{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables, TypeFamilies, FlexibleContexts, TupleSections #-}
module Language.HERMIT.Primitive.GHC where

import GhcPlugins hiding (empty)
import qualified OccurAnal
import Control.Arrow
import Control.Monad
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import Data.List (nub, mapAccumL)

-- import Language.HERMIT.Primitive.Debug
import Language.HERMIT.Primitive.Navigation

import Language.HERMIT.CoreExtra
import Language.HERMIT.Kure
import Language.HERMIT.Monad
import Language.HERMIT.External
import Language.HERMIT.Context
import qualified Language.HERMIT.GHC as GHC

import qualified Language.Haskell.TH as TH
-- import Debug.Trace

import Prelude hiding (exp)


externals :: [External]
externals =
         [ external "let-subst" (promoteExprR letSubstR :: RewriteH Core)
                [ "Let substitution [via GHC]"
                , "let x = E1 in E2 ==> E2[E1/x], fails otherwise"
                , "only matches non-recursive lets" ]                           .+ Deep
         , external "safe-let-subst" (promoteExprR safeLetSubstR :: RewriteH Core)
                [ "Safe let substitution [via GHC]"
                , "let x = E1 in E2, safe to inline without duplicating work ==> E2[E1/x],"
                , "fails otherwise"
                , "only matches non-recursive lets" ]                           .+ Deep .+ Eval .+ Bash
         , external "safe-let-subst-plus" (promoteExprR safeLetSubstPlusR :: RewriteH Core)
                [ "Safe let substitution [via GHC]"
                , "let { x = E1, ... } in E2, "
                , "  where safe to inline without duplicating work ==> E2[E1/x,...],"
                , "fails otherwise"
                , "only matches non-recursive lets" ]  .+ Deep .+ Eval
         , external "free-ids" (promoteExprT freeIdsQuery :: TranslateH Core String)
                [ "List the free identifiers in this expression [via GHC]" ] .+ Query .+ Deep
         , external "deshadow-binds" (promoteProgramR deShadowBindsR :: RewriteH Core)
                [ "Deshadow a program " ] .+ Deep
         , external "apply-rule" (promoteExprR . rules :: String -> RewriteH Core)
                [ "apply a named GHC rule" ] .+ Shallow
         , external "apply-rule" (rules_help :: TranslateH Core String)
                [ "list rules that can be used" ] .+ Query
         , external "compare-values" compareValues
                ["compare's the rhs of two values"] .+ Query .+ Predicate
         , external "add-rule" (\ rule_name id_name -> promoteModGutsR (addCoreBindAsRule rule_name id_name))
                ["add-rule \"rule-name\" <id> -- adds a new rule that freezes the right hand side of the <id>"]
                                        .+ Introduce
         , external "cast-elim" (promoteExprR castElimination)
                ["cast-elim removes casts"]
                                        .+ Shallow .+ TODO
         , external "add-rule" (\ rule_name id_name -> promoteModGutsR (addCoreBindAsRule rule_name id_name))
                ["add-rule \"rule-name\" <id> -- adds a new rule that freezes the right hand side of the <id>"]
         , external "flatten-module" (promoteModGutsR flattenModule :: RewriteH Core)
                ["Flatten all the top-level binding groups into a single recursive binding group.",
                 "This can be useful if you intend to appply GHC RULES."]

         , external "occur-analysis" (promoteExprR occurAnalyseExprR :: RewriteH Core)
                ["Performs dependency anlaysis on a CoreExpr.",
                 "This can be useful to simplify a recursive let to a non-recursive let."] .+ Deep

substR :: Id -> CoreExpr -> RewriteH Core
substR b e = setFailMsg "Can only perform substitution on Expr or CoreProgram forms." $
             promoteExprR (substExprR b e) <+  promoteProgramR (substTopBindR b e)

substExprR :: Id -> CoreExpr -> RewriteH CoreExpr
substExprR b e =  contextfreeT $ \ exp ->
          -- The InScopeSet needs to include any free variables appearing in the
          -- expression to be substituted.  Constructing a NonRec Let expression
          -- to pass on to exprFeeVars takes care of this, but ...
          -- TODO Is there a better way to do this ???
          let emptySub = mkEmptySubst (mkInScopeSet (exprFreeVars (Let (NonRec b e) exp)))
              sub = if (isTyVar b)
                    then case e of
                           (Type bty) -> Just $ extendTvSubst emptySub b bty
                           (Var x)    -> Just $ extendTvSubst emptySub b (mkTyVarTy x)
                           _ ->  Nothing
                    else Just $ extendSubst emptySub b e
            case sub of
              Just sub' -> return $ substExpr (text "substR") sub' exp
              Nothing -> fail "substExprR:  Id argument is a TyVar, but the expression is not a Type."

