# hgrep Search Haskell source code from the command line. Powered by ghc-exactprint. ## Usage `hgrep` requires an expression and a set of files to search across to function. For now, an expression can only be the full name of a type or an expression. ``` $> hgrep Usage: hgrep EXPRESSION [FILE] ``` ``` $> hgrep main main/hgrep.hs main/hgrep.hs:16:1-13 -- | Run the program. main :: IO () main/hgrep.hs:(17,1)-(18:27) main = do putStrLn "Hello, world!" ``` ``` $> hgrep PrintOpts src/**/*.hs src/Language/Haskell/HGrep/Internal/Data.hs:(40,1)-(42,28) data PrintOpts = PrintOpts { poColourOpts :: ColourOpts } deriving (Eq, Ord, Show) ```