module Language.HERMIT.Primitive.Local
       ( -- * Local Structural Manipulations
         -- ** Let Expressions
       , module Language.HERMIT.Primitive.Local.Let
         -- ** Case Expressions
       , module Language.HERMIT.Primitive.Local.Case
         -- ** Miscellaneous
       , abstract
       , nonrecToRec
       , betaReduce
       , betaReducePlus
       , betaExpand
       , etaReduce
       , etaExpand
       , multiEtaExpand
       , flattenModule
       , flattenProgramR
       , flattenProgramT

import GhcPlugins

import Language.HERMIT.Core
import Language.HERMIT.Kure
import Language.HERMIT.Monad
import Language.HERMIT.External
import Language.HERMIT.GHC

import Language.HERMIT.Primitive.GHC
import Language.HERMIT.Primitive.Common
import Language.HERMIT.Primitive.Local.Case
import Language.HERMIT.Primitive.Local.Let

import qualified Language.Haskell.TH as TH

import Data.List(nub)

import Control.Arrow


-- | Externals for local structural manipulations.
--   (Many taken from Chapter 3 of Andre Santos' dissertation.)
externals :: [External]
externals =
         [ external "nonrec-to-rec" (promoteBindR nonrecToRec :: RewriteH Core)
                     [ "convert a non-recursive binding into a recursive binding group with a single definition."
                     , "NonRec v e ==> Rec [Def v e]" ]
         , external "beta-reduce" (promoteExprR betaReduce :: RewriteH Core)
                     [ "((\\ v -> E1) E2) ==> let v = E2 in E1"
                     , "this form of beta-reduction is safe if E2 is an arbitrary"
                     , "expression (won't duplicate work)" ]                                 .+ Eval .+ Shallow
         , external "beta-reduce-plus" (promoteExprR betaReducePlus :: RewriteH Core)
                     [ "perform one or more beta-reductions."]                               .+ Eval .+ Shallow .+ Bash
         , external "beta-expand" (promoteExprR betaExpand :: RewriteH Core)
                     [ "(let v = e1 in e2) ==> (\\ v -> e2) e1" ]                            .+ Shallow
         , external "eta-reduce" (promoteExprR etaReduce :: RewriteH Core)
                     [ "(\\ v -> e1 v) ==> e1" ]                                             .+ Eval .+ Shallow .+ Bash
         , external "eta-expand" (promoteExprR . etaExpand :: TH.Name -> RewriteH Core)
                     [ "\"eta-expand 'v\" performs e1 ==> (\\ v -> e1 v)" ]                     .+ Shallow .+ Introduce
         , external "flatten-module" (promoteModGutsR flattenModule :: RewriteH Core)
                ["Flatten all the top-level binding groups in the module to a single recursive binding group.",
                 "This can be useful if you intend to appply GHC RULES."]
         , external "flatten-program" (promoteProgR flattenProgramR :: RewriteH Core)
                ["Flatten all the top-level binding groups in a program (list of binding groups) to a single recursive binding group.",
                 "This can be useful if you intend to appply GHC RULES."]
         , external "abstract" (promoteExprR . abstract :: TH.Name -> RewriteH Core)
                [ "Abstract over a variable using a lambda.",
                  "e  ==>  (\\ x -> e) x"
                ] .+ Shallow .+ Introduce .+ Context
         ++ letExternals
         ++ caseExternals


-- | NonRec v e ==> Rec [Def v e]
nonrecToRec :: RewriteH CoreBind
nonrecToRec = prefixFailMsg "Converting non-recursive binding to recursive binding failed: " $
              setFailMsg (wrongExprForm "NonRec v e") $
  do NonRec v e <- idR
     guardMsg (isId v) "type variables cannot be defined recursively."
     return $ Rec [(v,e)]


-- | ((\\ v -> e1) e2) ==> (let v = e2 in e1)
--   This form of beta-reduction is safe if e2 is an arbitrary
--   expression (won't duplicate work).
betaReduce :: RewriteH CoreExpr
betaReduce = setFailMsg ("Beta-reduction failed: " ++ wrongExprForm "App (Lam v e1) e2") $
    do App (Lam v e1) e2 <- idR
       return $ Let (NonRec v e2) e1

multiBetaReduce :: (Int -> Bool) -> RewriteH CoreExpr
multiBetaReduce p = prefixFailMsg "Multi-Beta-Reduce failed: " $
        e <- idR
        let (f,xs) = collectArgs e
        guardMsg (p (length xs)) "incorrect number of arguments."

