name: hgom version: 0.6 author: Paul Brauner and Emilie Balland maintainer: Paul Brauner copyright: (c) Paul Brauner 2009 (c) Emilie Balland 2009 (c) INRIA 2009 homepage: synopsis: An haskell port of the java version of gom description: The executable hgom takes a module consisting of several abstract datatypes declarations as an input and ouputs java classes. It is meant to mimic the java version of Gom: . category: Compiler license: GPL license-file: COPYING cabal-version: >= 1.6.0 build-type: Simple tested-with: GHC >= 6.10 extra-source-files: examples/*.gom test/coverage/ test/bench/ test/bench/Gen.hs test/bench/Makefile README.markdown CHANGELOG.markdown data-files: test/data/*.gom test/data/*.jar Flag test Description: enable test support Default: False executable hgom main-is: Gom.hs other-modules: Gom.Config, Gom.Parser, Gom.Checker, Gom.Pretty, Gom.FileGen, Gom.CodeGen, Gom.OOMappingGen, Gom.CodeGen.Common, Gom.CodeGen.Common.Constants, Gom.CodeGen.Common.Builtins, Gom.CodeGen.Common.Helpers, Gom.CodeGen.Common.GenMonad, Gom.CodeGen.Abstract, Gom.CodeGen.Constructors, Gom.CodeGen.Mappings, Gom.CodeGen.Strategies, Gom.CodeGen.Sorts, Gom.SymbolTable, Gom.Sig, Paths_hgom build-depends: base >= 4 && < 5, containers >= 0.2, parsec >= 3.0.0, wl-pprint >= 1.0, mtl >=, directory >=, filepath >= extensions: CPP ghc-options: -Wall -fno-warn-orphans if flag(test) cpp-options: -DTEST build-depends: QuickCheck >= 2, test-framework >= 0.2.4, test-framework-quickcheck2 >= 0.2.5, test-framework-hunit >= 0.2.4, Glob >= 0.5, HUnit >=, process >= other-modules: Gom.UnitTests, Gom.Random