module TclLib.StringProcs (stringProcs, stringTests) where import Common import Util import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as B import qualified TclObj as T import TclObj ((.==)) import Data.Char (toLower,toUpper) import Test.HUnit stringProcs = makeCmdMap [("string", procString), ("append", procAppend), ("split", procSplit)] procString = makeEnsemble "string" [ ("trim", string_Op "trim" T.trim), ("tolower", string_Op "tolower" ( toLower)), ("toupper", string_Op "toupper" ( toUpper)), ("reverse", string_Op "reverse" B.reverse), ("length", string_length), ("match", string_match), ("compare", string_compare), ("index", string_index) ] string_Op name op args = case args of [s] -> treturn $! op (T.asBStr s) _ -> argErr $ "string " ++ name string_length args = case args of [s] -> return $ T.mkTclInt (B.length (T.asBStr s)) _ -> argErr "string length" string_compare args = case args of [s1,s2] -> case compare (T.asBStr s1) (T.asBStr s2) of LT -> return (T.mkTclInt (-1)) GT -> return (T.mkTclInt 1) EQ -> return (T.mkTclInt 0) _ -> argErr "string compare" string_match args = case map T.asBStr args of [s1,s2] -> domatch False s1 s2 [nocase,s1,s2] -> if nocase == pack "-nocase" then domatch True s1 s2 else argErr "string" _ -> argErr "string match" where domatch nocase a b = return (T.fromBool (match nocase a b)) string_index args = case args of [s,i] -> do let str = T.asBStr s ind <- toInd str i if ind >= (B.length str) || ind < 0 then ret else treturn $ B.take 1 (B.drop ind str) _ -> argErr "string index" where toInd s i = (T.asInt i) `orElse` tryEnd s i tryEnd s i = if i .== "end" then return ((B.length s) - 1) else do let (ip,is) = B.splitAt (length "end-") (T.asBStr i) if ip == pack "end-" then case B.readInt is of Just (iv,_) -> return ((B.length s) - (1+iv)) _ -> tclErr "bad index" else tclErr "bad index" procAppend args = case args of (v:vx) -> do val <- varGet (T.asBStr v) `ifFails` T.empty let cated = oconcat (val:vx) varSet (T.asBStr v) cated _ -> argErr "append" where oconcat = T.mkTclBStr . B.concat . map T.asBStr procSplit args = case args of [str] -> dosplit (T.asBStr str) (pack "\t\n ") [str,chars] -> let splitChars = T.asBStr chars in if B.null splitChars then return $ (T.mkTclList . map (T.mkTclBStr . B.singleton) . unpack) (T.asBStr str) else dosplit (T.asBStr str) splitChars _ -> argErr "split" where dosplit str chars = return $ T.mkTclList (map T.mkTclBStr (B.splitWith (\v -> v `B.elem` chars) str)) stringTests = TestList [ matchTests ] matchTests = TestList [ "boo" `matches` "boo" ,"" `matches` "" ,"1" `matches` "1" ,"a?c" `matches` "abc" ,"a?c" `doesnt_match` "ab" ,"a??d" `matches` "abcd" ,"f??d" `matches` "feed" ,"b??n" `matches` "been" ,"a" `doesnt_match` "ab" ,"ab" `doesnt_match` "a" ,"a*" `matches` "abcde" ,"a*b" `matches` "ab" ,"a*b" `matches` "a OMG b" ,"*b" `matches` "in the land of bob" ,"*" `matches` "in the land of bob" ,"*" `matches` "" ,"s\\*r" `matches` "s*r" ] where matches a b = (show a) ++ " matches " ++ (show b) ~: True ~=? match False (B.pack a) (B.pack b) doesnt_match a b = (show a) ++ " doesn't match " ++ (show b) ~: False ~=? match False (B.pack a) (B.pack b)