module Data.Geometry.PlanarSubdivision.Draw where

import           Control.Lens
import           Data.Ext
import           Data.Geometry.Ipe
import           Data.Geometry.LineSegment
import           Data.Geometry.PlanarSubdivision
import           Data.Geometry.Polygon
import           Data.Maybe (mapMaybe)
import qualified Data.Vector as V

drawColoredPlanarSubdivision  ::  IpeOut (PlanarSubdivision s v e (Maybe (IpeColor r)) r)
                                          Group r
drawColoredPlanarSubdivision ps = drawPlanarSubdivision
    (ps&vertexData.traverse  .~ Just mempty
       &dartData.traverse._2 .~ Just mempty
       &faceData.traverse    %~ fmap (attr SFill)

-- | Draws only the values for which we have a Just attribute
drawPlanarSubdivision :: forall s r.
                         IpeOut (PlanarSubdivision s (Maybe (IpeAttributes IpeSymbol r))
                                                     (Maybe (IpeAttributes Path      r))
                                                     (Maybe (IpeAttributes Path      r))
                                r) Group r
drawPlanarSubdivision = drawPlanarSubdivisionWith fv fe ff
    fv                     :: (VertexId' s, VertexData r (Maybe (IpeAttributes IpeSymbol r)))
                           -> Maybe (IpeObject' IpeSymbol r)
    fv (_,VertexData p ma) = (\a -> defIO p ! a) <$> ma -- draws a point
    fe (_,s :+ ma)         = (\a -> defIO s ! a) <$> ma -- draw segment
    ff (_,f :+ ma)         = (\a -> defIO f ! a) <$> ma -- draw a face

-- | Draw everything using the defaults
drawPlanarSubdivision'    :: forall s v e f r. IpeOut (PlanarSubdivision s v e f r) Group r
drawPlanarSubdivision' ps = drawPlanarSubdivision
  (ps&vertexData.traverse   .~ Just (mempty :: IpeAttributes IpeSymbol r)
     &dartData.traverse._2  .~ Just (mempty :: IpeAttributes Path      r)
     &faceData.traverse     .~ Just (mempty :: IpeAttributes Path      r))

type MIO g i r = g -> Maybe (IpeObject' i r)

drawPlanarSubdivisionWith            :: (ToObject vi, ToObject ei, ToObject fi)
                                     => MIO (VertexId' s, VertexData r v)          vi r
                                     -> MIO (Dart s,      LineSegment 2 v r :+ e)  ei r
                                     -> MIO (FaceId' s,   SomePolygon v r :+ f)    fi r
                                     -> IpeOut (PlanarSubdivision s v e f r) Group r
drawPlanarSubdivisionWith fv fe ff g = ipeGroup . concat $ [vs, es, fs]
    vs = mapMaybe (fmap iO . fv) . V.toList . vertices        $ g
    es = mapMaybe (fmap iO . fe) . V.toList . edgeSegments    $ g
    fs = mapMaybe (fmap iO . ff) . V.toList . rawFacePolygons $ g