{-# LANGUAGE TypeSynonymInstances #-}
-- |
-- Module      :  Data.Hex
-- Copyright   :  (c) Taru Karttunen 2009
-- License     :  BSD-style
-- Maintainer  :  taruti@taruti.net
-- Stability   :  provisional
-- Portability :  portable
-- Convert strings into hexadecimal and back.
module Data.Hex(Hex(..)) where

import Control.Monad
import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as B
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy.Char8 as L

-- | Convert strings into hexadecimal and back.
class Hex t where
    -- | Convert string into hexadecimal.
    hex   :: t -> t
    -- | Convert from hexadecimal and fail on invalid input.
    unhex :: Monad m => t -> m t

instance Hex String where
    hex = Prelude.concatMap w
        where w ch = let s = "0123456789ABCDEF"
                         x = fromEnum ch
                     in [s !! div x 16,s !! mod x 16]
    unhex []      = return []
    unhex (a:b:r) = do x <- c a
                       y <- c b
                       liftM (toEnum ((x * 16) + y) :) $ unhex r
    unhex [_]      = fail "Non-even length"

c :: Monad m => Char -> m Int
c '0' = return 0
c '1' = return 1
c '2' = return 2
c '3' = return 3
c '4' = return 4
c '5' = return 5
c '6' = return 6
c '7' = return 7
c '8' = return 8
c '9' = return 9
c 'A' = return 10
c 'B' = return 11
c 'C' = return 12
c 'D' = return 13
c 'E' = return 14
c 'F' = return 15
c 'a' = return 10
c 'b' = return 11
c 'c' = return 12
c 'd' = return 13
c 'e' = return 14
c 'f' = return 15
c _   = fail "Invalid hex digit!"

instance Hex B.ByteString where
    hex = B.pack . hex . B.unpack
    unhex x = liftM B.pack $ unhex $ B.unpack x

instance Hex L.ByteString where
    hex = L.pack . hex . L.unpack
    unhex x = liftM L.pack $ unhex $ L.unpack x