--- title: Army Base with Ternary Search author: Frank Staals @EXPECTED_RESULTS@: CORRECT --- Army Base with Ternary Search ============================= $O(n^2 \log n)$ solution. > {-# LANGUAGE GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving #-} > module BAPC2014.Armybase where > import Control.Lens((^.)) > import Data.Ix > import Data.Ext > import Data.Geometry.Triangle > import Data.Geometry.Point > import Data.Geometry.Polygon > import Data.Geometry.Polygon.Convex > import Algorithms.Geometry.ConvexHull.GrahamScan > import qualified Data.Array as A > import qualified Data.Foldable as F > import qualified Data.List as L > import qualified Data.List.NonEmpty as NonEmpty Preliminaries ------------- > type PointSet = [Point 2 Int] A value of type Half should still be halved. I.e. 'Half 2x = x' > newtype Half = Half Int > deriving (Show,Eq,Ord) > instance Num Half where > (Half a) + (Half b) = Half $ a + b > (Half a) - (Half b) = Half $ a - b > (Half a) * (Half b) = Half $ a * b > abs (Half a) = Half $ abs a > signum (Half a) = Half $ 2 * signum a > fromInteger a = Half $ 2 * fromInteger a > showValue :: Half -> String > showValue (Half i) = concat [ show $ i `div` 2 > , if odd i then ".5" else "" > ] > where > odd x = x `mod` 2 /= 0 > type Area = Half > triangArea :: Triangle 2 p Int -> Half > triangArea = Half . doubleArea TODO: Discuss degenerate cases here Let $V(Q)$ denote the vertices of polygon $Q$, and let $\mathcal{CH}(P)$ denote the convex hull of the set of points $P$.
There is an maximum area quadrangle $Q^*$, such that $V(Q^*) \subseteq V(\mathcal{CH}(P))$.
Main Algorithm --------------- > maxBaseArea :: PointSet -> Area > maxBaseArea [] = 0 > maxBaseArea p = case convexHull . NonEmpty.fromList $ map ext p of > ch@(ConvexPolygon h) -> case F.toList $ h ^. outerBoundary of > [_,_] -> 0 > [a,b,c] -> triangArea $ Triangle a b c > _ -> maxAreaQuadrangle ch
Left an Right chains are independent
Main idea: Pick two non-adjacent vertices $p$ and $q$ of the convex hull as the diagonals of our quadrangle. This splits the problem into two independent subproblems, in both of which we have to find the largest triangle that has $p$ and $q$ as vertices. > maxAreaQuadrangle :: ConvexPolygon () Int -> Area > maxAreaQuadrangle = maximum' . map (uncurry3 maxAreaQuadrangleWith) . allChains > where > uncurry3 f (a,b,c) = f a b c > maximum' = L.foldl1' max -- saves memory :) the function `allChains` finds all alowed pairs $p$ and $q$, and the chains of vertices (along the convex hull) connecting $p$ to $q$ and $q$ to $p$. > type Chain = Array Int (Point 2 Int) > allChains :: ConvexPolygon () Int > -> [(Point 2 Int, Point 2 Int, (Chain,Chain))] > allChains (ConvexPolygon ch) = > [ (chA ! i, chA ! j, chains chA i j) | i <- [1..n-2], j <- rest i ] > where > n = F.length $ ch^.outerBoundary > chA = listArray (1,n) . map (^.core) . F.toList $ ch^.outerBoundary > rest i = [i+2.. if i == 1 then n - 1 else n ] we make sure that we only select non-neighbouring pairs. Hence the i+2 in rest i. Then also the last valid start-point p is the one with index n-2. To make sure `allChains` runs in $O(n^2)$ time we build an Array representing our convex hull vertices. All individiual chains are then views of this underlying array: > chains :: Array Int a -> Int -> Int -> (Array Int a, Array Int a) > chains a pi qi = (ixSubMap (1,qi-pi-1) fu a, ixSubMap (1,r + pi - 1) fv a) > where > n = rangeSize . bounds $ a > r = n - qi > fu i = pi + i > fv i = if i <= r then qi + i > else i - r We then use `maxAreaQuadrangleWith` to find the largest quadrangle given its diagonals $p$ and $q$ (and the chains connecting $p$ and $q$). > maxAreaQuadrangleWith :: Point 2 Int -> Point 2 Int -> (Chain,Chain) -> Area > maxAreaQuadrangleWith p q (us,vs) = let pqu = findLargestTriang p q (Unimodal us) > pqv = findLargestTriang q p (Unimodal vs) > in (pqu `seq` triangArea pqu) > + (pqv `seq` triangArea pqv) To efficiently find the largest triangle we use that the area is a unimodal function along the convex hull. We prove this in the following lemmas.
