# HGrib Change Log ## * Extended the compatible version range of GRIB API and the Haskell base library. * Added a `gribGetApiVersion` function to `Data.Grib.Raw`. * Included the `Data.Grib.Raw.Exception` module in `Data.Grib.Raw` and removed the marshal function `withGribMultiHandle`. * Removed * `gribContextSetMemoryProc` * `gribContextSetPersistentMemoryProc` * `gribContextSetBufferMemoryProc` * `gribContextSetPrintingProc` * `gribContextSetLoggingProc` and corresponding foreign function type definitions from `Data.Grib.Raw` to be able to mark all remaining functions _unsafe_ from a FFI perspective. * Marked all foreign imports _unsafe_. * Integrated the source code repository with [Travis CI][]. * Abandoned the plans to include the full GRIB API in `grib_api.h` (but requests to include specific parts are welcome). ## * Initial release. [Travis CI]: https://travis-ci.org/mjakob/hgrib