------------------------------------------------------------------ -- | -- Module : Gom.CodeGen.Sorts -- Copyright : (c) Paul Brauner 2009 -- (c) Emilie Balland 2009 -- (c) INRIA 2009 -- Licence : GPL (see COPYING) -- -- Maintainer : paul.brauner@inria.fr -- Stability : provisional -- Portability : non-portable (requires generalized newtype deriving) -------------------------------------------------------------------- module Gom.CodeGen.Sorts ( compSort ) where import Gom.Sig import Gom.Config import Gom.FileGen import Gom.SymbolTable import Gom.CodeGen.Common import Gom.CodeGen.Constructors import Text.PrettyPrint.Leijen import Control.Monad(foldM) -- | Given a sort @Sort@, generates -- an abstract class @Sort.java@ -- and a package @sort@ containing: -- -- - an abstract class @VC.java@ for every variadic constructor @VC@ of -- @Sort@ -- -- - a concrete class @C.java@ for every non-variadic constructor @C@ of -- @Sort@ compSort :: SortId -> Gen [FileHierarchy] compSort s = do ac <- compAbstractSort s vctrs <- askSt (vCtorsOf s) ctrs <- askSt (sCtorsOf s) avs <- mapM compAbstractVariadic vctrs ccs <- mapM compConstructor ctrs return [ac, Package (show $ lowerId s) (avs ++ ccs)] -- | Given a sort @S@, generates an abstract class @S.java@. compAbstractSort :: SortId -> Gen FileHierarchy compAbstractSort s = do eg <- compEmptyGettersOfSort s es <- compEmptySettersOfSort s ei <- compEmptyIsX s fs <- ifP $ compFromStringSort s pa <- ifP $ compParseSort s ri <- ifR $ compMakeRandomSortInit s ra <- ifR $ compMakeRandomSort s cl <- wrap $ vcat [eg,es,ei,pa,fs,ri,ra] return $ Class (show s) cl where ifP = flip (ifConfM parsers) (return empty) ifR = flip (ifConfM random) (return empty) wrap body = do qat <- qualifiedAbstractType return $ rClass (public <+> abstract) (pretty s) (Just qat) [] body -- | @hasNotError s f@ renders -- @throw new UnsupportedOperationException(\"this s has no f.\")@ hasNotError :: SortId -> FieldId -> Doc hasNotError s f = throw <+> new <+> text "UnsupportedOperationException" <> parens (dquotes $ text "This" <+> pretty s <+> text "has no" <+> pretty f <> dot) -- | Given a sort S, generates the methods: -- -- > public m.types.T getx() { -- > throw new UnsupportedOperationException("This S has no x"); -- > } -- -- for each of its fields @x:T@ compEmptyGettersOfSort :: SortId -> Gen Doc compEmptyGettersOfSort = iterOverSortFields getter vcat where getter co f t = do qt <- qualifiedSort t let fun = text "get" <> pretty f let b = rBody [hasNotError co f] return $ rMethodDef public qt fun [] b -- | Given a sort S, generates the methods: -- -- > public void setx(m.types.T x) { -- > throw new UnsupportedOperationException("This S has no x"); -- > } -- -- for each of its fields @x:T@ compEmptySettersOfSort :: SortId -> Gen Doc compEmptySettersOfSort = iterOverSortFields setter vcat where setter co f t = do qt <- qualifiedSort t let fun = text "set" <> pretty f let a = [pretty qt <+> pretty f] let b = rBody [hasNotError co f] return $ rMethodDef public void fun a b -- | Given a sort S, generates the methods: -- -- > public void isx() { -- > return false; -- > } -- -- for each of its fields @x@ compEmptyIsX :: SortId -> Gen Doc compEmptyIsX s = do cs <- askSt (sCtorsOf s) return . vcat $ map isx cs where isx f = let fun = text "is" <> pretty f b = rBody [jreturn <+> false] in rMethodDef public jboolean fun [] b -- | Given a sort @T = f1(...) | ... | fn(...)