{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables, TypeFamilies, FlexibleContexts, TupleSections #-}
module Language.HERMIT.Primitive.Unfold
    ( externals
    , stashDef
    , stashApply
    , getUnfolding
    ) where

import GhcPlugins hiding (empty)
import Control.Monad
import Control.Applicative

import Language.HERMIT.Primitive.GHC hiding (externals)
import Language.HERMIT.Primitive.Common

import Language.HERMIT.CoreExtra
import Language.HERMIT.Kure
import Language.HERMIT.Monad
import Language.HERMIT.External
import Language.HERMIT.Context
import Language.HERMIT.GHC

import Prelude hiding (exp)


externals :: [External]
externals =
         [ external "remember" stashDef
                ["Remember the current binding, allowing it to be folded/unfolded in the future."]
         , external "unfold" (promoteExprR . stashApply)
                ["Unfold a remembered definition."]


-- NOTE: Using a Rewrite because of the way the Kernel is set up.
--       This is a temperary hack until we work out the best way to structure the Kernel.

-- | Stash a binding with a name for later use.
-- Allows us to look at past definitions.
stashDef :: String -> RewriteH Core
stashDef label = sideEffectR $ \ _ core ->
  case core of
    DefCore def           -> saveDef label def
    BindCore (NonRec i e) -> saveDef label (Def i e)
    _                     -> fail "stashDef: not a binding"

-- | Stash a binding with a name for later use.
-- Allows us to look at past definitions.
-- stashDef :: String -> TranslateH Core ()
-- stashDef label = contextfreeT $ \ core ->
--     case core of
--         DefCore def -> saveDef label def
--         BindCore (NonRec i e) -> saveDef label (Def i e)
--         _           -> fail "stashDef: not a binding"

-- | Apply a stashed definition (like inline, but looks in stash instead of context).
stashApply :: String -> RewriteH CoreExpr
stashApply label = setFailMsg "Inlining stashed definition failed: " $
                   withPatFailMsg (wrongExprForm "Var v") $
                   do (c, Var v) <- exposeT
                      constT $ do Def i rhs <- lookupDef label
                                  if idName i == idName v -- TODO: Is there a reason we're not just using equality on Id?
                                    then ifM (all (inScope c) <$> apply freeVarsT c rhs)
                                             (return rhs)
                                             (fail "some free variables in stashed definition are no longer in scope.")
                                    else fail $ "stashed definition applies to " ++ var2String i ++ " not " ++ var2String v

getUnfolding :: Monad m
             => Bool -- ^ Get the scrutinee instead of the patten match (for case binders).
             -> Bool -- ^ Only succeed if this variable is a case binder.
             -> Id -> Context -> m (CoreExpr, Int)
getUnfolding scrutinee caseBinderOnly i c =
    case lookupHermitBinding i c of
        Nothing -> case unfoldingInfo (idInfo i) of
                     CoreUnfolding { uf_tmpl = uft } -> if caseBinderOnly then fail "not a case binder" else return (uft, 0)
                     _                               -> fail $ "cannot find unfolding in Env or IdInfo."
        Just (LAM {}) -> fail $ "variable is lambda-bound."
        Just (BIND depth _ e') -> if caseBinderOnly then fail "not a case binder." else return (e', depth)
        Just (CASE depth s coreAlt) -> return $ if scrutinee
                                                 then (s, depth)
                                                 else let tys = tyConAppArgs (idType i)
                                                       in either (,depth) (,depth+1) (alt2Exp s tys coreAlt)

-- | Convert lhs of case alternative to a constructor application expression,
--   or a default expression in the case of the DEFAULT alternative.
--   Accepts a list of types to apply to the constructor before the value args.
-- > data T a b = C a b Int
-- Pseudocode:
-- > alt2Exp (...) [a,b] (C, [x,y,z]) ==> C a b (x::a) (y::b) (z::Int)
-- The 'Either' denotes whether we picked the default (scrutinee) or built an expression.
-- This matters for the depth check.
alt2Exp :: CoreExpr -> [Type] -> (AltCon,[Id]) -> Either CoreExpr CoreExpr
alt2Exp d _   (DEFAULT   , _ ) = Left d
alt2Exp _ _   (LitAlt l  , _ ) = Right $ Lit l
alt2Exp _ tys (DataAlt dc, as) = Right $ mkCoreConApps dc (map Type tys ++ map Var as)