Let $p$ and $q$ be points on the convex hull $\mathcal{CH}(P)$, and let $\mathcal{C}$ denote the portion of $\partial$\mathcal{CH}(P)$ between $p$ and $q$. The area $a(v)$ of the triangle $\Delta pqv$, with $v \in \mathcal{C}$ depends only on the (Euclidean) distance $d(v)$ between $v$ and the line segment $\overline{pq}$. More specifically, we have $a(v) = cd(v)$, for some constant $c$.
Let $p$ and $q$ be points on the convex hull $\mathcal{CH}(P)$, let $\mathcal{C}$ denote the portion of $\partial$\mathcal{CH}(P)$ between $p$ and $q$, and let $v(t)$, with $t \in [0,1]$ denote the position along $\mathcal{C}$. The function $d(t)$ expressing the (Euclidean) distance between $v(t)$ and line segment $\overline{pq}$ is unimodal.
Let $p$ and $q$ be points on the convex hull $\mathcal{CH}(P)$, let $\mathcal{C}$ denote the portion of $\partial$\mathcal{CH}(P)$ between $p$ and $q$, and let $v(t)$, with $t \in [0,1]$ denote the position along $\mathcal{C}$. The function $a(t)$ expressing the area of the triangle $\Delta pqv(t)$ is unimodal.
Directly from previous lemma and observation.
This means we can find the triangle $\Delta pqv_i$ in $O(\log n)$ time using a ternary search. > newtype Unimodal s a = Unimodal { unU :: s a } > deriving (Show,Eq,Ord,Read,Functor) > findLargestTriang :: Point 2 Int -> Point 2 Int > -> Unimodal (Array Int) (Point 2 Int) -> Triangle 2 () Int > findLargestTriang p q us = triang . ternarySearchArray area' $ us > where > triang v = Triangle (ext p) (ext q) (ext v) > area' = triangArea . triang Ternary Search -------------- > ternarySearchArray :: (Ix i, Integral i, Ord b) > => (a -> b) -> Unimodal (Array i) a -> a > ternarySearchArray f (Unimodal a) > | rangeSize (bounds a) == 0 = error "empty array" > | otherwise = let (l,u) = bounds a > i = ternarySearch (\i -> f $ a ! i) (pred l) (succ u) > in a ! i Given a function $f$, a lowerbound $\ell$, and a n upperbound $u$ find the value $i \in (\ell,u)$ such that $f i$ is maximal. > ternarySearch :: (Integral r, Ord a) => (r -> a) -> r -> r -> r > ternarySearch f l u > | u - l < 2 = error "ternarySearch: l and u too close" > | u - l == 2 = l + 1 > | otherwise = let t = (u - l) `div` 3 > n = l + t > m = l + 2*t > in if f n > f m then ternarySearch f l m > else ternarySearch f n u Input & Output -------------- > readPointSet :: [String] -> PointSet > readPointSet = map readPoint > where > readPoint s = let [x,y] = map read . words $ s in point2 x y > readInput :: [String] -> [PointSet] > readInput [] = [] > readInput (ns:rest) = let n = read ns > (xs,ys) = L.splitAt n rest > in readPointSet xs : readInput ys > armybase :: String -> String > armybase = unlines . map (showValue . maxBaseArea) . readInput . tail . lines > main :: IO () > main = interact armybase > show' (p,q,(a,b)) = (p,q,elems a, elems b) Array Stuff ----------- > data Array i a = Array { bounds :: (i,i) > , accessTransf :: i -> i > , arrayData :: A.Array i a > } > instance Ix i => Functor (Array i) where > fmap f (Array b g a) = Array b g (fmap f a) > instance (Show i, Show a, A.Ix i) => Show (Array i a) where > show a@(Array bs g _) = concat [ "Array " > , show bs > , " " > , show $ assocs a > ] > (!) :: Ix i => Array i a -> i -> a > (Array _ g a) ! i = a A.! (g i) > elems :: Ix i => Array i a -> [a] > elems a = [ a ! i | i <- A.range $ bounds a ] > listArray :: Ix i => (i,i) -> [a] -> Array i a > listArray b = Array b id . A.listArray b > assocs :: A.Ix i => Array i a -> [(i,a)] > assocs (Array _ g a) = (\(k,v) -> (g k, v)) <$> A.assocs a > ixSubMap :: Ix i => (i,i) -> (i -> i) -> Array i a -> Array i a > ixSubMap bs f (Array obs g a) = Array bs (g . f) a Testing stuff ------------- -- > testPs :: PointSet -- > testPs = [Point (0,0), Point (2,2), Point (4,1), Point (5,0), Point (3,-1)] -- > test2 = [Point (0,0), Point (-2,-2), Point (3,-2), Point (0,1), Point (0,3)] -- > testPs3 = [Point (-16,0), Point (16,16), Point (16,-16), Point (-16,16), Point (-16,-16)]