Changelog for Hexml 0.3.4, released 2018-09-10 #15, licensed under BSD-3-Clause OR Apache-2.0 0.3.3, released 2017-10-27 #13, allow the . character in tags and attributes 0.3.2, released 2017-05-22 #10, mark the small fast FFI calls as "unsafe" (up to 10x faster) 0.3.1, released 2016-12-27 #9, don't walk off the end of the character table 0.3, released 2016-12-22 #8, Mac compatibility Fix a bug when parsing closing comments #7, prefix all the C functions with hexml_ 0.2, released 2016-12-14 #6, remove buffer overruns #5, add lower bounds 0.1, released 2016-12-04 Initial version