substTopBindR :: Id -> CoreExpr -> RewriteH CoreProgram
substTopBindR b e =  contextfreeT $ \  binds  ->
          -- TODO.  Do we ned to initialize the emptySubst with bindFreeVars ?
          let emptySub =  emptySubst -- mkEmptySubst (mkInScopeSet (exprFreeVars exp))
              sub = if (isTyVar b)
                    then case e of
                           (Type bty) -> Just $ extendTvSubst emptySub b bty
                           (Var x)    -> Just $ extendTvSubst emptySub b (mkTyVarTy x)
                           _ ->  Nothing
                    else Just $ extendSubst emptySub b e
            case sub of
              Just sub' -> return $ snd (mapAccumL substBind sub' binds)
              Nothing -> fail "substTopBindR:  Id argument is a TyVar, but the expression is not a Type."

letSubstR :: RewriteH CoreExpr
letSubstR =  prefixFailMsg "Let substition failed: " $
             rewrite $ \ ctx exp -> case occurAnalyseExpr exp of
                                     Let (NonRec b be) e -> apply (substExprR b be) ctx e
                                     _ -> fail "expression is not a non-recursive Let."

-- remove N lets, please
letSubstNR :: Int -> RewriteH Core
letSubstNR 0 = idR
letSubstNR n = childR 1 (letSubstNR (n - 1)) >>> promoteExprR letSubstR

-- This is quite expensive (O(n) for the size of the sub-tree)
safeLetSubstR :: RewriteH CoreExpr
safeLetSubstR =  prefixFailMsg "Safe let-substition failed: " $
                 translate $ \ env exp ->
    let   -- Lit?
          safeBind (Var {})   = True
          safeBind (Lam {})   = True
          safeBind e@(App {}) =
                 case collectArgs e of
                   (Var f,args) -> arityOf env f > length (filter (not . isTypeArg) args)
                   (other,args) -> case collectBinders other of
                                     (bds,_) -> length bds > length args
          safeBind _          = False

          safeSubst NoOccInfo = False   -- unknown!
          safeSubst IAmDead   = True    -- DCE
          safeSubst (OneOcc inLam oneBr _) = not inLam && oneBr -- do not inline inside a lambda or if in multiple case branches
          safeSubst _ = False   -- strange case, like a loop breaker
   in case occurAnalyseExpr exp of
      -- By (our) definition, types are a trivial bind
      Let (NonRec b _) _
         | isTyVar b -> apply letSubstR env exp
      Let (NonRec b be) _
         | isId b && (safeBind be || safeSubst (occInfo (idInfo b)))
                     -> apply letSubstR env exp
         | otherwise -> fail "safety critera not met."
      _ -> fail "expression is not a non-recursive Let."

-- | 'safeLetSubstPlusR' tries to inline a stack of bindings, stopping when reaches
-- the end of the stack of lets.
safeLetSubstPlusR :: RewriteH CoreExpr
safeLetSubstPlusR = tryR (letT idR safeLetSubstPlusR Let) >>> safeLetSubstR


-- | Output a list of all free variables in an expression.
freeIdsQuery :: TranslateH CoreExpr String
freeIdsQuery = do
    dynFlags <- constT getDynFlags
    frees <- freeIdsT
    return $ "Free identifiers are: " ++ showVars dynFlags frees

-- | Show a human-readable version of a 'Var'.
showVar :: DynFlags -> Var -> String
showVar dynFlags = show . showPpr dynFlags

-- | Show a human-readable version of a list of 'Var's.
showVars :: DynFlags -> [Var] -> String
showVars dynFlags = show . map (showPpr dynFlags) -- map GHC.var2String

freeIdsT :: TranslateH CoreExpr [Id]
freeIdsT = arr coreExprFreeIds

freeVarsT :: TranslateH CoreExpr [Var]
freeVarsT = arr coreExprFreeVars

-- note: coreExprFreeVars get *all* free variables, including types
coreExprFreeVars :: CoreExpr -> [Var]
coreExprFreeVars  = uniqSetToList . exprFreeVars

-- note: coreExprFreeIds is only value-level free variables
coreExprFreeIds :: CoreExpr -> [Id]
coreExprFreeIds  = uniqSetToList . exprFreeIds


