-- | Output the raw Expr constructors. Helpful for writing pattern matching rewrites.
module Language.HERMIT.PrettyPrinter.AST
  ( -- * HERMIT's AST Pretty-Printer for GHC Core

import Control.Arrow hiding ((<+>))

import Data.Char (isSpace)

import GhcPlugins (Coercion(..), Var(..))
import qualified GhcPlugins as GHC

import Language.HERMIT.GHC
import Language.HERMIT.Kure
import Language.HERMIT.Core
import Language.HERMIT.PrettyPrinter.Common

import Text.PrettyPrint.MarkedHughesPJ as PP


-- | Pretty print a fragment of GHC Core using HERMIT's \"AST\" pretty printer.
--   This displays the tree of constructors using nested indentation.
corePrettyH :: PrettyOptions -> PrettyH CoreTC
corePrettyH opts = do
    dynFlags <- constT GHC.getDynFlags

    let hideNotes = po_notes opts

        -- Use for any GHC structure, the 'showSDoc' prefix is to remind us
        -- that we are eliding infomation here.
        ppSDoc :: (GHC.Outputable a) => a -> MDoc b
        ppSDoc = toDoc . (if hideNotes then id else ("showSDoc: " ++)) . GHC.showSDoc dynFlags . GHC.ppr
            where toDoc s | any isSpace s = parens (text s)
                          | otherwise     = text s

        ppModGuts :: PrettyH GHC.ModGuts
        ppModGuts = arr (ppSDoc . GHC.mg_module)

        ppCoreProg :: PrettyH CoreProg
        ppCoreProg = progConsT ppCoreBind ppCoreProg ($+$) <+ progNilT empty

        ppCoreExpr :: PrettyH GHC.CoreExpr
        ppCoreExpr = varT (ppVar >>^ \ i -> text "Var" <+> i)
                  <+ litT (arr $ \ x -> text "Lit" <+> ppSDoc x)
                  <+ appT ppCoreExpr ppCoreExpr (\ a b -> text "App" $$ nest 2 (cat [parens a, parens b]))
                  <+ lamT ppVar ppCoreExpr (\ v e -> text "Lam" <+> v $$ nest 2 (parens e))
                  <+ letT ppCoreBind ppCoreExpr (\ b e -> text "Let" $$ nest 2 (cat [parens b, parens e]))
                  <+ caseT ppCoreExpr ppVar ppType (const ppCoreAlt) (\s w ty alts ->
                            text "Case" $$ nest 2 (parens s) $$ nest 2 w $$ nest 2 (parens ty) $$ nest 2 (vlist alts))
                  <+ castT ppCoreExpr ppCoercion (\ e co -> text "Cast" $$ nest 2 (cat [parens e, parens co]))
                  <+ tickT (arr ppSDoc) ppCoreExpr (\ tk e  -> text "Tick" $$ nest 2 (tk <+> parens e))
                  <+ typeT (ppType >>^ \ ty -> text "Type" $$ nest 2 (parens ty))
                  <+ coercionT (ppCoercion >>^ \ co -> text "Coercion" $$ nest 2 (parens co))

        ppCoreBind :: PrettyH GHC.CoreBind
        ppCoreBind = nonRecT ppVar ppCoreExpr (\ v e -> text "NonRec" <+> v $$ nest 2 (parens e))
                  <+ recT (const ppCoreDef) (\ bnds -> text "Rec" $$ nest 2 (vlist bnds))

        ppCoreAlt :: PrettyH GHC.CoreAlt
        ppCoreAlt = altT (arr ppSDoc) (\ _ -> ppVar) ppCoreExpr $ \ con vs e -> text "Alt" <+> con <+> hlist vs $$ nest 2 (parens e)

        ppCoreDef :: PrettyH CoreDef
        ppCoreDef = defT ppVar ppCoreExpr (\ i e -> text "Def" <+> i $$ nest 2 (parens e))

