module Params where import System.Console.GetOpt ( OptDescr(..), ArgDescr(..), ArgOrder(..), getOpt, usageInfo ) import Control.Monad.Error (MonadError(..)) import Control.Applicative ( (<$>) ) import System.Directory ( getHomeDirectory, doesFileExist ) import System.FilePath ( () ) import System.Environment ( getArgs ) getParams :: IO (Either ParsingErrMsg Params) getParams = do let clp_0 = defaultParams m_rcfile <- findRc parse_clp_1 <- case m_rcfile of Nothing -> return $ return clp_0 Just f -> do rc_args <- words <$> readFile f return $ parseCmds rc_args clp_0 `catchError` (\e -> fail $ f ++ ":\n" ++ e) -- cmdline_args <- getArgs -- return $ do clp_1 <- parse_clp_1 parseCmds cmdline_args clp_1 rcfile :: FilePath rcfile = ".hgenrc" findRc :: IO (Maybe FilePath) findRc = do existsInCurrent <- doesFileExist rcfile if existsInCurrent then return (Just rcfile) else do home <- getHomeDirectory let inHome = home rcfile -- existsInHome <- doesFileExist inHome if existsInHome then return (Just inHome) else return Nothing usage :: String -> String usage header = unlines [ usageInfo header options, "", "If a file called `" ++ "." rcfile ++ "' or `" ++ "~" rcfile ++ "' exists, it will be scanned for arguments first" ] type ParamsModifier = Params -> Either ParsingErrMsg Params type ParsingErrMsg = String parseCmds :: [String] -> Params -> Either ParsingErrMsg Params parseCmds argv params = case getOpt RequireOrder options argv of (pMods, [], []) -> thread pMods params ( _, unk, []) -> fail $ "Unknown option: " ++ unwords unk ( _, _,errs) -> fail $ unlines errs thread :: Monad m => [a -> m a] -> a -> m a thread = foldr (\f g -> \a -> f a >>= g) return options :: [OptDescr ParamsModifier] options = [Option ['h','?'] ["help"] (NoArg $ \p -> return p{showHelp = True}) "display this help and exit", Option ['o'] ["stdout"] (NoArg $ \p -> return p{stdout = True}) "display on stdout instead of writing output into files", Option ['H'] ["hide-summary"] (NoArg $ \p -> return p{hidesummary = True}) "hide summary of the options used", Option [] ["simple"] (NoArg $ \p -> return p{simpleFormat = True}) "output formulas in simple format", Option ['#'] ["num-inst"] (ReqArg ((not . null) ?-> \s p -> return p{numinst = read s}) "INT") "number of formulas to generate", Option ['c'] ["num-clauses"] (ReqArg ((not . null) ?-> \s p -> return p{numclauses = read s}) "INT") "number of clauses per formula", Option [] ["clause-size"] (ReqArg ((not . null) ?-> \s p -> return p{csize = read s}) "[INT]") "size of a clause (ie [1,1,1] means same chance for length 1,2 or 3)", Option [] ["mods"] (ReqArg ((not . null) ?-> \s p -> return p{mods = read s}) "INT") "number of modalities", Option [] ["global-depth"] (ReqArg ((not .null) ?-> \s p -> return p{gdepth = read s}) "INT") "global (maximum) depth", Option [] ["force-depths"] (NoArg $ \p -> return p{forceDepths = True}) "wether or not to impose strict maximum depth per operator", Option [] ["modal-depth"] (ReqArg ((not . null) ?-> \s p -> return p{mdepth = read s}) "INT") "modal depth", Option [] ["at-depth"] (ReqArg ((not . null) ?-> \s p -> return p{atdepth = read s}) "INT") "@ depth", Option [] ["down-arrow-depth"] (ReqArg ((not . null) ?-> \s p -> return p{dwdepth = read s}) "INT") "down arrow depth", Option [] ["univ-mod-depth"] (ReqArg ((not . null) ?-> \s p -> return p{umdepth = read s}) "INT") "universal modality depth", Option [] ["diff-univ-mod-depth"] (ReqArg ((not . null) ?-> \s p -> return p{dumdepth = read s}) "INT") "difference universal modality depth", Option [] ["inv-mod-depth"] (ReqArg ((not . null) ?-> \s p -> return p{invdepth = read s}) "INT") "inverse modality depth", Option [] ["prop-vars"] (ReqArg ((not . null) ?-> \s p -> return p{pvars = read s}) "INT") "number of propositional variables", Option [] ["nom-vars"] (ReqArg ((not . null) ?-> \s p -> return p{nomvars = read s}) "INT") "number of nominal variables", Option [] ["state-vars"] (ReqArg ((not . null) ?-> \s p -> return p{stvars = read s}) "INT") "number of state variables", Option [] ["proba-mod"] (ReqArg ((not . null) ?-> \s p -> return p{pmod = read s}) "INT") "probability of a modal operator", Option [] ["proba-at"] (ReqArg ((not . null) ?-> \s p -> return p{pat = read s}) "INT") "probability of a @ operator", Option [] ["proba-down"] (ReqArg ((not . null) ?-> \s p -> return p{pdown = read s}) "INT") "probability of a down arrow operator", Option [] ["proba-univ"] (ReqArg ((not . null) ?-> \s p -> return p{puniv = read s}) "INT") "probability of a universal modality", Option [] ["proba-diff-univ"] (ReqArg ((not . null) ?-> \s p -> return p{pduniv = read s}) "INT") "probability of a difference universal modality", Option [] ["proba-inv"] (ReqArg ((not . null) ?-> \s p -> return p{pinv = read s}) "INT") "probability of an inverse modality", Option [] ["proba-prop"] (ReqArg ((not . null) ?-> \s p -> return p{pprop = read s}) "INT") "probability of a proposition", Option [] ["proba-nom"] (ReqArg ((not . null) ?-> \s p -> return p{pnom = read s}) "INT") "probability of a nominal", Option [] ["proba-state"] (ReqArg ((not . null) ?