import Test.Hspec import GIS.Math.Spherical import GIS.Hylo import GIS.Graphics.PlotSVG import GIS.Graphics.PlotPNG import GIS.Math.Projections main :: IO () main = hspec $ do describe "distance" $ do parallel $ it "computes distances along geodesics" $ do distance ((-74.0059), 40.7128) ((-118.2347), 34.0522) `shouldBe` 3934.997673163554 describe "mercatorFullPng" $ do parallel $ it "Reads a map and writes a .png with the mercator projection" $ do (mkMapPng "test/testmap.png" =<< districtToMapP bonne <$> getDistricts "test/data/worldmap/TM_WORLD_BORDERS-0.3.shp") >>= (`shouldBe` ()) --describe "mercatorFullSVG" $ do -- parallel $ it "Reads a map and writes a .svg with the mercator projection" $ do -- (mkMapSVG "test/testmap.svg" =<< districtToMapP bonne <$> getDistricts "test/data/worldmap/TM_WORLD_BORDERS-0.3.shp") >>= (`shouldBe` ())