        ppType :: PrettyH Type
        ppType =  tyVarT (ppVar >>^ \ v -> tyText "TyVarTy" <+> v)
               <+ litTyT (arr $ \ l -> tyText "LitTy" <+> ppSDoc l)
               <+ appTyT ppType ppType (\ ty1 ty2 -> tyText "AppTy" $$ nest 2 (cat [parens ty1, parens ty2]))
               <+ funTyT ppType ppType (\ ty1 ty2 -> tyText "FunTy" $$ nest 2 (cat [parens ty1, parens ty2]))
               <+ forAllTyT ppVar ppType (\ v ty -> tyText "ForAllTy" <+> v $$ nest 2 (parens ty))
               <+ tyConAppT (arr ppSDoc) (const ppType) (\ con tys -> tyText "TyConApp" <+> con $$ nest 2 (vlist $ map parens tys))

        ppCoercion :: PrettyH Coercion
        ppCoercion =  reflT (ppType >>^ \ ty -> coText "Refl" $$ nest 2 (parens ty))
                   <+ coVarCoT (ppVar >>^ \ v -> coText "CoVarCo" <+> v)
                   <+ symCoT (ppCoercion >>^ \ co -> coText "SymCo" $$ nest 2 (parens co))
                   <+ appCoT ppCoercion ppCoercion (\ co1 co2 -> coText "AppCo" $$ nest 2 (cat [parens co1, parens co2]))
                   <+ forAllCoT ppVar ppCoercion (\ v co -> coText "ForAllCo" <+> v $$ nest 2 (parens co))
                   <+ transCoT ppCoercion ppCoercion (\ co1 co2 -> coText "TransCo" $$ nest 2 (cat [parens co1, parens co2]))
                   <+ tyConAppCoT (arr $ ppSDoc) (const ppCoercion) (\ con coes -> coText "TyConAppCo" <+> con $$ nest 2 (vlist $ map parens coes))
                   <+ unsafeCoT ppType ppType (\ ty1 ty2 -> coText "UnsafeCo" $$ nest 2 (cat [parens ty1, parens ty2]))
                   <+ nthCoT (arr $ coText . show) ppCoercion (\ n co -> coText "NthCo" <+> n $$ parens co)
                   <+ instCoT ppCoercion ppType (\ co ty -> coText "InstCo" $$ nest 2 (cat [parens co, parens ty]))
#if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ > 706
        -- TODO: Figure out how to properly pp new branched Axioms and Left/Right Coercions
                   <+ axiomInstCoT (arr ppSDoc) (arr ppSDoc) (const ppCoercion) (\ ax idx coes -> coText "AxiomInstCo" <+> ax <+> idx $$ nest 2 (vlist $ map parens coes))
                   <+ lrCoT (arr ppSDoc) ppCoercion (\ lr co -> coText "LRCo" <+> lr $$ nest 2 (parens co))
                   <+ axiomInstCoT (arr ppSDoc) (const ppCoercion) (\ ax coes -> coText "AxiomInstCo" <+> ax $$ nest 2 (vlist $ map parens coes))

        ppVar :: PrettyH Var
        ppVar = arr $ \ v -> let modCol | GHC.isTyVar v = typeColor
                                        | GHC.isCoVar v = coercionColor
                                        | otherwise     = idColor
                              in modCol (ppSDoc v)

    promoteT (ppCoreExpr :: PrettyH GHC.CoreExpr)
     <+ promoteT (ppCoreProg :: PrettyH CoreProg)
     <+ promoteT (ppCoreBind :: PrettyH GHC.CoreBind)
     <+ promoteT (ppCoreDef  :: PrettyH CoreDef)
     <+ promoteT (ppModGuts  :: PrettyH GHC.ModGuts)
     <+ promoteT (ppCoreAlt  :: PrettyH GHC.CoreAlt)
     <+ promoteT (ppType     :: PrettyH GHC.Type)
     <+ promoteT (ppCoercion :: PrettyH Coercion)