-> \s p -> return p{psvar = read s}) "INT") "probability of a state variable", Option [] ["proba-neg"] (ReqArg ((not . null) ?-> \s p -> return p{pneg = read s}) "INT") "probability of a negation", Option [] ["proba-op"] (ReqArg ((not . null) ?-> \s p -> return p{pop = read s}) "INT") "probability of an operator" ] (?->) :: (String -> Bool) -> (String -> ParamsModifier) -> String -> ParamsModifier p ?-> m = \s -> if not (null s) && p s then m s else \_ -> throwError ("Invalid argument: '" ++ s ++ "'") defaultParams :: Params defaultParams = Prms {numinst = 1, -- Number of Instances to Generate. numclauses = 5, -- Number of Clauses to Generate per Instance. csize = [0,0,1], -- Size of a Clause. (ie [1,1,1] means same chance for length 1,2 or 3) mods = 1, -- Number of Modalities. gdepth = 6, -- Global (maximum) depth forceDepths = False, -- Force global max depth (ignore max depth per operator) mdepth = 2, -- Modal Depth. atdepth = 2, -- @ Depth. dwdepth = 0, -- Downarrow Depth. umdepth = 0, -- Universal Modality Depth. dumdepth = 0, -- Difference Universal Modality Depth. invdepth = 0, -- Inverse Modality Depth. pvars = 5, -- Number of prop vars. nomvars = 5, -- Number of nominals. stvars = 0, -- Number of state variables. pmod = 1, -- Probability of a modal operator. pat = 1, -- Probability of an @ operator pdown = 0, -- Probability of a downarrow operator puniv = 0, -- Probability of an univ. modality pduniv = 0, -- Probability of an diff. univ. modality pinv = 0, -- Probability of an inv. modality pprop = 1, -- Probability of a proposition pnom = 1, -- Probability of a nominal psvar = 0, -- Probability of a state variable pneg = 50, -- Probability of a negation pop = 50, -- Probability of an operator simpleFormat = False, stdout = False, -- Wether to save formulas in file or just display the first one on stdout hidesummary = False, -- Wether to hide or not the summary of parameters used showHelp = False -- Wether to display help instead of running } data Params = Prms{ numinst ::Int, -- Number of Instances to Generate. numclauses ::Int, -- Number of Clauses to Generate per Instance. csize ::[Int], -- Size of a Clause. (ie [1,1,1] means same chance for length 1,2 or 3) mods ::Int, -- Number of Modalities. gdepth ::Int, -- Global (maximum) Depth forceDepths ::Bool, -- whether or not to impose strict maximum depths per operator mdepth ::Int, -- Modal Depth. atdepth ::Int, -- @ Depth. dwdepth ::Int, -- Downarrow Depth. umdepth ::Int, -- Universal Modality Depth. dumdepth ::Int, -- Difference Universal Modality Depth. invdepth ::Int, -- Inverse Modality Depth. pvars ::Int, -- Number of prop vars. nomvars ::Int, -- Number of nominals. stvars ::Int, -- Number of state variables. pmod ::Int, -- Probability of a modal operator. pat ::Int, -- Probability of an @ operator pdown ::Int, -- Probability of a downarrow operator puniv ::Int, -- Probability of an universal modality pduniv ::Int, -- Probability of an diff. univ. modality pinv ::Int, -- Probability of an inverse modality pprop ::Int, -- Probability of a proposition pnom ::Int, -- Probability of a nominal psvar ::Int, -- Probability of a state variable pneg ::Int, -- Probability of a negation pop ::Int, -- Probability of an operator simpleFormat ::Bool, stdout ::Bool, -- Wether to save formulas in file or just display the first one on stdout hidesummary ::Bool, -- Wether to hide or not the summary of parameters used showHelp ::Bool -- Wether to display help instead of running } instance Show Params where show p = unlines ["Number of Instances to Generate : numinst = " ++ show (numinst p), "Number of Clauses to Generate per Instance: numclauses = " ++ show (numclauses p), "Size of a Clause : csize = " ++ show (csize p), "Number of Modalities : mods = " ++ show (mods p), "Global (maximum) Depth : gdepth = " ++ show (gdepth p), "Enformce maximum depths? : force-depths = " ++ show (forceDepths p), "Modal Depth : mdepth = " ++ show (mdepth p), "@ Depth : atdepth = " ++ show (atdepth p), "Downarrow Depth : dwdepth = " ++ show (dwdepth p), "Universal Modality Depth : umdepth = " ++ show (umdepth p), "Difference Universal Modality Depth : dumdepth = " ++ show (dumdepth p), "Inverse Modality Depth : invdepth = " ++ show (invdepth p), "Number of propositional variables : pvars = " ++ show (pvars p), "Number of nominals : nomvars = " ++ show (nomvars p), "Number of state variables : stvars = " ++ show (stvars p), "Probability of a modal operator : pmod = " ++ show (pmod p), "Probability of an @ operator : pat = " ++ show (pat p), "Probability of a downarrow operator : pdown = " ++ show (pdown p), "Probability of an universal modality : puniv = " ++ show (puniv p), "Probability of a diff. universal modality : pduniv = " ++ show (pduniv p), "Probability of an inverse modality : pinv = " ++ show (pinv p), "Probability of a propositional variable : pprop = " ++ show (pprop p), "Probability of a nominal : pnom = " ++ show (pnom p), "Probability of a state variable : psvar = " ++ show (psvar p), "Probability of a negation : pneg = " ++ show (pneg p), "Probability of an operator : pop = " ++ show (pop p)]