@, generates -- -- > static public sig.types.T parse(mod.Parser par) { -- > String id = par.parseId(); -- > if (id.equals("f1")) return mod.types.t.f1.parse(par); -- > else .... -- > else if(id.equals("fn")) return mod.types.t.fn.parse(par); -- > else throw new RuntimeException(); -- > } compParseSort :: SortId -> Gen Doc compParseSort s = do qs <- qualifiedSort s scs <- askSt (sCtorsOf s) vcs <- askSt (vCtorsOf s) let cs = scs ++ vcs qcs <- mapM qualifiedCtor cs pr <- packagePrefix let calls = foldr ifsym post (zip cs qcs) return $ rMethodDef (static <+> public) qs (text "parse") [pars pr <+> arg] (vcat [pre,calls]) where pars pr = pr <> dot <> text "Parser" arg = text "__par" pre = text "String __id = par.parseId();" post = text "throw new RuntimeException();" cond c = rMethodCall (text "__id") (text "equals") [dquotes $ pretty c] rcall qc = rMethodCall (pretty qc) (text "parseArgs") [arg] ifsym (c,qc) = rIfThenElse (cond c) (jreturn <+> rcall qc <> semi) -- | Given a sort @S@, generates -- -- > public static mod.types.S fromString(String __s) { -- > return mod.types.S.parse(new mod.Parser(__s)); -- > } compFromStringSort :: SortId -> Gen Doc compFromStringSort s = do qs <- qualifiedSort s pr <- packagePrefix let pa = pr <> dot <> text "Parser" return $ vcat [text "public static" <+> qs <+> text "fromString(String __s) {", text " return" <+> qs <> text ".parse(new" <+> pa <> text "(__s));", text "}"] -- | Given a sort @T = f1(...) | ... | fn(...)@, generates -- -- > static public sig.types.T -- > makeRandom(java.util.Random rand, int depth) { -- > if (depth <= 0) { -- > switch(rand.nextInt(m)) { -- > case 0: return sig.types.t.g1.make(); -- > ... -- > case m-1: return sig.types.t.gn.make(); -- > } -- > } else { -- > switch(rand.nextInt(n)) { -- > case 0: return sig.types.t.f1.makeRandom(rand,maxdepth); -- > ... -- > case n-1: return sig.types.t.fn.makeRandom(rand,maxdepth); -- > default: throw new RuntimeException("never happens"); -- > } -- > } -- > } -- -- Where @g1 ... gm@ are the constructors with arity 0 among @f1 ... fn@. compMakeRandomSort :: SortId -> Gen Doc compMakeRandomSort s = do qs <- qualifiedSort s cs <- askSt (sCtorsOf s) (zcs,nzcs) <- partitionM isConst cs qzcs <- mapM qualifiedCtor zcs qnzcs <- mapM qualifiedCtor nzcs let rcalls1 = map rcall1 qzcs let rcalls2 = map rcall2 qnzcs return $ rMethodDef (static <+> public) qs (text "makeRandom") [text "java.util.Random __rand", text "int __depth"] (pack rcalls1 (rcalls1 ++ rcalls2)) where isConst c = null `fmap` askSt (fieldsOf c) rcall1 qc = jreturn <+> pretty qc <> text ".make();" rcall2 qc = jreturn <+> pretty qc <> text ".makeRandom(__rand,__depth-1);" ints = map int [0..] dflt = text "throw new RuntimeException();" nextint n = rMethodCall (text "__rand") (text "nextInt") [int (max n 1)] pack c1 c2 = rIfThen (text "__depth <= 0") (rSwitch (nextint $ length c1) (zip ints c1) Nothing) <$> rSwitch (nextint $ length c2) (zip ints c2) (Just dflt) -- | generates -- -- > static public sig.types.T makeRandom(int depth) { -- > sig.types.T.makeRandom(new java.util.Random(), depth); -- > } compMakeRandomSortInit :: SortId -> Gen Doc compMakeRandomSortInit s = do qs <- qualifiedSort s return $ rMethodDef (static <+> public) qs (text "makeRandom") [text "int __depth"] (body qs) where body qs = jreturn <+> qs <> text ".makeRandom(new java.util.Random(), __depth);" -- | Monadic version of Data.List.partition partitionM :: (Monad m) => (a -> m Bool) -> [a] -> m ([a], [a]) partitionM p xs = foldM f ([],[]) xs where f (a,b) x = do test <- p x return $ if test then (x:a,b) else (a,x:b)