{- | Module : Data.Grib.Raw.ValueSpec Copyright : (c) Mattias Jakobsson 2015 License : GPL-3 Maintainer : mjakob422@gmail.com Stability : unstable Portability : portable Unit and regression tests for Data.Grib.Raw.Value. -} module Data.Grib.Raw.ValueSpec ( main, spec ) where import Foreign ( allocaArray, allocaBytes, nullPtr ) import Test.Hspec import Data.Grib.Exception import Data.Grib.Raw import Data.Grib.Raw.Test main :: IO () main = hspec spec spec :: Spec spec = do describe "gribGetLong" $ do it "should return 16 for numberOfPointsAlongAParallel" $ withRegular1 $ \h -> gribGetLong h "Ni" `shouldReturn` 16 it "should return 31 for numberOfPointsAlongAMeridian" $ withRegular1 $ \h -> gribGetLong h "Nj" `shouldReturn` 31 it "should fail with GribNotFound if the key is missing" $ withRegular1 $ \h -> gribGetLong h "missingKey" `shouldThrow` isGribException GribNotFound describe "gribGetDouble" $ do it "should return 60 for latitudeOfFirstGridPointInDegrees" $ withRegular1 $ \h -> gribGetDouble h "latitudeOfFirstGridPointInDegrees" `shouldReturn` 60 it "should return 0 for longitudeOfFirstGridPointInDegrees" $ withRegular1 $ \h -> gribGetDouble h "longitudeOfFirstGridPointInDegrees" `shouldReturn` 0 it "should return 0 for latitudeOfLastGridPointInDegrees" $ withRegular1 $ \h -> gribGetDouble h "latitudeOfLastGridPointInDegrees" `shouldReturn` 0 it "should return 30 for longitudeOfLastGridPointInDegrees" $ withRegular1 $ \h -> gribGetDouble h "longitudeOfLastGridPointInDegrees" `shouldReturn` 30 it "should return 2 for jDirectionIncrementInDegrees" $ withRegular1 $ \h -> gribGetDouble h "jDirectionIncrementInDegrees" `shouldReturn` 2 it "should return 2 for iDirectionIncrementInDegrees" $ withRegular1 $ \h -> gribGetDouble h "iDirectionIncrementInDegrees" `shouldReturn` 2 it "should fail with GribNotFound if the key is missing" $ withRegular1 $ \h -> gribGetDouble h "missingKey" `shouldThrow` isGribException GribNotFound describe "gribGetLongArray" $ do it "should return [16] for numberOfPointsAlongAParallel" $ withRegular1 $ \h -> allocaArray 10 $ \ls -> gribGetLongArray h "Ni" ls 10 `shouldReturn` [16] it "should return [31] for numberOfPointsAlongAMeridian" $ withRegular1 $ \h -> allocaArray 10 $ \ls -> gribGetLongArray h "Nj" ls 10 `shouldReturn` [31] it "should fail with GribNotFound if the key is missing" $ withRegular1 $ \h -> allocaArray 10 $ \ls -> gribGetLongArray h "missingKey" ls 10 `shouldThrow` isGribException GribNotFound it "should fail with GribArrayTooSmall if the array is too small" $ withRegular1 $ \h -> gribGetLongArray h "Ni" nullPtr 0 `shouldThrow` isGribException GribArrayTooSmall describe "gribGetDoubleArray" $ do it "should return 496 values with an average of 291.585" $ withRegular1 $ \h -> allocaArray 500 $ \ds -> do ds' <- gribGetDoubleArray h "values" ds 500 length ds' `shouldBe` 496 sum ds' / 496 `shouldBe` 291.5852483933972 it "should fail with GribNotFound if the key is missing" $ withRegular1 $ \h -> allocaArray 10 $ \ds -> gribGetDoubleArray h "missingKey" ds 10 `shouldThrow` isGribException GribNotFound it "should fail with GribArrayTooSmall if the array is too small" $ withRegular1 $ \h -> gribGetDoubleArray h "values" nullPtr 0 `shouldThrow` isGribException GribArrayTooSmall describe "gribGetDoubleElement" $ do it "should return 279 for the 0th value" $ withRegular1 $ \h -> gribGetDoubleElement h "values" 0 `shouldReturn` 279 it "should fail with GribNotFound if the key is missing" $ withRegular1 $ \h -> gribGetDoubleElement h "missingKey" 0 `shouldThrow` isGribException GribNotFound describe "gribGetDoubleElements" $ do it "should return [279] for the 0th value" $ withRegular1 $ \h -> gribGetDoubleElements h "values" [0] `shouldReturn` [279] it "should fail with GribNotFound if the key is missing" $ withRegular1 $ \h -> gribGetDoubleElements h "missingKey" [0] `shouldThrow` isGribException GribNotFound describe "gribGetString" $ do it "should return \"grid_simple\" for packingType" $ withRegular1 $ \h -> allocaBytes 12 $ \bufr -> gribGetString h "packingType" bufr 12 `shouldReturn` "grid_simple" it "should fail with GribNotFound if the key is missing" $ withRegular1 $ \h -> allocaBytes 2 $ \bufr -> gribGetString h "missingKey" bufr 2 `shouldThrow` isGribException GribNotFound it "should fail with GribBufferTooSmall if the buffer is too small" $ withRegular1 $ \h -> allocaBytes 1 $ \bufr -> gribGetString h "packingType" bufr 1 `shouldThrow` isGribException GribBufferTooSmall describe "gribGetBytes" $ do it "should return 2 for numberOfPointsAlongAParallel" $ withRegular1 $ \h -> allocaArray 4 $ \bs -> gribGetBytes h "Ni" bs 4 >>= \(_, n) -> n `shouldBe` 2 it "should return 2 for numberOfPointsAlongAMeridian" $ withRegular1 $ \h -> allocaArray 4 $ \bs -> gribGetBytes h "Nj" bs 4 >>= \(_, n) -> n `shouldBe` 2 it "should fail with GribNotFound if the key is missing" $ withRegular1 $ \h -> allocaArray 1 $ \bs -> gribGetBytes h "missingKey" bs 1 `shouldThrow` isGribException GribNotFound it "should fail with GribArrayTooSmall if the array is too small" $ withRegular1 $ \h -> allocaArray 1 $ \bs -> gribGetBytes h "totalLength" bs 1 `shouldThrow` isGribException GribArrayTooSmall describe "gribGetOffset" $ do it "should return 66 for numberOfPointsAlongAParallel" $ withRegular1 $ \h -> gribGetOffset h "Ni" `shouldReturn` 66 it "should return 68 for numberOfPointsAlongAMeridian" $ withRegular1 $ \h -> gribGetOffset h "Nj" `shouldReturn` 68 it "should fail with GribNotFound if the key is missing" $ withRegular1 $ \h -> gribGetOffset h "missingKey" `shouldThrow` isGribException GribNotFound describe "gribGetSize" $ do it "should return 496 for the values" $ withRegular1 $ \h -> gribGetSize h "values" `shouldReturn` 496 it "should fail with GribNotFound if the key is missing" $ withRegular1 $ \h -> gribGetSize h "missingKey" `shouldThrow` isGribException GribNotFound describe "gribGetLength" $ do it "should return 256 for packingType" $ withRegular1 $ \h -> gribGetLength h "packingType" `shouldReturn` 256 it "should fail with GribNotFound if the key is missing" $ withRegular1 $ \h -> gribGetLength h "missingKey" `shouldThrow` isGribException GribNotFound describe "gribSetLong" $ do it "should update centre to 80" $ withRegular1 $ \h -> let newCentre = 80 in do gribSetLong h "centre" newCentre gribGetLong h "centre" `shouldReturn` newCentre it "should fail with GribNotFound if the key is missing" $ withRegular1 $ \h -> gribSetLong h "missingKey" 0 `shouldThrow` isGribException GribNotFound it "should fail with GribReadOnly if the key is read-only" $ withRegular1 $ \h -> gribSetLong h "getNumberOfValues" 0 `shouldThrow` isGribException GribReadOnly describe "gribSetDouble" $ do it "should update missingValue to 0" $ withRegular1 $ \h -> let newMissingValue = 0 in do gribSetDouble h "missingValue" newMissingValue gribGetDouble h "missingValue" `shouldReturn` newMissingValue it "should fail with GribNotFound if the key is missing" $ withRegular1 $ \h -> gribSetDouble h "missingKey" 0 `shouldThrow` isGribException GribNotFound it "should fail with GribReadOnly if the key is read-only" $ withRegular1 $ \h -> gribSetDouble h "referenceValue" 0 `shouldThrow` isGribException GribReadOnly describe "gribSetLongArray" $ do it "should update centre to 80" $ withRegular1 $ \h -> let newCentre = 80 in do gribSetLongArray h "centre" [newCentre] gribGetLong h "centre" `shouldReturn` newCentre it "should fail with GribNotFound if the key is missing" $ withRegular1 $ \h -> gribSetLongArray h "missingKey" [1] `shouldThrow` isGribException GribNotFound it "should fail with GribReadOnly if the key is read-only" $ withRegular1 $ \h -> gribSetLongArray h "getNumberOfValues" [1] `shouldThrow` isGribException GribReadOnly describe "gribSetDoubleArray" $ do it "should set all values to zero" $ withRegular1 $ \h -> gribGetSize h "values" >>= \n -> allocaArray n $ \ds -> let newVals = replicate n 0 in do gribSetDoubleArray h "values" newVals gribGetDoubleArray h "values" ds n `shouldReturn` newVals it "should fail with GribNotFound if the key is missing" $ withRegular1 $ \h -> gribSetDoubleArray h "missingKey" [1] `shouldThrow` isGribException GribNotFound it "should fail with GribReadOnly if the key is read-only" $ withRegular1 $ \h -> gribSetDoubleArray h "referenceValue" [1] `shouldThrow` isGribException GribReadOnly describe "gribSetString" $ do it "should set a new file key and return its length" $ withRegular1 $ \h -> let len = length regular1Path in allocaBytes (len + 1) $ \cs -> do gribSetString h "file" regular1Path `shouldReturn` len gribGetString h "file" cs (len + 1) `shouldReturn` regular1Path it "should fail with GribNotFound if the key is missing" $ withRegular1 $ \h -> gribSetString h "missingKey" "" `shouldThrow` isGribException GribNotFound it "should fail with GribReadOnly if the key is read-only" $ withRegular1 $ \h -> gribSetString h "referenceValue" "" `shouldThrow` isGribException GribReadOnly describe "gribSetBytes" $ it "should fail with GribNotFound if the key is missing" $ withRegular1 $ \h -> allocaArray 1 $ \bs -> gribSetBytes h "missingKey" bs 1 `shouldThrow` isGribException GribNotFound describe "gribCopyNamespace" $ it "should succeed to copy namespace ls to itself" $ withRegular1 $ \h -> gribCopyNamespace h (Just "ls") h