{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-}
module Data.Geometry.Ipe.Path(
    Path(Path), pathSegments
  , PathSegment(..)

  , _PolyLineSegment
  , _PolygonPath
  , _CubicBezierSegment
  , _QuadraticBezierSegment
  , _EllipseSegment
  , _ArcSegment
  , _SplineSegment
  , _ClosedSplineSegment

  , Operation(..)
  , _MoveTo
  , _LineTo
  , _CurveTo
  , _QCurveTo
  , _Ellipse
  , _ArcTo
  , _Spline
  , _ClosedSpline
  , _ClosePath
  ) where

import           Control.Lens hiding (rmap)
import           Data.Bitraversable
import           Data.Geometry.BezierSpline
import           Data.Geometry.Point
import           Data.Geometry.Ellipse(Ellipse)
import           Data.Geometry.PolyLine
import           Data.Geometry.Polygon (SimplePolygon)
import           Data.Geometry.Properties
import           Data.Geometry.Transformation
import           Data.Geometry.Matrix
import qualified Data.LSeq as LSeq
import           Data.Traversable

-- | Paths

-- | Paths consist of Path Segments. PathSegments come in the following forms:
data PathSegment r = PolyLineSegment        (PolyLine 2 () r)
                   | PolygonPath            (SimplePolygon () r)
                   | CubicBezierSegment     (BezierSpline 3 2 r)
                   | QuadraticBezierSegment (BezierSpline 2 2 r)
                   | EllipseSegment         (Ellipse r)
                     -- TODO
                   | ArcSegment
                   | SplineSegment          -- (Spline 2 r)
                   | ClosedSplineSegment    -- (ClosedSpline 2 r)
                   deriving (Show,Eq)
makePrisms ''PathSegment

type instance NumType   (PathSegment r) = r
type instance Dimension (PathSegment r) = 2

instance Functor PathSegment where
  fmap = fmapDefault
instance Foldable PathSegment where
  foldMap = foldMapDefault
instance Traversable PathSegment where
  traverse f = \case
    PolyLineSegment p        -> PolyLineSegment <$> bitraverse pure f p
    PolygonPath p            -> PolygonPath <$> bitraverse pure f p
    CubicBezierSegment b     -> CubicBezierSegment <$> traverse f b
    QuadraticBezierSegment b -> QuadraticBezierSegment <$> traverse f b
    EllipseSegment e         -> EllipseSegment <$> traverse f e
    ArcSegment               -> pure ArcSegment
    SplineSegment            -> pure SplineSegment
    ClosedSplineSegment      -> pure ClosedSplineSegment

instance Fractional r => IsTransformable (PathSegment r) where
  transformBy t = \case
    PolyLineSegment p        -> PolyLineSegment $ transformBy t p
    PolygonPath p            -> PolygonPath $ transformBy t p
    CubicBezierSegment b     -> CubicBezierSegment $ transformBy t b
    QuadraticBezierSegment b -> QuadraticBezierSegment $ transformBy t b
    EllipseSegment e         -> EllipseSegment $ transformBy t e
    -- TODO:
    ArcSegment               -> ArcSegment
    SplineSegment            -> SplineSegment
    ClosedSplineSegment      -> ClosedSplineSegment

-- | A path is a non-empty sequence of PathSegments.
newtype Path r = Path { _pathSegments :: LSeq.LSeq 1 (PathSegment r) }
                 deriving (Show,Eq,Functor,Foldable,Traversable)
makeLenses ''Path

type instance NumType   (Path r) = r
type instance Dimension (Path r) = 2

instance Fractional r => IsTransformable (Path r) where
  transformBy t (Path s) = Path $ fmap (transformBy t) s


-- | type that represents a path in ipe.
data Operation r = MoveTo (Point 2 r)
                 | LineTo (Point 2 r)
                 | CurveTo (Point 2 r) (Point 2 r) (Point 2 r)
                 | QCurveTo (Point 2 r) (Point 2 r)
                 | Ellipse (Matrix 3 3 r)
                 | ArcTo (Matrix 3 3 r) (Point 2 r)
                 | Spline [Point 2 r]
                 | ClosedSpline [Point 2 r]
                 | ClosePath
                 deriving (Eq, Show,Functor,Foldable,Traversable)
makePrisms ''Operation