendBind Nothing  xs = xs
        appendBind (Just v) xs = v : xs

        ppCoreExprR :: TranslateH GHC.CoreExpr RetExpr
        ppCoreExprR = do
               ret <- ppCoreExprPR
               absPath <- absPathT
               return $ ret (rootPath absPath)

        ppCoreExprPR :: TranslateH GHC.CoreExpr (Path -> RetExpr)
        ppCoreExprPR = lamT ppCoreExprR (\ v e _ -> case e of
                                                  RetLam vs e0  -> RetLam (appendBind (ppBinder v) vs) e0
                                                  _             -> RetLam (appendBind (ppBinder v) []) (normalExpr e))

                   <+ letT ppCoreBind ppCoreExprR
                                       (\ bd e _ -> case e of
                                                  RetLet vs e0  -> RetLet (bd : vs) e0
                                                  _             -> RetLet [bd] (normalExpr e))
                   -- HACKs
                   <+ (acceptR (\ e -> case e of
                                         GHC.App (GHC.Var v) (GHC.Type t) | po_exprTypes opts == Abstract -> True
                                         _ -> False) >>>
                               (appT ppCoreExprR ppCoreExprR (\ (RetAtom e1) (RetAtom e2) ->
                                        RetAtom (e1 <+> e2))))
                   <+ (acceptR (\ e -> case e of
                                         GHC.App (GHC.Type _) (GHC.Lam {}) | po_exprTypes opts == Omit -> True
                                         GHC.App (GHC.App (GHC.Var _) (GHC.Type _)) (GHC.Lam {}) | po_exprTypes opts == Omit -> True
                                         _ -> False) "TODO: add decent error message here" >>>
                               (appT ppCoreExprR ppCoreExprR (\ (RetAtom e1) (RetLam vs e0) _ ->
                                        RetExpr $ hang (e1 <+>
                                                            symbol '(' <>
                                                            specialSymbol LambdaSymbol <+>
                                                            hsep vs <+>
                                                            specialSymbol RightArrowSymbol) 2 (e0 <> symbol ')')))


                   <+ appT ppCoreExprR ppCoreExprR
                                       (\ e1 e2 _ -> case e1 of
                                                  RetApp f xs   -> RetApp f (appendArg xs e2)
                                                  _             -> case e2 of -- if our only args are types, and they are omitted, don't paren
                                                                    RetEmpty -> e1
                                                                    args -> RetApp (atomExpr e1) (appendArg [] args))
                   <+ varT (\ i p -> RetAtom (attrP p $ ppVar i))
                   <+ litT (\ i p -> RetAtom (attrP p $ ppSDoc i))
                   <+ typeT (\ t p -> case po_exprTypes opts of
                                      Show     -> RetAtom (attrP p $ ppCoreType t)
                                      Abstract -> RetAtom (attrP p $ typeSymbol)
                                      Omit     -> RetEmpty)
                   <+ (ppCoreExpr0 >>^ \ e p -> RetExpr (attrP p e))

        ppCoreType :: GHC.Type -> DocH
        ppCoreType = normalExpr . go
            where go (TyVarTy v)   = RetAtom $ ppVar v
                  go (AppTy t1 t2) = RetExpr $ ppCoreType t1 <+> ppCoreType t2
                  go (TyConApp tyCon tys)
                    | GHC.isFunTyCon tyCon, [ty1,ty2] <- tys = go (FunTy ty1 ty2)
                    | GHC.isTupleTyCon tyCon = case map ppCoreType tys of
                                                [] -> RetAtom $ text "()"
                                                ds -> RetExpr $ text "(" <> (foldr1 (\d r -> d <> text "," <+> r) ds) <> text ")"
                    | otherwise = RetAtom $ ppName (GHC.getName tyCon) <+> sep (map ppCoreType tys) -- has spaces, but we never want parens
                  go (FunTy ty1 ty2) = RetExpr $ atomExpr (go ty1) <+> text "->" <+> ppCoreType ty2
                  go (ForAllTy v ty) = RetExpr $ specialSymbol ForallSymbol <+> ppVar v <+> symbol '.' <+> ppCoreType ty

        ppCoreExpr0 :: PrettyH GHC.CoreExpr
        ppCoreExpr0 = caseT ppCoreExpr (const ppCoreAlt) (\ s b _ty alts ->
                            (keywordColor (text "case") <+> s <+> keywordColor (text "of") <+> ppIdBinder b) $$
                              nest 2 (vcat alts))
                  <+ castT ppCoreExpr (\e co -> text "Cast" $$ nest 2 ((parens e) <+> ppSDoc co))
                  <+ tickT ppCoreExpr (\i e  -> text "Tick" $$ nest 2 (ppSDoc i <+> parens e))
    --              <+ typeT (\ty -> text "Type" <+> nest 2 (ppSDoc ty))
                  <+ coercionT (\co -> text "Coercion" $$ nest 2 (ppSDoc co))

        ppCoreBind :: PrettyH GHC.CoreBind
        ppCoreBind = nonRecT ppCoreExprR ppDefFun
                  <+ recT (const ppCoreDef) (\ bnds -> keywordColor (text "rec") <+> vcat bnds)

        ppCoreAlt :: PrettyH GHC.CoreAlt
        ppCoreAlt = altT ppCoreExpr $ \ con ids e -> case con of
                      GHC.DataAlt dcon -> hang (ppName (GHC.dataConName dcon) <+> ppIds ids) 2 e
                      GHC.LitAlt lit   -> hang (ppSDoc lit <+> ppIds ids) 2 e
                      GHC.DEFAULT      -> symbol '_' <+> ppIds ids <+> e
                     ppIds ids | null ids  = specialSymbol RightArrowSymbol
                               | otherwise = hsep (map ppIdBinder ids) <+> specialSymbol RightArrowSymbol

        -- GHC uses a tuple, which we print here. The CoreDef type is our doing.
        ppCoreDef :: PrettyH CoreDef
        ppCoreDef = defT ppCoreExprR ppDefFun

        ppDefFun :: GHC.Id -> RetExpr -> DocH
        ppDefFun i e = case e of
                        RetLam vs e0 -> hang (pre <+> specialSymbol LambdaSymbol <+> hsep vs <+> specialSymbol RightArrowSymbol) 2 e0
                        _ -> hang pre 2 (normalExpr e)
                pre = case ppBinder i of
                        Nothing -> empty
                        Just p  -> p <+> symbol '='

    promoteT (ppCoreExpr :: PrettyH GHC.CoreExpr)
     <+ promoteT (ppProgram  :: PrettyH GHC.CoreProgram)
     <+ promoteT (ppCoreBind :: PrettyH GHC.CoreBind)
     <+ promoteT (ppCoreDef  :: PrettyH CoreDef)
     <+ promoteT (ppModGuts  :: PrettyH GHC.ModGuts)
     <+ promoteT (ppCoreAlt  :: PrettyH GHC.CoreAlt)