{-# LANGUAGE TupleSections #-}

-- | This module offers a daemon polling a filesystem hierarchy to notify changes to a given IO action.
-- This example runs a /n/ seconds console reporter for the activity in hierarchy /p/. Polling delay is 3 seconds. 
-- And it waits 2 silent polling samples before reporting to console.
-- Medium responsiveness for an isolated change is then 3 * (2 + 1/2) seconds
-- @
-- testReport 	:: Int -- ^ life span for the program
--		-> FilePath -- ^ hierarchy top
--		-> IO () -- ^ block for life span
-- testReport n p = do 
--	k <- onDifferenceDaemon  3 2 (not . isPrefixOf \".\") p  (print . report) -- boot the onDifferenceDaemon
--	threadDelay $ n * 1000000 -- wait n seconds
--	k -- kill the onDifferenceDaemon
--	where report (Difference nn dd mm) = map length [nn,dd,mm]
-- @

module System.Hiernotify (Difference (..), onDifferenceDaemon) where

import Control.Applicative ((<$>))
import Data.Monoid (Monoid (..), mempty, mappend)
import Control.Monad.List (ListT (ListT), runListT,guard, forever)
import Control.Concurrent (forkIO, threadDelay, killThread)
import Control.Concurrent.STM (  newTVar, readTVar, writeTVar, atomically)
import Control.Monad.Trans (lift)
import Data.List ((\\), nub, intersect)
import Data.Maybe (catMaybes)
import System.Directory (getModificationTime, doesDirectoryExist, getDirectoryContents)
import System.FilePath (normalise, (</>))
import System.Time (ClockTime)
import Control.Concurrent.STM.TMonoid (TMonoid, newDelayedTMonoid, readTMonoid, writeTMonoid)

-- | Difference datatype containing a difference as three sets of paths
data Difference = Difference {
	created :: [FilePath], -- ^ Files appeared
	deleted :: [FilePath], -- ^ Files disappeared
	modified :: [FilePath] -- ^ Files modified
	} deriving (Show, Eq)

-- Get all paths under a directory
	:: (FilePath -> Bool) -- ^ guard	
	-> FilePath       -- ^ top
	-> IO [(FilePath, ClockTime)]  -- ^ List of files found
getRecursiveContents g = runListT . getRecursiveContents' where 	
	getRecursiveContents' path = do
	 	pathIsDir <- lift $ doesDirectoryExist path
		if pathIsDir then do 
			name <- ListT $ getDirectoryContents path
			guard . g $ name
			getRecursiveContents' . normalise $ path </> name
			else (path,) <$> lift (getModificationTime path)

-- half correct instance. It forces files which have been deleted and created to be marked as modifications. It's not correct as a delete after a create is not a modification. But correcting this bug involves mostly comparing timestamps correctly, because it can happen inside one element of the mappend.
instance Monoid Difference where
	Difference n d m `mappend` Difference n' d' m' = let
		mm = nub $ m ++ m'
		nn = nub $ n ++ n'
		dd = nub $ d ++ d' 
		in Difference ((nn \\ dd) \\ mm) ((dd \\ nn) \\ mm) (nub $ mm ++ intersect nn dd)
	mempty = Difference [] [] []

-- create a stateful sampling action for a hierarchy. State is needed because we compute diffs 
checkDifference :: (FilePath -> Bool)	
		-> FilePath 			-- ^ top directory
		-> IO (IO Difference)	-- ^ null initialized stateful action
checkDifference g top = do 	
	t <- atomically $ newTVar [] 
	return $ do 
		xs <- getRecursiveContents g top 
		ws <- atomically $ do 
			ws <- readTVar t
			writeTVar t xs
			return ws
		let 	news' = map fst xs \\ map fst ws 
			deleteds' = map fst ws \\ map fst xs
			modified' = catMaybes $ do 
				(x,y) <- xs
				return $  lookup x ws >>= \y' -> if y /= y' then Just x else Nothing
		return $ Difference news' deleteds' modified'

-- track file changes in a hierarchy. This program updates the passed TMonoid. The result action kills the poller daemon 
trackPollFiles 	:: Int 			-- ^ polling delay in seconds
		-> (FilePath -> Bool)  -- ^ path filter
		-> FilePath 		-- ^ hierarchy top
		-> TMonoid Difference 	-- ^ a monoidal STM memory cell storing last modifications
		-> IO (IO ())		-- ^ the action to kill the tracking program
trackPollFiles n g top tm = do
	s <- checkDifference g top 
	k <- forkIO . forever $ threadDelay (1000000 * n) >> s >>= atomically . writeTMonoid tm	
	return $ killThread k

-- | Execute an action on file changes in a hierarchy. 
onDifferenceDaemon	:: Int 		-- ^ polling delay in seconds
			-> Int		-- ^ number of no-change delays before running the action 
			-> (FilePath -> Bool) -- ^ path filter
			-> FilePath	-- ^ file hierarchy top
			-> (Difference -> IO ()) -- ^ the action executed on a modification
			-> IO (IO ())	-- ^ the action to kill the daemon
onDifferenceDaemon n n2 g top f = do 
	tm <- atomically $ newDelayedTMonoid n2 
	kt' <- trackPollFiles n g top tm
	k <- forkIO . forever $ atomically (readTMonoid tm) >>= f 
	return $ killThread k >> kt'