-- | [from GHC documentation] De-shadowing the program is sometimes a useful pre-pass.
-- It can be done simply by running over the bindings with an empty substitution,
-- becuase substitution returns a result that has no-shadowing guaranteed.
-- (Actually, within a single /type/ there might still be shadowing, because
-- 'substTy' is a no-op for the empty substitution, but that's probably OK.)
deShadowBindsR :: RewriteH CoreProgram
deShadowBindsR = arr deShadowBinds

lookupRule :: (Activation -> Bool)	-- When rule is active
	    -> IdUnfoldingFun		-- When Id can be unfolded
            -> InScopeSet
	    -> Id -> [CoreExpr]
	    -> [CoreRule] -> Maybe (CoreRule, CoreExpr)

rulesToEnv :: [CoreRule] -> Map.Map String (RewriteH CoreExpr)
rulesToEnv rs = Map.fromList
        [ ( unpackFS (ruleName r), rulesToRewriteH [r] )
        | r <- rs

rulesToRewriteH :: [CoreRule] -> RewriteH CoreExpr
rulesToRewriteH rs = translate $ \ c e -> do
    -- First, we normalize the lhs, so we can match it
    (Var fn,args) <- return $ collectArgs e
    -- Question: does this include Id's, or Var's (which include type names)
    -- Assumption: Var's.
    let in_scope = mkInScopeSet (mkVarEnv [ (v,v) | v <- coreExprFreeVars e ])
        -- The rough_args are just an attempt to try eliminate silly things
        -- that will never match
        _rough_args = map (const Nothing) args   -- rough_args are never used!!! FIX ME!
    -- Finally, we try match the rules
    -- trace (showSDoc (ppr fn GhcPlugins.<+> ppr args $$ ppr rs)) $
    case lookupRule (const True) (const NoUnfolding) in_scope fn args rs of
        Nothing         -> fail "rule not matched"
        Just (rule, exp)  -> do
            let e' = mkApps exp (drop (ruleArity rule) args)
            ifM (liftM (and . map (inScope c)) $ apply freeVarsT c e')
                (return e')
                (fail $ unlines ["Resulting expression after rule application contains variables that are not in scope."
                                ,"This can probably be solved by running the flatten-module command at the top level."])

-- | See whether an identifier is in scope.
inScope :: Context -> Id -> Bool
inScope c i = maybe (case unfoldingInfo (idInfo i) of
                        CoreUnfolding {} -> True -- defined elsewhere
                        _ -> False)
                    (const True) -- defined in this module
                    (lookupHermitBinding i c)

rules ::  String -> RewriteH CoreExpr
rules r = do
        theRules <- getHermitRules
        case lookup r theRules of
               Nothing -> fail $ "failed to find rule: " ++ show r
               Just rr -> rulesToRewriteH rr

getHermitRules :: (Generic a ~ Core) => TranslateH a [(String, [CoreRule])]
getHermitRules = translate $ \ env _e -> do
    rb <- liftCoreM getRuleBase
    let other_rules = [ rule
                        | top_bnds <- mg_binds (hermitModGuts env)
                        , bnd <- case top_bnds of
                                     Rec bnds -> map fst bnds
                                     NonRec b _ -> [b]
                        , rule <- idCoreRules bnd
    return [ ( unpackFS (ruleName r), [r] )
           | r <- mg_rules (hermitModGuts env) ++ other_rules ++ concat (nameEnvElts rb)

rules_help :: TranslateH Core String
rules_help = do
    rulesEnv <- getHermitRules
    dynFlags <- constT getDynFlags
    return  $ (show (map fst rulesEnv) ++ "\n") ++
              showSDoc dynFlags (pprRulesForUser $ concatMap snd rulesEnv)

makeRule :: String -> Id -> CoreExpr -> CoreRule
makeRule rule_name nm =   mkRule True   -- auto-generated
                                 False  -- local
                                 (mkFastString rule_name)
                                 NeverActive    -- because we need to call for these
                                 (varName nm)