        let (vs,e0) = collectBinders f

        guardMsg (length vs >= length xs) "insufficent lambdas."

        let (vs1,vs2) = splitAt (length xs) vs

           $ mkLets (zipWith NonRec vs1 xs)
           $ mkLams vs2 e0

-- TODO: inline this everywhere
-- Neil: Are we sure we want to inline this?
-- | Perform one or more beta-reductions.
betaReducePlus :: RewriteH CoreExpr
betaReducePlus = multiBetaReduce (> 0)


        tagFailR "betaReducePlus failed." $
        appT liftLambda idR App >>> beta_reduce
          -- lift lambda finds the (perhaps hidden) lambda, and brings it out
          liftLambda = observeR "pre-liftLambda" >>> liftLambda' >>> observeR "post-liftLambda"
          liftLambda' =
                   (do e@(Lam {}) <- idR
                       return e)
                <+ (betaReducePlus
                        >>> observeR "liftLambda(UP)"
                            -- let v = e in ...
                            -- TODO: check scope here
                        >>> (do Let bds (Lam v e) <- idR
                                return (Lam v (Let bds e)))

-- | (let v = e1 in e2) ==> (\\ v -> e2) e1
betaExpand :: RewriteH CoreExpr
betaExpand = setFailMsg ("Beta-expansion failed: " ++ wrongExprForm "Let (NonRec v e1) e2") $
    do Let (NonRec v e1) e2 <- idR
       return $ App (Lam v e2) e1


-- | (\\ v -> e1 v) ==> e1
etaReduce :: RewriteH CoreExpr
etaReduce = prefixFailMsg "Eta-reduction failed: " $
            withPatFailMsg (wrongExprForm "Lam v1 (App f e)") $
            do Lam v1 (App f e) <- idR
               case e of
                  Var v2  -> guardMsg (v1 == v2) "the expression has the right form, but the variables are not equal."
                  Type ty -> case getTyVar_maybe ty of
                               Nothing -> fail "the argument expression is not a type variable."
                               Just v2 -> guardMsg (v1 == v2) "type variables are not equal."
                  _       -> fail "the argument expression is not a variable."
               guardMsg (v1 `notElem` coreExprFreeIds f) $ var2String v1 ++ " is free in the function being applied."
               return f

-- | e1 ==> (\\ v -> e1 v)
etaExpand :: TH.Name -> RewriteH CoreExpr
etaExpand nm = prefixFailMsg "Eta-expansion failed: " $
               contextfreeT $ \ e -> let ty = exprType e in
        case splitFunTy_maybe ty of
          Just (argTy, _) -> do v <- newIdH (show nm) argTy
                                return $ Lam v (App e (Var v))
          Nothing         -> case splitForAllTy_maybe ty of
                               Just (tv,_) -> do v <- newTyVarH (show nm) (tyVarKind tv)
                                                 return $ Lam v (App e (Type (mkTyVarTy v)))
                               Nothing -> fail "type of expression is not a function or a forall."

-- | Perform multiple eta-expansions.
multiEtaExpand :: [TH.Name] -> RewriteH CoreExpr
multiEtaExpand []       = idR
multiEtaExpand (nm:nms) = etaExpand nm >>> lamR (multiEtaExpand nms)


-- | Flatten all the top-level binding groups in the module to a single recursive binding group.
flattenModule :: RewriteH ModGuts
flattenModule = modGutsR flattenProgramR

-- | Flatten all the top-level binding groups in a program to a program containing a single recursive binding group.
flattenProgramR :: RewriteH CoreProg
flattenProgramR = do bnd <- flattenProgramT
                     return (bindsToProg [bnd])

-- | Flatten all the top-level binding groups in a program to a single recursive binding group.
flattenProgramT :: TranslateH CoreProg CoreBind
flattenProgramT = do bds <- arr (concatMap bindToIdExprs . progToBinds)
                     guardMsg (nodups $ map fst bds) "Top-level bindings contain multiple occurrences of a name."
                     return (Rec bds)

nodups :: Eq a => [a] -> Bool
nodups as = length as == length (nub as)


-- | Abstract over a variable using a lambda.
--   e  ==>  (\ x. e) x
abstract :: TH.Name -> RewriteH CoreExpr
abstract nm = prefixFailMsg "abstraction failed: " $
   do e <- idR
      v <- findBoundVarT nm
      return (App (Lam v e) (Var v))