-- TODO: check if a top-level binding
addCoreBindAsRule :: String -> TH.Name -> RewriteH ModGuts
addCoreBindAsRule rule_name nm = contextfreeT $ \ modGuts ->
        case [ (v,e)
             | top_bnds <- mg_binds modGuts
             , (v,e) <- case top_bnds of
                            Rec bnds -> bnds
                            NonRec b e -> [(b,e)]
             ,  nm `GHC.cmpTHName2Id` v
             ] of
         [] -> fail $ "can not find binding " ++ show nm
         [(v,e)] -> return $ modGuts { mg_rules = mg_rules modGuts
                                              ++ [makeRule rule_name v e]
         _ -> fail $ "found multiple bindings for " ++ show nm


flattenModule :: RewriteH ModGuts
flattenModule = modGutsR mergeBinds

mergeBinds :: RewriteH CoreProgram
mergeBinds = contextfreeT $ \  binds ->
             let allbinds = foldr listOfBinds [] binds
                 nodups = nub $ map fst allbinds
               if (length allbinds == length nodups)
               then return $ [Rec allbinds]
               else fail "Module top level bindings contain multiple occurances of a name"
 where listOfBinds cb others = case cb of
                                 (NonRec b e) -> (b, e) : others
                                 (Rec bds) -> bds ++ others


occurAnalyseExpr :: CoreExpr -> CoreExpr
occurAnalyseExpr = OccurAnal.occurAnalyseExpr

occurAnalyseExprR :: RewriteH CoreExpr
occurAnalyseExprR = contextfreeT $ \ exp -> return (occurAnalyseExpr exp)

{- Does not work (no export)
-- Here is a hook into the occur analysis, and a way of looking at the result
occAnalysis ::  CoreExpr -> UsageDetails
occAnalysis = fst . occAnal (initOccEnv all_active_rules)

lookupUsageDetails :: UsageDetails -> Var -> Maybe OccInfo
lookupUsageDetails = lookupVarEnv


joinT :: TranslateH a (TranslateH b c) -> (a -> TranslateH b c)
joinT f e0 = translate $ \ c e1 -> do
                t <- apply f c e0
                apply t c e1

exprEqual :: CoreExpr -> CoreExpr -> Bool
exprEqual e1 e2 = eqExpr (mkInScopeSet $ exprsFreeVars [e1, e2]) e1 e2

-- The ideas for this function are directly extracted from
-- the GHC function, CoreUtils.eqExprX
bindEqual :: CoreBind -> CoreBind -> Maybe Bool
bindEqual  (Rec ps1) (Rec ps2) = Just $ all2 (eqExprX id_unf env') rs1 rs2
        id_unf _ = noUnfolding      -- Don't expand
        (bs1,rs1) = unzip ps1
        (bs2,rs2) = unzip ps2
        env = mkInScopeSet $ exprsFreeVars (rs1 ++ rs2) -- emptyInScopeSet
        env' = rnBndrs2 (mkRnEnv2 env) bs1 bs2

bindEqual  (NonRec _ e1) (NonRec _ e2) = Just $ exprEqual e1 e2

bindEqual _ _ = Nothing


coreEqual :: Core -> Core -> Maybe Bool
coreEqual (ExprCore e1) (ExprCore e2) = Just $ e1 `exprEqual` e2
coreEqual (BindCore b1) (BindCore b2) = b1 `bindEqual` b2
coreEqual (DefCore dc1) (DefCore dc2) = defToRecBind [dc1] `bindEqual` defToRecBind [dc2]
coreEqual _             _             = Nothing

compareValues :: TH.Name -> TH.Name -> TranslateH Core ()
compareValues n1 n2 = do
        p1 <- onePathToT (namedBinding n1)
        p2 <- onePathToT (namedBinding n2)
        e1 :: Core <- pathT p1 idR
        e2 :: Core <- pathT p2 idR
        case e1 `coreEqual` e2 of
          Nothing    -> fail $ show n1 ++ " and " ++ show n2 ++ " are incomparable"
          Just False -> fail $ show n1 ++ " and " ++ show n2 ++ " are not equal"
          Just True  -> return ()


-- try figure out the arity of an Id
arityOf:: Context -> Id -> Int
arityOf env nm =
     case lookupHermitBinding nm env of
        Nothing       -> idArity nm
        Just (LAM {}) -> 0
        -- Note: the exprArity will call idArity if
        -- it hits an id; perhaps we should do the counting
        -- The advantage of idArity is it will terminate, though.
        Just (BIND _ _ e) -> GHC.exprArity e
        Just (CASE _ e _) -> GHC.exprArity e


-- remove a cast;
-- TODO: check for validity of removing this cast
castElimination :: RewriteH CoreExpr
castElimination = do
        Cast e _ <- idR
        return e

    go (Cast e co)      | isReflCo co' = go e
       	                | otherwise    = Cast (go e) co'
                          co' = optCoercion (getCvSubst subst) co